I . • Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , AP/Amy Kranz ATLANTA (AP) - AIDS deaths fell 13 percent in die first half of 1996, the first significant drop since the epi demic began in 1981, die government said Thursday. Officials credited better treatment and programs. “This is one of the first bright spots we have seen in this epidemic,” said Christopher Portelli, executive direc tor of the National Lesbian and Gay Health Association in Washington. “But we hope it is seen as a call to arms rather than a chance to relax and breathe a sigh of relief.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said about 22,000 people died of AIDS in the first six months of 19%, down from the 24,900 deaths in the same period a year ear lier. There was more good news Thurs day: While the number of people di agnosed with AIDS continues to grow, the growth rate is slowing. In 1995, about 62,200 people were diagnosed, an increase of less than 2 percent over the 61,200 new cases in 1994. What’s still unclear is the impact of a new class of drugs called protease inhibitors. The AIDS death rate lev eled off in 1995, before those medi cines became widely available. Not all doctors are sure that AIDS is making an about-face, however. “In my view, this decline is unfor tunately only a lull,” said Dr. Irvin S.Y. Chen, director of the AIDS Institute at UCLA. “Not all patients are re sponding as effectively as the major ity of patients. There are some patients for whom the drugs are not effective.” Portelli said, “We are concerned that people will misinterpret this news. We would hope to see more money and support for better access to medical services. New drugs are not all we need.” Culture war underway in French city’s library MARIGNANE, France (AP) — The citizens of Marignane always have been proud of their town library. A “temple of culture,” the town’s his tory bode calls it. But lately, visitors to the periodi cals section wanting to read Libera tion, a major newspaper with a leftist attitude, have had to go across the street to the newspaper kiosk. Marignane is National Front ter ritory. The leader of the far-right party, Jean-Marie Le Pen, has made head lines worldwide for his war on immi gration, which he blames for high unemployment and crime. But herein southern France, where the Front controls four city halls, people are talking about a different kind of war. A quieter one, but one many say is equally dangerous. It is being waged in libraries, the aters and festivals, and it is creating a climate of anger, vengeance and some times fear. “We have a choice: Censor our selves, or lose our jobs,” said a librar ian in one of the cities, who refused to be further identified for fear of being fired. Marignane, a town of 32,000 near Marseille, was one of three captured U We have a choice: Censor ourselves, or lose our jobs.” a French librarian by the Front in June 1995 municipal elections, along with Orange to the north and Toulon to the south. This month, nearby Vitrolles joined them. A book by a National Front sup porter with a preface by Le Pen was on display recently in Marignane’s airy, spacious library. In periodicals, the plastic slot for Liberation, one of France’s five most widely read papers, was empty. “Subscription interrupted on Sept. 4,1996,” a label said. The same was written under slots for two other popu lar leftist publications. Three extreme right publications had been added. In a reader’s request log, someone had asked when the newspapers would return. “That is not up to us,” said the handwritten response, directing the reader to the mayor’s office. aLMAIntemational Jfrf. Contact Lens lukanaas vsoti (Hires. 3200 ‘O’ II 479*1030 •Eye examinations for glasses and contact lenses •FREE in-office CONTACT LENS CONSULTATIONS •Prescriptions filled from any eye doctor •Eye glass guarantee •Emergency service available •Hundreds of frames: Fashion, Sports, Sunglasses •All types of Contact Lenses •BUDGET PLAN-CREDIT CARDS your UNL I.D. and receive 20% off frame and lenses, sunglasses or contact lenses (excludes other discounts.) Offer expires 4/1 S/97 We have doubled our Barber Enrollments. This Means 20+ Barber Students to Provide Prompt, Professional Hair Care Service. So Men, stop by for a haircut for $4.75 - $5.25 With a shampoo for only $1 more. Open: tM 7 Tuesdays and Thursdays til 5 Wednesdays and Fridays ‘til 3 on Saturdays Mondays Retail and Refill Products Only All services are performed by Students under the Supervision of Licensed Instructors. Aaron SteckelberoDN God may already be a winner TAMPA, Fla. — American Family Publishers found God in Sumter County. And He may be very, very rich. A sweepstakes notice arrived at the Bushnell Assembly of God ear lier this month announcing God, of Bushnell, Fla., was a finalist for the $11 million top prize. “I always thought he lived here, but I didn’t actually know,” said Bill Brack, pastor of the church about 60 miles north of Tampa. “Now I do. He’s got a P.O. box here.” “God, we’ve been searching for you,” American Family wrote in the letter, as first reported by the local weekly newspaper, the Sumter County Times. _ If God were to win, the letter stated, “What an incredible fortune there would be for God! Could you imagine the looks you’d get from your neighbors? But don’t just sit there, God.” Brack said a youth pastor collected the mail that day and pointed out the addressee. “I read it in church a couple of weeks ago and every one got a kick out of it,” he said. “It is funny and everybody seemed to enjoy it. It lifted everybody’s heart.” 1 Army soldier found guilty in j ra ‘stkiflings ft FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (AP) - A \ white former paratrooper faces the \ death penalty after being convicted Thursday in a racial killing that set ' off a nationwide outcry over extrem- j ists in the military. James N. Burmeister, 21, was , found guilty of two counts of first-de- \ gree murder and conspiracy in the l shootings of Jackie Burden and Michael James on Dec. 7,1995. Jurors were to hear more evidence Friday before recommending the death penalty or life in prison. The victims’ mothers split on whether Burmeister should be ex ecuted. “He has the heart of cold steel and God help him,” said Lillie G. James, who said she didn’t wish to see Burmeister get the death penalty. Mary Lou Burden, however, reused her arms in victory outside the court house and said she hoped the jury sen tences her daughter’s killer to death. “I’m so happy ... I can’t talk, I’m so happy,” she said. Civil rights advocates also ap plauded the verdict. “Today a jury affirmed the right of people of every background, race and religion to walk the streets of America without fear,” said Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti Defamation League. Burmeister showed no emotion as the guilty verdicts were read, but his mother, Kathy, sobbed in the row of seats behind him. Prosecutors contended that Burmeister killed the couple on a dirt road near downtown Fayetteville for no other reason than to earn a spider web tattoo, a sign among racist skinheads at nearby Fort Bragg that the wearer had killed a black person. “The animal who took the lives of these two people executed them in as coldblooded a manner as is possible,” prosecutor Ed Grannis told the jury during closing arguments Tuesday. The slaying prompted an Armywide investigation that found little evidence of extremist activity in the service. However, the probe did turn up 22 soldiers at Fort Bragg, all white men including Burmeister and the two other soldiers charged in the killings, with ties or sympathies toward extrem ist groups. The three accused soldiers were kicked out of the Army, where they had been in the elite 82nd Airborne Division. i Questions? Comments? Ask for the appropriate section editor at472-2588 or e-mail dnOunlinfo.unl.edu. Editor DougKouma Managing Editor Paula Lavigne Associate Joshua Gillin News Editors: Chad Lorenz Night Editor Anne Hjersman Opinion Editor Anthony Nguyen APWlre Editor: JohnFulwkJer Copy Desk Chief: Julie Sobczyk Sports Editor Trevor Parks A&E Editor Jeff Randall Photo Director Scott Bruhn Web Editor. Michelle Collins Night News Bryce Glenn Editors: Leanne Sorensen Rebecca Stone Amy Taylor Art Director Aaron Steckelberg General Manager DanShattil FAX NUMBER: 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144 080) is pubfished by the UNL Publications Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 685884)448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Ne braskan by calling 472-2588. The public has access to the Publications Board. Subscription price Is $55 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St, Lincoln, NE 685884)448. 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