EDITOR Doug Kouma OPINION EDITOR Anthony Nguyen EDITORIAL BOARD Paula Lavigne Joshua GiUin Jessica Kennedy Jeff Randall Erin Gibson v it ‘ ./ ; ■ . _ Guest VIEW Speakingout Victims of rape cannot continue with the silence From The Daily Orange SYRACUSE, N.Y. (U-WIRE) — If there is one fact statistics can clarify about rape, it is that rapists are not mysterious creatures who people only come to know - ' when they are accused. A rapist can be a friendly neighbor. A rapist can be a seem ingly trustworthy rela tive. Rapists can be, and usually are, com mon people who women are in contact with all the time. What is disheart ening about the mys tique that people have with rape and sexual assault is that it puts women in great danger and many simply do not know the threats that exist. It is for this reason that cases of sexual as sault should be known to the community. Community members, both women and men, are served signifi cantly with informa tion about sexual as sault, but the public is not truly informed without examples to actually drive home the issue. Women are not the criminals in these cases, they are the victims. By feeling cornered and silenced, ■ this victimiza - \ ■ ' tion only grows.” Reporting cases of rape and sexual as sault to the public serves as a wake-up call to a populace that often knows painfully little about these dangers. Public knowledge is especially important with the increasingly common “date rape” drug—Rohypnol. Rohypnol, or “roofies,” dissolves eas ily in drinks and can induce a hypnotic-like trance. People under the influence of Rohypnol are often susceptible to sugges tion and rarely can recall later the incidents that occur. Indeed, rape and sexual assault are sen sitive issues, but women should not be dis couraged to come forward with their sto ries. Women are not the criminals in these cases, they are the victims. By feeling cor nered and silenced, this victimization only grows. And when women come forward with: their cases, the assailants are brought out m the open, too. This helps dispel the mystique of rape and sexual assault This threat to women and to society will * not go away unless it is dealt with honestly and looked at realistically. This cannot hap pen unless the public is adequately informed. . Editorial Policy Unsigned editorials are the opinions of the Spring 1997 Daily Nebraskan. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln, its employees, its student body or the University of Nebraska Board of Regents. A column is solely the opinion ofity author. The Board of Regents serves as publisher of the Daily Nebraskan; policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Edito rial Board. The UNL Publications Board, established by the regents, supervises the production of the paper. According to policy set by the regents, responsibility for the edi torial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student employees. Letter Policy The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief let ters to the editor and guest columns, but does not guarantee their publication. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject any material submitted. Sub mitted material becomes the property of the Daily Nebraskan and cannot be re turned. Anonymous submissions will not be published. Those who submit letters must identify themselves by name, year in school, major and/or group affilia tion, if any. Submit material to: Daily Nebraskan, 3$Nebraska Union, 14430 R St Lincoln, Neb. 68S88-0448. E-mail: letters@unlinfo.unl.edu. Mehsling's . VIEW ,■ r ' - ...... 7 ; •. " " I V £y4-- -.. I'M Sit, ' miC L.__ I DN LETTERS Strong Commitment 1 fail to see why state Sen. Jim Jensen believes that gay and lesbian marriage would be a threat to marriage as an institution. I also fail to see how lesbian and gay marriage would dissolve “the bond that keeps the family together,” as he stated in the DN’s article on Thursday. Doug Patton echoed those sentiments — yet when Sen. Ernie Chambers questioned him about whether gay and lesbian marriage would impact heterosexual mar riage, Patton stated it would not. Guyla Mills tells us that our Uni cameral “represent(s) people who believe in the Bible and its teaching against homosexuality.” I must remind Ms. Mills that the Unicameral also represents Nebras kans who do not believe in the hatefUl, uncivil and un-Christian teachings of the religious right. There are plenty of Christian denominations that permit and allow the union of two women or the union of two men, such as the Unitarian-Universalist Church Or the Metropolitan Community Church, to name a few. The state has no business using ■ ' the strictest possible religious standards to decide on this issue — especially in a country that aspires to maintain a separation between the church and the state. If the reasons for the state to forbid two individuals from marry ing one another come from religious principles rather than a genuine ii! - ■ - ■ v ■ Jason Gildow/DN state interest, then they have no business in our Nebraska Legisla ture. Sen. Chambers hit the nail on the head when he stated, “that more is involved in this issue than sex.” Lesbians and gay men will have sex regardless of whether same-sex marriage comes into being or not, in spite of what Norman Dority and others opposed to it would like, just like heterosexuals will continue to have sex in and out of wedlock. But gay and lesbian marriage is about more than sexual relations between two members of the same sex. It is about a caring and commit ted relationship between two people who love one another and will love (me another for the rest of their lives. Robert W. Anderson, graduate student unclassified Can’t WeAll Just Get ~ I have definitely noticed a big shift in the Daily Nebraskan. A full page “ad” disproving(?) evolution? Why must you print such backward, * neo-Christian babble? The real fairy tale is that of the s creation story. To believe that your god is the only and absolute thing in this universe is to disregard so many wonderful things. Like FREE WILL for example. Every time the paper prints another vapid story by J J. Harder, they move further away from journalism and closer to ignorant babbling. Come on, equal time doesn’t mean give the Christians the run of things. What about the Buddist view, the pagan view, the taoist view, the hippie view, the punk view, the queer view, and yes, " the liberal view (which at one point in our history meant the free man’s view)? UGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Michael Svoboda senior English/film Deadly Ad vice Sonia Hollimon-Stovall suggested donating blood as a way to find out if you’re HIV-positive in ha- column “Testing Courage” (DN, Tuesday). No one who thinks there is the slightest possibility he or she could be infected should try to give blood. You can have a negative test result and still be infected. Using this “sneaky way,” as Hollimon-Stovall puts it, could cost someone their life. Julie Kinkennon freshman theatre '