The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1997, Image 1

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    women s oasKetoau player Sheila McPherson
had an impressive showing in her final home game,
scoring a career high against Iowa State. PAGE 7 _
■ A > E
Coming up ‘Rosewood’
John Singleton’s new based-on-a-true-story
drama “Rosewood” tells the tale of a town con
fronted by racism at its worst. PAGE 9
> February 25, 1997
Partly sunny; high 44. Flurries tcpight, low 22.
I Lane Hickenbottom/DN j
I SAM SPILKER holds a keg of his Monkey Wrench beer in Ids Spilker Ales microbrewery in Cortland. Monkey Wrench, a copper-colored ale, Is I
I served in various Lincoln bars.
[ Home brewers tap into Nebraska
I tumor s note: inis is me second
] in a five-part series about beer:
j when to drink, where to drink
! and how to make your own.
By Erin Gibson
Senior Reporter
It doesn’t take a lot of skill to
] notice something’s brewing near
| Lincoln.
it s written all over draught taps
downtown and has slipped across
the lips of hundreds of revelers.
But the new beers and ales
brewed in Nebraska do take skill to
produce, and they have produced a
new breed of skilled craftsmen in the
One such craftsman is 25-year
old Sam Spilker, founder and owner
of Spilker Ales in Cortland.
Spilker produces Monkey
Wrench, a smooth, copper-colored
ale, behind an aging storefront on
Cortland’s small main street. He
sells the brew in kegs to eight down
town bars, including Duffy’s Tav
ern, Woody’s Pub, the Main St. Cafe
and Yiayia’s Pizza Beer & Wine.
There are no bottles yet or any
shiny labels. Those are too expen
sive for the 1993 college graduate
who began selling his ale last De- I
There are no rows of steaming |
kettles to hold large quantities of 1
brew, and there is no large payroll, j
Spilker Ales is a one-man business. I
Spilker said he spent years j
tweaking his ale before introducing j
it to the Lincoln market. He wor- ;
Please see SPILKER on 6 J
Three CBA dean candidates to visit UNL
By Erin Gibson
Senior Reporter
Thiee finalists to fill the position of
dean of the College of Business Ad
ministration are scheduled to visit the
campus in March, a university official
announced recently.
Harvey Perlman, search committee
chairman and dean of the NU College
of Law, said the candidates will each
visit the campus for interviews during
the first three weeks of March.
The search committee recom
mended a list of final candidates to
Chancellor James Moeser, who then
accepted the list, Perlman said.
After the March visits, the decision
“is really up to die chancellor,” he said.
The new dean will replace John
Goebel, who has been dean of the CB A
since January 1995 and plans to return
to teaching in the college.
Hie finalists are:
■ Colin E. Bell, a professor of man
agement sciences and the associate dean
for administration and planning of the
College of Business Administration at
the University of Iowa in Iowa City. He
will visit UNL March 3 through 5.
He has held a host of administra
tive positions at universities, including
chairman of the management science
program at the University of Tennes
see in Knoxville.
■ Lori S. Franz, a professor of
management and the associate dean and
director of graduate studies in business
at the College of Business and Public
Administration at the University of
Missouri-Columbia. She will visit UNL
March 10 through 12.
Franz earned all of her degrees,—
a bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate—
from UNL.
■ Dan L. Worrell, a professor of
management and interim dean of the
College of Business Administration at
the University of Texas at Arlington. He
will visit UNL March 17 through 19.
In the past, Worrell has been the
chairman of management departments
of the University of Texas in Arling
ton and Appalachian State University
in Boone, N.C.
for tech
By Brian Carlson
Staff Reporter
An explosion of technology jobs
combined with expanded academic
programs will give Nebraska unique
economic opportunities, NU President
Dennis Smith said Monday.
Smith appeared in front of the
Legislature’s Appropriations Commit
tee to request $23 million in state funds
for construction of a building in Omaha
to house educational resource pro
grams, including a distance-learning
“No longer are states limited by
their geographic circumstances; the
most important economic advantage of
the next century will not be location
near a port or an abundance of natural
resources — it will be knowledge,” he
“Nebraskans are ready to take ad
vantage of this change, which plays to
their strength, and they want their pub
lic schools and university to be ready
as well.”
Smith’s request, contained in
LB386, marks the next step in the on
going development of the College of
Information Science and Technology
on land donated by First Data Re
sources for an extended campus at the
University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Two-thirds of the project’s fund
ing — $47 million—will be provided
by private sector donations.
The primary focus of Smith’s Mon
day testimony was the development of
distance-learning technology, which v
would increase statewide access to edu
cation programs in technology fields.
LB386, which is part of Gov. Ben
Nelson’s budget requests, was spon
sored by Speaker Ron Withem of
Although Withem was constitu
tionally required as speaker to intro
duce the governor’s budget legislation,
he agreed with Smith about the
measure’s economic necessity.
“The funds for information technol
ogy are directed where the entire Ne
braska economy will be going in the
future,” Withem said.
Sen. Roger Wehrbein of
Plattsmouth, chairman of the Appro
priations Committee, said the commit
teehad already allocated the funds for
die College of Information Science and
Wehrbein said the committee prob
ably would take no action on the mea
sure until late April, and would take it to
the floor of the Legislature on May 5. v