CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS. PENNSYLVANIA. All spacUtiea: Athletics, Dance. Swim, Aeroblcs/exerdse. Nutrition. Temrts^JMREEKS^AGE 20+. 1-800-421-4321. Life Changing Experiences Could be in store lor you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people with disablkes. Salary, room and board provided. CaJl(402)761-2875 tor Intormatlon about open positions. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Spedalets in al Team Sports, especially Baseball, Basketbal. Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; 30 Tennis openings; also Goff. Archery, Rtlery. Pioneering/Ovemight Camping, Ropes and Rock Climbing. Weights/Fitnees and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Aits, Figure Skating. Newspaper. Photography, Yearbook. Radk> Sta tion, and Rocketry; All Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming. Skiing, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. MAH-KEE-NAC (Soy?: 1-800-753-9118 DANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 ROPES! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! NATURE GUIDES! COUNSELORS! Waterfront Directors. Assistant Cook, Adventure Trail Guides, Crafts Instructors, Archery A Riftery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kkaid, 21 ON. 11th, #301, Lincoln, Oeoee. 402-4340225, SUMMER EtPLOYMENT (June thru August) at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota's Lake country since 1909. Meet new friends, expand horizons, reward ing work wth chldren, develop leadership skits, 30 water/ land activities. Specfic job Info, intemthps&appfcations available M the Student Employment and Intern Office, 345 Nebraska Union. Signupin advance for a personal interview on cmnpunTuonony Feb. 12th. Summer Playground Staff Parks and Recreation summer positions; leaders, assis tant leaders, craft leaders, actVIy specialists. $5.30 $5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday, 9:15am 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor actMtes for grade school children. Apply now at 2740 A 8t. 441-7952. EOE/AA Summer Pool Positions for Head Guards. Lifeguards and Cashiers. Pay ranges of $4.80 -6.80 per hour. Call Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892. Free Samples Lose up to ttiiity pounds, 30 day guaranteel Call 434 6463. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice A,I real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Homing Act, which makes I Uegal to advertise any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskan wll not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which Is In violation of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that aMdwettngs advertised are avalable on an equal opportunty basis._ Female roommate needed ASAP. $150 rent + 1/3 utilities, W/D, and private parking. February rent paid. 465-4509. Female to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Avalable now. $260/ month, utlfties paid. 14th ft Superior. Cal 438-9064. Looking fa female n/s roommate, fa nice 3BR apt. Close to campus. $180/mo plus depoeft, utilities. 438-0762. M/F noeded to share 28R. Available now. $175Anonth, plus deposit Close to campus. 438-2729 M/F, 48a South 56th, nice house, driveway. $225 in chides everything. Call Urn 420-2654. Leave message. M/F, non-smoker, 2 blocks from east campus, 2 bedroom, fireplace, parking, laundry. $217 +1/2 utilities. 466-8651, M/F, Roommate, 4 bedroom, W/D, Smoking OK, $185 rent and deposit. One block from campus. 474-0660. Male roommate wanted fa a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath house in the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $210/month + 1/3 utiltles. Andrew 476-6502. Male roommate needed to share very large clean house, close to East Campus, $200 + utlfties. 465-0054; leave message. Need a Roommate? The Commuter and Student Services Center keeps a file of interested students who are looking for a roommate. Come in the office and check k out. Room 116 Nebraska Union. __ •- ■" j.. '•' Roommate to 4 bedroom houee, $212.50 +1/4 unities. M/ F, non-smoker, cel 477-0384. Roommate wanted to share large, quiet apartment, wth own bedroom/bathroom In art deco bulding $240 per month 1/3 utHtes plus depoet. Cal Neal at 438-2690/ leave message.__ Two avaiable rooms in a5BR house. M/F, $250+utilities, 2729 S 40th. Cal 484-5506. . 1900 S. 52nd. EXCELLENT 5BR, available now). $900+depoelL Cal 430-9019. 2215 Sheldon. Nice 3 bedroom. Parking. Near campus. $600.432-0644 2834 Starr. Very nice. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, parking, near campus. $750.432-0644 or 432-6644. 3 Bedroom, 2944 “S'. Nice, W/D, parking. $550, 468 5446.___ 4216 F. Newly buit four bedroom, two baths, double garage, $950. 430-6328. _ CAMPUS CLOSE 1735 N. 29th. Five-six bedrooms, two baths, parking. $875.430-6328. 2 bedroom diktat: NEVER BEEN RENTED) $595.488 6203.__ 320 Knox, nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 garage, applicances, W/D, C/A. no pets. Available now! $795.4387807. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349. Two bedroom unis $369-$429. Laundry, busline. JONES PROPERTIES 640 South 20th 475-7262 ******************** Is privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets, laundry, $375 includes all utilities. Need garage? Additional $40 per month. Ideal (or one individual. 475-7262. 1/2 off First Month’s Rent! at The Regency, 7311 Buckingham Dr. Two and three bedrooms available. Pets welcome, to min from campus. 469-9535 1938 Garfield Two bedroon, newer apartment. No pets, no smoking. Available Feb 1. $405.486-1267 2301 Vine, 4 BR. 1 1/2 Baths. $750 2834 Starr, 4 BR. 2 Bath. $750 Near Campus/Parking 432-6644 or 432-0644. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495.430-6328. 2nd Semester Leases Efficendes, one 8 two bedroom apartments. Various locations. Close to campus. $260-$530. _Management One 477-2600 Brand-new. Four bedroom plus two bathroom. Close to campus. Low utilities. All appliances. Washer and Dryer included. No pets. $895 Phoenix Properties Manage ment 474-5327(am) or 421-8996(pm). CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS « now leasing for August. Hurry before they're gone! Appointments requested. 474-7275. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor healed pool, 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200_ Downtown, unique one bedroom in security building. Heal paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-8996 (pm). GAS HEAT PAID 2504 Vine Ibd lower level, neutral decor $340.00 1109,1121 North 28th, 1 bedrooms, choose your style. Dark brown, or beige, $340.00. Grey wttt ceramic floors, $365.00. Huge bedrooms, lots of closets, private en closed wait out patio, on site management. 2920 P, Spit level town house, 2bedroom, 1 1/4 bath make It your first home. Low utlitiee. available NOW, $475.00 4300 Cornhusker Hwy, 2bedrooms, 1 1/4 bath townhouse, 1000 sq. ft of living, spacious bedrooms, nobody above or below! $475.00-$525.00 2bedroom, 1 bath, W/D hookup. Lower level Handi capped access ortop floor beige carpet, ceramic floors, al appliances. $520.06-$530.00 2Bedroom, 2bath, over lOOOsq. ft. BEAUTIFUL! Ceramic floors, private halway to Ivina area spacious bedrooms, hide your dresser closets! $560.00 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 Lakeview Park Apartments §10 Surfcide Drive Now accepting applications for March-April-May occupancy •Now 1,2, & 3 Bedrooms •Huge LOR fioorplans w/2bath$ •Controlled Access Entries •Cable Paid •6 Month Lease Available •Easy Access to Downtown t=T Call today for a personal showing Need Privacy? One bedroom near Capftd. Grads welcomed. No smck Ina/pets. Available. $235/month plus utilties, depoet. 476-7416/475-9660. _ Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. >425 plus deposit d $425.463-6280 Nice, weft-kept, one, two and three bedroom apartments. South central location. 423-8089 or 560-2134. One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen wfth pantry, ceramic tile kftchen and bathroom, secure storage space, same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and hed paid. Available NOWI $400/month. 474-3529. Pine Lake Heights Apartments Efficiencies, 12 bedroomapts. available w/lofts. For more Information caft 438-3464. Pine Tree Apts, Id and Adaam, 2 & 3 BR, $480-6630 Embeeeey Park Apta,31dand0fd Cheney, 1-2-3 BR, 1814 FSt, 2BR, $450 535 W. Saunders, 2 BR, $450, 515 W. Saunders, 1 BR4360, No Pete 483-1130 or 463-6057 Tired of looking at dumps?? 1121 Sumner. Large one-bedroom and duplex. Great yardLWasher/Dryer. Garage available. $390 per month. Two bedroom house $375, plus all utilities. No pets. 2131 Sodhjb_475j2ga_ 500s Services ADOPTION We offer counseing and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and vour baby. No fees or oMgattone. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska CMdren's Home. 4600 Valiev Rd. Suite 314.483-7879. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "O* Str. 441 3300. Soeth Str. 441-3333. Classicreations Haircut Special! Thursday night, $8. Styling extra. Deb or Shirley. 467-1644. Classicreations A FULL-SERVICE SALON! February Perm Special, $25! Long hair extra. 467-1644. Classicreations Cad about skin care and odor clinic or individual consul tation wtth Shirley! 467-1644. Haircuts, Perms, & TANNING!!! GrinAgainSalon,4711 Huntington.464-7777. SPECIAL: $8.00 naircuts....$5.00 off perms (reg. $45-$55)....ask for Donne*. February special 30 day Tanning Card-only $25. Please call ahead for appt. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. Prepaid Long Distance Callng Card for colege students and travelers. SaveS always 19 cents a minute 48 states. Send $2.00 for rechargeable card with your name, ad dress to: D.K. Enteiprlzes. Box 934. Faribault. Minn 55021___ FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on All OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor matlon and hours 441-3300. Facts of LHe Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Sendees. 1 600-727-3064. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years r\ experience, proven results. 464-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm__ By Michael Jantze MAKecoptesr what I II OF THIS, J HAPPeNeD I I ruev weReiso now I'm j but TweiR BeNeFrrs) IAIPOFF f DOING THeiR I COST TH0 SAMe TO SAMe / WORK? I AAONey. J MAKe Twice —|-^WHATTHeVPfD/ Non Sequituk The Deep End 11 o S. *S. ■£. ^ "S . . IB I| s js? S' JJ Is 1 :<=» % Bv Chad Strawdarman TOO CAN'T DENT I . 6JMUT IT, EVERT IT Mi LONCER... f | LAW ONE OF TOO... ...II WOULDN'T. XENA: 81 ON TV. UNLESS WK8R108 PRINCESS SONEBOW WM> VOMOUNC. IT... ACROSS i Famed spy s Pairs 10 Awkward try 14 A Desert Shield supporter is Bert’s “Sesame Street” pal is London subway 17 Carroll’s feathered menace 19 Actress Raines 20 Javanese or Korean 21 Mirrored 23 Grafter’s item 24 Happy people 25 Head of some schools 20 Inferior: Slang 29 Williams team 20 Small songbirds 31 “—- it a vision ..Keats 34 Concern of Sec. J. Farley 39 Cookie pan 30 Kind of strike applauded by mine owners 37 Dick Deadeye, e.g. 39 Conn 39 Tops 40 ‘-a Small Hotel" 42 Lewis Lawes was one 44 North Star 49 Glut 47 Vestigial vendor 48 Ferber’s “ Trunk” 52 Terhune’s “ Dog" 53 Moving along like the Jabberwock's slayer 55 Dismounted 56 Beau monde 57 Cupid’s wings 58 Temple 58 Allonge 80 Atl. crossers DOWN 1 Nickname of a 1989 All-Star Met 2 Long Asian river 3 Nobelist in Physics: 1944 4 Gives a shot to - 5 He has chits out 8 Kind of sprawl 7 Blue dye s R. Howard, e.g. 8 Dregs 10 Purloins 11 The Jabberwock "came whiffling through” this 12 More qualified 13 Wampum 18 Freshwater mussel 22 Architect— van der Rohe 24 Diaphanous 25 Col.'s command M Baseball Hall of Famer Rixey 27 “He-his joy’: Carroll 28 Canadian Indians ' 30 Cries on roller coasters 32 “Judith" composer 33 Observed so Part-time newspaper correspondent 38 Loren’s evening 39 Singer Franklin and namesakes 41 Hook-shaped 42 Weather foreeast 43“-atthe . pane.. Browning T" 44 Rice dish 45 City in Fla. 46 Fry lightly 4t Glissaded 40 Hopper medic m so Midge 51 "Rock of-* 54 Fath-, former Shah ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE % s‘i