The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1997, Page 14, Image 14
1995 Mercury Couger RX7. 4.6-Iter. V-8, FULLY LOADED, leather interior. 36K. EXCELLENT CONOF TION. 402-332-5201, cell evenings. 200s Notices “Spring Break ’97" It's Heavenl! Wake ana Bake... Hottest destinations — Free parties!!! Organize group and travel free, lowest price guarantee. From $99 1-600-426-7710: [] Cali your on-campus rep Laura@436-9306. “SPRMG BREAK 97-Donl be left out, space Imtedl! Cancun and Jamaica from $429. Call STS @ 1-800-648 4849 for more info. AAAI Spring Break '97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!! 7 nights with air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parties, No Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwak beach resort $129,7/nights beach front Endtase Sum war Tours 1-600-234-7007. ARE YOU LONESOME for sand in you crotch, a suntan, and great parties? Sign up for Spring Break in Cancun! Call free (800) 395-4696, or (800) 244-4463. “SPRING BREAK 97-Donl be left out space Rmited! Panama City and Daytona Beach, Florida from $129. Cal STS @ 1-800-648-4849 for mote info. 3 A 2 Year Artsy ROTC Scholarships now I avafoble tar all msctoiines. If you have a 2.5 GLPXo^bove, you mav be I eligible for full tuition at UNL, plus $150.00 a I month spending money. Call 472-2468 for more I information. ALASKA EMPLOYMENT Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in fisheries, parks, resorts. Aitfarel Food/Lodging! Get al the ootions. Call (919) 916-7767. ext A214. Annual Student Organization Awards President, treasurer, advisor, and rookie advisor of the year, outstanding member and officers. Pick up nomination forms from student Involve ment or resident hall desks. Due back Feb. 21. EASTERN EUROPEAN/ASIAN JOBS—Live in Prague, Budapest, Tokyo, etc. teaching simple conversational Englsh. No languages/teachng exp. required. (919) 918 7767, ext W214. INTRAMURAL INDOOR TRACK MEET The Men's and Women's Indoor Track meet wil take place on Sunday, February 16 at Devaney Sports Center. No advance entry Is require. Cal 472-3467 for more information.__ Models wanted Females 59 to 6ft in height. Must not exceed 120 lbs. Males 5’11 to 69 in height. Must not exceed 1601)6. Cal during business hours 477-3020 Need Some Sun? SUNSPLASH TOURS can helpl Destinations include CANCUN, JAMAICA, and SOUTH PADRE ISLAND! Con tad your student rep Mke at 465-6250. I; ^ Nurse Scholarships scholarships. Call 47?246fifor more informa tion. PHOTO CONTEST!! Have you been abroad? Do you have the photos to prove it? Bring in your top 2 photographs to International Affairs before February 14th for a chance to win a $50 cashprizel International Affairs 1237 R Street (behind CBA) oikcal 472-5356 SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY Student Irtvolement and Univeristy Housing are once again sponsoring the Women Student leader Award Applications are avalabie In Student invokement. Dead line is February 21. FOR MORE INFO CONTACT STU DENT INVOLVEMENT AT 472-2454. * Study abroad in Toledo, Spainl Earn is to 18 credi hours in the spring of 1998. Study in beautful & historical Toledo. Don't miss an informational meeting Tues. Feb. 18th at 730pm in the basement of international Affairs Office 1237 a Street. Queetions-472-5358 StudenUnvolwmentOfflcer Transition Workshop for Student Organization February 25.430pm CBA. Reservations requested 472 ^SUMMER COUNSELORS— GREAT STAFF-GREAT FAC8JTE8-GREAT EXPERI ENCE, NY3. COED RESIDENT CAMP, CAT8KLL MOUNTAINS^ HOURS NYC AND ALBANY, ATHLET ICS-BASEBALL-BASKETBALL. TENNO-ROLLER HOCKEY-SWMMMG-WATERSKBNG, WOODWORK BIG-PHOTOGRAPHY-HORSEBACK RDMG, CERAM ICS-ROPES COURSE KENNYBROOK 19 Southway Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)693-3037 FAX (914) 693-7678 1-800-58-C AMP2 -: Fencing Club Welcoming New Members! Orientation Thursday, Feb. 20, 8pm, Mabel Lee south gym. Al interested in learning one of the oldest sports are encouraged to attend. En Garde! For more Michael Hoff at 472-5342. ^ PI KJ » KJ PI LAMBDA THETA^^ ORIENTATION Tuesday, February 18th at 7 30 in the City Campus Union (Room will be posted). Current and prospective members are encouraged to attend to And out what Pi Lambda Theta has in store for the new year. Head on over after the SEA meeting. See ya there! L.U.P.A.E Meeting Sunday. Feb. 16th, 2pm, at the Culture Center. Opportunity Students In Free Enterprise Is holding open call auditions to find presenters for the national competition in Florida. We are looking for persons with strong speaking and presentation skills. All expenses paid and you wM get to meet and resubmit your resume to top corporations m the U.S. Auditions are 6-fipm, Feb. 19th, room 222 CBA. Prepare two-three paragraphs: oral text. Quesions call Taye at 467-5612 or 465-7§28 Pre-Physical Club We have a meeting Tuesday at 7pm. The room will be posted at the Union. A representative from South Dakota's Therapy program wnl be there. Student Education Association Meeting Tuesday. Feb. 18 at 530 p.m. in HenzRk 202. Barb Byer from the Lincoln Action Program and Rob Paulak from the Youth Advisory Council will speak about at-risk youth. AMI Congratulations to our sisters who got 4.0s: Michele Decker, Laura Nicolateen, Jill Pecha, Misty Banks, Diana Khairoulina. and Alison Hetman. ... x» to Keenan Stump on your election to IFC uveraii tiuen Chairman. •__Your Brothers. First Annual ^_®A£— ( To: The Oras Not Taken ) V From: ) <DA© Be Ours!^^ Valentine’s Day Hope to see you there? KA® Sophomores we had a great time at the FAC, let's get together again soon. From the Sophomores of Farmhouse Thanks for the great dinner exchange, let's do It again sometime. The Men of Farmhouse KKT Congratulations to Emily Mallard for being selected as the Risk Management Chairperson. Love, Your Sisters Love Struck with a Heart On KKT FarmHouse ZAE AAA Z<DE February 14 ZAE Congratulations to our newly elected Rush Chairs: Ben Brown and Scott Lubeck _ ZAE Congratulations to our Brothers of the Week: Ryan Hahn and Derrick Fltton FOUND: 2/7, sunglasses, Oldfather, 2nd floor, men's room, Contact the Dally Nebraskan. Lost: Gold rope necklace with a nefertiti pendant. Lost around Harper/Schramm/Smith complex or on'the way to Love Lbrary. 436-9664 Need someone to paint a mural, wM be campenaatod, piaaae call 466-9813. FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $5MM 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED WDfVlOUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION.(800)862-1982 EXT.33 20Q§____Jgtg $6.00 AN HOUR START BUS PERSON. Two nights a week possbty more. Spm-llpm. Tam O’Shanter 105 South 25th. No phone calls. 2nd Semester Work $9.05 Expansion has toft ua with 25 pft openings. Resume experience, flex schedule. Call M-W.T7jpm. 477-8863. Answering sendee operators evenings and weekends. Telephone stole required. Type 45 wpm. Call 473-9610 foroeOfle. Billing Entry Steady woik/ExcaltoM Income, Ftexble hours, Knowl edge of Windows helpful Students welcome. 1-800-835 v Child Care Teachers *Do you think learning should be (un? •Are you sensitive to what makes each chM unique? •Do you want a part time job with many rewards? If you can answer yes, then ICnderCare Is the ideal place for you. Wb are currently Interviewing for teachers for our 2110 S. 16th location. To find out more about becoming a KinderCare professional, contact Connie Wenz) at 476 CUSTOM ELECTRONICS A/V SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE Quality, customer service, people oriented, per son requested for aposition in the exciting world of High Quality Audio and Video. Part-time or Full-time positions considered. Come see what customer seivice is all about! Apply at Custom Electronics 5801 *0* St Lincoln-Ask for Jeff CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE CableVision has a weekend Customer Service Represen tative position available. Candidates must be flexbie and available to woik approximately 10-15 hours per week. Qualified applicants must have a high school education and a courteous and professional attitude. Sales experi ence is helpful Training is provided. Applicants must be able to communicate effectively with customers. Apply In person at CableVision Mon-Frl, 8:30am-5pm. CabtoVtoion to an equal opportunfcy employer M/F/D/ V.___ Date Entry Position available. Close to campus parking. Flexible scheduling. Call PSI Group for Information 474-1938. Journey’s Steve Perry sing-alke needed. Please audi tlon—Call Gary 421-9370. Part time Sales/Reception position available. Monday-Fridpy. 1:00-5:00. No weekends. The Hair Care Place 14 & P. Apply In person or call 474-2214. GIRL SCOUTS Horseback Riding Staff Needed Summer Camp positions are available June-August, 1997. Live and work in the moun tains S.W. of Denver with girls are 9-17. Teach them the basics of horseback riding and supervising trail rides. Must be able to saddle, bridle, ride well and work with children. Call (303) 778-8774, ext.247 for an application and a job description. Leading air express company seeds motivated indMdua ' in Uncoin. Part-time customer service and data entn positions available. Position currently consists of 2 nights week and Saturdays. Must possess good dadsorwnak ing skDs and be highly organized. Please apply in persor at Airborne Express, 2200 West Adams. LincIcn, Ne braska 68524. Located at the Lincoln Municipal Airport EOE M/F/D/V/ How much do vou accomplish before your morning classes? You could be earning extra $$$ instead of sleeping in! Rock 'n Roll Runza* is seeking Full Tiine and/or Part Time help to assist with morning production and lunches for the Drive Thru area. No roller skating required!!! This position is ideal for a responsible and fun-loving student who wants to earn a competitve wage working working in a positive evironment dose to campus. Stop in and apply TODAY! Ask for Jon or Laura. II IAI I I Wjp - I I gr 4^-..%. , . r_ _ . „ Continental Groin Company, North American Grain Division will be Conducting interviews for the Commodity Marketing Representative position on February 20. There will be a mandatory information sessbn the evening of February 19. For more information or to reserve interviewing space please contact the career servbes center. % .JKSSL. The National Bank of Commerce to currently accepting nppicehone Ion (2) ENCODERS Hours 2-9 p.m. Monday AND Friday 5-9 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. AND 1-9 p.m. Monday AND Friday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday For more detads. please call the First Commerce job hotlne. 434-4700. Equal Opportunly Employer Now aceapttio applications for codrtalwalreas.bartend ers and door men. Apply In person at Lincoln's Newest Country Bar: TOWN 8C0UNTHY 33rd a Comhuaker Laundry land at 56th and Hoklrege and 46th and Old Cheney are hiring for the 130 p - 730 p or 7p -12a shit 2-4 days/wk. Apply at 56th and Hoklrege. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy Is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Manager and AsstetantPool Manager for the 1997 Season through March 5. 1997, both subject to experience. Qualfications: VaSd Pool Operator's Certifi cate, Background in the Operation of a Public Swimming Pool and able to work wen wth the pubic. Applications available at City Office, 14130 Lancashire St., Waveriy, NE. An Equal Opportunity Employer. EMPLOYMENT CITY OF WAVERLY The City of Waveriy is accepting applications for Swim ming Pool Lifeguards for the 1997 Season through March 5, 1997. Applications avalable at Cly Office, 14130 Lancashire St., Waveriy, NE. An Equal Opportunly Em ployer. FILE CLERK Accurate, dependable individual desired for file room position. 8:00-11:45am, M-F. Apply in person at NE Farm Bureau, 5225 S. 16th Street. CLERICAL SUPPORT Perform a variety of clerical and word processing func tions related to the Crap Insurance department Good math skills a plus. 20 hours per wear, M-F, flexble schedule. Earned vacation. Apply in person or send resume to 5225 S. 16th Street PO Box 80299, Lincoln, NE 68501. Firethorn Golf Club Outside dub service personeil needed. March through November. Compensation commensurate upon experi ence and performance. K you are outgoing, ambitious and people-onented. apply in person only Tuesday through Friday, 9-5 p.m. One-half mile east of B4th and Van Pom. Firetruck dean-up person. Daytime hours, Monday-Fri day. 95.50/hour. Apply in person to EDM Equipment, 3001 West -Q- Street, Uncoin, NE Full and part-time construction help needed. 430-8564 or 420-1521 Graduate Assistantships Student Involvement Graduate Aaatetant applications for 1997-98 now wadatoia In 200, NU, 300 ECU, theCuhura Canter or the Women's Center. Priority screening beginn on March 3, Positions lilted on an ongoing hiring piooaan. Housekeeping $6/hour to start Good raises lor good workers. 4 hours/week; flexible hours. References. CaH Nancy 423-6090. Internet TV Surf the net from your TV! No computer required. Earn money as a sales rep for tuition or rent. Video conferendng from your TV coming soon. 800-550-4066 NBC The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for Currency Sorting Clerk/Main Bank Hours 8am-3>m M- F Teller/Superior 11 or12-5:45pm M-F 830am to 1230pm Saturday Computer Program er/lnternal Audit 15-20 hours per week. Flexible between 8am-5pm M-F Must be colege junior or senior In Computer Science with excefent COBOL programming akils and excellent verbal communication skits. Send resume and transcript to:. Karen Vttble P.O. Box 82408, Lincoln NE 68501. For more delate please call the first commerce job hotine 434-4700. Equal opportunity empioyer.Unitad PaiCGl Service Part time unload postions. *8/hour, Monday-Friday, 4am 830am. Must be 18 years old and able to lift 701b packages. To schedule interview go to room 345 Ne braska Union. Wilt be on campus inteiviewing Monday, 2 17-97. EOEM/F GIRL SCOUTS Make A Difference in the Life of a Girl Work at a Summer Camp June - August, 1997 Join other energetic people who love to work with girls age 6-17 at a day or resident camp. Position available: • Counselors • Specialists (crafts, archery, games, dance & drama, farm, ropes course, backpacking.) • Horseback riding staff • Administrative positions • Health Supervisor (RN, LPN, or EMT) ? Call (303) 778*8774 ext. 247 for an application and job description today!