i 10% off* any service (w/student or faculty I.D) I ♦Off reeiaf price. Not vbM wilti any other offer. Coupon must be presented at time of purchase. Offer expires Marcti 29,1997. $40 Rebate brake sale* J I_ . *$40 Rebate on any brake service over $100. Rebate off regular price. ■ ■ Brakes Not valid with any other offer. Offer expires March 29,1997. ■ Exhaust j I , AUTO SYSTEMS EXPERTS u ■ Maintenance ServicesI 601 N. 27th Street 477-7724 7030 “0" Street 483-2282 Call stores for hours. 335EE333HE u ^ D ' - ' • ' • ---——^—-— ---1— NebraSan A Is looking for a Few Good Salespeople. Join us on asjpecial sales/marketing project! We need you if you can defiver a smooth sales pitch over the phone to executives in large and small companies all over the United Stales. The position is paid, and you must be available 15-20 hours per week beginning March 10 through May 30. To schedule an interview, bnng a resume to the Advertising Department, Room 29 Nebraska Union. Questions? Cal Amy at 472-2589. Editorial Careers & Internships Successful magazine publisher seeks to fill key Editor position and three Stan Writing Internships. The Editor position officially opens May 15th and we are taking applications now, but we hope to fill it with a Staff Intern. Must have some writing/edifing experience, be detail oriented, and ipve writing great copy, ^xcetent opportu nity with advancement potential PteaM'SenotwpwH^rg sampfe^with yourieswrt*.^ ' ~ Ad Design Internships Successful magazine publisher seeks to develop two ad design interns. If you’re preparing for a career in ad design you’ll need hands-on experience, and this is it. Pleae send your resume and two design samples. Please, Fax or Mail to: Careers, fax 402-466-6272, 2105 N. Cotner, Lincoln NE 66505. __ Future Killer Web Site Builders Cutting-edge Web developer seeks two Interns to be come killer web site builders. Learn the basics, jump to advanced graphics & programming tricks. Flexible hours, great experience wAuture employment potential, e-mail, fax or mail resume to:job6@digital2o.com, 402-483-6619 or 2103 N. Cotner, Lincoln, NE 68505, respectfully. BMPLOYWaffi ■ I OPPORTUNITIES ■ The Babe Ruth Baseball H „ Jeague needs umpires & H "coaches for the summer. B Leave a message at one H of the following numbers: H 489-4252 I 435-7088 I 483-6214 BffjB Specify tf interested in afternoon m/X\M umpiring or morning & ■ QmR| afternoon ooachhg ^ GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP: Supplemental Instruction Supervisor The Division ol General Studies will be hiring a graduate assistant for the 1997-98 academic year to serve as supervisor to 12-18 undergraduate Supplemental In struction Leaders. Qualifications: Required: Bachelor's degree, enrolment in graduate program; good communi cation and supervisory skills. Preferred: background In learning theory and experience in teaching study skills, time management, text preparation, note-taking, etc. .49 FTE (20 tvs. per week). Salary: $8,500, wih tuition remission and SI Workshop at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Complete Job description is available at The Division of General Studies, 33 Canfield Administration Building. Submit letter of application, resume and three letters of recommendation by March 14 to:: Donald Gregory, Dtoctor Division of General Studies 33 Canfield Administration Building City Campus 0471 GREAT EXPERIENCE FLEXIBLE HOURS ? - FUN PEOPLE Student involvement Student Staff applcatlons for 1997 98 now available In 200 NU. 300 ECU. the Culture Center or the Women's Center. Applications due March 14. interviews April 10-23. A variety of positions will be avail able. See position listing on Webpage http://www.unl.edu/ sinvolve/, salaries range from $5.00-$5.15 per hour. Please return your application to 200 Nebraska Union. Hiring for waitery postions. Apply at Taj Mahal Cuisine of India, 5500 Old Cheney Rd. 420-1133. LaundryLand is hiring for the 7:45am-2pm shift, Th-Fri Sat, at the 56th and Holdrege. The 48th and Old Cheney location is hiring for the 1:30pm-7'30pm Th.Sat shifts. Apply within.__ VHP University W Subscription ▼ Services saatr •ggnova CAMPUS MANAGERS. * Part-time at Full-time pay. * fit Paid Out Monthly. * Frequent Bonus Contests * Set your own hours *No cost to you few GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE Immediate opening for an experienced, responsble indi vidual to assist with: answering the phone and greeting the public, making copies, processing (tally out-going mal. preparing buh mailings, some typing, data entry ana word processing. The position is 3-4 hours/day in the afternoon: Monday-Friday. Starting wage $5.4S/hr. Send cover letter and resume to: Interim President. United Way, 215 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE 68508 by March 7. Gift Shop Clerk Terrace Espresso & Gifts, The Comhusker’s exclusive retail outlet, has a position available for a self-motivated individual to work PT on weekends and weekday eve nings. Our customers enjoy the unique git lems. fresh bagels, breads, pastries. & specialty coffees. Guest ser vice skills essential. We provide excellent benefits, uniform, meals & vacation. Apply In Person 9am-6pm M-F The Comhusker Human Resource Dept. 333 S. 13th Street Use L Street Entrance LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS ONE YEAR ELIGIBILITY LIST 'Do you want to make a difference in your community? 'Are you intuitive and observant? 'Do you stand up for what is right? 'Are you a positive person? 'Do you always fulfill your commitments? If So. call now) The CITY OF LINCOLN POLICE DEPARTMENT seeks quality individuals who have the talent and the desire to serve their community as a Police Officer. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: High School Diploma or G.E.D. United States Citizen No Conviction of a Felony or Domestic Assutt Valid Driver’s License Age21 Applicants who meet minimum qualifications on Supplemental Questionnaire will be scheduled for a Reading Comprehension and Writing Skills exam, and a Law Enforcement Attltudlnal Factor test lasting up to 3 hours. All applicants will receive a STUDY GUIDE. Must complete an spplcalion and a supplemental questionnaire returned or postmarked on or before March 28, 1997. Clty-County^lmployment Office 555 S. 10th St. Lincoln. NE 68508 402/441-7596 EOE/AA AMERICA'S PREMIERE SPORTS CAMPS W1NADU FOR BQYS DANBEE FOR GIRLS (Western MmbcIiukUi) OVER 100 POSITIONS AVAILABLE All Land and Water Sports, Arts & Crafts, Dance, Gymnastics, Horseback Riding, Drama, Woodshop, Ice and Roller Hockey, Waterski, WSrs and more!!! ■ NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE REQUIRED | Top Salaries, Room and Board, and Travel Allowance On Campus Irtfo and Interviews Date: April 8, 1997 Time: 10:00 am to 4:00pm Place: Nebraska Union Rooms to be announced Check daily events board • SUMMER JOBS1 • Mm CM Women Call 1-800-494-6238 1-800-392-3752 CAMPW1NADU CAMPDANBEE Elementary Day care help wanted before school. 6:45am 8:15am and after school 3pm-5pm, Monday-Friday, Hir ing now. call 489-3024. Full or part-time. Lady's Fitness hiring all positions. CaK Jack at 483-7777.__ Lazio’s Brewery & Grill *Come see what we can offer you! 'Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer! 'Team work at h's best! 'Unparalleled training and support! 'Paid vacations! 'Closed on major holidays! 'Some daytime availability required! *50% employee discounts! *You Do Not have to wear a name tagl *And nobody sings Happy Birthday! Apply In person for a seriously unique opportunity with Lazio's, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. NBC National Bank of Commaree The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for: COMPUTER PROGRAMER/ INTERNAL AUDIT 15-20 hours per week. Flexible between 8am-5pm M-F Must be college junior or senior in Computer Science with excellent COBOL programming skills and excellent verbal communication skills. Send resume and transcript to: Karen Wible P.O. Box 82408, Lincoln NE 68501. (2) FINANCIAL STATEMENT CLERK Compiles financial statement data into, a established computerspreadsheets. Must be colege student working on bachelors degree with at least six hours of accounting completed. Experience with Microsoft Exel or similar spreadsheet program. Must provide transcrpt. 10-15 hours per week, flexfoie between 8am-5pm M-F. For more details please call the first commerce job hotline 434-4700. Equal opportunity employer. Need a few good men (or women!). 4 home-cooked meals, and $$. become a Delta Gannia Haahar. Students living on or off-campus phone 436-7092. Office Assistant VoHeyball Office is seeking hardworking individual for part-time employment Mar.- Aug. Must have Macintosh experience (prefer MS Word and Excel); must have good typing, proofreading, and speling skits; must be able to organize Information accurately and with attention to detail. $4.75/hour; 15-25 hours/week. (Successful candi date will continue 97-98 academic year.) Please come to 206 NU Coliseum between 1030-12 noon or 130-430 pm to complete appfication. Closing date is March 12. Pavt Eneoungpit Rafontibto Sumlttij »t ft* ItouMlty of Nsbmta-lineoln APPLY NOW to be a 1997-98 Peer Sexuality Educator! Are you interested in helping students and improving your communication and leadership skills? Peer Sexuality Educators learn to teach two programs: Contraceptive Methods & Issues, and STD/HIV: Social and Medical Aspects. PSEs receive a sti pend for presenting these programs. Peer Sexuality Educators are also ac tive in providing educational events on campus for World AIDS Day and National Condom Week. Requirements: * Take PH230 in the fall (a one-hour class offered through HPER) * Commit to the program for one year, * Attend all scheduled meetings/activities; ' * Assist in PSE recruitment for die following year; i Apply by March 21,1997 i For more info, dr to apply contact: j Community Health Education, | University Health Center, Rm. 12 472-7440 PART TIME SALES: HELP. EVENINGS AND WEEK ENDS. APPLY IN PERSON AT THE FISH STORE 921 No. 48th.________ Part-time checkers. Flexible hours. Apply in person at Wagner's Food Pride, 3308 A St. Part-time hefp needed, must be able to work Mon.-Fri. aftemnons, apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 S. 9th Street.___ Retail sales clerks needed. Must be reliable. Part-time positions needed. Afternoons and Saturdays. No Sunday hours. Apply 1745 0 Street. Special Events Photographers Must have your own 35mm SLR camera. Photograph and help people have fun at Friday and Saturday nignt events. If you Ike parties, action, people and phototpgraphy, then put your camera to work, earn yourself some money and nave fun doing It. Call: Bob Olson, 467-2577, M-F, 10-6. Stable help wanted M-S a.m„ 15-20 hrs/wk. Horse and farm equipment experience a must. Days 489-2185. .. Summer Employment. Riverside Goff Club in Grand Islahdls accepting applica tions for summer employment. Life guards, snack bar help, and beverage cart drivers. Call 308-382-7298 or mail resume to P.O. Box 247, Grand Island NE 68802. Telemarketers wanted. Good program. Flexible sched ule. Part-time to start Call James 475-0404. Wagner’s Food Pride has opening for part-time Stocker, Monday. Wednesday, Friday daytime hours. Apply in person at Wagner's Food Pride, 3308 A St. Wagner's Food Pride has opening for meat wrapper. Daytime hours. Will train. Apply in person at Wagner's Food Pride, 3308 A St.__ Wanted: Full or Part time help on largegrainfarm near Lincoln. Noo-omoking, 781-2064. Babysitter needed. Part-time basis. Wednesday and Friday nights. One child. Transportation a must. Nego tiable salary. 421-1861 CAMP COUNSELORS Make Laeting Memoriae at SUMMER CAMP! Top ranked camps in the Pocono Mtns of PA. Need counselors to teach water and land sports. Outdoor Adventure. Arts & MORE! Call 215-887-9700 YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO M2 AN HOUR. + 17.50/kour guaranteed ♦ Casual dress code ♦ Great bonuses ♦ Full-lime and part-time ♦ Flexible hours ♦ Career opportunities 1 Only two block from campus. CAll INTERACTIVE 1EIESEKVICES 434-2626 ^Interactive rlteleservices 1033 t sratti. uicotn.nr Fowunt um as Micaaciwi mabmimc scancis IN - ' ’ ■ • ■ t S