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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1997)
CAMP COUN8ELOR8-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS. PENNSYLVANIA. All spadattes: Athletics. Dance. Swim, Aerobics/exercise. Nutrition. Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. 1-000-421-4321, wwwxmpcmicftoLco* COME TO NEW HAMPSHIREI Summer Camp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis, Watersports, Outdoors, Landsports, Gymnastics, Riding. Ads, etc. Excellent Salary/Transportation. Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 800-&46-9426 - _ ; Eastborough Pool Association Is seeking fu»- and part time Meguards. WS will be accepting resumes until March 31. Please contact Beth at43&-6369. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people wfth disablkee. Salary, room and board provided. 0^1(402)761-2875 for Information about open posNons. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor postions for talented and energetic students as Program Spedalsls in al Team Sports, especially Basebal, Baskeibal. RoSer Hockey. Gymnastics. Field Hodw.Soc^WiOB>^; 30 Trmnls openings: also Ropes and Rock Clirnbi^VMdlte^lmoMmdCySng; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts. Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook. Radk) Sta tion, and Rocketry; All Wateriront/Pooi Activities (Swim ming, Sklng, Sailing, Windsurfing. Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June z2nd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1-600-763-9118 PANBEE (Gins): 1-800-392-3752 ROPES! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! NATURE GUIDES! BOY COUNSELORS! Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook, Adventure Tral Guides, Crafts instructors. Archery 0 Rdtery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. VMCA CaareKhaH, 216 N. 11th, #331, Lincoln, 68500. 402-434-0225.__ SUMMER CAMP JOBS Serve God In a signflcant way this summer at our Chris tian resident camps and Day Camp programs! Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ashland Is looking for 75 ordinary people wWng to do extraordinary things this summer. Employment opportunities Include camp coun selors, health care ana creative arte wtsciaflsts, life guards, wranglers, maintenance and food service assis tants. Use your gits to serve this sum mer! Call tol free 1 888-656-6Z54 for an applcdlon packet. Summer Jobs! Camp Birchwood, a smal northern Minnesota chldren's camp, seeks students to work as counselors end instruc tors in horseback riding, saling, windsurfing, and canoe ing. Employment early June to mid August For an appl cation and to schedule and Interview call 800-451-5270. Summer Job openings for softball umpires, for slow pitch and fast pitch leagues. Cal Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892 for dates and times of dtnics. Summer Playground Staff Parks and Recreation summer positions: leaders, assis tant leaders, craft leaders, acnrity spedaMs. $5.30 $5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monclay-Friday, 9:15am 12:15pm. Condud outdoor activftea for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A aL 441-7952. EOE/AA YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of Campus Recreation Positions for students (40 hours/week and part-time posi tions avalable) June 2nd-August 6th at $5.10-$5.M per * hour. Qualficalions: Previous experience related to youth sports and recreation Is desirable. Lifeguards also needed, taptications avalable at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Application Excellent Experience! Let SEC-the Student Employment and Internship Center-help YOU find an internship. Cal or visit SEIC: 472-1452 345 NE Union Paid Summer Internship If you are interested in sales, management, or marketing opportunities after graduation, you need to get experi ence now! Northwestern MuhiaTLie is a "Fortune 599” company and has a program that, I you qually, will he$> in preparing you for Me after graduation. For and intar vtew, cal Michelle at (402) 463-7B71. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice AM real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes t Mlegal to advertise any preference, imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familal status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or dlecrimkutton. The Daily Ne braskan wil not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or Oecrmlnatee against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that aldweUngs advertised are avatable on an equal opportunity basis._ 1 or 2 mate roommates for a nice furnished 3 bdr, 2 bath house In the Highlands. Indudes garage, W/D, AC, and own bath. $2fQ/month + utilities. 476-6502 N/S female roommate starting April for newer 4 bedroom, 2 bath lakeside home. Summer or year lease. $196.25+ 1/4 utlities. Cal Jamie 435-7872. ;-J N/S. responsfcle F6I to share quiet, large 2 bedroom home. 2 baths, W/D. aast campus area. $230 + 1/2 utWtles and deposit Cal Ksfy, 4360745 Non-smoking male roommate. Apt near east campus. $217.50 par month plus hdf utWes. Avalable Apr. 1. cal 46653827 Nonsmoking M/F to share Old Cheney Place apartment 6250/month plus deposit Kristine 423-2834 leave mes sage One roommate needed, for4-be*oom duplex. W/D. Ful kkchsn, nopets. $240 ♦ utUtfss, between both campuses, Teny-477-5292/teaye-maeeaoe._ Nonsmoking Female needed. Free cable, utiOHes and laundry. Own phone Nne, and heat and air control Cal 4360030 or 432-5573 1900 S. 52nd. EXCELLENT 5BR, available now). $900+depos>. Cal 4369019. 2215 Sheldon. Nice 3 bedroom. Parking. Near campus. $600.432-0644 2834 Starr. Very nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus. $750.432-0644 or 432-6644. 3,4,5 & 6BR available in May Reserving now for Summer or August. Nice houses, dose to campus, 432-0644.432-6644. 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom, 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom, 4334 St Paul-6 bedroom. 2611 R-Laige 4 bedroom, avalable kte^ or August 1st, from $950-$1200. 450-8919/489 4216 F. Newly bull four bedroom, two baths, double garage, $950.430-6328. We love students! 3.4,5, & 6 bedroom unhs near UNL for summer and/or faL A/C. washer/dryar. dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSH! 4261635._ 320 Knox. nice4badroom,2bath, 2 garage, apolcances, W/D, C/A. no pata. Available nowl $79574367807. Lama one bedroom between campuses. Central air, washer/dryer. Privacy. Off-street parking. On bus route. $428.402-7862453._ _ !!! Possible Short Term LEASES !!! 2504 Vine: 1 BR, lower level; wall to campus, $340 2BR beige ceramic floor, eat In kitchen, $460 1109,1121 N. 28th: 1 BR. Spacious, lots of closets, huge bedroom, $340-$365 3220 Apple: Lower level, unique complex, $350 4300 Comhusker 1BR, Spacious, beige 4300 Comhusker: Spotless. 2BR, 1 or 2BA, w/d hkup, grey or beige breakfast bar. al apple's. $520-1560 2920 P: Townhouse, 2BR. 11/4 BA, split level, all apple's, heat pd. Small complex with great neighbors, $485 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Surfs up. or just about!! Since we accept “SUMMER LEASES,” aigrvup today, and wa'I raaarvs a Beach Towel for your aarhn/ sunning around (ho pooL 14 2 bedrooai units. A atone'a throw to City Campus. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1 -Bedroom, $295, Efficiency, $295,2-bedroom $475. call Joyce 432-2648._ 1311 South 10th, 2+1 BR, central air. garage, no pets, $350.488-6647. 1938 Garfield Two bedroom, newer apartment No pets, no smoking, low utiMes, $405.486-1267. _ 1BD, duplex, spacious, bright A/C. washer & dryer, natural woodwork, garden, storage, $295.3006 T Street. 474-3826. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dty. Garage. $495.430-8328. 2834 Starr, 4 BR, 2 Bath, $750 Near Campus/Parking 432-6644 or 432-0644. 3bdr. downtown area. Security Bulding. Clean and Nice. $550. No pets. Phoenix Properties Management 474 5327 or 421-8996. _ Apartments on UNL Campus Studio and one bedroom units avaflable, no smoking, no pets, secure entry, laundry, guaranteed parking, UNL Shuttle Stop. $3254375. Brickyard Apts. 17th and Hoidrege. 477-6578._ _ Claremont Park Apartments Better than dorm living: cheaper, larger, more privacy, and lots more fun. May subleases and August leases available. Appointments necessary. Wi A Claremont _474-PARK_ penny | Pitchers Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and throo bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available wth fireplace. _Call Now! 476-6200_ Deluxe 2BR+study. newly-remodeled, off-street parking, nonsmokers, no pets, 1M5 South 13th, $495 plus de post, plus references. 486-1296. Downtown, unique one bedroom In security buMing. Heat paid, only $200, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-6998 (pm). East campus, cheery, spacious, redecorated, 3 BR apart ments, 2 baths. 1-800-977-4253. Need Privacy? One bedroom near Captoi. Grads welcomed. No smok ing/pets. Available. $235/month plus utilities, deposit 476-7416/475-9860._ Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, close to UNL and downtown. $425 phis deposit of $425. 483-6280 One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working ktchen wth pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, secure storage space, same-floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW! $400/ month. 474-3529. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW! Al appliances Including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. Various Locations toartments available neat campus and downtown. Effi ciencies. $225-260; 1BR $240-$410; 2BR $370-$520 Management One 477-2600 3,4,5 & 6BR - available in May Reserving now for Summer! Nice houses. CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644,432-6644. 500s Services ADOPTION A lowing nftsraoliwe We offer counselng and adaption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suto 314.483-7879. Happiy married teacher and huaband offers loving home to much desired newborn. Expenses paid. Rita and Jamie. 1-800-469-5332._ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. “Cr Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWl, minor In possession. Sanford PoBach 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test EURTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for appointment or mote Information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy tasting, donations appreciated. Informa tion and i^erral on Ail OPTKMS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for iritor maUon and hours 441-3300. Facts of Ufa Une 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider aH your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3064. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven reeuto. 464-0775. The Resume Connection. 421-6278. Qualty resumes and cover letters. Reasonable rates. Leave message. Typing a hassle? Leave! to me. Papers typed (edited I desired) 7 yrs. of experience 4366454 Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze you KNOW WHAT I HAT® ABOUT BReAKING UP? « eveNTUAiiy, I HAve 10 FAce evesy ONe of Me tmats FAnep geFQge. AND THAT'S NOW Quite' a Few... And ^ First grade yoo - the Susy are? JI Friedrich r' V-|—' , incident. J Non Sequitur vs=y5-5 THE UEEP JEjND I I NOUKOMS, IA05T FOODS ARE REQUIRED" To LIST IttPORTAMT OIETAW FACTS._, ..UEltTHC US ML TO MAKE IWfORNEO. Nutritious decisions. ^eav80t)inKies^^5\ § to equal the 0^1^ ' protein in this Single can o£ dL/ffN ACROSS 25 Mosshom 1 Hosp. vehicles 27 "Plar^f 7 *^e 5 Stinging ant ” ' 3 6 10 Slopes transport 96 . _ ^ 31 A Caucasian, to 14Pe—77~>^tor Hawaiians from N.Y.C. .. . _ 32 Freudian topic 16 Growing out MFormingcrusts 16M1II0 specialty MFrench 17 Opening action legislature ™9 35 Maintain tension „ 16 Schism 36 Suffix with opal 20 Lady Chatterley’s 37 _ u® creator 38 Feel sympathy 21 -Sunday 39 Ca,led a Poker (fifth after det Easter) 41 Great care 23 “-a Song 42 Left Bank Go...” chapeau 24 “R.U.R.” 43 Unite playwright 44 Noted dieters 46 Hot Italian sauce 50 “Ebony 1961 song 51 This may decide a Seles match 53 Part of Q.E.F. 54 Caesar’s early post 55 Antler part 56 Puttering 57 Whittled 58 He lived 905 years DOWN 1 Deep blue 2 Ala. product 3 Steep 4 Temperance 5 Less obtuse 6 Make into law 7 Charles or Victoria 8 Torrid time in Tours 9 Mother Goose’s creator 10 Butt 11 Wins one, loses one i2Solecist’sword 13 Interest measurement 18 D. S. Freeman subject 22 Baritone Alan 24 Zagreb native 25 Virgule 26 Have a rest 37 Procacious 45 Firebug, for period 38 Jazzy short 27 Papal cape nobleman? 46 “My Life” author 28 Curved moldings 40 Ebullient 47 Consanguine 29 President who 41 Made ous was christened contented 48 River in Italy , \ Leslie King sounds 49 Father of 30 Galatea’s 43 Apologue Anteros beloved 44 Transude 52 Greek peak 31 “—— just as you’ve a mind to ..Kipling 34 Evade 35 Estrange ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE R T EjRTJA T AMTJE Nl| A R A t|r A M SIRS C O F F SURR E|P T I T(l|0 U S L Y p E T E RlHE p jjHMj E A K HUr e n dmo|p|t[s1bs|t1e1 ButrjE iHRstotuDJl F A L Alio IA S I S C|A|P|SHE Y E W 7|t|n ESS A L E|s|r ENA NBE M I T QfATTlfstAtYlsBsh It IS By Chad Strawderman