The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1997, Page 2, Image 2

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    NEW YORK (AP)—A Palestin
ian man fired into a crowd of tourists
on the observation deck of the Empire
State Building on Sunday, killing (Hie
person and wounding six others be
fore fatally shooting himself in the
Ali Abu Kamal, 69, died without
regaining consciousness, Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani’s press office said.
His passport indicated he was from
Ramallah, on Israel’s west bank, and
he entered the United States on Christ
mas Eve, Giuliani said.
Witnesses said dozens of people—
many of them foreign tourists—fled
in panic toward stairways and eleva
tors as the man sprayed bullets on the
outdoor deck that surrounds a large,
windowed room on the 86th floor.
“I’ve never seen so much blood in
my life,” said Belgian businessman
Stef Nys, who said he saw die man
shoot himself and fall. “The most
scary part was when people started to
The man muttered something
about Egypt seconds before he began
shooting, witnesses said.
Police weren’t sure of the signifi
cance of his remarks. A city police
terrorist task force and FBI agents
were investigating, Giuliani said. Po
lice Commissioner Howard Safir said
the gunman apparently acted alone.
The victim killed was a 27-year
old Danish musician visiting the Em
pire State Building with an American
friend from Connecticut, who was
wounded, Giuliani said.
The others wounded included a
French couple from Verdum, whose
1 (^year-old daughter escaped injury;
a 30-year-old Swiss man; an Argen
tinian man, 52; and a man from the
Bronx. One of the wounded men was
shot in the head; others were Iras se
riously hurt.
Researchers done adult sheep;
possibility open to copy humans
NEW YORK (AP)—Researchers
have cloned an adult mammal for the
first time, an astonishing scientific
landmark that raises the unsettling
possibility of making copies of people.
Scientists slipped genes from a 6
year-old ewe into unfertilized eggs and
used them to try to create pregnancies
in other sheep. The result: a lamb
named Dolly, ban in July, that is a
genetic copy of the ewe.
The feat opens the door to cloning
prized farm animals such as cattle, and
should make it much easier to add or
modify genes in livestock, experts
It’s also scientifically stunning.
Researchers used DNA from the ewe’s
udder cells, proving that mature mam
mal cells specialized for something
other than reproduction could be used
to regenerate an entire animal.
Scientists had thought that was
Experts said the same technique
might make it possible to clone hu
mans, but emphasized that it would
be unethical to try.
“There is no clinical reason why
you would do this. Why would you
make another human being?” said Ian
Wilmut, one of the scientists who
cloned the sheep. “We think it would
be ethically unacceptable and certainly
would not want to be involved in that
Carl Feldbaum, president of the
Biotechnology Industry Organization,
added that cloning of humans should
be prohibited by law.
Before the new work, scientists had
been able to take tissue from adult
frogs and create genetically identical
tadpoles. But the tadpoles never de
veloped fully into frogs. f
To do the sheep cloning, scientists
took cells from the ewe’s udder tissue
and cultivated than in a lab, using a
treatment that made the cells essen
tially dormant. They also took unfer
tilized sheep eggs and removed the
nucleus, the cells’ central control room
that contains the genes.
Then they put the udder cells to
gether with the egg cells and used an
electric current to make them fuse.
The eggs, now equipped with a
nucleus, grew into embryos as if they’d
been fertilized. The embryos were put
into ewes to develop.
The process was horrendously in
efficient. Of277 fused eggs, only one
led to a lamb.
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Black contributions exhibited
By Bhad Davis
Staff Reporter
Scholars, authors and others
within the African-American aca
demic community took over this week
end where UNL’s African-American
studies left off.
The Interdisciplinary Symposium
of African Americans and Great
Plains recognized their contributions
to the Great Plains experience.
Keith Parker, sociology professor
and director of African-American and
African studies said African Ameri
cans’ contributions to the Great Plains
are often overlooked.
“It is not covered and highlighted
to the degree that other ethnic groups’
histories are taught, in part because
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln,
we have not had the vehicle to do it,”
Parker said. “I think that’s changing
with an aggressive African-American
studies program.”
The symposium at the Ramada Inn
downtown was sponsored by African
American and African studies at UNL.
It was designed to give people an
opportunity to reflect on themselves
and expose people to topics they might
not find in traditional textbooks, like
Aaron Douglas, the buffalo soldiers
and African agriculture, Parker said.
The symposium highlighted
speeches from historians and schol
ars, like Bill Gwaltney, superintendent
of Fort Laramie National Historical
“(He) did a superb job of talking
about the buffalo soldiers during the
opening session,” Parker said.
Artist Aaron Douglas, a 1922 UNL
graduate, was the focus of two sessions
by Amy Kirschke, senior lecturer at
Vanderbilt University, and David
Driskell, professor of art at the Uni
versity of Maryland at College Park.
Douglas was perhaps best known for
his works during the Harlem Renais
Along with the speakers, scholars
presented research papers in African
American studies to about 200 people
who attended.
The symposium was a success,
Parker said, because of the attendance
and the positive comments he re
“(The success) says to me that
what’s going cm at this university, in
terms of African-American scholar
ship, is because of our predecessors,
like Aaron Douglas, who paved the
way for us as role models to have a
chance to blossom,” Parker said. “If
they can do it, we can do it.”
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