02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods 65 Stereos/TVs 70 Ticket Exchange 90 Vehicles 200 Rides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 330 Summer Jobs 340 Internships 400 Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Roomsfaent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Child Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health & Fitness 553- Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutoring 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn care 565 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing & Copying 582 Recycling 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 00s For Sale 16-inch 1996 Diamond back Outlook, $220, NEW! 438 0663._.__ 1982Toyota Corrola station wagon, GREAT CONDITION, $800 obo. 21-inch TV w/remote, $60. Panasonic speaker stereo w/remote, $50 obo. Call 438-7481 and leave mes sage._ FRETLESS BASS GUITAR. 4-string, Yamaha RBX-250F. With case. $190. 436-0711._ Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. WANTED: NU vs. KU student basketball tickets, Sunday, March 2nd. Make an offer. 488-6590._ 1995 Red Mazda MX-6. Automatic, 4-cylinder, power sun roof, anti-theft locks, excellent gas mileage, low miles, 25,000 K warranty remaining. Call 423-4034 or 489-2000 ask for Shelly. 200s -/Vaifcgs AAA! Spring Break '97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!! 7 nights with air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parties, No Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwalk beach re sort, $129, 7/nights beach front. Endless Summer Tours 1-800-234-7007. Spring Break ’97 Choose from Daytona, Panama City, Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas. Lowest Prices! Aaron 423-4197._ Successful Interviewing Seminar Learn how to develop your resume, use proper dining etiquette, and improve your overall interviewing skills. Saturday, Feb. 22, Comhusker Hotel (333 South 13th), 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Registration at 8:30) $15.00 (Meal included). Send checks by Weds., Feb. 19, to: Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) Room 209 College of Business Administration University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln,. NE68588-0487 n ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-S6,000/mo in fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get afl the options. Call (919) 918-7767, ext A318. Campus Recreation Advisory Council Campus Recreation is lotting for members for the 1997 98 Campus Recreation Advisory Council. Applications are available at 55 Campus Recreation Center and 32 Col lege Activities Building and must be returned by February 25. 4? Campus Red Cross Blood Drive Feb. 25-66, 11:00-5:00 each day in Centennial Ballroom. Walk-ins welcome. Snacks provided. Bring student I D. and remember to eat before donating. CRUISE UNES HIRING —Earn to $2,000+/mo. plus free world travel (Europe. Caribbean, etc.) No exp. necessary. Free Room/Board. Ring (919) 918-7767, ext. C318. Dinosaurs Etc. 75% off selected merchandise including clocks, vases, stuffed animals, picture frames, book ends. NOW through the end of March. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY & SELL USED CD’S Used CD’s, S5.99-S7.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD’s $11.99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and O, 486-0047. NATIONAL PARKS HIRING —Also Beach Resorts, Ranches, Rafting Companies. Up to $12/hour. Nationwide openings. Call (919) 918-7767, ext. R318. Need Some Sun? SUNSPLASH TOURS can help! Destinations include CANCUN, JAMAICA, and SOUTH PADRE ISLAND! Con tact your student rep Mike at 465-8250. Prepaid Long Distance Calling Card for college students and travelers. Save $ always 19 cents a minute 48 states. Send $2.00 for rechargeable card with your name, ad dress to: D.K. Enterprizes, Box 934, Faribault, Minn 55021 RAPE AWARENESS WEEK All events are FREE to UNL students and faculty Tuesday Personal Safety Seminar 7:30-10:30 p.m. Free registration 472-2581 Wednesday Guest Speaker Katie Koestner 7:30 p.m. Wick Alumni Center Thursday Personal Safety Seminar 7:30-10:30 p.m. Free Registration 472-2581 Friday “No Visible Bruises” the Katie Koestner Story 1:00 p.m. Video at the Womens Center 340 Nebr. Union Sponsored by ASUN, Affirmative Action, Athletic Dept., Campus Escort, Chancellors Commission on the Status of Women, Health Center, IFC, Panhellenic, Residence Hall Assoc., Student Foundation, UPC and the Women’s Center. Reward your student organization officers, advisors, and members. Turn in nominations to Student Involve ment by 5:00pm today! SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY The deadline for theWomen Student Leader Award HAS BEEN EXTENDED to February 28,1997 at 4:00pm in the Student Involvement office. Applications can be picked up in at Student Involvement. FOR MORE INFO CON TACT STUDENT INVOLVEMENT AT 472-2454. Student Involvement Officer Transition Workshop for Student Organization February 25,4:30pm CBA. Reservations requested 472 2454. UNMC DENTISTRY Representative will be at Arts & Sciences Advising, 107 OldH, Monday, Feb. 24, 1-5 p.m. Call 472-4190 for ap pointment. , Women’s Center Open House Fri., Feb. 21 1-4 p.m. 340 Nebraska Union “about women, tor everyone” ADVANCE Part^ Meeting, East Campus Union, 3:00pm Sunday, Feb. Arts and Sciences Advisory Board There will be a dinner meeting on Sun., Feb. 23 at 6:00 p.m. Meet at the downtown Valentino’s. Criminal Justice Student Association Meeting Monday, February 24,7 pm, 1105 Neihardt Resi dence Complex. Guest speaker Lincoln Police Chief Tom Cassady,_. Montessori Teacher Training Information Meeting. Sat. Feb 22,1-3 p.m. at PRAIRIE HILL Learning Center 10 miles south on Highway 77. 438-6668. Swampwater Stampede February 21, 9:00pm Nothing’s like a Party in the Swamp! AIT A belated thanks to the ladies of tob KA0 KA and Jill Nielson, Stacy Fuller, and everyone else who brought us Valentine’s Day treats. You can bring us “treats” anytime!! Ros^^rmal ASA Congratulations to Alpha Xi’s, all 15 of them, who received 4.0 last semester. Melissa Anderson, Liz Cole, Andee Cummins, Melissa Ford, Katherine Gregg, Niki Burger, Kara Greenwood, Kristin Greenwood, Kerry Kuenning, Kim Mitchell, Annie Pearson, Michelle Pearson, Cami Tickner, Emily Wray, Bobbi Zapp. _ We are so proud of you! Your Sisters ASA We want to welcome our new initiates: Megan Green & Ashlee Owens. Congratulations! We are so glad to call you our sisters. AAA We would like to congratulate Heather Palmer and Bob McCarthy of Delta Tau Delta on their recent engagement. Best Wishes! Love, Your Sisters FARMHOUSE PRIDE WEEK! KA0 Congratulations to the seniors for having a class GPA of 3.9! You guys are the best! RUB-A-DUB-DUB Feb. 27-March 2 Singled Out The new version will hit UNL on Thursday Feb. 27, start ing at 7p.m. at the Culture Center. Entry forms are due by Tuesday, Feb. 24. Call 436-0984 for forms or info. Represent your college! Senate position open to represent the Nursing College and the Graduate College. Applications available atASUN Office, 115 Nebr. Union, deadline Feb. 27. FOUND 2/14/97: WATCH & PIN, in parking lot near 14th & Avery. Claim at DN. FOUND: 2/7, sunglasses, Oldfather, 2nd floor, men's room. Contact the Daily Nebraskan. FOUND: Keys found in Lyman Hall, 2/18. Claim at Daily Nebraskan FOUND: Keys on safety pin, in Old Father, 2nd floor. Con tact the DN. __ Tutor needed for Geography 155 and Sociology 206. Please call 474-0310 or leave message. FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION.(800)862-1982 EXT.33 2nd Semester Work $9.05 Expansion has left us with 25 p/t openings. Resume ex perience, flex schedule. Call M-W, 4-7pm. 477-8663. Babysitter NEEDED in my home. 3:30pm to 9:30pm Monday-Friday for two children. Meals provided. IMMEDIATLY....ca!l 423-1001 Billing Entry Steady work/Excel lent income, Flexible hours. Knowledge of Windows helpful. Students welcome. 1-800-835-05K). Bottled Water $.04/gallon Unlimited income potential. Business is booming. No ex perience necessary. Get trained at local office. 913-539 0480. Date Entry Position available. Close to campus parking. Flexible scheduling. Call PSI Group for Information 474-1938. # Bryan Mamortal Hospital Is currently accepting appli cations for the following opportunity: COMPUTER OPERATOR Individual needed to operate computers and all other pe ripheral devices, IAW dept, policies and procedures, acts as resource person to users and processes reports. Re quires the ability to lift 25-30 pound boxes. Prefer experi ence with VAX/VMS systems. 10-key experience required. Must be willing to work extra hours and holidays if needed. FT - 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (M-F) Temporary Postion. PT-11:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. (Sat./Suo.) Please submit re sume/application or call: BRYAN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Human Resources 1600 South 48th Street Lincoln, NE 68506 (402) 483-8610 JOB LINE: 483-3696 EEO CAMP COUNSELORS wanted for private Michigan boys/ girls summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail ing, waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf, sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics, OR riding. Also kitchen, office, maintainance. Salary $1300 plus. Phone: 847-446-2444. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF WAVERLY The City ofV/averly is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Manager and Assistant Pool Manager fot the 1997 Season through March 5, 1997, both subject to ex perience. Qualifications: Valid Pool Operator’s Certificate, Background in the Operation of a Public Swimming Pool and able to work well with the public. Applications avail able at City Office, 14130 Lancashire St., Waverly, NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waverly is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Lifeguards for the 1997 Season through March 5, 1997. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire St., Waverly, NE. An Equal Opportunity Em ployer. Firethorn Golf Club Outside club service personell needed. March through November. Compensation commensurate upon experi ence and performance. If you are outgoing, ambitious and people-oriented, apply in person only Tuesday through Friday, 9-5 p.m. One-half mile east of 84th and Van Dom. Friendly, reliable person to work afternoons, evenings, and weekends at Snowflakes, 27th & O. Call Patty, 421-3472. Full or Part time Earn up to $9.00 an hour placing advertisements on doors. Bill, 483-7778. Full time and Part time Medical Receptionist/Part-time Processing Tech Includes evenings and Saturdays. Full-time includes ben efits. Must enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Apply in person NArtrBioMEPiCAL Center the human touch 300 S. 17th GENERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT PART-TIME POSITION AVAILABLE Immediate opening for an experienced, responsible indi vidual to assist with: answering the phone and greeting the public, making copies, processing daily out-going mail, preparing bulk mailings, some typing, data entry and word processing. The position is 3-4 hours/day in the after noon; Monday-Friday. Startingwage$5.45/hr. Send cover letter and resume to: Interim President, United Way, 215 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, NE 68508 by March 7. Graduate Assistantships Student Involvement Graduate Assistant applications for 1997-98 now available in 200, NU, 300 ECU, the Culture Center or the Women’s Center. Priority screening begins on March 3. Positions filled on an ongoing hinng pro cess. Hiring day/night wait staff. Flexible hours. Apply at Vincenzo’s. Ideal Grocery and Market, 905 S. 27th St. Bring applica tion to Gary or Tom 476-2177. For Part-time Deli/Dairy position NO Sundays or Evenings. J. Braggs Women’s Specialty store. Part-time flexible hours. Call Judy for appointment 467-2302 Lee’s Propane Service Is looking for dependable part-time employee to do mis cellaneous jobs around the store and to sell bottles. Call 474-3235. Looking for 10 Students who are willing to WORK HARD, ASSUME RESPONSI BILITY. and EARN OVER $6000 in 12 weeks in the SOUTHWESTERN SUMMER PROGRAM. 423-7545. MARKETING SPECIALIST Newly created part-time position in our Marketing Divi sion to perform a variety of office functions. Duties include: Handling advertising costs, answering telephone, provid ing administrative support. Position requirements: Twelve mos. office experience, one yr. college, 29 hrsJwk., profi ciency using Microsoft Word and Excel Software, experi ence handling customer requests via phone. Apply in person 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. M-F to: WOODMAN ACCIDENT AND LIFE Human Resources 1526 K Street Lincoln, NE EOE __ Mechanical or Electrical Engineer Join a major liriceteK-Nebraska multifacited manufacturing company am the lead EE Engineer of our sign division. Expect to be a hands-on engineer on the cutting edge of sign technology installing rotating advertising signs in sports complexes around the country. Successful applicant must have Degree, be self-directed, highly motivated, and organized. We offer an excellent salary & benefit package. Please send resume to: SignCo, Inc. a Div. of IMSCORP 603 V Street Lincoln, NE 68508 EOE Part-time checkers. Flexible hours. Apply in person at Wagner’s Food Pride, 3308 A St The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for Currency Sorting Clerk/Main Bank Hours 8am-2pm M- F Teller/Superior 11 or 12-5:45pm M-F 8:30am to 12:00pm Saturday Computer Prqgramer/lntemal Audit 15-20 hours per week. Flexible between 8am-5pm M-F Must be college junior or senior in Computer Science with excellent COBOL programming skills and excellent verbal communication skills. Send resume and transcript to: Karen Wible P.O. Box 82408, Lincoln NE 68501. For more details please call the first commerce job hotline 434-4700. Equal opportunity employer. Several part-time openings available. One for executive support person to do filing and special projects. This in dividual must be accurate, dependable, and respect con fidentiality. We are also staffing our data entry and edit ing pool. This position requires good typing skills, atten tion to detail as well as dependability. Both positions al low flexible schedules. Please send letter of application to: Human Resources, P.O. Box 81802, Lincoln, NE 68510 Our church is looking for a part-time youth director. Posi tion for dynamic youth group. If interested contact 489 8869. First Evangelical Covenant Part time counter position for fast growing dry cleaner. 24 hours/week. Ideal job for high eneray, detail oriented, self motivated student. Call 423-5580 TODAY! Perkins Restaurant is now hiring servers for weekend evenings including late night Friday and Saturday. Hosts are needed for all shifts. Also hiring part to full time cooks for all shifts. Please apply at 2900 NW 12th. Receptionist needed, day and evening, shifts available. Apply at Northeast YMCA, 2601 North 70th. Ask for John Dias. Retail sales clerks needed. Must be reliable. Part-time positions needed. Afternoons and Saturdays. No Sun day hours. Apply 1745 O Street. Sales Help Needed! No nights, no Sundays! Close to Campus. Bring your schedule and apply in person: Wells & Frost at 1134 O Street. Sales Position Part-time position open. We are looking for quality people to work evenings and weekends on the sales floor. Some holidays included. Apply in person at Westlake Hardware, 2600 S. 48th, Van Dom Plaza. STUDENT WORKER Office of Research Grants & Contracts. Responsibilities include copying, mailing, and other office duties. Must be reliable and have excellent communications skills. 10-15 hrs./wk. See Jeannine in 303 Canfield Administration for an application. Teachers K-8, regular and special education, and speech/ language pathologist, $29,320 to $51,450 plus benefits. To schedule an interview for March 14th or 15th at Kearney, NE call Laura Scott, (805)854-6500, An/in, Cali fornia. Telemarketers wanted. Good program. Flexible sched ule. Part-time to start. Call James 475-0404. Wanted storekeepers for the YMCA MIT youth basketball tournament March 15/16. Apply at the downtown YMCA, 1039 P Street, in the youth sports office (M/F 8-5pm) by Feb. 28. WANTED: Bright individuals to fill wait staff, bartending, and kitchen staff. Lee’s Restaurant 477-4339. Youth Baseball Employment Opportunities The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the following numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, or 483-6214. Specify if interested in afternoon umpiring or morning and afternoon coaching. CAMP COUNSELORS Maks Lasting Memories at SUMMER CAMP! Top ranked camp6 tn the Pocono Mtns of PA. Need coun selors to teach water and land sports. Outdoor Adven ture, Arts & MORE! Call 215-887-9700 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exercise, Nutrition, Ten nis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 204-. 1-800-421-4321, www.campcameiot.com CAMP COUNSELORS Enjoy summer adventure at YMCA Camp Pokamoke or Elkhom River Day Camp in Omaha. Positions: Life guards, Canoe, High Ropes, Wranglers, ML Biking, Crafts, sports, Nature & Wilderness counselors. Call 341-4730 in Omaha for application, due March 7. COME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE! Summer Camp seeks COUNSELORS: Tennis, Watersports, Outdoors, Landsports, Gymnastics, Riding, Arts, etc. Excellent Sal ary/Transportation, Room/Board. WIOOSUTA: 1-800-846 9426__ Looking for a summer job? Omaha Country Club may have a job for you! Omaha Country Club is currently hinng for the following positions: PT Wait Staff Buattrs Lifeguards Men’s A Ladies Locker Room Attendants Groundskeepers Golf Service Staff Pool 9l Snack Bar Servers Course Bartenders interested applicants can apply at 6900 Country Club Rd. For more information regarding the above positions, con tact our jobline at 571-7777, Voice Mail ext. 161 Need swim instructors and life guards. May through Au gust. Some experience preferred. Apply at Northeast YMCA, 2601 North 70th, 434-9252.