The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 12, 1997, Page 14, Image 14
* f Congratulations to John Grebefor receiving the Fresh man Innocents Society Schotarshfr). — ZN Congratulations to the following: Jeremy Calhoun, for receiving the Todd Stewart Memorial Scholars hp, Mfce McGowan, on his acceptance to space camp (good luck on the moonl). & Joe Maass. on being accepted to study abroad on the remote Island of Java. THANKS! Toeveryonevvhb came over on Sundayfor our Spaghetti Feed to hefc«4Jport the fight against literacy. It was a r >■ Towns Club Congratulations to Margaret Woeppel on being accepted into Nursing College. Way to goi TC love, your sisters Towns Club Congrats to Connie and Karen Hoffmann on being chosen TC ladles of the month. Thanks for all of your hard workl .•> t.gMv.---. ■_ TC love, your sisters Student Government Appointments Board ..' ■ - i. • Student-At-Large positions open Be apart at the board that appoints students to 28 campus-wide committees. Application avalable in the ASUNoffice, 115 Nebraska^ ion. Deadline ie 4:00 p.m. _ Wednesday, March 21 UNL Student Government - Wed., March 12 ,.. . • 6:30p.m. - City Campus Union Information and Agenda Avalable _115 Nebraifa Union_■ TutoHor 10 veer old boy. Needs heb with nhonteft reaping ano spesvtg. Alter 4pm except weaoeso ays. 466-7771 '■ ' • WANTEDrSomeone to perform at my wediflng recaption m January iwu* i vani sometning Owietem. Magican, Comedlsn, Clown, ale. I am very open-minded, but must best*edtoradu*sandchldrsr^il43M*1^^^^ ^^EasyjStfuHralser^^ Bam $1000 in 1 week Great for clubs, greeks, & individuals Call Jeff 436-8277. 1cu*,-anv.«WSSSSiSRIS: RNANCtAL OHJ8AHON4BM)M2*1M> Live psychics On* on one. t-900-562-9999 ext 5634. $3.99/mln. 18+ - * CODERS We are looking for depend** and motivated individualB responsible for assigning numeric codas to survey re sponses. Accuracy and dose attention to detail required. Hies* positions are temporary, tasting 4-6 weeks. Indi viduals with dose to 40 houts/week avalabllty preferred. Day and evenkigAeeekend shifts avaBabie. We wM train. For more Information and to schedule an Interview, please caB; 4754520. National Research Corporation Gold’s Ga*eria-4th floor 1033*0* Street 'ISSSSSSS^SSS Arts and Sciences Student Advisers Applcabons aw avalabie tor undergraduate students In A4S for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions at 107 Oldtather. Deadline Is Friday, March 21,19977 CAREERS IN LAW ENFORCEMENT Are you Interested in preserving the safety and security of the community by providing emergency services, crime prevention, enforcing laws, and apprehending violators? The Lancaster County Sheriff's Dept., Lincoln, NE. is accepting applications to determine Its yearly •NgfbMty Hat for the position of Deputy Sheriff. Applications and stniie mental questional res wil be accepted through the dos ing date; March 28,1997. Lancaster County, with a population of 226,000, and a Sharif's Dept, of S3 certified officers, offers diverse duties In a mix of urban and rural settings. Must be a United States citizen, have a high school diploma or G£.D., have no felony or Class 1 misde meanor convictions, possess a valid driver's icense, and be 21 yrs. of age. Appicants must pass a writing skills/reading comprehen sion test, an altitudinal test and a physical agilty course for further consideration. All applicants wil receive a study guide and agilty test layout. Starting salary is $24,868. Benefits include paM holidays, paid vacation, paid sick leave, County pension program, paid health/dental insurance, lie Insurance, longevity pay. and paid uniform and equipment. Obtain applications from: Cfty/County Employment Of fice, 555S7l0thSt., fim. B114. Lincoln. NE 68508, (402) 441-7596 (Voice Maibox), or (402) 441-7597 (Voice), EOE/AA _ Attention Early Risers! shift.' See store (flredor Jeff Lemon to apply. Champions Fun Center Part time help wanted for day hours beginning Spring Break, call 436-7362. Consulting Engineering Firm looking for part-time Mechanical Engineenng/Electrical Engineering Student to work 20 hours per weak plus summers. Junior or Senior preferred. Cad Jon Jackson 476-1273. PossUe full time employment after gradua tion. DATA ENTRY/PART-TIME Data entry poeMon sealable In our accounting depart ment requires proficiency on 10-key pad. Afternoon hours and a few hour* every other Satwday. Send a fax or resume or apply at: Quabacor PiMng-Uncoln 3700 NW 12th Lincoln. NE 68521 Fax 402-479-1707 DELIVERY PERSONS Straight tnick drivers and pick-up truck drivers. Ful or part time. CDL not requited. Apply Unooin Lumber Co., 932 N. 23rd. _ . _; Downtown YMCA Is hiring nutsan staff. Please contact YMCA for more Information 434-9236.. Downtown YMCA hiring swim instructors for afternoon session. Apply at 1039 P3L 434-9230 GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHEMISTRY MAJORS! Harris Laboratories has an opening for a Part-Time Re duction Technician, m be responsbie for LCMSMS baseline draws, and regressing sample data and imple menting into reporting format Requires knowledge of organic chemistry. Chromatography experience helpful. This position requires 20-25 hours per week, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Please apply at: HARRIS 621 Rose Street Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE Full or Part time Earn up to $9.00 an hour placing advertisements on doors. Bill, 463-7776. _ Full time and Part time PhlebotomistPart-time Processing Tech 1 -. Indudes evenings and Saturdays. Ful-tlme includes ben efits. Must enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Apply in person III II % - Full-time Summer Job Attention: Nursing, Gerontology, and Human Sendee Majors. On-call personal caregiver position faitabte for the elderly. Competitive wages and excelent benefits. Contact Poteen at Haven Manor. 434-2680. Help wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators, ana buck drivers. Experience preferred, good summer wages. Call 970-483-7490, evenings. JOURNEYMAN III Starting Pay/hour: 1st shift: $8.10! 2nd shit: $8,411 , 3rd shift: $8,551 - 6 month step reviews for wage increases—firet tvfo years Quebecor Printing (USA) Com, the second largest commercial printer in the United States, is currently ac cepting applications for ful-time employment in our Lin coln facllty for production work. Dependable applicants are needed to work on al three shifts and overtime as needed. Quebecor Printing (USA) Corp. operates 47 printing and other related media sendees facilities and offers an excelent benefit/compensation package includ ing medicalfttental/Vision/lfe insurance, 40IK retirement plan and paid holidays. Please apply at: Quebecor Printing—Lincoln 3700 NW12U) Uncoil. NE 68521 Lawn care and landscape personnel needed. Must have neat appearance and good driving record. Call LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ONE YEAR ELIGIBILITY LIST *Do you want to make a difference in your community? •Are you intuktve and observant? •Do you stand up for what is right? •Are you a positive person? •Do you always fulfil your commitments? Kso, call now) The CITY OF LINCOLN POLICE DEPARTMENT seeks qualty individuals who have the talent and the desire to serve their communly as a Police Officer. ' ‘ MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or G.E.D. United States Citizen No Conviction of a Felony or Domestic Assiit VaM Driver’s License Age21 Applicants who meet minimum qualfications on Supplemental Questionnaire wll be scheduled for a Reading Comprehension and Writing Sklls exam, and a Law Enforcement AttitudinalFactor test lasting up to 3 hours. All applicants wil receive a STUDY GUIDE. Must complete an application and a supplemental qCNwffonnaire returned or postmarked on or before March 28, ,"7 555 S. 10th St • ' r. Lincoln. NE 68508 \ 402/441-7596 EOE/AA SvKSpRonnSSSJ^rpSfflmRS m positions avalabte week ol 8pring Break jmd for the summer. Must have good driving record and dean per sonal appearance. Cal 432-6602 to apply. - Lazio’s Brewery & Grill •Come see what we can offer youl •Wbges that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer) •Team work at It's beet) * •Unparaleled training and support! •Paidvacationsl •Closed on mdorMHnl' •Some daytime avSabtty required) *50% employee rkscountsT . •You Do Not have to wear a name tag! •And nobody sings Happy Birthday! Apply In person for a seriously unique opportunity with Lazio's, TlO P Street betwoon 2-4pm, Monday. Tuesday, or Thursday. ------- ujesi poim news Newspaper Reporter One of Nebraska's top weeklies Is accepting applications for raprortsr. We need a self-starter to we charge of gathering, writing, end editing. Layout and photo experi ence a plus. West Point is a growing dty located In a strong an wea. Close to Omaha and Lincoln. CNI or twrta West Pont News. PO Box 40. West Point. NE 68788. Phone (402) 372-2461. _ ' Looking for that perfect part-time campus Job? K you answer *yes* to may be fust the person the Colege of Bueioeos Administration (CBA) Advising Office needs! •Are you a CBA student? •Do you Ire to help people? •Are you extremely detad-oriented? "Do you give 110%? •Do you Sa tofsel challenged? •Can you work 18 hours par week? CBA is currently seeking sppdcsrris for peer advisor powuuns. dummsr positions (wnrcn inciucjss raw Student Enrollment actMHss) rsquire 30 to 35 hours psrwssk.Fs»poslBons require 18 bourn per week. AppSr^uwtis srs svslshts In the carosal loaded outside drewm Iter. mtmgpeimmmmm* Need IndMduai for ful-dme summer help. Agriculture iiipnlinf ntmswy Ittrslul nsariinwrin Tn12887 Office Assistant ^ VoleybWI Office Is seaktog hardwoddng indhldiisl tor part-One employment Mar.- Aug. Must have Macintosh typing, prooneSing, and spading akBei must be aototo organize information accurately and will attention to Sds^^^S?1o^??noonor1 3<M30 pm to compiete application. Closing is March 12. W - •ft"’ PO PART TIME . $9.05 To Start FMble schedule, 28 8choisieMpe awarded. jRMno 28 posffions by aSj%7.477-3883. , Part-time Clerk SSjuuIm. d— ■^4aeaa jmL. rwHHiis uiih uvfn MOfKwy-rnaay, mufitiftg omy5 WiQ al day every third Saturday. Duties include pay rt&daUi entry, mid nr oral shin. tnfirf property, and ouetofner sendee. Apply* Stephens & Smith Construction at 1542 3.1st Street EOE . . . Part TNaa miMant naadad for Hom# Daycirv. kitM** • aat in Chid Davafopaiant Nacaaaaiy. CaR Karan. 40$* 1240. PART-TIME PROJECT ENGINEERS immediate openings for part-time Project Engineers In establshed manufacturing corporation. Individual wil assist current Project Engineers coordinate and exercise authority tor planning, organizing, and completing engi neering projects. Qualified candidate must haveminlmum Junior or Senior standing in Mechanical Engineering, excelent oral and written communication skils, and abllty to relate well with co-workers. Please send resume and salary history to: Personnel Director Nebraska Boler Company P.O. Box 82287 Lincoln. NS 68501 Part-time position wth cleaning service abatable. Work mainly late men logs and nights. Must be able to III 65 be. Starting wage $6.50/hour. Cal Midlands Cleaning Con cepts, 421^aB87.v, PHONE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Excelent experience for Human Services/Psychology Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service wll hold a one day volunteer training session Saturday Mar. 22. from 9-4 Aft at Community Mental Heath Center. 2200 St. Mary's (near Lincoln GeneraQ.To register call 475-5171 or 489 3275 and leave your name and number. Processing Tech II - Processing and Distribution. Regular ful-tlme flex position, 32-40 hours/week, 7A0 a.m.-3 A0 p.m. Processing Coordinator- Processing & Dietrbution - Reg FT position, M-F 3 A0 p.m. -11A0 p.m. Linen Processor - Laundry - Rag. part-time position, 16hrsAwk. 2 days/week. 7A0 a.m.-3A0 p.m. If interested In any of these portions please call or stop by Human Resources office. Saint Elzabeth Community Health Center 555 S. 70th Lincoln, NE 68510 402-486-7198 402-486-7117 fax PROJECT ENGINEER Immediate opening for Project Engineer in eetatofahed manufacturing corporation. Individual ted coordinate and exercise auftortytor planning, oranUng. and complet ing engineering protects. Qualified candidate must posess Bacheiora Degree In Mechanical Engineering, excelent oral and wrtlencommunicadonsiiils, and aMity to relate wen wth co-workers. Excelent salary and ben efits provided. Please send resume and salary history to: Attn. Personnel Director Nebraska Boler Company P.O. Bex 82287 Lincoln, NE 68501 EOE__ PT telemarketing postions avalabte now. Need quality people. Comfortable, fhxbie, easy. Cal 4754)404. Small Research Firm seeking part-tlmephone Interview ers for short term projects. Evenlng/Wtekend hours aval able, no sales Involved, Phase apply between Sam-8pm bj^tundayMarch 13th, at620lS!«h SL Suite A. lithe Spring dean startSiflrvhqte PossHeluStihe siinmw.part-nrMfal.MurtWerelabte transportation, a.m. or pm. open, knowledge ct pruning, trimming and previous hwmeate would equal morel. Cal for appoint ment, Naturascapes Inc. 466-7771. Temporary work through the summer avaNabh now 15 30 hours weak $5.50-18, Flexbte with school day hours. Monday-Friday, Maid Right Chenhg Service 432-6673 The Country Club of Lincoln Is looking for energetic, motivated people to HI our day time server positions, from 11 am-230pm, Tuesday-Sun dajr. i^jply in person, NO plwne cals Phase, 3200 South Valentino s Downtown 232 N. 13th * Now taking applications for -' AM Dining Room _Apply bstwssn 2+ sssaeratsii^mit CAMP COUNSELORS Maks Lasting Mwaortaa at 8UMMEP CAMP! Top ranked camps In the Pocono Mtns of PA. Need counselors to teach water and land sports. Outdoor Adventure. Arts A MORE! CaH 215-867-9700 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES M MASSACHUSETTS, PENNSYLVANIA. AH spedMUas: Athletics. Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exerdse. Nutrition. Tennis. 7 WEEKS.^AQE 20+. 1-000-421-4321. Camp Counselors to work with parsons wkh drssbiMss (aH of them). Spsdal Ed dasfrabto but not nacessly. June 15 to AuguttTl997. Salary $1000. Sand resume Box 1763, Sioux Falls. SO 57101 Apply Now > to be a Health Aide! 100+ positions. open for the 1997-98 Health Aides: academic year! * live on campus; . - - "7... £ * Provide minor first aid care in residence halls, Greek houses & co-ops; * Take the Peer Health 230 class both fall & spring semesters; * Act as & Health Centerliaison; | Are a health referral and resource person > for their living unit; *7 * Receive a small stipend for the services they provide; Applications are available at die Community Health Education Dept., Rm. 12, University Health Cente;. Application deadline is April 11,1997. For more information call 472-7440. UNL is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution. paruupaie u oar special mgrans ■For u ippeiitaeat ctl 474-2335 fat Mg At lit Dmi «. F CAMP COUNSELOBSwanted for private Michigan boys/ 1 girts summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing. ing. waterekiing, gymnastics, rtllwy. artfiery, tenms.go«. sports,computers.camping,crafts,dminalfcB.ORrimng. j Also klchenT office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444.__| Camp Director Special Ed background preferrabiy. Start June 1 to Au gust 1.1997. Must be able to manage personnel Salary $2000 plus expenses (appropriate). Assistant Director , j Special Ed background preferrabiy. Start June 15 to August 1. 1997. Must hefc director set daly acthrities. < Satary $1500. Send resume to P.O. Box 1783, Sioux Fate. SO 57101 COME TO NEW HAMPSHIREI Summer Camp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis. Watersports. Outdoors. Landsports, Gymnastics. Riding, Arte, etc. Excellent Salary/Transportation, Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 800-846-9426__ Eastbo rough Pool Association is seeking ful- and part time lleguards. We will be accepting resumes until March 31. Please contact Beth ad 438-6369. , PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER { CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor postions for talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in al Team Sports, especially Baseball. Basketbal. Roller Hockey, Gymnastics. Field Hockey, Soccer. Volleyball; X Tennis openings: also Golf, Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Ropes and Hock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arte, Fine Alls, Figure Skating, Newspaper. Photography, Yearbook, Radtosta tion, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (9dm ming, Sking, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 i PANBEE (Girls): 1-60Q-392-37S2_ ! HOPES! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! NATURE GUIDES! BOY COUNSELORS! Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook. Adventure Tral Guides, Crate Instructors. Archery ft Riflery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: Nabraaka's most beautiful camp. YMCACampKJtaki, 216 N. 11th, f301,Ltecoln, 68606. Summer CAMP COUNSELOR JOBS Aim you looking lor a challenge, fun, hard work and the best summer ot your Me? CawpEeelar Seal lb Vbgtels has lob openings as camp counselor and program deec iocs. wyock wun cniwren ana hud wim pvtysicai aisaDHh llaa ui iiiauNm*««twtnninabeauWultitililooi eetlliiU-AI GfHltmpsrlanPs etiporhllyliy O. K.P.T. Speech orHscreellew aaajere. Cofcgeaedk may do avanaovo. worn wim oocNcaiscLCDnng ran irom serosa dm U.S. and around the world. Room, boerd and salary provided. 1-600-366-1656; Camp Easter Seal; . P. O.BOK 5496. Roanoke. VA 24012 lor apptabon and information. Summer lob openings for softball umpires, for slow pitch . and fastpNch leagues. Cal Lincoln Peaks and Recreation at 441-7892 toroatee and dmes of cflnics. Summer Playground Staff Part* and Recreation tummsr posIBons: leaden, craft YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of T Campus Recreation Positions tor students (40 houm/toeak and part-time poai tions avalable) June 2nd-August 8th at $&10-$5g60per hour. Quafflcations: Previous experience rotated tp youth sports and recreation is deslrabie. Lifeguards also needad. AppHcatiens avalable at 56 Campus Recreation Mi”nr^l^P”A<^B^App»Cafcn If you are interested in sales, management, or maiksting opportunties after graduation, you need to got axpeiE ence nowl Northwestern Mutual Lie is a "FartuaieSM" company and has a program that,! you quaflfy.wMhata in prapirina you for He altar graduation. For and Mer vtata, cal Mfcnelle at(402) 483-7871. 400s Housing Female roommate needed to share 2BR apartment wth deaf tamale and two kids near 27tit andHwy 2. $175 Includes uttities. NEEDED NOW. (*Or $100 board to help babbit and some Ight cleaning. Cal 478-3668 or 476 Male Non-smoker, furnished 2 bedroom. Heat and A/C Paid. 1315 F St, $172.50+ 1/2 utiUes. 435-8437/Aval abta Late March. ' Nonsmoking M/F to share OidChenmf Place apartment $250/month plus deposit. Kristine 423-2834 taavemes WQ»._ • ' - ' . %: I f . j .... ■ i . i- ■ 1 • * YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO $ 12 AN HOUR. * ■■''if: i: ! ' : •$7.50/ hour guaranteed •$100 Hiring bonus ( •Flexible hours •Casual dress code •Full-time and part-time •Career opportunities Only two blocks from campus CALL INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES 434-2626 - 86 iiii-r smn. incoti. m FORMERLY KNOWN AS EOE UTERACMVE MARKETING SERVICES. - . i f