$3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization arte. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. IMA Thomas. Watts, & Hershberger wil bespeaking. 730pm, Wed, January 29th, NE Union. Join K Kappa Phi is pledging new members now. Rose Rush Tea Wednesoay, January 29 from 6-7pm at 640 N. 16th Street National organization. Zeta Chapter estabished in 1920. Friendship Club for Unkersty \ftomen d Chris tian Faith. Minimum dues. Call 467-5464 or 486-4469. Come one, come all! Golden Key ice skating party. 730pm, THIS THURSDAY at the Uncoh Stars ice rink (in state fairgrounds). $2.50 admission; $1.50 skate rentals. We wll also be having a brief meeting regarding upcoming events. NU MEDS We are hatdng our (bat meeting of the semester this Tuesday, Jan. 28 at-730 p.m. in the Union. Our speaker wil be Judy Schainer. an admission counselor in Podiatry and Osteopathology, wK give us more health care career options. Everyone (swelcome. _ PRE-DENTAL CLUB Meeting, Tues. Jan 28th, 730pm. Room 15, Dental College—guest speaker. Please bring duesl__ Teachers College Advisory Board Welcome Backl OurUrst meeting of the semester will be Tuesday, January 28 from 7-8pm at Mabel Lee Rm 234. Undergraduate Women in Business First meeting Tuesday, 530. Union, room posted. Speaker Dr. Kathy Farel, Professor of Finance. Topic; Women in Business Careers. New Members Welcome. ? s cat Mefesa 436-9284.' ' UNL Horticulture Club Meeting Tuesday, January 28th, 5pm, 327 Keim, East Campus. Program Co-Sponsorship Workshop Learn how to effectively find and use co-sponsors for your student organization. Attend theTMa ‘NThat Wockawop Tuesday Jan 28, 4£flpm East Union. RSVP Student Involvement 472-2454._ UNL Wildlife Club Meeting Wednesday, January 29,7.00 pm. East Campus Union. EVERYONE WELCOME I UNL Young Democrats Meeting Tuesday, January 28,7pm, NE Union. . * A© A big congratulations to Michelle Eckley for recieving a role as Louison in the play “The Imaginary InvaiW. Also, for having a role in the play "Six Degrees of Separation'!! Love your Alpha Phi Sisters A© Congratulations to Heidi Stephenson for landing a role in the opera 'Don Giovani". We are very proud of you. Love your Alpha Phi Sisters Aon A belated congrats to All Walters for being accepted for NSE. Good Luck to Angie Nelson with OT school in Southern CaiRornla. Congrats to Brooke Sirek on her engagement. Congrats to Lana Zumbrunn for being chosen for I Team. ato Congratulations on your 4.0 G.P As! Keep up the good work! Jim Barrett, George Dittrick, Chad Hoffort, KeUy Hoffschneider, Jason Reno._ ATQ Congratualtbns to the following 1997 Newly Initiated Members of Abha Tau Omega: Hod Baker, Kyle Bhjss. Brian Chaney, Jon Eichhom, Norm Fanning, Scott Francis, Ryan Hergenreder. Pat Honeycutt, Derek Johnston, Tony Lee, Travis Lore, Derek Newtun, John Norri, Brian Paeper, Brandon Quindt, Josh Reason, Brian Rote. John Stevens, Sam Ushb, Erich Warner, Jamb Warren, Justb Weeks. We're glad to have you! Your Brothers AT Thanks for the FAC on Friday) We had a blast) We'l do it again sometime. The Men of FUI Singled Out Callng all singles. Act now to be a part of UHL'S biggest, funnest, and most insane dating game. Turn in entry forms immediately to become a part of the dating pool. Freshmen Action Committee Meeting Tuesday Jan. 28—7:30 City Union A • . • . _ 1 Ibis Valentine’s Day send your special Valentine a personal message in the m I Daily Nebraskan. ^ Bring your message to the Daily Nebraskan in the basement of the y Nebraska Union before 2 p.m., MpbrnoLran "M* V _________r Positions open Curriculum Committee Deadline Fit, Feb. 7 - 4:00 p.m. AppteaMona available at 115 Nabr. Union STUDENT GOVERNMENT . SPRING ELECTION Filing forms are now available at IISNebr. Union for the Student Govemement Election March 12 Student Government Positions Open Student Court Graduate College Senator Parking Advisory Committee » Deadline for ail positions Wed., Jan. 29—4:00 p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union 50-year old woman with latgewarts is smitten with a man from family sciences that is giftad wth guitar and tuba. FOUND: two keys with bright yellow keyring, in front of Mabel Lee. Claim at the DN.. 1 '•» * FAST FUNDRAISER-RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS-GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED MOMDUALS. FAST, EASY-NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION.(8MIS62 1982EXL33 . 300s Jobs 1997 Expansion $10.50 Expansion has left us with 30 p/t openings. Resume experience, flex schedule. Call M-W, 4-7pm. 477-8663. Appointment setter needed. Flexble evening hours. Good pay. 477-2179. Attention studentslll Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for college expenses? Make $$$ money all spring. Let us help. 1-806-256-0641..7 - ■ Be your own boss! Major netwoik marketing company featured in Success magazine looking for part-time dtetrbutors. 484-8465. Dietary Aide - Applications are being taken for a part-time evening positions (4:45pm-8:15pm). $5.83 hourly. Evening and weekend shift differential. Vacation, sick-leave, and holdays. Apply at: Lancaster Manor, 1001 South St., Lincoln. NE. EOE/AA. Education majors! Stephenson's Big Apple has part-time positions at our Eastpark store. Fun products, good hours, and great atmosphere. Apply in person at Stephenson's Big Apple, 200 N 66th St Ste 209, through lfll/97. Full or part time. Telephone Sales for Lady's Fitness. Earn up to $12/hour Call Jack, 463-7777 Generation X If you are tired of everyone else's standards, and you are open-minded and original, cal 483-2237. I""ll,^^TSbbies",,^^^l Lunch Time Cashier, Weekdays; Good Pay and I Free Meal, Flexble schedule, apply 10am-2pm, I at Ijrwer Level Lincoln. Square. 13th 40._I Hillcrest Country Club Needs a pool manager, for the 1997 season. Indlvisuals with a great attitude, the abUty to work wfth both adults and children. Aval able mid-May through Labor day and a current pool operators norm it should apply In person or submit a resume at 8901 E. 0 Street before Feb. 28th.. Join the stall at Gingerbread Cottage. Approximate hours 3-630pm working wth stages. Apply today at225S 18th. Landscape Designer/Sales/ Residential/Commercial Designer. Good working. Knowledge of ornamental horticulture needed. Must have abilty to communicate wet. Competi tive salary and benefits. Send resume: Trees, Shrubs, 8 More Inc., 3803 Comhusker Rd„ Bellevue. NE. 68123 Lazio’s Brewery & Grill •Come see what we can offer you! •Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offerl •Team work at it's best! •Unparalleled training and support! •Paid vacations! •Closed on major holidays! •Some daytime avatabity required! *50% employee discounts! •You Do Not have to wear a name tag! •And nobody sings Happy Birthday! Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity wkh Lazio's. 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday. Tuesday. or Thursday. Looking for East Campus student to do house cleaning and errands, *-6hre/week (1 or 2 afternoons), $6/hr+ mileage. 487-3644. NUJ The Nati(^alBank of Commerce is currertty accepting applcations for ‘(Two) TeNere -Bank South Hows 1-5:46 p.m., Monday-Friday 830-noon, Saturday 12-5*5 Monday-Friday 830-noon, Saturday. •Pal lime data entry rep Hours 9-Z Monday-Friday 7-11 ajn., Saturday. •(Two) Encoders Nam proceaaing Hours 2-9pm Monday AND Friday . 5-9 Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday tM Saturday. 1-9 Monday AND Friday 1-4 Saturday. For more delate, please call the First Commerce Job hotline. 434-4700. Equal Opportunky Employer Need Custorial staff for weekday overnight, weekend overnight, and a late afternoon position. Upfo$7.00/hour. apply at Sports Courts, 222 North 44th. No nights, No weekends Would you tee to be part of a strong inside tales team ? Our sales people teif us, 'Beet part-time Job you could have whle in school' We need enthusiastic indMduals. Must be able to work a minimum of 18 hrs weekly scheduled between 8-5 Monday-Friday. Cal Jule 475 4002 ext 3341. EOE.__ Part or Ful time desk clerk/night auditor wanted for Lincoln motel. 11pm-7am. Poemble to Ive on premise and receive tulion wlh expanded hours in summer-time. 475-8888 ask lor Mke. , Part time positions available day and evening hours. Please cal Kim or Paul 472-1731. _ ■ Part time dorks now being selected for our 16th & South, 56th & Hwy 2. and 26th a 0 locations. Afternoon and Saturday hours. Apply in person to Globe Cleamers, 21st a*G'. _~ _, Part time custodial. Up to 20 hours per week. Fltirble schedule. Apply at Lied Center Administrative Offices. Part Time: FILE CLERK Accurate and dependable Individual desired for fie room position. 830 - 11:45am or )2*6pm-430pm, Mon-Fri. Apply In person at NE Farm Bureau, 5225 & 16th Street. CLERICAL SUPPORT Perform a variety of clerical and work proceaaing func tions related to the Crap insurance department. Good math skills a plus. 20 hours per week. M-F, flexbie schedule. Earned vacation. Apply in person or send resume. Nebraska Farm Bureau, 5225 So. 16th, Lincoln. NIE 68612. Part-time cashier* needed for weekday lunches in East Union Cafe. Apply room 314, NE East Union, 472-1776. Part-time custodial help wanted weekday and weekendevening8. Apply room 314, NE East Union, 472 1776. Production Assistants Wanted Lincoln Cable Vis ion is looking for full-time and part-time production assistants to work in local origination. Part-time hours are 16-20 per weak induding days, evening and weekends. Qual fied applicants wil have a high school education or equlafent and strong video production skills. Undergraduate course work in video production a plus. Applicants must be able to communicate effectively with co-workers and community cable users. Apply in person at CtbleVtaion, 5400 S. 16th St.. Lincoln. NE 68512. 830am 5pm. CabieVMon ie an Equal Opportunity Employer MfF/D/V. PT deiNery driver needed, M-F. 130 pm-530 pm. Apply in person at Darter Dental Lab, 125 South 9th Street Career Opportunities in Sales/Management Currently Hiring Interviewing On Campus - February 10,1997 Montgomery KONE unices in rrmcipai umes of North America With Representatives Worldwide. aeeiung May iyy / uraauaies in Marketing Management and , Business Administration Sign Up At: The Business Placement Office I I --- Security Position Part time. Friday and Saturday, 3rd Shift. Cal 479-1700 and leave a message. Seeking accounting major for part-time bookkeeping po sition for smal famty owned business. Great opportunity lor experience and responsMty for the indMdual who rants to learn ait aspects of running a business) 6-8hrs/ week, Baxbie schedule. Cal 4S7-3644. Spanish Teacher for Foreign Languageprogram, Mon day/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Time 2:50 - 320 at Hohnes School. Cal 4583197. YWCA of Lincoln, needs Karate or Taekwondo instructor to provide classes two evenings and Saturday A.M. Approx. 12hrs/Wesk. Black Bek required. Apply in person 1432 N Street 434-3494 Part-time stter needed mornings. Hours wil vary. Ages 5,9,11, Southeast Lincoln, must have transportation A references, non-smoker, cal anytime at 489-0933. I Summer Management Positions I Motivated students needed for area managers I In Lincoln and Omaha. Average managers earn I *10,714 running their own business inmeetab- I liBhed company. Call (800) 480-0230. AppOca- I JlonDeadtaeAnuan^l^^^^^^^^^^J “Summer Camp Opportunities** Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Ktakl, located on the Platte River, it tsoeklng applicants for summer staff posUons. Call or write YMCA Camp Ktakl. 216 North IlfhTSuke XI. Lincoln NE 68508.402-434 9225. CAMP COUNSELORS-OUTSTANDING SUMMER SUM DOWN CAMPS ON UNIVERSITY CAMPUSES IN MASSACHUSETSS, PENNSYLVANIA, AND CALIFOR NIA. All specialise: Athletics. Dance. Swim, Aerobics/ exercise.Nutrition, Tennis. 7 WEEKS. AGE 20*. 1-800 421-4321, www.raawicemslot rnm Life Changing En>eriences Could be in store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth people w*h disabttes. Salary, room and board provided. Cajf(402)761-2875 tor Information about open po6tions. PREMIERE BROTHER-SISTER CAMPS IN MASSACHUSETTS Counselor positions for talented and energetic students as Program Specialists in al Team Sports, especially Basebal, Basketball, Roler Hockey. Gymnastics, Field Hockey, Soccer, Volleyball; X Tennis openings; also Golf, Archery, Riflery, Pioneering/Ovemight Camping. Ropes and Flock Climbing. Weights/Fitness and Cycling; other openings Include Performing Arts, Fine Arts, Figure Skating. Newspaper, Photography, Yearbook, Radk> Sta tion, and Rocketry; Ail Waterfront/Pool Activities (Swim ming, Sking, Sailing, Windsurfing, Canoeing/Kayaking). Top salaries, room, board and travel. June 22nd-August 20th. .... Inquire: MAHKEE-NAC (Boys): 1-800-753-9118 PANBES (Girts): 1-800-392-3752 RAFTING! RAPPELLING! COLORADO SUMMER JOBS; In the Rockies near Val, ANDERSON CAMPS seeks caring, enthusiastic, dedtealed, pattern indhriduals who enjoy working wth chldren in an outdoor setting. Counselors, Cooks, Wranglers, Riding Instructors, and Nurses. Interviews on February 3rd. Stop by Carrer Planning and Placement Office to get an applcation and sigmjp for an Interview. Questions? Call us at (970) 524 Summer Pool Positions for Head Guards, Lifeguards and Cashiers. Pay ranges of $460 -6.X per hour. Cat Lincoln Parks and Recreation at 441-7892. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice Al real estate advertising In thb newspaper b subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes I /legal to advertbe any preference, Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, notations or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskan wllnotknowingly accept any advertising for real estate which b In vblathn of the law or dbcnminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that al dwellngs advertised are avalabb on an equal opportunity basis. Female roommate preferred to share 2 Bedroom/1 bath basement wth another female. Absolutely the cheapest rent and utitties, plus all the benefits of fun roommates. Positively NO crack Addicts without references. Cal Steve 477-8280(eveninqs) for details. Female, X's, to share 4 bedroom apt., $115/month plus 1/4 utllties. 430 N. 25th Street Call 488-2088. | |1,-... ■' vM YAK IT UP AND EARN UP TO M2 AN HOUR. ♦ MJMmu guaranteed ♦ Canal dress code ♦ MOO hiring bonus - ♦ Fall-time and part-time ♦ Flexible hours ♦ Career opportunities Only two blocks bom campus. CALI INTERACTIVE TELESERVICES 434-2626 1033 "O' SHEET. IHCOIH. NE FORMERLY KNOWN AS INTERACTIVE MARKETING SERVICES. EQE