Jewell sues papers, settles CNN lawsuit ATLANTA (AP)—Richard Jewell sued The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the college where he once worked as a security guard on Tuesday, accus ing them of libeling him in stories linking him to the Olympic bombing. Jewell’s lawsuit, which seeks un specified damages, accuses the news papers of portraying him as a man with “a bizarre employment history and an aberrant personality” who likely was guilty of placing the bomb. Those stories quoted Piedmont College President Ray Cleere as de scribing Jewell as a “badge-wearing zealot” who “would write epic police reports for minor infractions,” the law suit said. Lin Wood, a lawyer for Jewell, called the lawsuit “the first step in what will be a long and hard-fought battle against a billion-dollar coipo ration that tried and convicted Rich ard Jewell for a crime he did not com mit.” journal-constitution puonsner Roger Kintzel defended his newspa pers’ coverage of the bombing as “fair, accurate and responsible.” “Noticeably lacking is any expla nation of what is false about what we reported,” Kintzel said. The newspapers will fight the law suit, he said, adding there has been no discussion of a settlement. In December, the newspapers re fused Jewell’s demand to print a re traction to three stories about him while he was a suspect. Meanwhile, Jewell and his mother settled a complaint against CNN for an undisclosed amount, according to a joint statement issued by CNN and Jewell’s lawyers. “CNN continues to believe that its coverage was a fair and accurate re view of the events that unfolded fol lowing the Centennial Olympic Park explosion,” the Atlanta-based network said in a statement. Jewell, in an interview Tuesday at an Atlanta radio station, said he was “very satisfied” with the CNN settle ment. “I’m not doing this just for me... I want them to think about what they u Noticeably lacking is any explanation of what is false about what we reported. ” Roger Kintzel Journal-Constitution publisher did to me and my mother and my at torneys,” Jewell said. “I want them to get the story 100 percent before they put it out. I’m doing it so this won’t happen to anybody else.” Last month, Jewell reached a settlement with NBC over comments anchorman Tom Brokaw made on the air about Jewell shortly after the bomb ing. The Wall Street Journal reported the settlement was worth $500,000. Jewell, 34, was working as a pri vate security guard inCentennial Olympic Park when a pipe bomb ex ploded before daybreak on July 27, killing one person and injuring more than 100. He initially was praised as a hero for spotting the bomb in the Olympic park and helping to move people out of the way before the blast. Three days after the bombing, an extra edition of The Atlanta Journal identified Jewell as a suspect. Jewell came under intense media scrutiny for three months, until federal prosecu tors cleared him in October. The Journal report linking Jewell to the bombing was leaked by an FBI agent and confirmed by unidentified members of the Atlanta Police Depart ment, the lawsuit said. Nine reporters or editors of the newspapers and officials of Piedmont College in Demorest also are named as defendants in the lawsuit. No one has been charged in the bombing. Internet / e-mail ACCOUNTS Accounts include e-mail, UNIX shell account and web site. All your internet needs at one friendly place. CALL TODAY 484-5211 ■ I_i • _ - ___ " "-—————————— jHgBBMMpS•- ■Jg Garbage man collects jackpot NEW YORK (AP) — Even with his $10 million jackpot, Sergio Martini is still doing a job some people wouldn-’t do for a million bucks. “I’m not the kind of guy to stay home and do nothing,” the 12-year New York City garbage man said Monday morning while working hatless in 15-degree wind chill dur ing a shift that started at midnight. “I feel more energetic now since winning,” Martini said, tapping dripping coffee cups out of the bot tom of a litter basket. “I only have to work one job now.” The 50-year-old father of four came forward to claim his $10.3 million Powerball lottery jackpot Thursday. He will get about $370,000 a year for 20 years. Up until last week, Martini had worked double shifts for the city Sanitation Department and drove ms orotner s taxi to pay tne outs. He quit the taxi job a day after win ning the lottery. But Martini insisted he will stay on the garbage beat for at least two and-a-half more years to qualify for his pension. According to the city, he makes a base salary of about $40,000 and a total* of around $70,000 with overtime. In the meantime, he said, “I’ve got to find a hobby or something.” Martini’s beat includes some of the most stylish neighborhoods of his native Manhattan but still is dangerous. There are rats, chemi cals, toxins, needles — name the nastiness of New York City, and Martini’s handled it. Four New York City sanitation workers have been killed on the job since 1992. “If that were me,” co-worker Joe Giammarino said, “you’d be doing that story in the Bahamas.” “Hawaii,” said Martini’s super visor, Frederick Orttner. Along Martini's route, Marinos Franziskos, manager of the times Square Deli on 43rd Street, said: “The guy makes $10 million and he still wants to work? That’s beau tiful” Martini, who commutes more than 50 miles to work from subur ban Brewster, said that before he won the lottery, bills had pushed him to the brink of bankruptcy. His 7-year-old Suzuki car just turned 201,000 miles, and he banged it up (Mi a patch of ice driving to work a day after winning the jackpot. “We were so poor, so many things to do, living day by day,” he said. Now he is planning to pay off his bills, buy three new cars from his 23-year-old car-saleswoman daughter, and set up trust funds for her and his three sons, 18-year-old twins and an 11-year-old. There is one luxuiy Martini has in mind: “a real vacation.” It would be his first in 25 years since he and wife Elena took their honeymoon in Italy. Matt HankyTDN A Gift that V%I i remember When you lose someone dear to you—or when a special person has a birthday, quits smoking, or hat , someotheroccasiontocelebnte— memorial gifts or tribute gifts made for them to your Lung Association help pie vent lung disease and improve fhe care of those suffering from it. tAl-EIUCAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. 7101 Newport Ave„ #303 Omaha, NE 6S1S2 l-»00-LUNG-USA 8-WEEK SESSIONS BEGIN FEBRUARY ($40 PER PERSON) mnntry ♦ swing room ♦ Latin can /ft Now to If \Register! bracthan dance directive 2i’090s|iee| 435-3344 ^ I I I I I I I I « V ■ , A'"1- - 5 i Kelson named Omaha attorney Michael McCormack to die remaining vacancy on the state Supreme Court Tues day, ensuring Nelson’s influence on the high court. The governor has appointed five of the seven Supreme Court judges. On Monday, he appointed law school classmate Kenneth Stephan to fill the vacancy representing the Lincoln district. McCormack, 57, is a senior partner at the firm of McCormack, Cooney, Hillman and Elder, opened by his father and his uncle in 1935. McCormack himself has been a practicing lawyer for 33 years. He fills the spot left by Judge David Lanphier, who was expelled from the court by voters last November for controversial decisions on second-degree murder and term limits. Simpson civil trial jury begins deliberations SANTA MONICA, Calif. — OJ. Simpson’s fate was placed in the hands of a jury Tuesday after a final theatrical flourish from an attor ney who waved a wad of bills at the football great and accused him of cheapening the lives of the victims. liie panel deliberated two hours before quitting for the night. They must decide whether Simpson should be held responsible and made to pay millions for the June 12, 1994, knife slayings of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Simpson was acquitted of the crime of a year and a half ago. Judge Hiroshi Fujisaki explained in his jury instructions that Simpson is not being subjected to double jeopardy: “Even though the defendant Simpson was acquitted in the criminal case, you can still End him liable.” Editor Doug Kouma Sports Editor: Trevor Parks 472-2588 Photo Director: Scott Bruhn FAX NUMBER: 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publica tions Board, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 685884)448, Monday through Friday during the academic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by calling 472-2588. The public has access to the Publications Board. Subscription price is $55 for one year. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE 685884)448. Second-class postage paid at Lin coln, Neb. ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT 1997 DAILY NEBRASKAN