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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1997)
Part time teachers needed to work with school aged children, Monday-Friday, 7.-00am-9©0am. Ful time pre school teacher needed, Monday-Friday, Apply in person Krayon Campus, tnc. 6001 Normal Blvd. Phlebotomist Medical Receptionist Full-time and part-time position. Includes evenings and Saturdays. FuMme Includes benefit. Must enjoy wak ing In a fast-paced environment. Apply bi person Kabi BioMedical Center 300 South 17th Street ""A“ma"‘oucA Summer Playground Staff Parks and recreation summer positions: leaders, assis tant leaders, craft leaders, activity spedaKsts. $5.30 $5.70/hr. June 9-Aug. 1. Monday-Friday, 9:15am 12:15pm. Conduct outdoor activttes fa grade school children, apply now at 2740 A st 441-7952. EOE/AA Telemarketers wanted. Good program. FtexUe sched ule. Part-time to start Call James 4754)404. Summer Management Positions Motivated students needed la area managers in Lincoln and Omaha. Average managers earn '$10,714 running their own business with estab lished company. Call (800) 480-0230. Applica tion Deadine January 31. Be Average—Make $6,200 If al you do is average, in Southwestems Summer Program, you'll earn $6200 and 3 credits at UN-L. 423 CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SLIM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA. All specialties: Athletics, Dance, Swim, Aerobics/exerdse, Nutrition, Tennis.^ 7 WESkS.AGE 29*. 1-899-421-4321, Life Changing Experiences Could be in store fa you. Work at Camp Easter Seal with people wttt disablkes. Salary, room and board provided. Call(402)761-2875 fa Information about open posMons. Marysville Area Communly Theater seeks a SUMMER MUSICAL DIRECTOR. Candidates should have suitable directing, acting, andfor production experience. Submit resume and letter of application including salary require ment and suggested scripts to: M-ACT, PO Box 172, MatysvWe, Ks 66508 by February 15.-1997. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions tor talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in all Team Sports, especially Basebal, Basketbal, Roller Hockey, Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball: 30 Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Rttery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping. Ropes and Rock Climbing, Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating, Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radio sta tion, and Rocketry; AD Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming, Skiing, Sailing. Windsurfing. Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. Inquire: MAH-KEE-NAC (Boys); 1-800-753-9118 PANBEE (Girls): 1-800-392-3752 ROPES! WRANGLERS! LIFEGUARDS! NATURE GUIDES! COUNSELORS! Waterfront Directors, Assistant Cook. Adventure Train Guides, Crafts Instructors, Archery & Riflery Instructors, Steward. Call or write: Nebraska's most beautiful camp. YMCA Camp Kitaki, 216 N. 11th, *301, Lincoln, 68506. 402-4340225. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT (June thru August) at Camp Lincoln/Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota's Lake country since 1909. Meet new friends, expand horizons, reward ing work with children, develop leadership skills, 30 water/ land activities. Specific job info, intemshps&appfications available at the Student Employment and intern Office, 345 Nebraska Union. Sign up in advance for a personal Interview an c—pua Tuesday Feb. 12th. Summer Pool Positions for Head Guards. Lifeguards and Cashiers. Pay ranges of $4.80 -6.80 per hour. Cal Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892._ Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds, 30 day guarantee! Cal 434 6463._*_ $7.60 / hour Full-time $7.00 / hour Part-time FLEXIBLE HOURS • Paid training ..."■= 400s Housing ■ . g 2 M/F, targe, dean house, dose to East Campus, $200 + utities. 465-0054; leave message. Female to share 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Available now. $260/ month, utilies paid. 14th & Superior. Cal 438-9064. M/F needed to share 2BR. Available now. $175/month, plus deposit. Close to campus. 438-2729 M/F, non-smoker, 2 blocks from east campus, 2 bedroom, fireplace, parking, laundry. $217 + 1/2 utilties. 466-8651. M/F, Roommate, 4 bedroom, W/D, Smoking OK, $185 rent and deposit. One block from campus. 474-0660. Male roommate wanted for a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath house in the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $210/month +1/3 utilties. Andrew 476-6502. Roommate needed for a 2 BR. 2 BA house at 1205 Claremont. $300. Cosigner required. 6 mos lease. 432 6644 or 432-0644. Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apt. Close to campus. $230 + 1/2 utilties. 477-7063 _ Roommate to 4 bedroom house, $212.50 +1/4 utilties, M/ F, non-smoker, cal 477-0384. Roommate wanted to share large, quiet apartment, wfth own bedroomAnthroom in art deco bulaing $240 per month 1/3 utilies plus deposit. Cal Neal at 438-2690/ leave message. Two avalable rooms in a5BR house. M/F, $250 ♦ utilities, 2729 S 40th. Cal 484-5506. 1900 S. 52nd. EXCELLENT 5BR, available nowl. $900+deposl. Cal 430-9019. 3 Bedroom, 2944 "S*. Nice, W/D, parking. $550, 488 5446. 4216 F. Newly bull four bedroom, two baths, double garage, $950.430-6328. CAMPUS CLOSE 1735 N. 29th. Five-six bedrooms, two baths, parking. $875. 430-6328. Roommate needed for a 2 BR. 2 BA house at 1205 Claremont $300. Cosigner required. 6 mos lease. 432 6644 432-0644 2 bedroom duplex: NEVER BEEN RENTED! $595.488 6203. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349. Two bedroom units $369-$429. Laundry, busline. JONES PROPERTIES 640 South 20th 475-7262 is privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets, laundry, $375 includes all utilkies. Need garage? Additional $40 per month. Ideal for one individual. 4/5-7262. GAS HEAT PAID 2504 Vine Ibd lower level, neutral decor $340.00 1109.1121 North 28th, 1 bedrooms, choose your style. Dark brown, or beige, $340.00. Grey with ceramic floors. $365.00. Huge bedrooms, lots of closets, private en closed wak out patio, on site management. 2920 P, Spit level town house, 2bedroom, 1 1/4 bath make it your first home. Low utilities, available NOW, $475.00 4300 Cornhusker Hwy, 2bedrooms, 1 1/4 bath townhouae. 1000 sq. ft of living, spacious bedrooms, nobody above or below! $475.004625.00 2bedroom, 1 bath, W/D hookup. Lower level Handi capped access or too floor beige carpet, ceramic floors, aU appliances, $520.0S-$530.00 28edroom, 2bath, over 1000 sq. ft. BEAUTIFULI Ceramic floors, private halway to Rving area spacious bedrooms, hide your dresser closets! $560.00 Cheriy Hill Management 489-4857 ' 1/2 off First Month’s Rent! at The Regency. 7311 Buckingham Dr. Two and three bedrooms available. Pe*e welcome. 10 min from cempue. 489-9535 1938 Garfield Two bedroon, newer apartment No pets, no smoking. Available Feb 1. $405.486-1267 __ 2nd Semester Leases Efflcendee. one & two bedroom apartments. Various locations. Close to campus. $2604530. Management Owe 477-2600 Brand-new. Four bedroom plus two bathroom. Close to campus. Low utilities. Al appliances. Washer and Dryer included. No pets. $895 Phoenix Properties Manage ment 474-5327(am) or 421-8996(pm). CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS is now leasing for August Hurra before they're gone! Appointments requested. 474-7275. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495.430-6328._ Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 12 bedroom apta now avaHabte wth fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Downtown, unique one bedroom in security bulding. Heat paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-8996 (pm). Need Privacy? One bedroom near Capkol. Grads welcomed. No smok irn/pets. Available. $235/month plus utilKies. deposit. 476-7416/475-9860. Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus depoait ot $425.483-6280 Nice, wol kept. one. two and three bedroom apartments. South central location. 423-6089 or 560-2134. One large bedroom. 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen wth pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, secure storage space, same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Avaiabte NOW! $4Q0/month. 474-3529. Pine Tree Apts, lat and AdaeM.28 3 BR,$480-$830 » Park Apia, 31 at and Old Cheney, 1-2-3 BR, 2BR.94M 535 W. Saunders, 2 BR, $450, SIS W. Sunders, 1 BR4360, No Pels 483-1130 or 483-6067 Tired of looking at dumps?? 1121 Sumner. Large one-bedroom and duplex. Great yard. Washer/Dryer. Garage available. $390 per month. 475-5282. Two bedroom house $375, plus allutilttos. No puts, 2131 South 8 * 475*7282. 500s Services ADOPT Looking for the best poesble home for your baby? Can offer neefcorq a wonderful He AM with warmth, security, education, and endless love. Expenses paid. Please cal Robin and Harvey 1-800-822^3771. ADOPTION We offer counselng'andViapiion services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgatbns. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChMren's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Adoption: Abundance of love. A happy home, love and security await your baby. We're a young stable, couple who dream of bemgparents. Baby wtt have stay home mom and successful dad devoted to loving and cherishing the newborn. Let's heb each other. Expenses paid. CallMichele1-800-743-7835._ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln ConfidentiaL affordable prescription birth control HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. *CT Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. Haircuts, Perms, & TANNING!!! Grin Again Salon, 4711 Huntington, 464-7777. SPECIAL: $8.00 nalrcuts...45.00 off perms (reg. $45-$55)....ask for Donne*. February special, 30 day Tanning Card-only $25. Please call ahead for appt. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor In possession, Sanford Pollack 476-7474. L FREE ’ Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please call tor appointment or more information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cali for infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years exoenence. oroven results. 464-0775. 8-S Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm_ _ _ _By Michael Jantze THev cot sour | [...iNsrew -mev | fl 20 vbabs re™* unw I HAIR fte FLOOR, & 1 T J8£S> 1 ,T s ReiNvewr i i " r_ THOMSeLVeS V *1 Vi : t . t g ~ ~ i . ^ «----Isl-d ^ JNONSEQUmjR ACROSS i Shoot • Sassy 10 “-the mornin’...!" 14 Mikhail’s mate 15 Humdinger 10 Keen; grasping 17 Target-practice place 20-Royal, Quebec 21A memorable Rehan 22 Headland 23 Central African lake 2« Forms building blocks for shipment 28 Fibber 29 Publius Naso 31 Onetime S. Korean leader 32 This could be arabic or elastic 33 Nice girlfriend 34 Fastidious 39 Umbrella 39 Makes up for 41 Causerie 42 Protrude ' 49 Crucifix 49 Baltic island 47 Kismet 49 Grass clumps 91 Became less aloof 931, in Frankfurt 94 A ubiquitous article 99 Stadium section 99 Scenarios 62 Binge 63 Tidal stage 64 Pungent bulb 68 Within: Comb. form 66 Nile menaces 67 Smart DOWN 1 Grad, class 2 Word of disgust 3 Bravo or Grande 4 Chemical compound 5 Croc’s cousin 6 -I’Eveque cheese 7 H.S. subject 8 Consider 8 Vocation 10 Indian cymbals 11 Canine facial feature 12 Corsairs 13 Adventurous wandering ' 16 Buries, old style 19 Varnish ingredient 23 Form of math. 24 The Blackbirds’ inst. 26 Giant panda’s tidbit 26 Barbara Bush’s family 27 Buck follower 30 Contend 33 Soul, in Saint-Malo 46 One-seeded fruits: Var. 47 Flour for puddings 49 Baseball great so Twentieth anniversary gift 52 Cousin of a hammerhead ss Chefs’ amts. 37 Winnebago’s cousin St Lacuna S3 Set in opposition 30 Add up 31 Curve of a ship’s plank ^Disordered 35 Torrid 37 Berlin conjunctions 35 N.Y.S.E. client’s holding 35 Dancer like Martha Graham 40 Treat of in passing 43 John Duncan was one 44 Spread hay ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 5 i i) *