Report Number of extremist groups up 6 percent in 1996 MONTGOMERY, Ala.—At least 858 extremist groups were active in the United States last year, a 6-percent increase over 1995, says a group that studies hate crime activity. Klanwatch, a branch of the Montgomery-based Southern Poverty Law Center, released a study this week titled “Two Years After: The Patriot Movement Since Oklahoma City.” The study found that so-called Patriot Groups, including 380 armed militias, exist in all 50 states and have improved their intelligence gathering networks and the ability to share information through a so phisticated communication network. At least 101 openly espouse white supremacist or anti-Semitic mes sages, the report said. The report said more than one-third of the arrests made for extrem ist activity in 1996 were related to explosives, indicating the pervasive effect the Oklahoma City bombing has had on extremist groups. Republicans renew fight over partial-birth abortion WASHINGTON — Emboldened by the admitted lie of a key abortion rights supporter, congressional Republicans renewed the push Wednes day for legislation banning a certain late-term abortion procedure. A principal GOP leader in the anti-abortion movement should “have a chance to get it right” now that activist Ron Fitzsimmons says that he lied, said President Clinton, who vetoed the bill last year. Abortion rights supporters pledged to keep fighting the bill. “The facts have not changed; they’ve just been discovered by the media and now the general public,” said Rep. Charles Canady, R-Fla., the prime House sponsor. “And the outrage about partial-birth abor tion which began as a strong current is now at flood stage.” Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abor tion Providers in Alexandria, Va., said last week he lied in 1995 when he said just a few hundred of the abortions were performed annually— and then only to save the mother’s life or abort deformed fetuses. Four more dead found in flooded Kentucky town FALMOUTH, Ky. — After the flood waters that covered this town to its rooftops finally receded, the first people to go back in Wednesday found everything covered in a coffee-colored muck, including the bod ies of four more victims. The corpses were found as emergency personnel and dog teams went into the town’s muddied buildings, many of them swept off their foundations and one of them dropped by the river in the middle of Main Street. The bodies found on Wednesday brought the number of flood-related deaths in Kentucky to 18. Authorities were bringing in a refrigerated truck to serve as a morgue. Swiss plan Holocaust fund $5 billion is pledged to compensate for victims’ assets left in the country’s banks. GENEVA (AP) — Switzerland will set up a $5 billion fund to aid vic tims of the Holocaust and any other genocide or disaster, financing it by selling tons of gold over the next de cade. President Arnold Roller’s surprise announcement Wednesday to a special session of Parliament was welcomed by Jewish groups and others who have been pressing Switzerland to compen sate for assets left in Swiss banks by people killed in the Holocaust. U.S. Sen. Alfonse D’Amato said the move was “the first significant acknowledgement from individuals in responsible positions in Switzerland that massive wrongdoing occurred.” This fund is much larger in size and scope than others proposed by Swiss officials. The foundation would be in addition to a humanitarian fund set up by Swiss banks and to ongoing private fund-raising efforts. Hans Meyer, chairman of the Swiss National Bank, said the sale would take place gradually over 10 years to keep it from affecting the world price of gold,^ Half the money would be used for victims in Switzerland and the rest in other countries. Roller said he thought the foundation could be inaugurated by next year. Switzerland has been under intense international pressure to pay compen sation to the heirs of Nazi victims for assets they claim were never returned by Swiss banks. A 1962 payment of 9.5 million Swiss francs (now about $7 million) by Swiss banks to Jewish charities fell far short of what actually was there, Jewish organizations claimed. Several investigations are under way to determine the amounts unac counted for and to re-examine Switzerland’s role as an island of neu trality in a continent controlled by Nazis and fascists in World War II. Meyer and Koller, meanwhile, an nounced that the central bank, which has been accused of laundering plun dered gold for the Nazis during World War II, would contribute $71 million to the humanitarian fund. The bank’s contribution doubles the amount given by the three largest Swiss commercial banks for the fund, intended to aid poverty stricken vic tims of the Holocaust. A further con tribution is expected from other Swiss businesses, ^ j ^ Edgar F. Bronfman, president of the World Jewish Congress, called the Swiss decision “a victory for the Jew- L ish and Swiss peoples.” Armed revolt erupts in Albania SARANDA, Albania (AP) — Government jets bombed a southern town Wednesday. Anti-government militants commandeered tanks and fired off anti-aircraft guns as weeks of unrest erupted into an armed revolt in southern Albania. It was unclear if anyone was hurt. The two sides fired at each other across a river east of Vlora, the city at the center of the conflict. Albania’s foreign minister, meanwhile, ac knowledged that the situation in Vlora, Saranda and Delvina was “out of control.” Wednesday’s bombing and a ma jor security operation launched by the government reflected President Sali Berisha’s determination to quickly end the growing insurrection. In Rome, Italian Foreign Minister Lamberto Dini said his Albanian counterpart, Tritan Shehu, told him the insurgents had captured three tanks and many other weapons and aim to seize Tirana, the capital. Southerners warned the govern ment not to provoke them. “If they move into Saranda, Alba nia will see the worst bloodshed ever,” said one armed protested, Ilias Sideris. Two months of protests by Alba nians who lost savings in shady in vestment schemes have culminated in the rebellion. It has exposed a deep north-south divide in this impover ished Balkan nation between Berisha’s supporters in the north and those who back the opposition Socialists in the south. Overall, southern Albanians are wealthier — and therefore lost much more than northerners in the schemes. In Saranda, 100 miles south of Tirana, the mood was defiant after the bombing. “This is it! We are now at war,” yelled Ardian Sinanis, as he squeezed Off a burst from the AK-47 assault rifle strapped around his chest. “We will either live or die for Albania!” AP/Wm. J. Castello i__;__■ KJomens Services P C. • Abortion Services Provided During All Legal Stages • Awake or Asleep • Outpatient Care • Full-Time OB/GYN Physicians • Birth Control • Saturday AppointmentsAvailable • Total OB/GYN Healthcare INOMAHA *564-0110 TOLL FREE • 1-800-922-8331 2C1 S. 46th St., Omaha, NE 68132 You are getting very $J$py Kirby McGill, Ph.D. Hypnotist & Comedian Thursday, March 6 fA 9-11 p.m. WEE& M® Free The Crib • Nebraska Union Every Friday Night - 4-10 P.M.I I Dally -» i Questions? Comments? 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