The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1997, Page 3, Image 3

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The wet and slick snow that
blanketed Lincoln Monday night
helped police track down a man
indecently exposing himself Tues
day morning.
“Who says the snow can’t be our
ally?” Lincoln Police Sgt. Ann
Heermann said.
At 2:35 a.m., a woman at 2221
N. 32nd St. heard a knock at her
door. She asked who it was and re
ceived no answer.
When she went to the window
to see who it was, she saw a man
masturbating cm her doorstep. The
man left the doorstep, heading
Using the man’s description —
and his foot tracks in the snow —
officers were able to track the man
to his home at 3133 Dudley St.
Jeremiah King, 20, was arrested
and booked into jail.
A man hiding in a closet was
arrested Monday night for posses
sion of marijuana when police were
called to his house on a drug sale
When police came into 303214
N St, they found Jane Fritz, 27, in
possession of 3.71 grams of meth
amphetamine. She was arrested for
possession of a controlled sub
stance. After searching the house,
they found 26-year-old Christopher
Ryan hiding in the closet.
Ryan had 35 grams of mari
juana in his possession, and an
outstanding warrant for delivery
and possession of a controlled sub
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7101 Newport Ave, #303
Omaha, NB 68152
Alpha Gamma Rho
Bryan Terrell Bryan Hinrichs
Kirk Major Gabe Pierce
Eric Ford Mick Porter
Mark Coe CodySitz
John Leaders Craig Dick
Nate Marcy Kane Brandes
Lance Brown Seth Ivey
Mike Johnson Cory Rains
Jeremy Gewecke
Cory Miller
John Gangwish
Brian Powes
Communications service
has more time per dime
Staff Reporter
Long-distance phone service for 10
cents a minute ... but there’s a catch:
it all depends on where you live.
VarTec Telecommunications is
now offering its “DimeLine” service
to Lincoln residents.
To receive the special dime rate on
long-distance calls, customers have to
dial 10811 before dialing the long-dis
tance number they are calling.
VarTec charges a $5-a-month ser
vice charge per line on top of the 10
cents a minute, and customers will be
billed separately for the service.
The comply is able to offer long
distance service at such a discounted
rate because it buys large blocks of
service from other companies at a bulk
rate, and then sells the time to its cus
Unlike other similar offers recently
advertised in Lincoln, the DimeLine
should work for Aliant Communica
tions customers, Lela Kelliher, Aliant
spokesman, said.
However, students living on cam
pus at the University of Nebraska-Lin
coln won’t be able to take advantage
of the discount. Because students have
to dial nine for an outside line, the
DimeLine prefix won’t work.
“Whenever you have to dial nine
you may be required to use a certain
carrier,” said Marla Rackley, VarTec
Special Products operator.
“As long as you don’t have to dial
anything for an outside line, the
DimeLine should work.”
VarTec sent out advertisements for
the DimeLine to Lincoln residents two
weeks ago. The mailing was also sent
to the campus residence halls and
greek houses, where the code does not
Because VarTec mails out its ad
vertisements in bulk, it did not real
ize fliers were sent to UNL, Rackley
“We just mail them out to every
one in a certain zip code.”
Although the long-distance offer
will not work for on-campus students,
VarTec does offer some other services
designed especially for college stu
They offer a varsity card, which is
a special calling card for dialing only
a single phone number.
With a flat monthly service charge
of$l,95, VarTec can guarantee a $.15
a-minute rate for all calls placed to one
designated number.
“Die Varsity card helps prevent
students from having to call home
collect,” Rackley said.
Laura Andreski, Kristine Ashton, Carli Brown, Vanessa Clark,
Amy DePierre, Alissa Heckman, Melissa Ivins, Lisa Jackson,
Betn Kiekhaefer, Amy Lannin, Julie Maskil, Jenn Mosier. Melissa
Moslander, Krissv Motzner, Cheri Olinger, Melanie Prucha, Brandy
Rogge, Melissa Snodgrass, Jen Daugnerty, Elizabeth Hansmeyer,
Andrea Myer, Lavena Tang, Betsy Sokol and Jenny Vogt
We are proud to announce our new pledges: Anne Ford,
Mandy Heyan, Andrea Kuta, Kelli Palmer add:Sarah Smith.
Pat Honeycutt Brian Rote
Derek Johnston John Stevens
Sam Ushio Jamie Warren
Erich Warner Justin Weeks
Ryan Hergenreder Tony Lee
Kyle Bruss Travis Lore
Brian Chaney Derek Newlun
Jon Eiichhorn John Norri
Norm Fanning Brian Paeper
Scott Francis Alpha Tau Omega Brandon Quindt
Rod Baker Josh Reeson
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Brian \N. Cox ■ q__11_i ■
Andrew D. Dinovitz NaSani^'j^Parics°
ffilT pc ^LMK?6
A?Sn -2™ Matthew D. Firestone
bSS l KevrSds Caleb E. Jensen
Bradley M^wiateK *££!?•«£**
MeT86" SKaSt
NamanDRernoe Jason R Thieaen
Joi?RBwrtTOP ScottM.Ringenberg -
In Tuesday’s Daily Nebraskan,
it was inadvertently reported that
Scott Paff was a member of TVi
angle Fraternity, 1235 N. 16th St.,
and was ticketed outside the frater
nity for possession of marijuana.
Paff is not a member of the frater
JLPhi Gamma Delta 5o&l|j£toon
S^S) v .. ,. Alex Travemight Seth Olson
\^^K/ You finally gjorn Qeoke Jeff Luby
macie M Troy Mytty Phil Olsen
^3s5. Chad McFarland Scott Neill
Ronnie Romero Andy ^ebb Travis Ford
Mike Ness Scott Erickson *Matt Christianson
Mike Johnson Ronnie Romero Tom Cornish
Sean Healy jd Quinn Brian Nodes
Plus KeSFkE® KEGS!
Norib ot
Ryan Carlson
Andy Christensen
Dusty Clevenger
Eric coulter
Todd Franzen
Craig George
Jason Hupf
Robert Joseph
Doug Knobbe
Chris Manske
lom Mueller
Brent Pohlmann
Jon Sagehom
Andy Schuerman
Adam Thompson
Tyler Waltz
Craig Wiedel
jf PM PtHa Thtti
Chris Sparks Joel Mueting
Eric Boe Dan Muiien
Scott Bradley Tucker Omel
Troy Bryson Phill St.Clair
Brett Dangler Josh Raymond
MattDuden Oliver Stanley
Josh Holl Casey Warren
Ryan Holly
Andy Holmquist
Adam Kirkebak
Andy Logue
Landon Furhman
Jackson Houtchens