The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1997, Image 1

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    jgj»T«_ A a _ WEDNESDAY
Tournament push _ Where it’s at February 26,1997
A win tonight at Kansas should lock up an NCAA Omaha, that’s where. Grammy-nominated and
Tournament berth for NU women’s basketball highly acclaimed artist Beck announces an April Here We Go
team. PAGE 7 ' 14 performance at Mancuso. PAGE 9 Blowing snow, high 33. The same
: vitamin ts, citrus, water
\ ease pain of hangovers
] Editor’s note: This is the third in a five
\ part series about beer: when to drink,
I where to drink and how tomake your own.
By Sarah Baker
Staff Reporter
Almost everybody has experienced it one
j time or another.
The headache. The nausea. The wish that
j the seventh beer had been the last.
The unmistakable traits of a hangover, and
I students at the University of Nebraska-Lin
coin are no strangers to these ill affects of al
Jacob Crabb, a junior theater major, had
one such bad experience while living in the
residence halls.
“I had too much to drink one weekend and
I woke upin the middle of the night and ended
up puking in front of my SA’s door,” Crabb
said. “One other time my friend’s roommate
drank too much and puked over the side of
the loft, almost directly hitting my friend’s
Please see HANGOVERS on 3
Beer could be
recreational way
toward EDA
By Kasey Kerber
Staff Reporter
Beer -is not nutritious, but it does have |
It can prevent heart attacks, too.
Various studies have found that beer and j
alcohol consumed in moderation can be j
linked with higher levels of good cholesterol, j
This cholesterol has been shown to protect j
the body from heart disease.
But nutritionists and the American Heart j
Association warn against such findings be- j
cause fifty haven’t been proven.
Instead, some health officials say beer ;
might help prevent heart attacks in another j
way — as a stress reducer.
Judy Driskell, University of Nebraska- |
Lincoln nutritional science and dietetics pro- j
fessor, said beer might have a stress-rehev- j
ing effect, but only if consumed in modera- !
Moderation, Driskell said, is one 12-ounce I
can or bottle of beer daily for a woman of j
average height and weight; two cans or j
bottles daily for a man of average height and |
Beer also provides a small amount of nu- ;
trients, Driskell said.
She said a 12-ounce serving of generic \
beer provides 3 grams of fiber, traces of zinc, j
sodium and potassium and a small amount of j
Driskell also said some locally-brewed j
beers might be higher in B-vitamins because j
of sediment that accumulates during their I
brewing process.
Although this sediment contains a higher i
percentage of B-vitamins, it is a relatively j
low amount compared to the daily recom- [
mended percentage of B-vitamins.
Instead of drinking 30 bottles of beer to j
get your vitamins, Driskell instead recom- j
mends fortified cereals, bread, meat, eggs, !
beans and peas.
And 30 bottles of beer would not qualify j
as moderation. i
The American Heart Association says j
excessive drinking can rai^e blood pres- j
sure, increase the level of fats in the body, !
and has been known to cause cancer in the j
liver, pancreas and nervous system. I
| to home brew, please I
| turn to page 6.
By Erin Schulte
Senior Reporter
Nebraska’s senators have been spammed.
Internet Nebraska Corporation users took ad
vantage of senators’ e-mail addresses and loaded
their mailboxes — a process known as
“spamming” — with hundreds of messages sup
porting LB786. The bill, heard Tuesday by the
Transportation Committee, assures the state
would not regulate Internet services.
Senators, who said they usually welcome feed
back from constituents, said they did not appreci
ate the gesture. Sen. Gerald Matzke of Sidney
called Steve Reichenbach, president of Internet
Nebraska Corporation, an “electronic bully” for
suggesting that his subscribers mass e-mail sena
tors. Reichenbach opened a web page on the bill
to inform Internet users about the bill’s implica
tions and encouraged them to e-mail their repre
Many e-mailed one message over and over;
| many messages were anonymous.
Reichenbach apologized to senators during the
I hearing:
“(Internet) providers and users are not orga
Please see INTERNET on 3
Ice skating
grows into
popular fun
By Amy Keller
Staff Reporter
With temperatures dropping this winter, a
chilly new pastime is heating up in Lincoln.
Ice skating is fast becoming a favorite activity
with Lincoln residents, drawing hundreds of skat
ers to the ice this winter.
While outdoor lakes were flooded with people,
a new indoor skating rink added to the popularity
of the sport, and the effects have been evident in
the sales of ice skates in local stores.
Lincoln hasn’t had an indoor skating rink since
- the 1970s. Even then, only winter skating was
available in Pershing Auditorium.
That changed this winter. The Ice Box, 1800
State Fair Park Drive, opened last November, with
100 people at the first session, Facility Manager
Chris Goodman said. He said the number of skat
ers has risen steadily since, with a record count of
Please see SKATE on 3
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