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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1997)
Special Events Photographers Must have your own 35mm SLR camera. Photograph and help people have fun at Friday and Saturday night events. H you Ike parties, action, people and phototpgraphy, then put your camera to woik. earn yourseV some money and have fun doing IL Cal: Bob Olson. 467-2577, M-F, 10-6. Summer Employment Riverside Gol Club in Grand Island is accepting applica tions for summer employment. Life guards, snack bar help, and beverage cart drivers. Call 308-382-7296 or mas resume to P.O. Box 247, Grand Island NE 68802. Telemarketers wanted. Good program. Flextoie sched ule. Part-time to start Call James 4754)404. Youth Baseball Employment Opportunities The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the folowing numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, or 483-6214. Specify if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning and afternoon coaching._ 7-week PT care needed for infant: March 10-May 2 ("NOT including Spring Break). 1-4pm, Mon-Fri. Study time during nap! Near South/Campus. Experience/refer ences required. 438-1729. CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321, WWXHRpCMI9lOlCOn COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE! Summer Camp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis, Watersports. Outdoors, Landsports, Gymnastics, Riding, Arts, etc. Excellent Sajagr/Transgortation, Room/Board. WICOSUTA: 1 Eastborough Pool Association is seeking ful- and part time lleguards. We will be accepting resumes untl March 31. Please contact Beth at 4385369. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store for you. Vfork at Camp Easter Seal with people wfth disabilites. Salary, room and board provided. Ca«(402)761-2875 for information about open positions. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor portions for talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in al Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketbal, Roler Hockey. Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio Sta tion, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming. Skiing. Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room.board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys): 1500-753-9118 PANBEE (Girte): 1-800-392-3752 ROPES! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! NATURE GUIDES! BOY COUNSELORS! Waterfront Directors. Assistant Cook. Adventure Trail Guides, Crafts Instructors, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward. CaH or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Canp KHaW, 216 N. 11th, #301, Lincoln, 68508. 402-4349225. SUMMER CAMP JOBS Serve God in a significant way this summer at our Chris tian resident camps and Day Camp prog rams I Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ashland is locking for 75 ordinary people wiling to do extraordinary things this summer. Employment opportunities include camp coun selors. health care and creative arts specialists, life guards, wranglers, maintenance and food service assis tants. Use your gifts to serve this summer! Call toll free 1 - 888-656-6254 for an application packet. Summer Jobs! Camp Birchwood, a small northern Minnesota chldren's camp, seeks students to work as counselors and instruc tors in horseback riding, sailing, windsurfing, and canoe ing. Employment early June to mid August For an appli cation and to schedule and Interview call 800-451-5270, Summer job openings for softball umpires, for slow pitch and fast pitch leagues. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892 for dates and times of clinics. Summer Playground Staff Parks and Recreation summer positions: leaders, assis tant leaders, craft leaders, activity specialists. $5.30 $5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. t. Monday-Friday, 9:15am 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activites for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A st. 441-7952. EOE/AA Summer Work Join a team of 30 UNL students running their own busi ness. Average profit $6200 per student. College credit available. 423-7545. YOUTH CAMP STAFF UNL Office of Campus Recreation Positions for students (40 hours/week and part-time posi tions avatable) June 2nd-August 8th at $5.10-$5.60 per hour. Qualifications: Previous experience related to youth sports and recreation is desirable. Lifeguards also needed. Applications available at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 32 East Campus Activities Building. Application deadlne APRIL 4th. Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Cal 434 6463. 4QQg__J£g^!!g. Publisher’s Notice Al real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act which makes I llsgal to advertise my preference, Imlatlon or discrimination baaed on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, Hmtadona or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskmwtl not knowfoglv accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or dkcnmlnates against sexual preferences. Our readers ate hereby Informed that al dwettngs advertised ate avatabfa mm equal opportunty basis._ 1 or 2 male roommates for a nice furnished 3 bdr, 2 bath house in the Highlands, indudes garage, W/D, AJC, and own bath. $210/month ♦ utilities. 4766502 AvaNebie March, Aprtt, May, $186, UIMUm included. 478-8912. M/F, 50th and Vine, NS. no deposit. $315. 28R-2BA, fireplace. Uonsgate. 465-4397, ask tor Kevin. Male Non-smoker, 2-bedroom apt, 18th A Washington, $200>1/2 utMMes + deposl. 435-0528._ Mature, Non-smoking, renonsMe student roommate for newer 3-bedroom apt. $2fl0/mo + 1/3 utilties. 438-6428/ alter 4pm. HhM roqmmIi ASAPm Across ffroiii mm( cmputi No dapoet required, 487-8278. Non-smoking Female needed. Free cable, utilities and laundry. Own phone line, and heat and air control. Cal 435-0030 or 432-5573_. 1900 S. 52nd. EXCELLENT 5BR, available nowl. $900+depo6>. Cal 430-9019. _ 2215 Sheldon. Nice 3 bedroom. Parking. Near campus. $600. 432-0644__ 2834 Starr. Very nice, 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus, $750.432-0644 or 432-6644. 3, 4,5 & 6BR available in May Reserving nowfor Summer or August. Nice houses, dose to campus. 432-0644,432-6644, 4200 Baldwin-6 bedroom, 633 N. 26th-6 bedroom, 4334 St. Paul-6 bedroom. 2611 R-Large 4 bedroom, available May or August 1st, from $950-$1200. 450-8919/489 6948.__ 4216 F. Newly built four bedroom, two baths, double garage. $950. 430-6328.___ We love students! 3.4.5. & 6 bedroom units near UNL for summer and/or fal. A/C, washer/dryer, dishwasher. BEAT THE RUSH! 320 Knox, nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2garage. appHcances, W/D, C/A, no pets. Available new! $795.435-7807. 924 North 35th. Two bedroom duplex. Newly remodeled. Must see. 441-9555 Large one bedroom between campuses. Central air, washer/drver. Privacy. Off-street perking. On bus route. $42&40£783-2453^^^^^^^^^^^^^ k' !!! Possible Short Term LEASES !!! 2504 Vine: 1BR, lower level, wafc to campus, $340 2BR beige ceramic floor, eat In kitchen, $460 1109,1121 N. 28th:1BR, Spacious, lots of closets, huge bedroom, $340-$365 3220 Apple: Lower level, unique complex, $350 4300 Comhusker: 1BR, Spacious, beige 4300 Cornhusker: Spotless, 2BR, 1 or 2BA, w/d hkup, grey or beige breakfast bar, all apple's. $520-$560 2920 P: Townhouse, 2BR, 11/4 BA, split level, all apple's, heat pd. Small complex with great neighbors. $485 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 !!!!!! $100.00 Gateway Gift Certificate Since one size does NOT fit ell, we have a myriad of link aizee..aff idenclea, one and two bedrooms, just a short walk to City. Qualify, move-in and we'H give you a Gift Certificate to Gateway. JONESPROPERTIES-472-7262 ************ ******** Surfs up, or just about!! Sines we accept “SUMMER LEASES,” sign-up today, and we'H reserve a Beach Towel for your swim/ sunning around the peoL 1 A 2 bedroom units. A stone's throw to City Cmepua. JONES PROPERTIES- 475-7262 1 -Bedroom, $295, Efficiency, $295,2-bedroom $475, cat Joyce 432-2648. 1311 South 10th, 2+1 BR, central air, garage, no pets, $350. 488-6647.'' 1938 Garfield Two bedroom, newer apartment. No pets, no smoking, $405. 486-1267. 1BD, duplex, spacious, bright, A/C, washer & dryer, natural woodwork, garden, storage, $295.3006 T Street. 474-3826. 244 S. 26th, One bedroom, utilities paid, leave me» sage 483-2357. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495.430-6326. _ 2834 stair, 4 BR, 2 Bath, $750 Near Campua/Perking 432-6644 or 432-0644. 3bdr. downtown area. Security Building. Clean and Nice $550. No pets. Phoenix Properties Management. 474 5327 or 421-8996. 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Range, Refrigerator. C/A Washer/Dryer, wall to UNL $695.489-9294/580-9866. Claremont Park Apartments Better than dorm living: cheaper, larger, more privacy, and lots more fun. May subleases and August leases available. Appointments necessary. 9th A Claremont 474-PARK Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Lakeview Park Apartments 510 Surfside Drive 435-3454 Now accepting applications tor March-April-May j occupancy | • New 1,2, ft 3 Bedroom* ; -Huge LOFT floorplans I w/2 baths •Controled Access Entries •Cable Paid •6 Month Lease Avalable •Easy Access to Downtown . - 1 Call today for a personal showing Colonial Heights Apartments Dne-. two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Fanning bed and IndoOr heated pool. 421-3070. Deluxe 3BR, newly-remodeled, off-street paiking. non smokers. no pets, 1345 South 13th. $495 plus deposit, plus references. 486-1296. _ Downtown, unique one bedroom in security building. Heal paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 4214*996 (pm). • East campus, cheery, spacious, redecorated, 3 BR apart ments, 2 baths. 1-800-977-4253. Haymarket Apartment Two bedroom in Surya bulding. 467-1234 Need Privacy? One bedroom near Captol. Grads welcomed. No smok ing/pets. Available. $235/month plus utilities, deposit. 476-7416/475-9660. ___ One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen with pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, dishwasher, secure storage space, same-floor laundry, off-street paiking. private entrance, and heat paid. Available NOW! $400/ month, 474-3529. Summer Leases Four bedroom, two bath, BRAND NEW! All appliances including washer and dryer. No pets. $895-$950. Phoe nix Properties Mangagement 474-5327 or 421-8996. Three bedroom Victorian Charm. Wood floors, large windows, tub/shower. 489-1938/450-2545 Various Locations Apartments available near campus and downtown. Effi ciencies, $225-260; 1BR $240-$410; 2BR $370-$520 Management One 477-2600 3,4,5 & 6BR available in May Reserving now for Summer! Nice houses, CLOSE TO CAMPUS. 432-0644,432-6644. 5g ADOPTION We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. ADOPTION Hraply married couple wishes to adopt a newborn. We willensure a lifetime of love and security. Expenses paid. Call Maxine and David 1-800-968-9332. Happily married teacher and husband offers loving home to much desired newborn. Expenses paid. Rita and Jamie. 1-800-459-5332. _ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "Cr Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441 -3333. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE v Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please can for appointment or more information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on All. OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for inf or mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Sen/ices. 1 800-727-3084. Papers typed (edited if desired) 7 yrs. of experience 438-8454 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. The Resume Connection. 421-8278. Quafity resumes and cover letters. Reasonable rates. Leave message. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze . WHAT IF VOU eor a RAise evecv wee* iNsreAP of t owce A \©AR? | I I 3.: ■ Non Sequitur * By Wiley if -S • «w ; *5 “5 * II M j= ]| ^ P S S; 4| & £ \ NFTER TWo YEM& of TRYING To FIND K ^ connection, 1 THINK 1T'4 TIME To W5MIT THKT WE'RE NoT GOING To PROFIT , k ■ --■■■- FR©M TWE -r 4lMP£oN TRIALS. J vmy The Deep End _ By Chad Strawderman there are a lot of | ...such AS the secret interesting things I naughty uorohiooen Am US. CURRENCY | IN THE $5 Bill... THAT MOST PEOPLE I_ DON'T RNCUAfiOUT... j . ---——, AND THE VH PARKED ...OR THAT If VOV) BEHIND The RlftAMtD SET A $\00 BILE ON ON THE DOLLAR... TIRE, IT BORNS A BRIGHT GREEN flAHE. ACROSS 1 Palindromic exercise 7 Set of kettledrums 14 Emulates Rip 16 Of a study of animal and human behavioi 17 An anagram for rose 16 Of yore 1» Trademark 20 Calpurnia’s watchman? 21 Flag-raising site, for short 22 Bible ed. 24 Speedwagon initials 26 Puku’s cousin 27 Like Marvell’s mistress 29 Arbor lead-in 31 Swift and brilliant 33 L-P connection 34 Compass readings 35 What solons do 37 Doxies 41 Digital-watch acronym 43 Art of calculating 45 Bottom line 45 Half a dance 47 Left-hand page 48 “Winterset” hero 50 Bodkin 52 Porky’s place ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 54 East, in Essen 55 Burden of proof 57 Thurber’s forte 5» Flutter 60 Adverb re a John Napier invention 63 Type of data processor ‘ 64 Lustful 65 Sniggler’s milieu DOWN 1 Substance used in treating acne 2 Cause a corrupting influence 3 Neck wreaths 4 Fifth sign s Stroke on a - violin 6 A hallucinogen 7 Type of kiln -) 6 Sacred images • Golfer Mallon 10 Fetching vessel? 11 -State U, in Miss. 12‘He is of ...*: Coleridge on Shakespeare 13 Ice castle? 15 Israeli city 16 Saturnine 21 Marriage starter 23 Rock’s Halen i[ i7yr 31 132 ■ 34 ■■■35 36 t^B37” 38 39 40 ■4~" 4^ HP* p* RH ■■CT' ■■47 48 48 UnHsI nT^ ■■54 55 qisi 58 ■■59 60 61 62 mBfisaa M Town in France 28 Fla. city 30 Ran-tan 32 Incarnadine ssSess. 38 Broth 38 Itinerant actor 38 A weaponry science 40 Fala was one 42 J.F.K. initials 44 A certain clinger 45 Sweet thing? 45 Handbag; purse 48 Back biter 45 Ataturk’s first prime minister 51 Harrison and Taylor, e.g. 53 Potboiler’s product 56 Pungency 56 Electrical unit se The inevitable 61 Reine’s mate 62 -de-sac , ' I,