Lahners says trial to run long r imjali irom page 1 , On Thursday and Friday, Stewart said the shooter was Washington. Under questioning from Lahners Fri day afternoon, Stewart said that he was first unsure it was Washing ton, then 100 per cent sure, after the third of three shots. “Is there any question in your mind that Riley Washington was y... the person who wasl*lil|ton shot Jermaine Cole?” Lahners asked. “There is no question in my mind,” Stewart said. But Eggers pointed out two sepa rate times that Stewart said in court under oath that he could not positively identify the shooter. She also askf^y&wart about two other instances where he said he couldn’t identify the shooter — once to a police officer and another to a public defender’s office investigator. “You never told (Lincoln Police) Detective (Greg) Sorensen, who you knew to be a police officer, Riley Washington was the shooter?” Eggers asked. “Correct,” Stewart said. Eggers also hammered away at previous testimony where Stewart said he did not see the second and third shot because he was running the other way. He testified that he saw only the gun on the first shot. Stewart testified Thursday that he watched the gun on the first two shots and saw the shooter on the third be fore he ran. He said he did not run until after the third shot, despite his previous testimony. Apparently attempting to help his witness, Lahners asked Stewart if there were any details he could have left out from an event that happened a year and a half ago. Stewart said yes. Lahners also asked Stewart about being an unwilling witness. Stewart, ■ T . a convicted felon who was testifying in a corrections uniform, said he had tried to avoid going to court. “I didn’t really want nothing to do with this,” he said. “I was already go ing to court for things, troubles that I had. I was tired of going into the court room.” More prosecution witnesses are ® expected to be called Monday. K Lancaster County District Court Judge m Bernard McGinn had told the jury the ® trial could end as soon as Wednesday, | but Lahners said Friday that it would m last a few days longer. ™ In other court-related news: Muhammed, another former ■ Husker wingback, was arrested in tfj Omaha for possession of 4 pounds of J marijuana. He was being held on sus- m picion of possession with intent to ■ deliver. ^ Muhammed had been subpoenaed _ as a defense witness, but it was un- I clear if he was to testify or not. He is ■ still subject to the subpoena. Corrections j* ClarificatioitiF An error was made in the gay marriage story that ran in the wedding guide last Friday (Jan. 24). Th§ church the couple attends is First United Methodist Church, not St. Marie’s United Methodist Church. Also, the rings the couple exchanged were pearl and alex andrite, not pearl and Alexandria. All You Care To Eat Original Sauce Spaghetti & Two Slices Garlic Cheese Bread Offer good for Lunch or Dinner: Mon., Tues., and Wed. only. Must present coupon when ordering Expiree February 26,1997 228 N. 12th St. \Damc£ CiAsses \ 8-WEEK SESSIONS BEGIN FEBRUARY ($40 PER PERSON) ^ country ♦ swing J J ballroom + latin ^ Can IK Now to 11 \Register! bracKhan dance directive 2fOQ OMiecl 435-3344 I 1 \ ; i NEW YORK BAGEL 13th 8c Q • 438-0088 99C Breakfast & Pizza Bagels -Half Off 50% off on all food & drink —with student ID— —©For O — Buy one, get one FREE — all items— — With student ID Not valid with above offers '"erhdeltchry Is Here! • I Professional Edition I | Microsoft• J The World's Most Popular Office Suite Now with the Power of the Web! ✓ Microsoft8 Office 97, Professional Edition with Bookshelf8 Basics. Get Your Job Done Faster and Better than Ever! • Professional Edition contains five powerful applications that work together and work alike: Microsoft® Excel 97 (spreadsheet), Microsoft Word 97 (word processor), Microsoft PowerPoint® 97 (presentation graphics program), Microsoft Access 97 (database), and the newest addition to Office, The Microsoft Outlook*- 97 desktop information manager, which helps you manage your time, communications and documents; plus Bookshelf® Basics. • The Bookshelf® Basics multimedia reference library gives you fast access to a world of information. * CD ROM contains thousands of clip art images, plus .avi files and more. • Built-in, integrated tools let you easily create and publish content for the Web. • The innovative Office Assistant gives you interactive help-providing advice and tips as you work. H*"™|****""*^ ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF LOVE LIBRARY JSHgfWHBSl I 1300 Q STREET • 476-0111 24 HOUR FAX: 476-7755 • EMAIL: ISfiSilfillSlSfiV M-Sa 9a-6p • Su Noon-5p • Th until 8p