The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 29, 1997, Page 12, Image 12

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    00s For Sate
150Mhz IBM. 16MB RAM, 14" monitor, 2Mb SVGA, 1 6gig,
33.6modem with speaker phone-loaded. $1400/060.
477-1252. ^
Brother’s word processor, address book, and more. Sepa
rate monitor 14", Inkjet. $210 o.b.o. 477-1939
IBM 486DX266,16 megs, 540HD, 2xCDrom, modem 14.4,
14" monitor, loaded software, multimedia, $950/OBO, 476
Scanner for sale..Microtek Scanmaker E-3.2 months old,
in box with everything. $325 OBO 477-1252._
Ladies Wedding Set: Unique two-tone platinum/14k gold
with princess center and channel-set band, total weight
1.57 cts. App. $7200, asking $3900 OBO. Call Kim at 402
476-2847, M-F, 8-5.__
BOTH W/PET TOTE. JEFF 438-2560._
’85 GMC Jimmy 4X4, AM/FM CD Player, $3500, Call Travis
Oldsmobife Ninety-Eight—You’ll be safe in this tank for
$1200! Catt 438-5869 and leave message.
200s. Notices
f -^
“Spring Break ’97"
Ifs Heaven!! Wake and Bake... Hottest destinations —
Free parties!!! Organize group and travel free, lowest price
guarantee. From $99 1-800-426-7/10:
[] Calf your on-campus rep
Laura ©436-9306.
“SPRING BREAK 97-Don’t be left out, space limited!
Panama City and Daytona Beach, Florida from $129. Call
STS 0 1-800-648-4849 for more info.
AAA! Spring Break '97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!!
7 nights with air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parties, No
Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwalk beach re
sort, $129, 7/nights beach front.
Endless Summer Tours 1-800-234-7007.
AT UNL—JUSTIN 477-7262
Up To $200 Discount Coupons
on our Website:
South Padre island
Beach house available. Accomadates 6 plus, Make res
ervation, 210-781-4369.__
Space is flMng fast for Jamaica, Cancun & Florida! So
don't delay—Call your Student Travel Services campus
rep Kristi at 436-6132! Lowest prices guaranteed!
"SPRING BREAK 97-Don’t be left out, space limited!!
Cancun and Jamaica from $429. CaH STS ® 1-800-648
4849 for more info.
312 Yhar Army ROTC Scholarships now
aveiMivfor ill (ndplnii.
If youhsve a 2.5 G.P.A. or above, you may be
eligible for full tuition at UNL, plus $150.00 a
month spending money. Cat 472-2468 for more
That’s right, ALPHA PHI OMEGA is a National Co-ed
Service Maternity. If you are interested in leadership,
friendships and service, check out one of these informa
tional meetings:
Tuesday 1/286:30 p.m. at Neihardt Gray Parlor
Tuesday 1/28 8 p.m. at Abel Ballroom
Wednesday 1/29 3:30 p.m. at City Union (room posted)
Everyone » welcome!)!
Student Financial Services had Information on 3,400+
public Aprivata sector funding sources. A MUST FOR
800-263-6495 ext. F57788
ALAS4ULEMPLU.MLNI Earn to $3,000-$6,000/mo in
fisheries, parks, resorts. Airfare! Food/Lodging! Get ad the
options. <St(919) 918-7767, ext. A214.__
Active Way to Weight Control
Classes Forming NOW!!
Call 472-7478 for more info. Classes start February 3.
Sponsored by the University Health Center.
Scholarship applications for the 1997-1998 academic year
are now available in CBA 138. If you are a current CBA
student and would like to be financially rewarded for an
adove-average grade point average, here is your oppor
tunity! But you must hurry- the application deadline is
February 11
CASNR Student Ambassadors
Student ambassador applications are due February 14th!
Pick yours up at the Dean's office 103 Ag. Hall.
Confidential Gay Men’s
Discussion Group
Meets every Wed. from 6:00-7:30pm. For information: Dr.
Diaz-Perdomo at Counseling and Psychological Services.
Travel the world (Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean) & earn an
excellent income in the Cruise & Land-Tour Industry. For
details, call 1-206-971-3550 ext.C57787
Descramble Cable
Test device activates all channels! Most models $50-75!
Budapest, Tokyo, etc. teaching simple conversational
English. No languages/teachng exp. required. (919) 918
7767, ext. W214.
Eating Disorders Awareness
February 3-8,1997
Do you know someone who is preoccupied with dieting,
weight loss, or food issues? National Eating Disorders
Awareness Week is February 3-9, 1997. Anorexia, bu
limia and other related eating disorders threaten the lives
of females and males of all ages. For information, attend
one of the following presentations: Monday, February 3,
1997 at the Hewit Center from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.;
Tuesday, February 4, 1997 at the Campus Recreation
Center from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.; Wednesday, February 5,
1997 at Seileck Residence Hall from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00
p.m.; Friday, February 7, 1997 at the Nebraska Union,
City Campus from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. For more In
formation please contact Norma Cox, at Counseling
and Psychological Services, at 472-7450.
Fourth Annual Residence Hall
Sunday, February 9, 1997. Lkicoln Station Great Hall in
the Haymarket. Tickets $10 each. Questions? Call 436
9560. Event limited to residence hall students and their
Honors Program Student
Upperclass Representatives
January 27-29
All sophomores, juniors, and seniors in the Honors Pro
gram are eligible to vote in 118 Neihardt during normal
business hours. Fourteen representatives will be elected
for one-year terms. Information sheets from declared can
didates will be available for viewing at the site of voting.
Innocents Society is thef^a^&sHor's Senior Honorary
whose membership is based on academic achievement
unparalleled leadership, and selfless service to UNL and
the community.
Applications for membership are now available for quali
fied juniors at 106 Adminsitration Building, Office for Stu
dent Involvement (city union and east union), and the
Culture Center.
Lesbian Discussion Group
A safe place for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning
Women to talk, meet, laugh and learn as we discuss our
lives in an informal atmosphere. Wednesday, 1:30
2:20pm. Starting January 15, Nebraska Union 338. For
more information call The Women's Center, 472-2597.
Mortar Board is a National Senior Honor Society that rec
ognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and
achievement in exceptional scholarship leadership and
Mortar Board also recognizes outstanding freshman,
sophomores, and seniors that demonstrate our high
standards. Pick up an application/information sheet at the
offices of Student Involvement (east and city campus),
Student JucScial Affairs, Culture Center and the Honors
Program. They are due oe FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, at 5:00
pm, at the Student Judicial Affairs Office, 106 Admin.
Please ignore previous (hie date. . .7 ;
Looking to Get Ahead?
In the ever-growing global market, international experi
ence is a must to get ahead. Gain the advantage through
the Senshu University exchange program in Tokyo, Ja
pan. With other UN-L students, you will study beginning
or advanced Japanese language, culture, and business
as part of a 12 or 15 week program. Come find out more
at one of the following information sessions in CBA 138.
Wednesday, January 22 3:30 and 4:30 pm
Thursday, January 23 2:30 and 3:30 pm
Monday, January 27 3:30 and 4:30 pm
Thursday, January 30 2:30 and 3:30 pm
Models Wanted
Females 5’8 to 6' in height Males 5’10 or taller. Do not
exceed 180 lbs. Must be well groomed. Call between 2
5pm. 477-3020.
National Parks hire forestry workers, park rangers,
firefighters, lifeguards, + volunteer and govememnt posi
tions. Excellent benefits + bonus potential. Call: 1-206
971-3620 ext.N57785
Spend your Spring
Break exploring
Yucatan, Mexico!
With Campus Recreation!
Registration Deadline is Friday, January 31. Call 472
4777 for more information.
Student Foundation is giving out 3, $300 Scholarships.
The criteria are: Must be a full time student currently en
rolled at the University with a minimum GPA of 2.5. Appli
cations are available in the Office for Student Involvement
at both City and East Campus Unions, Monday Feb. 3.
Applications are due FRIDAY FEB. 21st, at the Office for
Student Involvement, CITY CAMPUS, BY 3PM. -
You can’t afford to miss the opportunities offered by UN
L’s CBA Exchange Program in Japan this fall. You will live
in the world's largest city, create an impressive interna
tional resume, make lifelong friends from Japan, Ireland,
England, Australia, and around the United States, and
have the opportunity to travel to Mt. Fuji, Hiroshima, Kyoto,
and even Korea, Hong Kong, and Hawaii! Come find out
more about the exciting semester that awaits you in Ja
pan at one of the following information sessions in CBA
Wednesday, January 22 3:30 and 4:30 pm
Thursday, January 23 2:30 and 3:30 pm
Monday, January 27 3:30 and 4:30 pm
Thursday, January 30 2:30 and 3:30 pm
Talking About Breast Cancer
Every woman faces a 1 in 8 lifetime risk of developing
breast cancer. To address this concern, the Women's
Center is offering two informational sessions so that ev
ery woman can learn more about the disease and self
examination techniques.
Tuesday, January 28, Paula Railsback, OB-GYN Nurse
Practictioner from Lincoln's Women’s Clinic will speak at
the East Union, 12-1 pm.
Wednesday, January 29, Pat Tetreautt, Sexuality Coordi
nator with the University Health Center, will speak at Ne
braska Union, City Campus, Rm 338,12-1 pm. For more
information, call the Women’s Center at 472-2597.
applications are Now Available. Pick up in Bio. Sci. advis
ing office in Manter. Due Feb. 7th.
~ UNL Boxing Club
Residence Hall Association (RHA) is now looking for stu
dents to fill the following positions:
RHA Election Commissioner
Campus Escort Chair
Hall Orientation Team Chair
Student Action Team Chair
Applications Due Jan. 31, 1997. Stop by Rm. 237 Nebr.
Union or call 472-1095.
The Women's Swim meet will take place on Thursday,
January 30 at Mabel Lee HaN Pool. No advance entry is
required. Call 472-3467 for more information.
A rep from University of Osteopathic Medicine will be at
the Advising Center, 107 OldH, TODAY from 9-1. Stop by!
Execs only TONIGHTexec only tongiht 5:30 cba
Thomas, Watts, & Hershberger wHf be speaking. 7:30pm,
Wed., January 29th, NE Union.
&& .
Join Nebraska Crew
Learn to row, get in shape, travel and have fun. No expe
rience necessary. Meeting Wed. Jan. 29, 7 pm at boat
house. Info: call Matt 436-8459.
_ KO
Kappa Phi is pledging new members now. Rose Rush
Tea Wednesday, January 29 from 6-7pm at 640 N. 16th
Street. National organization. Zeta Chapter established
in 1920. Friendship Club for University Women of Chris
tian Fatti. Minimum dues. Cal 467-6164 or 4864469.
Come one, come alt!
Golden Key ice skating party. 7:30pm, THIS THURSDAY
at the Lincoln Stars ice rink (in state fairgrounds). $2.50
admission; $1.50 skate rentals. We will also be having a
brief meeting regarding upcoming events.
The Campus Red Cross wtt be having a meeting Wed.
29th at 5pm in the Health Center. Please come. Well be
working on the blood drive.
Rodeo Club
Meeting next Wednesday, Feb. 5th. East Union. We will
be taking club and team pictures. Everyone be there at
Meeting Thursday at 5 p.m. at Wick Center. Plan to go to
Main Street Cafe bold with everyone for supper after
wards. See you there!
Students in Free Enterprise
ice Skating Social Thursday, January 30. Meet at the Ice
box at state fairgrounds at 8pm. Bring $2. Questions? Call
UNL Wildlife Club
We meet TONIGHT at 7:00 pm, East Campus Union.
Speaker Ted LaGrange, Wetlands Specialist. EVERYONE
Waterski Team
Meeting Jan. 30 at 7 p.m. in the Rec Center. New mem
bers welcome. _
Congratulations to our 1997 newly initiated members.
Congrats to Lee Haveman our new keeper of the Roles.
What an honor! _
Your Acacia Brothers
Congratulations to Matt Wbers on his engagement to
Trisha Sprieck (Alpha Chi Omega). Good Luck!!
The men of Alpha Gamma Rho
The men of Alpha Gamma Rno would like to welcome the
new second semester initiates, Seth Ivey, Brian Powles
and Cory Raines.
Congratulations to the following brothers for their elec
tion to the Minor Executive Board:
Public Relations Chair Andy Schuerman
Assistant Treasurer: Craig Wiedel
Historian: Jed Christensen
Athletic Chair: Chad Vilwok
Chorister: Todd Franzen
Chaplain: Dusty Clevenger
Hearth Aide: Tyler Waltz
Congratulations to Dusty Clevenger for being selected to
attend the Air Force Drill Competition.
Congratulations, Jeff Shuey on your
Love,the AOPi’s
Congratulations Nia^^^roftJtAclam Carter on your
engagement. We wish you the best of luck!
Alpha Love, your sisters.
Thank you so much for the wonderful bagel wake up on
Friday. We loved it!
love Pi Beta Phi
We apologize for omitting tne names of Brian Hendricks,
Jordan Reimer, Scott Wanetka, Curt Ruwe, Matt Kruse,
and Tim Keller amongst our 4.0’s last semester. Sorry
about that guys!
-Thanks of great FAC last Friday! We had fun!
The Ladies of Delta Gamma
Sam Ushio. Eridh ^Jaime^i^ e^'^ust^ ^ee ^
Congratulations to Melissa Tennison and Bdttany Kolste
on your internships!
Congratulations to our newest members: Anne Ford,
Manay Heyen, Andrea Kuta, Kelli Palmer, and Sarah
Smith. We’re so excited to have you!
Love, your sisters
Congratulations to the new assistants: Megan McCardele
— Finance Assistant; Katie Beach — Public Relations
Assistant; Cheryl Larsen and Stacie Woita — New Mem
bers Education Assistants
Love, your sisters
Congratulations to Sarah Danberg and Christy Schmidt
for being accepted to the Nebraska at Oxford program.
We’re proud of you!
Love, your sisters
Strip Naked
Friday, Jan. 31.
Bring your dollar bills, ladies.
The brothers of Kappa J^^w>uld like to congratulate
all the new initiatives. Great job to ail 30 of you. _
Congratulations to our second semester pledges: Kyle
Demming, Jim Reed, Brian Anderson, Cory Garris, Joe
Congratulation^to Ben Vetter for being elected as Public
Congratulations to Jeff Shuey and Angie Johnson of Al
pha Omicrom Phi on their pinning Monday night.
Singled Out
Calling all singles. Act now to be a part of UNL’s biggest,
funnest, and most insane dating game. Turn in entry forms
immediately to become a part of the dating pool._
I gJ
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. _