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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1997)
* * h STRESSING out? COLLEGE ANXETY DISORDERS SCREENING DAY sponsored by UNL Counseling & Psychological Services Free help is available: ml • educational materials Monday, March 10 • confidential meeting with a doctor 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. or mental health professional Nebraska Union • take an anxiety disorders screening test — ■ .. • view a video For more info., 472-7450 Do you have signs of an anxiety disorder? sleep disturbance social anxiety easily fatigued difficulty concentrating restlessness anxiety attacks K Howard Stern’s new film tells of rise to radio fame PRIVATE from page 9 actually. The devoted friend and hus band, and then the charismatic and breast-inspired radio personality. The movie’s humor is slick and typically self-degrading, documenting the many mishaps and wrong turns Stem encounters on the road to suc cess. Frequently dodging criticism of his personality and voice, Stem stub bornly persists with his career and dis covers he must simply be himself to make it big. Along the way we discover Stem is a whitey-tighty man. He suffered severe ridicule for most of his life and fought vehemently and courageously for his right to be profane — at the risk of losing everything he worked for. The film moves quickly, providing an impressively entertaining narration and comedic style. Stem, as was hoped for, did a heck of a job being himself, as did Robin Quivers and Fred Norris. The comedic bits of Stem in the stu dio are obviously polished but down right hilarious. “Private Parts” is an extremely humorous and fim film providing an enhanced pseudo-documentary of one of America’s most colorful personali ties. While it’s hard to tell how true to ? life it is, “Private Parts” is one of the funniest and most enjoyable films of the new year. $3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. 175 biilingcharge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli gion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for ail contentsof all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Ne braskan._ Acacia <DM Midnight Madness March 8,1997 Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines. The green flag drops tomorrow night! B©n ATE BiHmore ’97 Stairway to Heaven It wiH I—w yourhead in the clouds.... X<D Congratulations to Thomas Schott and AngeRe Vidrine (AOPi) on your pinning. May it be the first of many joyous occasions that you share! Brothers of Chi Phi AAA We would Ike to congratulate the foHowing ladies for making the Dean's list: Julie Cooke, Sarah Wurtele, Stephanie Owens, Jill Lorenzen, Brlgit Jepsen, Tara Bristol, Heidi Novak, Brenna Lemke, Marisa Barlow, Jen Hacker, Stacy Domnanish, Danielle Curtiss, Julie Pattavina, Katie Sievers, Alison SchoRe6. Love your sisters AY Hey dudel Our congratulations to Curtis Schwank for being selected for the 38 Calendar. __The Men of Delta Upslton Fiji A belated thank you for the wonderful dinner exchange. We had a terrific time & would love to dine with you anytime! The Ladies of Alpha Xi Delta OM Congratulations to our Sister of the Month. Tiff Christiansen. Also, great job to all of those who received Standards Awards on Monday. Keep up the good work girts! Love, your sisters KZ BZZZ Mickey’s Night March 13,1997 They’re coming hbo 3rd Annual Spaghetti Feed Sunday, March 9,1997 4-7 p.m. Tickets $4.00 at the door. Proceeds go to Arrowmont and Lincoln Lkeracy Center. ZA7 Congratulations to Lisa Temus for being accepted to vet school at K State. Congratulations to Lisa Temus. Jenny Real, and Carrie Yule for being on the 2nd place team and Amie Schleicher for being on the third place team in the Animal Science Quadratnalon. Congratulations to Jodi Hinrichs for being chosen Pink Rose Sweetheart. Congratulations to Mindy Krader for her new smile! Congratulations to Doug Stevens on making the Men of UNL Calendar. You and your fabulous body have made us so proud Please don't forget about your not so genetically perfect brothers. Don't be frustrated. Sully, you'll make it next year. Your Brothers ZAE Bachelor off the Month: Andy Winlker as voted by your four roommates. TC Congratulations to Heather Cotton on her engagement to Thor Schrock. TC Congratulations to our new actives: Lisa Carlson. Jil Minster, Kristin Taylor, and Kendra Yahnke. We are so proud to have you; TC Love, Your Sisters TC We would like to welcome our new pledgee: Brandy Dalton. Beth Frye, and Carmen Rlege. We are glad to have you as part of our sisterhood. TC Love, Your Sisters To the men of Triangle, A belated thanks for the wonderful dinner exchange Monday night. _The women of Kappa Data Subcommittee Openings Positions open for the folowing Subcommittees of ASUN: Campus Saftey, International Students. Rack! Affairs, Students with Disabilities, Sexual Orientation, and Women's Issues. Application avalabie at ASUN office, 115NebraskaUnloi^eadllneMarch7^^^^^^^ Young Exec SPM, 30. seeks SF 20-30, who is attractive, .bright, energetic and warm, for dinners and possMe relation ship. I am caring and people-oriented, and so are you. enjoy life and want to matte a dHeience. like music, movies, pop culture, reading, the arts. Leave message. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SQUEAKER!! Be prepared! _Your roomies. Stick and Tarrah LOST March 4»oid watch, rectangular face, bracelet Ike, lost somewhere between campus reo-Bruegger's Hamiton. 477-1891, leave message._ Tutor for 10 year old boy. Needs hefp with phonics, rM^ian^peW^i^te^pn^xoepMNedne^ys. FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $500 M 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED MDMOUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATIO*L(800)882-1982 EXT33 / 300s Jobs Part-Time $ 9.05 To Start Flexfole schedule, 25 Scholarships awarded, filing 28 positions by 3/21/97.477-8663. Arts and Sciences Student Advisers Applications are available for undergraduate students in AAS for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions at 107 Oldfalher. Deadline Is Friday. March 21,1997. 5 Rivmi Si—n»t«l UiMplhl I. hiwii^u MT««||W[ wtpff tof (hs foAowhig opportunity: COMPUTER OPERATOR Individual needed to operate computers and all other peripheral devices, IAW dept, policies and procedures, acts as resource person to users and processes reports. Requires the ability to lit 25-30 pound boxes. Prefer experience with VAX/VMS systems. 10-key experience requhedLMusl be wllng to work extra hours and holidays FT - 730 a.m. - 330 p.m. (M-F) Temporary Postion. PT - 1130 p.m. - 730 a.m. (SaUSun.) Please submit resume/application or cal: BRYAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 483-8610 AAA-GREAT JOB ‘No flipping burgers *No selling ‘Great hours 5-9 M-F 9-noon on Saturday *$6 per hour ‘Cal 477-0303 for more information ask for Eric ‘Other positions available BROKERAGE SPECIALIST Part-time position in our Special Operations Division to coordinate insurance appointment process. Duties in clude: Presses agent verfcatlon requests; correspond with agents via phone; verify information; data entry; update weekly production reports. Position requirements: Previous office experience; 20 houisAmek; keyboarding skils; word processing and spreadsheet software knowl edge; experience handling customer requests vtaphone. Apply in person 8 a.m. to 4p.m. M-F through March 7 to: WOODMEN ACCIDENT ANDLIFE Human Resources 1526 K St. Lincojj|NE DELIVERY PERSONS Straight truck drivers and pick-up truck drivers. Fulorpart time. CDL not required. Apply Uncoin Lumber Co., 932 N. 23rd. Nebraskan js Is looking for a Few Good Salespeople. Join us on a special sales/marketing project! We need you if you can darner a smooth sales pitch over the phone to executives In large and small companies all over the United States. The position is paid, and you must be available 15-20 hours per week beginning March 10 through May 30. To schedule an interview, bring a resume to the Advertising Department, Room 29 Nebraska Union. Questions? Cal Amy at 472-2589. _ Editorial Careers & Internships Successful magazine p«i>iisber seeks to fil key Editor position and three Stan Writing Internships. The Editor position offldaly opens May !5th and we are taking applcations now. but we hope to fill It with a Staff Intern. Must have some writing/editing experience, be detail oriented, and love writing great copy. Excelent opportu nity with advancement potential. Please send two writing samples wfeh your resume. Ad Design Internships Successful magazine pubfsher seeks to develop two ad design interns. H you're preparing for a career in ad design you'n need hands-on experience, and this is it. Pleae send your resume and two design samples. Please, Fax or Mail to: Careers, fax 402-466-6272, 2105 N. Cotner, Lincoln NE 68505. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy is looking for an individual to operate the summer basebaltfeoftbal program. This person will be responsible for game scheduling, field assignments, um pire assignments and setting up and marking fields for game play. Organizational skills and attention to detail a must. Salary negotiable depending upon experience. Applcations available at City Office. 14130 Lancashire St.. Waveriy. NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Full or part-time. Lady’s Fitness hiring all positions. Cal Jack at 483-7777,_ _ Full or Part time Earn up to $9.00 an hour placing advertisements on doors. Bill, 483-7778. Future Killer Web Site Builders Cutting-edge Web developer seeks two interns to be come Idler web site builders. Learn the basics, jump to advanced graphics & programming tricks. Flexbte hours, great experience w/future employment potentiaL e-mail, Fax or mail resume to: 402-483-6619 or 2103 N. Cotner. Lincoln. NE 68505, respectfully. GREAT EXPERIENCE^ FLEXIBLE HOURS FUN PEOPLE Student Involvement Student Staff ^plications for 1997 98 now available In 200 NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Applications due March 14. interviews April 10-23. A variety of positions wW be aval able. See position listing on Webpage httpV/ s involve/, salaries range from $5.00-$5.15 per hour. Please return your application to 200 Nebraska Union. Help wanted for custom harvesting, combine operators, and truck driven. Experience preferred, good summer wages. Call 970-483-7490, evenings. Hiring for waitery postions. Apply at Taj Mahal Cuisine of India, 5500 Old Cheney Rd. _420-1133. LaundryLand is hiring for the 7:45am-2pm shit, Tfc-Fri Sat, at the 56th and Holdrege. The 48th and Old Cheney location is hiring for the 130pm-730pm Th.Sat shifts. Apply within,■ Lawn care and landscape personnel needed. Must.have neat appearance and good driving record. Call Lawnscape 464-2631.__ Lazio’s Brewery & Grill ‘Come see what we can offer you! ‘Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer! Team work at It s beet! ‘Unparaleted training and support! •Paid vacations! ‘Closed on major holidays! •Some daytime avanblky required! *50% employee discounts! *You Do Not have to wear a name tag! *And nobody sings Happy Birthday! Apply inpetson for a seriously unique opportunity wth Lazio'S. 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday. Tuesday, or Thursday. CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, watemkiing. gymnastics, rtflery, archery, tennis, go*, sports, computers, camping, crate, dramatics. OR riding. Also kitchen, office, malntalnance. Satary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444. COME TO HEW HAMP8HWE FOR THE 3UMMER OUTSTANDMG BROTHER/SISTER SPORTS CAMPS ON LARGEST NEW ENGLAND LAKE SEEK SKILLED ROBINDEL (GIRLS) 800-325-3306 _ NBC The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applcattons for COMPUTER PROGRAMED INTERNAL AUDIT 15-20 hours per week. Flexfcie between 8am-5pm M-F Must be college junior or senior in Computer Science with exceRent COBOL programming skiRs and ex cedent verbal communication skRIs. Send resume and transcript to: Karen Wible P.O. Box 82408, Lincoln NE 68501. (2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT CLERK Compiles financial statement data into a established com puter spreadsheets. MustbecoRege student working on bachelors degree with at least six hours of accounting completed. Experience with Microsoft Exei or similar spreadsheet program. Must provide transcript. 10-15 hours per week, flexfcie between 8am-5pm M-F. For more detaRs please caR the first commerce job hotline 434-4700. Equal opportunity employer. Need a few good men (or women!). 4 home-cooked meals, and $$, become a Della Gaanaa Hasher. Students IMing on or off-campus phone 436-7092. office Assistant Voleyball Office te seeking hardworking individual for part-time employment Mar.- Aug. Must have Macintosh experience (prefer MS Word and Excel); must have good typing, proofreading, and speling skils; must be able to organize information accurately and with attention to detal. $4.75/hour; 15-25 hours/week. (Successful candi date wil continue 97-98 academic year.) Please come to 206 NUColseum between 1030-12 noon or 130-430 pm to complete applcatioa Closing date is March 12. Part-time checkers. Flexbte hours. Apply in person at Wagner's Food Pride, 3308 A St. Part-time Clerk Part-time office clerk Monday-Friday. morning only, and al day every third Saturday. Duties rclude payrol, data entry, word processing, rental property, and customer service. Apply at Stephens & Smith Construction at 1542 S. 1st Street EOE PART-TIME PROJECT ENGINEERS j . :■ Immediate openings for part-time Prefect Engineers in estabfched manufacturing corporation. Individual wil assist current Profecttnglneers coordinate and exercise authority for planning, organizing, and completing engi neering projects, Qualified candidate m ust have minim urn Junior or Senior standing in Mechanical Engineering, excelent oral and written communication skils, and aMtty to relate well with co-workers. Please send resume and salary history to: Personnel Director Nebraska Boler Company P.O. Box 82287 _ Lincoln, NE 68501 PHONE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Excelent experience for Human Setvices/Psychology Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service wllholdaone day volunteer training session Saturday Mar. 22, from 9-430 at Community Mental Health Center. 2200 SL Mary's (near Lincoln General).To register call 475-5171 or 469 3275 and leave your name and number. PROJECT ENGINEER Immediate opening for Project Engineer in established manufacturing corporation, individual wil coordinate and exercise authority for planning, organizing, and complet ing engineering projects. Qualified candidate must posses Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering, excelent oral and written communication skils, and abWty to relate well wkh co-workers. Excelent salary and ben efits provided. Please send resume and salary history to: Attn: Personnel Director Nebraska Boler Company P.O. Box 82287 Lincoln, NE 68501 EOE_ Special Events Photographers Must have your own 35mmSLR camera. Photograph and hefepeofie have fun at Friday and Saturday right events. If you Ike parties, action, people and phototpgraphy, then * put your camera to work, earn yoursef some money and have fun doing I. Cal: Bob Olson, 467-2577, M-F, 10-6. Spring dean up. starting wages $6.50. Poesbte full-time summer, part-time fal. Must have ratable transportation, a.m. or p.m. open, knowledge of pruning, trimming and previous Iawncare would equal more $. Call for appoint ment Naturescapes Inc. 466-7771. Summer Employment Riverside Got Club In Grand Island Is accepting applca tions for summer employment Life guards, snack bar heb. and beverage cart drivers. 01306-382-7296 or mal resume to PI). Box 247, Grand Island NE 88802. The Country Club of Lincoln Is looking for energetic, motivated people to m our day time serverposltions, from 11am-23Qpm, Tuesday-Sun person, NO phone Mfe Pfease. 3200 South