Brent POPE V • ‘fj ''•* •- • • X ' - > - ‘New’Hollywood movies are just disastrous Run for your lives! Here comes another one of those movies about volcanoes, tidal waves or a giant hemorrhoid from outer space that’s going to take out the whole placet. You know what I’m talking about; ever since “Twister” came out last May, there has been a rash (the red, irritating kind) of natural disaster films. Most people will agree that these productions look really cool; they have great special effects. The problem is that none of these movies has (gasp!) an actual plot. Not one piece of floating debris in this flood of man vs. nature films has a story line even as sophisticated as “Dumb and Dumber” (no offense, Lord Carrey). Filmmakers are in such a hurry to release their own natural catastrophe movie that they aren’t writing great dialogue to match the special effects. They just put in a few lines here and there — like “Whoa! Look at that twister go!” or “Watch out! The tidal wave is coming for yo’ ass!” And just when you think that this trend can’t possibly continue, here’s a list of even more natural disaster movies coming soon to a theater near you: “FLASH FLOOD” — “DifTrent Strokes” star Gary Coleman makes a comeback in this tale of overflowing riverbeds. Unfortunately, Coleman’s character drowns before the flood gets very high. (What you drowning me for, Willis?) “GLACIER” — This documen tary was shot over a time period of 400 years. It shows the reality of life in a village next to a glacier. Although the residents living by the large ice mass always have a sense of impending doom, the glacier only moves 7 inches from the beginning to the end of the movie. “THAT DARN DROUGHT’— Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon play next-door neighbors (that’s never been done before) living through a 10-year drought. Here’s an excerpt from the script: MATTHAU: “Boy, do I wish it would rain.” LEMMON: “You moron! The last time it rained here, you still had your own teeth!” MATTHAU: “You putz! You wouldn’t know rain if it kicked you in the balls!” LEMMON: “Hey moron, this drought’s making me thirsty!” MATTHAU: “Me too, putz!” “GODZILLA VS. ACID RAIN” ■ A large black cloud from the United States filled with acid rain rides the Gulf Stream overseas to challenge Japan’s favorite hero. It’s an intriguing matchup: Acid rain vs. a guy in a big rubber suit. (Who do you think wins?) “TAPEWORM HAILSTORM” ■ A freak shower of hungry parasites engulfs a small Kansas town during its summer barbecue. No death or destruction here — everyone just gets really skinny. Iv TTiat’s right, folks, Hollywood is definitely on a Mother Nature kick right now and there’s no end in sight. The way I see it, you have two choices: 1. Wrap yourself up like a mummy and hope that the tape protects you. OR 2. Head for the hills, because you still haven’t heard about “The Killer Aurora Borealis” or “The Fog That Whistles Dixie.” Pope is a senior broadcasting major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. Matt HaneWDN Guest VIEW a Season .... ... .. . s Editor’s note: This is the first in a two-part discussion on the origins of life. SAN JOSE, Calif. (U-WIRE) — For more than a century the theory of evolution has supported a false mes sage to our society and educational institutions. It has given us the notion that we were evolved from nonliving matter (algae), which eventually evolved into fish, reptiles, apes and finally man over billions of years. It tells us that we are a descendant from a tiny cell, a blind product of chance and not special and unique, created in the likeness of God. This theory, which has been ac cepted as fact by our universities, sci entific community and many everyday citizens, has a glitch. It has no scien tific evidence to back it up. That’s right, not one scientific fact! And what about the famous geologi cal column, the fossil record, dino saurs and transitional forms to which evolutionists cling? Are you ready to learn the truth? Hie fairy tale We’ve all heard the nursery tale as children about the frog that turns into the prince. Well, today’s evolutionists are trying to tell the old nursery tale about a frog being transformed into a prince and sell it as fact. Except that in this case, the magi cal transformation is not instanta neous, but manipulated by the evolu tionists (the story tellers). For evolution to be possible it must allow for spontaneous generation to occur over billions of years. The only problem is that this goes against the well-established law of biogenesis, which states that life can only come from pre-existing life. This was proven by Louis Pasteur 130 years ago and is found in every biology textbook. So, how can nonliv ing matter become living as evolution ists suppose? It can’t because it is sci entifically impossible. No one has ever made nonliving matter live. The evolutionists’ fairy tale begins with the notion that we can ignore this law and continues with the creation of the geological column. The geological column This—the primary scientific evi dence for evolution — exists only in the evolutionists’ minds. Nowhere in the world has this column been seen, and there is much less evidence to sus tain it. To substantiate evolution’s claim (which is merely an assumption) the geological column was needed. (So, to fit the story, geologists created it to fit or prove evolution.) The strata (layers of sedimentary rocks) containing certain fossils were dated by the fossils themselves, ac cording to the evolutionists’ assump tion that simpler fossils (fish, inverte brates, protozoa) evolved first. Strata with simpler fossils were put on the bottom of the column while strata containing more complex forms (amphibians, reptiles, birds, apes, etc.) were put toward the top of the column. Tom Kemp, a curator at the Uni versity Museum of Oxford, acknowl edged in “A Fresh Look at the Fossil Record; New Scientist Vol. 108 in 1985”: “A circular argument arises: Interpret the fossil record in the terms of a particular theory of evolution, in ject the interpretation and note that it confirms the theory.” Well, it would, wouldn’t it? Thus, the assumption of evolution was used to arrange the sequence of fossils. The prime evidence for evolu tion is then the assumption of evolu tion and of a geological column! This is a perfect example of circular rea soning. Of course, if the geological column is nothing more than a fairy tale made up by scientists, then it should be no surprise that it is riddled with contra dictions. There are many cases where fossils are found in the wrong strata and instances where older blocks of strata are found on top of younger strata. The Grand Canyon is riddled with older blocks of strata found on top of younger ones. Contradictions An example of this is the mis placed strata found in Glacier National Park, where there is a block of Pre cambrian limestone (supposedly 1 bil lion years old) on top of Cretaceous shale formation (supposedly only 100 million years old). This “misplaced” block of limestone, which is about 350 miles long, 35 miles wide and 6 miles thick, obviously demonstrates that the Precambrian rocks were actually de posited after the Cretaceous rocks and that the geological column and time table of earth history is totally mean ingless. Dinosaurs The theory that dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years before hu mans is as much a misconception as the geological column. In Arizona and Rhodesia, dinosaur pictographs have been found drawn on cave or canyon walls by man. Numerous contemporaneous hu man and dinosaur prints, which have been verified by reliable paleontolo gists, have also been found in Mexico, New Mexico, Arizona and in other U.S. localities. It is also quite interesting that in 1977 a Japanese fishing ship snagged the decaying body of a possible “ple siosaur” 900 feet under water near New Zealand. On June 1,1968, Will iam Meister, amazingly, discovered fossils of several trilobites in the fos silized, sandaled man’s footprint. Trilobites, sea creatures, became extinct 230 million years before man ever lived, according to the geologi cal column! These findings prove not only that the geological column is not only false but also that all creatures lived together at One time. This is in harmony with the creationists’ view and the book of Genesis. Absence of transitional forms Another major discrepancy with evolution is the absence of transitional forms. This is perhaps the most seri ous of defects in the evolutionary theory. If life has constantly been evolv ing slowly over millions of years of transmutation from one form to an other, then we should definitely hope to find many fossils of the intermedi ate stages between the different forms. For example, according to the theory of evolution, reptiles became birds over a long period of time. We should, therefore, find fossils of sev eral animals between reptiles and birds. What do we really find? None! Even the father of evolution himself, Charles Darwin, acknowledged this fatal flaw: “As by this theory, innu merable transition forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is all nature not in confusion in stead of being as we see them, well defined species? “Geological research does not yield the infinitely many fine gradations between past and present species re quired by the theory; and this is the most obvious of the many objections which may be argued against it.” Darwin hoped that the missing forms were because of an incomplete fossil record. In time, he thought as we found mare fossils we would find these transitional forms (the substan tial evidence). But instead of having more, we actually have less. Let’s leave it to the evolutionists to explain. Evolutionist and paleontologist David Raup, Ph.D. states in “Natural History Vol. 86, No. 5” in 1977: “Dar win was embarrassed by the fossil record. We are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly ex panded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species, but the situa tion hasn’t changed much. We have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s time.” Evolution geologist and paleon tologist Stephen Gould, Ph.D. con fesses in the “Paleobiology Vol. 6” in 1980 that the lack of evidence is a well-kept secret from those in the gen eral public (specifically you and me): ‘The extreme rarity of transitional forms in the fossil record persists as the trade secret of paleontology.” Now the secret is out and evolu tion is exposed for what it is: a foolish theory that has no scientific evidence. Will you still choose to believe the lie that you are a descendant from a tiny cell, a blind product of chances and that your ancestors are monkeys? That you are purely a biological prod uct and that once you die, that is it. In short, that you came from nothing and that you are nothing. Ur will you choose to believe that you are a special creation by God, cre ated in his image and that you differ from the animals, not only in degree, but in kind? That your creator de signed every DNA particle in you just right? That your creator loves you so much and wants to have a deep rela tionship with you so much that he sent his son to die for you on a cross 2,000 years ago? That he has created you with a purpose and plan for your life and has given you the word of God to help you? The truth is that God was very much involved in his creation and he designed all life for a reason and purpose. On this note, our lives have meaning, purpose and direction. We were not just a mistake as the evolutionary model would like us to believe but special and unique. The mistake is believing in the nursery tale of the frog and the prince. The Guardian