★ GAS HEAT PAID 2504 Vine Ibd lower level, neutral decor $340.00 1109.1121 North 28th, Ibedrooms, choose your style. Dark brown, or beige. $340.00. Grey wlh ceramic floors, $365.00. Huge bedrooms, lots of closets, private en closed wok out patio, on site management. 2920 P. Spit level townhouse. 2bedroom, 1 1/4 bath make ft your first home. Low uHMos. amiable NOW. $475.00 4300 Cornhusker Hwy, 2bedrooms, 1 1/4 bath townhouse, 1000 sq. ft of living, spacious bedrooms, nobody tfxwe or below! $475.009525.00 2bedroom, 1 bath. W/D hookip«d.ower level Handi capped access or top floor beige carpet, ceramic floors, a« appliances. $520.06-$530.00 2Bedroom, 2bmh, over 1000sq.ft. BEAUTIFUL! Ceramic floors, private halway to Ivina area spacious bedrooms, hide your dresser closets! $560.00 Cherry Hill Management 489-4857 4BR, 2BA, unfurnished, redone, ail utilttes paid, central air, 830 S. 12th, $820.430-90t2. Campus Close 2521 R SL. Huge t bedroom, security entrance, laundry, off-street parking, no pets, heat paid, $325, 440-6254/ 435-6811.- _ Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349. Two bedroom unto $3694429. Laundry, busline. JONES PROPERTIES 640 South 20th 475-7262 Is privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets,, laundry. $375 includes all utilities. Need garageTAddrtional $40 per month. Ideal for one individual. 475-7262. 1BR, Near Campus, 2403 Lynn Street, oil-street parking. Cable, deposit, $285ftno. Avattbie Feb, t. 486-2088 1938 Garfield Two bedtoon, newer apartment No pets, no smoking. Available Feb 1. $405.466-1267 I J :*mW**s. -B- Mb: *Wr :■ *L ^P -JIU#^ JK . :-.PP-:- > 28 oz. Yards of Bud, Bud Lt., Busch L,t. or Mich Lt. First one~$2.50 ; Refills~$1.75 (Keep the Glass!) " ’ And a FREE Band... S'Z/Z’JZ SUPER SPECIALS^! ' Efficiency Apt. Close to city campus. Gas/water/heat paid. Call 477-4490 Mato. 3 bedrooms, $12S/month. Available immedtotty. Close to campus, off-street parking, laundry, (402)563 1599. Need Privacy? One bedroom near Captol. Grade welcomed. No smok Ing/pets. Available. $23S/month plus utlltles, deposit. 476- 7419/475-9990._ | Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA clean, dose to UNL and downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425,483-6280 Nice, wei-kspt, one. two and three bedroom apartments. South central location. 423-8069 or 560-2134._ One large bedroom, 2929 R ST., contemporary look. Ceramic tile entry, nice working ktchen wfh pantry, ceramic tile kkchen and batoroom, secure storage space, same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance. ► and heat paid. Avateble NOWf $400/month. 474-3529. Pine Tree Ante. let and Adame. 2 A 3 BR. 8490 $630 Embeeeey Park Apia, 31et andOfd Cheney, 1-2-3 BR, 1814FSt,2Bfl,$450 535 W. Saunders, 2 BR, $460, SIS W. Saunders, 1 BR4360, No Pets 403-1130 or 483-0057 Tired of looking at dumps?? 1121 Sumner. Large one-bedroom and duplex. Great yard. Washer/Dryer. Garage avalabto. $390 per month. 477- 5282. Two bedroom house $375, plus aU unities. No pets. 2131 South 8 - 475-7262. Two bedroom apartment 2301A Street $386per month ptuautMths. $SsO deposit Cal43S4364/ Unique 1 bedroom apartment hi renovated school for studious and students. 25 mle uncongested, vtsuafly phasing, thought provoking commute. $250 per month 4 UtHths. 472-0242,420-2181. Great starter home! Minutes away from UNL campus! Ready to move into. Home Real Estate South. Susie Luxford, 440-0770. 500s Services We offer counselng'ancTadoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or oblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska ChMren's Home, 4800 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. Love, laughter, and endteea opportunity awah your baby. Expenses paid. Ruth A Michael 14M431-M44. Planned Parenthood off Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "