The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 23, 1997, Page 10, Image 10

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NU coaches like the
| idea of pushing back
( baseball, softball
| schedules.
By David Wilson
Staff Reporter
Though the Nebraska baseball
team will not play a game until Feb,
18, many warm-weather schools are
well into their first week of the regu
lar season.
Because of that, the NCAA is re
viewing legislation that would push
the start of both the baseball and soft
ball seasons to mid-April and having
them run until the end of June. The
proposal, introduced by the athletic
directors of the Big 10 Conference,
could take effect as soon as 1999, NU
Baseball Coach John Sanders said.
And a later start, Sanders said,
would minimize the warm-weather
schools’ advantages.
“They’re (southern teams) practic
ing outside—not just playing,” Sand
ers said. “This would give everybody
that reasonable chance to do those
NU Softball Coach Rhonda
Revelle wrote an article in a coaches’
magazine that helped push the idea
of moving the season back.
Revelle said with 220-plus Divi
sion I teams—more than half play in
a true winter climate—it makes sense
to move the season back. '
“We want to play national cham
pionship caliber teams and we can’t
have them come here,” Revel le said.
“So for the first month or first six
weeks we are on the road.” ^,
That also hurts the softball
program’s fan base.
Sports like soccer, volleyball and
women’s basketball are supported well
by Nebraska fans. Revelle said if the
temperature was above 40 degrees,
more than 600 fans would come to NU
games. But if the temperature dropped
below 40, she said, “we’re lucky to
have the parents come out.”
ii me season is pushed back a
month, the College World Scries, nor
mally played during the first week of
June at Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha,
would likely be played at the end of
But a later-then-usual World Se
ries will also give college summer
leagues a later start. Sanders said those
leagues could work around post-sea
son play.
“Eighty-three percent of college
baseball teams don’t go to the NCAA
regionals,” Sanders said. “Those guys
will be ready to play ball right after
the season ends.”
Revelle said the committee needs
to look into such factors as when
school ends, other academic conflicts,
Sartors Revelle
summer job factors and housing prob
lems that could be encountered.
The Huskers, who have not quali
fied for a regional since 1986, will
start this season on new turf, which
was installed last month.
The new turf will drain better and
not pose a hazard to the players.
“The turf we were on, we had for
14 years,” Sanders said. “It’s like car
pet at home that wears out. You get
down to the pad eventually. It became
really dangerous.”
TTie Huskers were able to practice
outside this week, but that opportu
nity is rare in January, Sanders said.
Even if the season is pushed back
a month, Sanders said, the northern
schools will never have all the advan
tages of the warm-weather teams.
“Unfortunately, we’d still have
some cold weather up here and prac
tice opportunities wouldn’t be the
same as a warm-weather school,”
Sanders said.
De Vitis leaves NU soccer team
" . ' • ■ \
puzzle that has
brought the three
year-old progi-am
into the nation’s
T h e
Comhuskers fin
ished 23-1 in 1996
and were on the
a. berfl before
tosing io Portland the
quarterfinals last fall • inu iuoi only one
player, Kim RatlifT, to graduation.
While NU returns most of its fire
power from last year’s squad, the team
will be without midfielder/striker
Erica De Vitis and possibly midfielder
■ ■
Jill Nelson.
De Vitis, a 5-foot-4 sophomore
from Irvine, Calif., has decided to re
turn closer to home. She has trans
ferred to Southern California.
“We support Erica 100 percent,”
Walker said. “She was always kind of
homesick here. That was the primary
reason. It was an amicable parting.”
De Vitis made her mark as a cre
ative one-on-one player with an at
tacking style in her two years at NU.
She started all 24 games for NU
last season scoring eight points on two
goals and four assists.
Walker said Nelson, a freshman
from Newport Beach, Calif., plans to
leave, but has not yet come to a final
decision. Nelson saw limited action,
coming off the bench to play 19 games
last year. She had four points on two
goals and a pair of assists.
Walker has compiled an accom
plished 47-13 record in his three years
at Nebraska. Last week, he was picked
as the National Senior College
Women’s Coach of the Year. But he
refuses to take sole credit for the
“It’s a nice honor,” Walker said.
“But it reflects more on my players and
my assistants — Marty Everding and
Megan Bechtold.”
Walker was also the Big 12 Cotir
ferehce Coach of the Year and the
NSCAA Central Region Coach of the
On Feb. 2, Walker will coach in
the NSCAA Select All-Star Classic in
Fort Lauderdale, Fla. It is made up of
the nation’s top seniors, much like
college football’s Senior Bowl.
Walker will coach players from
schools such as Vanderbilt, Texas
A&M, San Diego, Wisconsin,
Stanford, Portland and NCAA runner
up Notre Dame.
“I’m looking forward to it,” he
said. “There are quite a few All
Americans. We’re not going to put in
a major game plan, we’re just going
to go out and have fun.”
Schwartz adjusts to new role
’■ - '
By Sean Lewis
Staff Reporter
Brooke Schwartz has gone from a
go-to player to a reserve in less than
rmftVAXtr snnvthinitiKai lvu> m'lion tka
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wvnwwtf mo HTViaglllg acvcu
points per game and ranks third on
the team in 3-point shooting in her
first season. Wednesday night against
Missouri, she had 14 points and
grabbed six rebounds. She was 6 of 8
from the field.
Coach Angela Beck said Schwartz
has had to make adjustments this sea
•* . '
son and that one day, Schwartz will
become a special player for NU.
“I think it’s been a tremendous
adjustment for her from high school,”
Beck said. “From being everything
that her team needed to craning to
college and playing team ball and hav
ing to adjust to the fundamentals of
the game.
“Another adjustment she’s had to
make is coming off the bench. I’m sure
she’d like to start, but I think she un
derstands that this is another level.”
Schwartz said it is a totally differ
ent level of play and a different sys
tem for her to learn.
“In high school, I could score at
will and here there’s so many other
players that can score,” Schwartz said.
“Everyone’s a scorer, hot just one
Defense is still an area of concern,
Schwartz said. Although she has 34
steals, fifth on the team, she isn’t to
tally happy with her performance.
“If you were a good player, the
coach didn’t care what you did. Here
you could be the bottom player and
you still have to be disciplined as much
as the top player.”
Beck said Schwartz’s defense is a
little behind the rest of her teammates,
but that Schwartz has the natural in
I think she’s going
to be a great leader.’’
Angela Beck
' NU women’s basketball coach
stincts and ability to force steals when
people don’t expect them.
Making the transition from the star
to coming off the bench hasn’t been
difficult, according to Schwartz. Be
ing one of the first players off the
bench for the Huskers is just as good.
“It doesn’t really matter here what
player you are, as long as you contrib
ute,” she said. “I feel like I’m contrib
uting, doing what I need to do as a
player on the team, and that’s just fine
to me.”
Beck said Schwartz will have a
chance to earn a starting spot next sea
son when senior point guard Lalbya
Doage graduates.
“I think she’s going to be a great
leader,” Beck said. “Right now she’s
just trying to gel and become one of
the team and do what she can to make
us SUCCMffill.”