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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1997)
r a 02 Appliances 05 Bicycles 10 Books 13 Clothing 16 Computers 20 Furniture 30 Jewelry 40 Misc. For Sale 45 Musical Instruments 46 Office Furniture 50 Pets 55 Photo Equipment 70 Ticket Exchange . 90 Vehicles ~ 300 hides 203 Spring Break Trips 205 Career Events 210 Announcements 215 Meetings 220 Greek Affairs 230 Student Government 240 Personals 242 Pinning & Engagements 245 Lost & Found 250 Wanted 260 Fundraising 270 900 Numbers 300 Help Wanted 310 Child Care 320 Work Study Jobs 400 Roommates 410.Housing Wanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duptex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homes/Sale 500 Adoption 505 Alterations & Sewing 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 528 Chid Care 530 Cleaning/Laundry 531 Cleaning/Households 535 Computer Service 540 Entertainment 545 Gift Ideas 548 Hairstyling 550 Health A fitness 553 Insurance 555 Instruction/Tutofing 558 Job Placement 560 Lawn cate 585 Legal Services 573 Music Exchange 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printim A Copying 583 Religious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning ^T^tooing ana stuaem organization aos. $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. jjf For Sale -! IBM 4860X266,16 megs, 540HD, 2xCDrom, modem 14.4, 14" monitor, loaded software, multimedia, $95Q/OBO, 476 2006. IBM Thinkpad 350c, 25mhz, 125mb, fax modem, very good condition. 3 years old. $749 080, 466-1902. Ladies Wedding Set: Unique two-tone platinum/14k gold with princess center and channel-set band, total weight 1.57 cts.App. $7200. asking $3900 OBO. CaN Kim at 402 476-7149, M-F, 8-5._ Kodak caroueeM46CUIide projector with remote and ex tra lens. New $450,' eaH 489-6667._ Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL ttte channels! 1 313-523-2767. SMASHINGLY HUGE! color console TV with remote: cable-ready, radio, cassette, 8-track, record-player inside, $65. 476-1956. 1990 Infiniti M30,2 door, tan leather, sun roof, power ev erything, Bose, excellent condition, book-$10,500 asking $8600, 423-4766. 1984 Chevy Celebrity. V-6 engine. PS, PB, 4-door, 104k. Mechanically reliable. Asking: $950. Call 465-4038. 1981 Datsun 210, red, 142K, VERY mechanically sound, have service record, GREAT shape, $1100.489-0540. 200s Notices "Spring Break ’97” It’s Heaven!! Wake and Bake... Hottest destinations — Free parties!!! Organize group and travel free, lowest price guarantee. From $99 1-800-426-7710; jwww.sun^ Call your on-campus rep AAA! Spring Break ‘97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!! 7 nights with air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parlies, No Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwalk beach re sort, $129,7/nights beach from. Endesa Summer Tours 1-800-234-7007. Spring Break ’97 TAKE THE PLUNGE! STUDY ABROAD EXTRAVAGANZA! Find out about UNL’s summer programs abroad. Earn credits while immersing yourself in another culture. At tend the informational meeting: January 28th, 7:00 p.m., NEtMon. WM A $250 SCHOLARSHF! DOOR PRBES Active Why to Weight Control Classes Forming NOW!! CaM 472-7478 for mors info. Classes start February 3. Sponsored by the University Health Center. Attention Upperclass Honors Program Students Election of upperclass representatives to Honors Program Student Board wB be held January 27-29. lb get on the ballot, complete a Candidate Information Sheet, available at 118 Neihardt Deadline for returning applications is Thursday, January 23. Breaking the Glass Ceiling How do women break though the barriers that too often preverit them from achieving their career goals? "Break ing the Glass CeiBng” will be a wonderful opportunity to meet and loam from seven of Lincoln's most successful women as 8wy discuss the challenges they’ve faced In their careers. Angela Beck, UHL BaskettS/ooech^Lori Czubachowski, Auto mechanic; the Hon. Karen Flowers, Judge; Radious Guess, LPS Multicultural consultant; Kathy Herr, Fashion consultant; Maxine Mou, Dir. NE Dept, or Economic De vefcjpment Beth Scarborough, Pres., Nebraska Division for Time Warner Cable. Modaralsd by Bonn!# Coffsy Thursday, January 23 East Union 6-9 p.m. Free Admission For more Mo. cal the Women's Center, 472-2597 COLLEGE FINANCIAL AID Student Financial Services had information on 3,400+ public & private sector funding sources. A MUST FOR ANYONE SEEKING FINANCIAL AID! For information: 1 800-263-6495 exLF57788 COMMUTERS Are you tired of riding alone? Find someone to share the ride. Stop in the Commuter and Student Services Center, Rm. 116 Nebr. Union for more Mb. * CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT Travel the world (Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean) & earn an excellent income m the Cruise & Land-Tour industry. For details, call 1-206-971-3550 ext.C57787 DISC GO ROUND WE BUY ft SELL USED CD’S Used CD’s, $5.99-$7.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. Now CD's $11,99-$12.99 DISC GO ROUND '50th and O, 486-0047. FINANCE CLUB Meeting TODAY, 6:30, CBA118. Organizational meeting. ALL majors welcome. Join us for pizza and pop. How To Do The Successful Interview & Be Offered The Job You Want! That’s Right! The Agribusiness Student Advisory Council wants to help you by hosting an informal employer inter viewing seminar so YOU can breeze through internship/ career interviews. Representatives from Cargill have vol unteered their services to present the job interviewing seminar on Thursday, January 23 from 6-8 p.m. in the East Campus Union. RSVP to Rosalee Schwartz at 472 5234 by January 21 fo ensure yourself a spot at the inter viewing seminar! Innocents Society is the^a^eUor’s Senior Honorary whose membership is based on academic achievement, unparalleled leadership, and selfless service to UNL and the community. Applications for membership are now available for quali fied juniors at 106 Adminsitration Building, Office for Stu dent Involvement (city union and east union), and the Culture Center. Interested in Leadership? Friendship? Service? Join ALPHA PHI OMEGA, National Co-ad Service Fraternity! Check out one of this week’s informational meetings: Wed. 1/22,6:00pm. 0 Culture Center Wad. 1/22,8:00pm. 0 East Campus Union-Room Posted Thurs. 1/23, 6:00pm. 0 Smith Residence Hall / ' -Central Conference Room Everyone is welcome!! Lesbian Discussion Group A safe place-for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Women to talk, meet laugh and learn as we discuss our lives in an informal atmosphere. Wednesday, 1:30 2:20pm. Starting January 15, Nebraska Union 338. For more information ca> The Women's Center, 472-2597. MORTAR BOARD NOTABLE Mortar Board is a National Senior Honor Society that rec ognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and achievement in exceptional scholarship leadership and service. Mortar Board also recognizes outstanding freshmen, sophomores, and ssnicss that demonstrate our high standards. Pick 14) an application/information sheet at the offices of Student Involvement (east and city campus), Student JudfcM Affaire. Culture Center and the Honors Program. They are due on FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, at 5:00 pm, at the Student Judicial Affairs Office, 106 Admin. Ptaase Hproie previous due data. NATIONAL PARK EMPLOYMENT National Partes hire forestry workers, park rangers, nrengruers, ineguaius, + voiumeer ana govemefnnT post* lions. Escefient benefits + bonus potential. CaM: 1-206 971-3620 exLN57785 gy.s'" ; g--; Scuba Diving RADI certifications, new & rental equipment. Encalent prices! Contact Joe Tyier, Husker Divers—560 2026 or 488-6338. .. ■ ■■ ' ■n<-; ' ' Mortar Board is a National Senior Honor Society that rec ognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and achievement in exceptional scholarship, leadership and service. All JUNIORS with a 3.3 GPA or higher are eligible for membership in the Black Masque Chapter at UNL Pick up an application/inforiTution sheet at the Offices of Stu dent Involvement on East and City Campus, Student Ju dicial Affairs, Culture Center and the Honors Program. Applications/Information Sheets are due on Friday, Janu ary 24 at 5 pm at the Student Judicial Affairs Office, 106 Aomin Bldg. Looking to Get Ahead? In the ever-growing global market, international experi ence is a must to get ahead. Gain the advantage through the Senshu University exchange program in Tokyo, Ja pan. With other UN-L students, you wi study beginning or advanced Japanese language, culture, and business as part of a 12 or 15 week program. Come find out more at one of the foHowing information sessions in CBA138. Wednesday, January 22 3:30 and 4:30 pm Thursday, January 23 2:30 and 3:30 pm Monday, January 27 3:30 and 4:30 pm Wednesday, January 29 3:30 and 4:30 pm Thursday, January 30 2:30 and 3:30 pm STUDENT GOVERNMENT SPRING ELECTION Filing forms are now avatable at 115 Nebr. Union for the Student Govemement Election March 12 STUDY ABOARD at SENSHU UNIVERSITY TOKYO, JAPAN You cant afford to miss the opportunities offered by U NI L’S CBA Exchange Program in Japan this fall. You will ive in the world’s largest city, create an impressive interna tional resume, make lifelong friends from Japan, Ireland, England, Australia, and around the United States, and have the opportunity to travel to Mt. Fuji, Hiroshima, Kyoto, and even Korea, Hong Kong, and Hawaii! Come find out more about the exciting semester that awaits you in Ja pan at one of the following information sessions in CBA 138: Wednesday, January 22 3:30 and 4:30 pm Thursday, January 23 2:30 and 3:30 pm Monday, January 27 3:30 and 4:30 pm Wednesday, January 29 3:30 and 4:30 pm Thursday, January 30 2:30 and 3:30 pm The Nebraska YsM Squad is looking for any interested, athletic guys to join foe squad for the spring semester. Please call Renee at 472-4622 The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is now accepting applications for membership. Applica tions are available at the Wick Alumni Center, the Office for Student Involvement, City Union and the ASUN Of fice, City Union. Applications are due Monday, January 27 at 5:00pm at the Wick Alumni Center. Information ses sions are Tuesday, January 21,6:30pm at the Wick Alumni Center. Questions? Call Shelley (472-4222). Tri-Beta applications are Now Available. Pick up in Bio. Sci. advis ing office in Manter. Due Feb. 7th. UNL Men’s Club SoccerTryouts Jan. 29,6:30 p.m at Cook Pavillion. Any questions call OCR. We need U Residence Hall Association (RHA) is now looking for stu dents to fill the following positions: RHA Election Commissioner Campus Escort Chair Hall Orientation Team Chair Student Action Team Chair Secretary Applications Due Jan. 31,1997. Stop by Rm. 237 Nebr. Union or call 472-1095. Agronomy Club Meeting Wed. Jan. 22 at 7pm in room 327, Keim Hall. Bowling afterwards. Block & Bridle Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22nd at 7:00pm Initiates, 7:30pm Everyone in East Campus Union. CBASAB Meeting at 5:30pm TONIGHT, City Union, room posted. 9P Join Nebraska Crew Learn to row, get in shape, travel and have fun. No expe rience necessary. Meeting Wed. Jan. 22 or 29, 7 pm at boathouse. Info: call Matt 436-8459. * Campus Red Cross meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22 5:00pm at the Health Center. We'D be starting on the Blood Drive. MEET THE CHAPTER Delta Sigma Pi a professional business fraternity invites you to attend an informational meeting to see what we’re all about! Meet the Chapter night is: Monday, January 27th A 7pm in the Union We wiN have a professional speaker, so please dress ac cording If you have questions please cati, Maureen at Phi Beta Lambda Welcome Back! Please join us in the Union Thursday at 6:30 for our first business meeting of the semester. Please dress in busi ness attire. Pre-Physical Therapy Club We will be having a meeting Wednesday; January 22 at 7 p.m. The room will be posted in the Union. Society For Human Resource Management. Thursday January 23, 5:30pm. 13 & R next to Interna tional Affairs. Meeting 8pm, Jan. 23th, at the City Union, room to be posted! See ya there! STUDENT FOUNDATION Welcome Back! First Meeting, City Union, 5:15pm,Thurs day, Jan. 23rd, JOIN THE FUN1! _ Student Nurses Assoc. (SNA) WHt meet Thursday Jan:, 23 at 6:00pm in Benton Base ment Pre-Nursing students Welcome! The Publications Board will meet at 2:30 p.m., Thursday, in the Nebraska Union to dtocuss Daly Nebraskan poli cies. Al are invited to attend. ... I UNL Marketing Club I meeting Thursday Jan. 23, 6:00pm at the U» nwi'i. Room posted. UNL Rod$o Club Meeting tonight 7:90 EMtiMon. Very importent we win vvung on ruuvo okh. cxvcuuWo moot ai 7:M; UNL Wildlife Club Committee meeting Jan. 22nd at 7 p.m. in the East Cam pus Union. Get involved, everyone welcome! Women’s Club Soccer Congratulations to lead role as Angelique in the play _ We are so proud of youl! Love, Your A-Phi Sisters Arp The men of Alpha GammaRho would like to congratu late the following members who were elected as officers. Kitchen chiefs-Nate Marcy, Kirk Major, Crescent Editors Lee Potts, Mark Coe, Assistant Operations-Craig Hegemann, Computer Chairmen-Chad Bockstadter, Eric Ford, Chaplain-Jim Dickey, Courtesy Chair-Mark Johnson, Philanthropy-SteveAuxier, Historian-Bryan Terrell, Athletic Chair-Mick Porter, Health Aid-John Gangwish. ABA Congratulations to the newly-appointed officers: Activities Hotly Suit Asst. Social Heather Bendfeldt Song Leaders Sarah Farrell & Gina Todero Intramurals Natalie Zima Asst. House Mgr. Melanie Schultz Historian Alicia Cent Marshal Kerry Spotanski Comp/Sportswear Carta Baumert Picture Man Melissa Hansen Asst Academic Andes Cummins Ritual Karey Schutte Asst. Ritual Sara Strongin Asst. New Member Kate Toalson & Amanda Selzle Asst. Philanthropy Kristen Greenwood Frat. Heritage Kerry Kuenning Continuous Open Bidding Sara Shrader Asst. COB BobbiZapp Spirit Leaders Kecia TrujiHio & Sara Lilly Asst Membership Angie Godberson Rush Secretary Betsy Erickson Asst Treasurer Kerri Luebbers Financial Asst. Annie Pearson Public Relations Tina Navratil Alum. Relations Amy Schobert ASA Congratulations Emily Wray on becoming Regional presi dent for Lutheran Student Movement. Welcome back Victoria GaHanti! How is President Clinton? Xi Love, your sisters Congratulations, to ttra^iadle^^ssica Myhre-Beta Al pha Psi secretary, Nolle Ballsiger and Kim Mitchell on your peariinus and Michelle Pearson on being accepted to the Oxford Program. We are so happy for all of you. Xi Love, your sisters Congrats to Tracy Swenson and Aaron Afward on your recent engagement! Best of Luck, Tracy! Love, your Tri-Delta Sisters OM Congratulations to Deb Stickles on receiving a medical and educational internship with Immanuel Hospital in Omaha for the quality living community. We’re so proud of you! Love, your sisters KZ To the Men of Kappa Sigma, Thanks for the fun and help ing U6 off of the ffoor (it was sure slippery). Can we sched ule you in for a Karate tournament next weekend? The Alpha Chis ZOE Congratulations to Jason Jones for his engagement over the hoHdaysl ME We can dance! We can dance! We can dance if we want to! Congratulations to our newly initiated members! Steve Bazis (rosey cheeks). Mite Presdon, Andy Licht, AJ2|«a rieflfF ItieASfe WLRaaa Alton i/b|%f|A|AL i^ii VAfliitn-ni, /inn wiiKe L/uiT, jason wiese. Alien i\nngstcK, j©tt wrntney (top dog), Stove Alton (drama guy), Ben Harry, John Grebe, Mfohatf Jorgensen (pledge o» the>yeart. BN SheRpepper, Nate Edto, Tyier Mqorejony Coins, Ban Bissau, Aaron Lee, Brian Mies, Kenny Bauer, Ed Ring. Matt McClymont, opencer nawtons, ana lack otto. GET INVOLVED?? Student Government Position Open Senate position to represent the College of Engineering and Technology. Application available af115 Nebr. Union. DeadNne Friday, Jan. 24 ★ I STUDENT GOVERNMENT SPRING ELECTION Filing forms are now available at 115 Nebr. Union for the Student Govemement Election March 12 ★ Student Government Positions Open Student Court Graduate College Senator Parking Advisory Committee DeadSne for all positions Wed., Jan. 29—4:00 p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union UNL Student Government Wed., Jan. 22 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union Information And Agenda Available 115 Nebraska Union Bass Player Wanted For iocat band. Contact H at 438-4716. 300s Jobs '.■■ ... 1997 Expansion , $10.50 Expansion has left us with 30 pA openings. Resume ex perience, flex schedule. Call M-W, 4-7pm. 477-8663. Assistant teacher. Gain valuable teaching experience working at a nationally-accredited early childhood pro gram. 7am-10am and/or 2:30pm-6pm, M-F. Apply at Little i Kingdom, 5100 Old Cheney Road. Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for college expenses? Make $$$ money all spring. Let us help. 1-800-256-0641. Computer Lab Help Morning through evening student computer lab consult ants wanted. Excellent customer service and PC skills required. Call 472-5630 or visit 201 Milter Hall Daily Nebraskan irculation Driver Deliver newspapers downtown or on east campus every morning. Must nave own car, no classes before 9 a.m., and be an UNL student with at least a 2.0 G.P.A. Contact Dan at 34 Nebraska Union, 472-1769. Do you have a light school .... load? .;. .. Looking for 20 to 30 hours per week with retail experi ence? Permanent part time positions. Rapid advance ment Flexible schedule. Full time during summer and breaks. Call Jim or Kirk at Holway Formal Wear 476-2262 for appointment Cirparlsncsd Asrobic instructor for okter adults. Avail awemornings. 441-7575. Experienced aerobic instructors needed at the Cotton wood Club. Must be CPR certified. 475-3386. Ask for Shari. FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT Work around your class schedule! Assist with the service of meal trays. Evening and weekend hours with competi tive salary. Apply 8:00am-4:00pm, Mon-Fri. in the person nel department Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital 5401 South Street, Lincoln, NE 68506 Eya»^sr48i^rua,,sF'iness:^;;; Help wanted. Part time mornings. Apply in person at 27tn and A streets Amoco. Help wanted Hiring for waitery postions. Apply at Tai Mahal Cuisine of India, 5500 Old Cheney Rd. 420-1133. IMS OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING NOW HIRING FOR PART-TIME TELEMARKETERS $100 HIRING BONUS WITH A GUARANTEED$7TXP$7.50 RATE, YOU CAN WITH GOOD PERFORMANCE! AT IMS YOU WILL FIND... PAID TRAINING YOU SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE PLUS YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORK A FRIDAY OR SATURDAY N PERFECT ATTENDANCE BONUS WALKING DISTANCE FROM UNL CAMPUS FIND OUT WHY IMS IS THE #1 TELESALES COMPANY IN THE U.S. CALL AUBREY OR COME M AND APPLY: IMS SUITE 304 GOLDS GALLERIA 434-2626 EOE