The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1997, Page 14, Image 14
EASTlBNEUROPeAWAaiAHJOeS-UvsInPreoue, Student Government Elections Ring Forms for President, 1st Vice President 2nd Vies President Senate Advisory Boards Committee for Fees Allocation FMng Doodfcw - Fob. 12 at 4dW pjo. Election Day March 12 Polls Open at 8:00 a.m. Student Involvement Officer Transition Workshop for Student Organization February 25.430pm CBA. Reservations requested 472 SUMMERCOUNSELORS^ GREAT STAFF-GREAT FACURES-GREAT EXPERI ENCE. N.V A. COED RESIDENT CAMP. CATSKLL MOUNTAINS HOURS NYC AND ALBANY, ATHLET ICS-BASEBALL-BASKETBALL, TENNIS-ROLLER HOCKEY-SWMMMG-WATERSKONG, WOODWORK ING-PHOTOGRAPHY-HORSEBACK RIDING, CERAM ICS-ROPES COURSE KENNYBROOK 19 Southway Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)693-3037 FAX (914) 693-7678 1-800-58-CAMP2 PI LAMBDA THETA ORIENTATION Tuesday, February 18th at 7:00 in the City Campus Union (Room w«l be posted). Current and prospective members are encouraged to attend to find out what Pi Lambda Theta has in store for the new year. Head on over after the SEA meeting. See ya there! CBA SAB Nominations at 5:30 at BW-3. Thursday, Fab! 13 & 3M CBA 108 Tuesday, Fab. 18 0 438 CBA 108 Questions? 4724)746. -:----——— IMA Meeting Grant Thorton wM be (peeking. 730pm, Feb. 12th, NE Union. _- _ Pre-Occupational Therapy Meeting Febtuvy 12 at B p.m. Room posted in the Nebraska Union.__ UNL Biochemistry Club Meeting Thursday night a*7 pm in Beadle N-172. Well be discussing future acwMes and playing games. UNL Wildlife Club Meeting TONIGHT at 7pm, East Campus Union. There will be door prizes—EVERYONE WELCOME! , A® Thank you for coming over for dinner on Monday night. We had a very nice tme. The men of Delta Tau Delta AgMen x® ©X ®M Thanks for participating in the Back to School Bash! Alpha Delta Pi ATQ Thanks for making‘CRUSH’the best party ever. Hope you all found your true VALENTINE! ___The Apha Chls ChiO It’s a Dale Dash! We are going ice skating, so call a date and meet at the house at 630. AT Thanks for coming over Monday night for dinner—it was a great time! The Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon AT Congratulations to Amy Peek and Lindsay Peterson on being selected to Involvement Team. Way to gol Congratulations to our 4.0's last semester: JHI Dougherty, Trina Franzen, Jenn Klein, Kell Seem an, Alle Taylor, Karcy Vering, Sarah Zink. Keep up the good work! Love your DG sisters OM Thanks for coming over for the FAC. It was a good time! ; . The Men of Phi Psi ~~ <DM Congratulations to our sister of the month, Sara Johnk. Also we would llie to welcome our newest Phis to Phi Mu! Love, your sisters KZ Congratulations to Eric Fugleberg for brother of the week. Way to keep “things' going! Brothers of Kappa Sigma _ KZ ' Thank youfor the fun time at Big John's. Friday. Wb’I have to do it again soon. Gamma PN Congratulations to Robin Leahy on her advertising ■Chijwomentat theAddie's Award Banquet for each of her vr"-' lySjr£le8ome. Love yogffigftri @5 Thank you for the dinner exchange last Monday. Also, thanks foral the FUN on Friday night! We Love you guys! Apha Delta Pi _ZA Congratulations to our initiates: Coreen Dendtnger, Taren Faultner, Heather Folts, Sarah Greer, Katy Knutson, Mykei Matthews, Stephainie McCaslin, Meissa McGee, Jennler Moss. Cindy Nfenphius, Amy Oisan, Megan Patent, Jenny Sundberg, Jyf wittier. Weteome to Sigma Apha ATA Congratulations toChiis Lorenz tor being elected as IFC overal rush co-chair.* . . ZOE Congratulations to our ten perfect “beakers’ last semes ter: Chad Balain, Ban Bissau. Jason Bynum, Man Epp. Bit Fellows, John Grebe, Nate Penny, Matt Stefkovich, Kendall Swenson, 8 Jeff Whitney.__ ZN Thanks for the dinner exchange and our beautiful com posite! _The Ladles of ChIO —-— FILING DEADLINE TODAY for upcoming A SUN Student Government election ~ 4:00 p.*. 115 Nofar. Union Student Government Election Questions and concerns about theprocess or the regula tions?? For information call 472-2581 or stop by 115 Nebraska Union. The Electoral Commission meets on Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. In the office. AH students are welcome to attend. unl stuaent government Wed., Feb. 12 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union Information And Agenda Available 115 Nebraska Union ToddM. ___Backoff._ FOUND: 2/7, sunglasses, Okffather, 2nd floor, men's room. Contact the Dally Nebraskan._ Need someone to paint a mural, aril bscompenestsd, ptoeee call 466-9613. WANTED:100 Students. Lose 5-100fcs. Newmetaboism breakthrough, R.N. assisted. Free gift. $35/fee. 800-579 FA8TFUNDRAISER-RAISE $500MS DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS. CLUBS, MOTIVATB) INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBUGATOH(800)862-1982 EXT43 300s Jobs $6.00 AN HOUR START BUS PERSON. Tam ^Uswiuniw luo ooutn cpw. wopnone cam. 2nd Semester Work $9.05 Expansion has left os wMi 25 p/I openings. Resums experience, flex schedule. Call M-W, 4-7pm. 477-6S63. Attention college students: The cky of Fremont is now accepting applications for is Summer Youth Baaebal/ Softball program. I you are planning lobs in Fremont for the summer, please fil out an application ASAP and return ft to 925 N Broad St, Fremont NE 68025. If you have any questions please cal 402-727-2810. Billing Entry Steady worMExoeDant income, Ftoxbe hours. Know! Coordinator to plan programs and do actkrtes for gkt scouts after school group. Tuat., Wad. and Thur. after CUSTOM ELECTRONICS AW SALES/CUSTOMER SERVICE Quality, customer service, people oriented, per son requested for aposftion in the exciting world of High Qualty Audio and Video. ParMbne or Full-time positions considered. Come see what customer setvioe is afl about) Apply at Custom Eiecnonlcs 5601 "CTSL UnoobFAskfor JeW Disc Jockey Experience in stage, mueic or pubic relations. Cal 434 2486tor RapMcaBon.__ • eii cry EDif CLERICAL SUPPORT Perform a variety of clerical and word processing func tions related to the Crop Insurance department. Good math skllt a phis. 20 hours per wmkTm-F. flextote Firethorn Golf Club Outside dub service petsoneB needed. March through November. Compensation commensurate upon experi ence and performance. If you are outgoing. ambtious and people-oriented, apply in person only Tuesday'through Friday. 9-5 p.m.One-haif mle east of 84th and Van Pom. FuB and part-time construction help needed. 430-8564 or 420-1521 Gamma Phi Beta sorority needs hashers. Pay, free meals. Cafl housemother at 436-7073 or 472-7027. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHEMISTRY MAJORS! Harris Laboratories has an opening for a Part-time Re duction Technician. WII be responsbie for LCMSMS base line draws, and regressing sample data and Imple menting Into reporting format. Requires knowledge of organic chemistry. Chromatography experience helpful. This position requires20-30 hours per week, between the hours of 8 p.m. and 4 am. Please apply at: HARRIS 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 _ AA/EOE Laundrytand at 56th and Holdrege and 46th and Old Cheney are hiring tor the 130 p - 730 p or 7p -12a shift 2-4 days/wk. Apply at 56th and Holdrege. Lazio’s Brewery & Grill "Come see what we can offer you! 'Wages that only the moet successful restaurant in town can offer) 'Team work at it's beet! *Unpareleled training and support! •Paid vacations' 'Closed on major holidays! 'Some daytime avalabllty required! *50% employee discounts! *You Do Not have to wear a name tag! 'And nobody sings Happy Birthdayl Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with Liao'S, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. __ National Research Coiporation, healthcare's leading pro vider of market research. Is hiring people to provide general office assistance. We are looking for people who are detail oriented and perform quickly with a high degree of accuracy. Duties include opening and sorting mail, photocopying, editing, typing and data entry. Experience with mail room equipment and computer skills a plus. We offer employees flexble scheduling, from 20 to 40 hours per week, a casual atmosphere and the opportunity for advancement. Day, evening and weekend hours avail able. Apply in person M-F 9:00am. to 4:00p.m. National Research Coiporation Gold’s Galleria, 4th Floor, 1033 “O” Street Lincoln NE 68508 The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting appications for (2) ENCODERS Hours 2-9 p.m. Monday ANO Friday 5-9 Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8 am.-t pjn. Saturday. AND 1-9 p.m. Monday AND Friday 10 am.-4 pjn. Saturday For more detale, please cel the First Commerce Job hodne, 434-4700. __Equal Opportunly Employer Part time Saies/Receptton position available. Monday-Friday. 1:00-5:00. No weekends. The Hair Care Place 14 & P. Apply In person or cal 474-2214. : 5 i ! I Now accepting applications for cocktail waitress, bartend ers and door men. Apply in person at Lincoln's Newest Country Bar: TOWN YcOUNTHY 33rd a Comhusker Over 2B0 Student Jobs! Now on the student lob boards: Third floor, NE Union or on the internet: or for the latest, call the SEIC Job Line: 472-8800 from SEIC. UNL’s Student Employment a Internship Center. 348 NEUnlon Spatstudierende bezahJt $20.00 per Stunde fur Gesprach. Bevorzeuge Norddeutscher oder andem mit klarer Aussprache. Seine Wohnung/meine Wohnuna Oder andere ruhe Ort. Tetefon: 438-3077 vor 9am/nacn 9pm. Spring Break Specials I Safe permanet hair removal for both men and I I women. Bikni lines, back care, facial, etc. Buy a I ■ package, get a free appointment. Affective ■ | efctrosis, 489-7020.I Telemarketers wanted. Good program. FleaHe sched ule. Part-time to start Call James 475-0404, _ Truck and combine drivers needed for custom wheat harvest. May 20 • Aug. 10. Delane Reimer (405)267 3367, TYPIST for transcribing audio tapes. Need someone who can provide quick turn-around time, within 48hours. Pays generously by the page. Contact Dr. Steve Swidler 472 Used Baseball Employment Opportunities The Babe Ruth Baseball League needs umpires and coaches for the summer. Leave a message at one of the foflowing numbers: 489-4252, 435-7088, or 483-6214. Specify n interested in afternoon umpbing or morning and afternoon coaching. Part-time teacher position available. Applicants inter ested should apply at 2205 Highway 2. “Summer Camp Opportunities** Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants tor summer staff positions. Cali or write YMCA Camp Kitaki, 216 North 11th, Suite 301, Lincoln NE 68508.402-434 9225. _________ _ April 16,1997 s The Job Prom Part-Time Jobs, Summer Jobe, huemehipa 9:30am-3:00pm, NE Union Watch for more d matte from SEtC, UNL's Student Employment and Intemehkr Center 345 NE Union CAMP COUNSELORS Moko Lastfng Msmoriee at SUMMER CAMP! Top ranked camps in the Pocono Mtns of PA. Need counselors to teach water and land sports. Outdoor Adventure. Arts & MORE! Call 215587-9700 COUNSELORS, COACHES, ACTIVITY LEADERS CAMP STARLIGHT has good positions now for outgoing enthusiastic upper dassmennvomen as cabin leaders and instructors In Baseball, Baskebali, Tennis, Lacrosse, Roller Hockey, Swimming, Saifing, Water Skiing, Canoe ing, Radio/Video, Arts A Crafts. Leading co-ed camp in mts. of PA. Warm friendly atmosphere, extensive tacit- I ties. (6/21-8/21). Salary + travel allowance. For applica tion, cal 800-223-5737 or bcaly, ShaJyse 436-7896 or write: 18 Clinton St.,Makrerrte. NY 11585. ^SUMMER <P EMPLOYMENT Iowa* #1 Summer Camp it seeking applicants for ^97 season. Growasanimfividual while working with children and staff Females/Males needed!! Ficnellmt training, room and board provided. Call toll free for an application: 1(800)456-9622 Located hi Spirit Lake Iowa in the heart of The Iowa Great Lakes Region. Camp Poster YMCA of the Ckcbcjis. 1 ***PRE-HEALTH*** ^ Had your "3-Shot Hep B Series"? If so,you may qualify for a research study. Just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $300 a month, while you study. Call 474-2335 and ask for Tarn. Ts^rRioMFracAL Center j ll the human touch J i - - >’•; ft YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO M2 AN HOUR. ♦ s7.50;hour guaranteed ♦ Casual dress code ♦ MOO hiring bonus ♦ Full-time and part-time ♦ Flexible hows ♦ Career opportunities Oniy two Mocks (corn campus. jflils ramitHY «\cv.> «i ■■-muciivc miwim un ta Bl |