The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 21, 1997, Page 11, Image 11

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    Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
'Com# ace what we can offer you!
*Wfegee that only the moet successful rawaurant In
town can offer!
*Team work at ft best!
•UnparaMsdtraMno and support!
•Paid vacations!
|U| h|b|ju Lk ljJA.I
uwsea on major noHCMya!
'Some daytime avdablly required!
*50% employee discounts!
•You Do Not have to wsar a name tap!
•And nobody sings Happy BirthdayT
Apply Inipereon lor a seriously unique opportunity wtti
Lazio's. 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday,
or Thursday.
Locally Owned GNC
Aggressive self motivated Individual with nutrtlon/sales
experience, preferad. Part tfene/FuU time company seeks
leaders! Apply in pemon 27th A Superior or 48th A Van
Lunch Time Cashier, Weekdays, Good Pay and Free
MeaL Flexble schedule, apply 10am-2pm, at Lower Level
Lincoln. Square. 13th A Q
NE Republican Party
Permanent, part time, telemarketing position, sun-Thurs,
5-9. Contact Brian Hensley. Kris Nelson at 475-2122
between 2-5p.m. Can start Immediately.
Several part-time openings scalable. One (or executive
sipport person to do fling and special projects. This
inovidual must be accurate, dependable, and respect
confidentially. We are also staffing our reception and
phone answering pool. This position requires strong inter
personal and communication skils as wel as dependabil
ity. Both positions allow flexble schedules. Please send
letter of applcation to: Professional Business Services,
7700 A Street, Lincoln, NE 68510
Overnight-freight company seeking PT and FT employ
ees for delvery and pick-up. Must be 21 years old-Good
driving record. 96.0u/hr. Flexble hours. Apply at 2200
West Adams No. 5 c/0 Airborne Express between 10 AM
5 PM.
Part time positions available day and evening hours.
Please cel Kim or Paul 472-1731.__
Excelent experience for Human Setvices/Psychology
Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Serv ice wll hold a one day
volunteer training session Saturday Jan. 25, from 9-430
at Community Mental Health Center, 2200 St. Mary's
(near Lincoln GeneraI).To register call 475-5171 or 489
3275 and leave your name and number.
Student needed Tuesdays and Thursdays, 230-330, to
meet and he$> son in wheetchair off school bus. 488-2563.
Tutors are needed in the Hewit Academic Center. We are
seeking upper-level undergraduate and graduate stu
dents with a GPA of 3.0 or above and excelent commu
nication skWs. Tutors will earn $5.50 per hour and will have
flexfcie and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300
West Stadium or call either 472-9985 or 4724)513.
We need fun-laving dependable teachers to work with
adorable children between the ages of 6 weeks and 12
years. Must be avalable 3-tom Monday-Friday. Great
experience for students in Teachers college or family
science. Apply in person, Krayon Campus Inc 6001
Normal Blvd.
Do you enjoy Kids? Tired of paying room and board?
WOTs looking for a student to exchange 14 hours per
week providing chid carWdeaning In return for free room
and board. Private quartets In large southeast Lincoln
home. Flexfcie hours, experience wth chMren. Refer
ences and dependable car. Needed Iwadtately Cal
Penny or leave message at 423-1310. _
Part-time sitter needed mornings. Hours wll vary. Age6
5,9,11. Southeast Lincoln, must have transportation &
references, non-smoker, cail anytime a 99
"Summer Camp
Nebraska's most beautiful carttp, YMCA Camp Klaki.
located on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for
summer staff postions. Call or write YMCA Camp Klaki,
218 North 11th, Suite 301, Lincoln NE 68508.402-434
Life Changing Experiences
Could be In store for you. Work at Camp Easter Seal wth
people wth disables. Salary, room and board provided.
Calf(402)761-2875 for information about open poetions.
Lifeguards needed at Abel PooL Starting pay: $5.50. For
more Information^ Contact Marian, 472-1014 or pick up
application at the^bet from desk.
Publisher’s Notice
M real estate advertising In this newspaper is subset to
the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes t Illegal to
advertise any preference, imitation or discrimination
based on raoe, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial
status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Daily Ne
braskan wil not knowingly accept any advertising formal
estate which is in violation of the law or discriminates
against sexual preferences. Our readers am hemby
Informed that a! dwellings advertised am available on an
equal opportunity basis.
2 male roommates needed to share nice 3-BR house in
Belmont area. Close to campus. $200 + utilities. Ryan
4th Roommate wanted! FUN Male/Female. W/D, Off
Street-Parking, 3000 Starr St., $165/month+ 1/4 utilties.
ca» 438-7908. v’
Female roommate needed for 2BR apt. $150 rent ♦ 1/3
utilities W/D, and private parking. Good location for both
campusesl 465-4509.
January rent paid) Deposit paid! Need female to share
apartment AS.A.P.!.Own bedroom, $167 plus 1/3utUMe6.
Walt or buslne to campus. 47441750.
M/F needed to share 2BR apt. $235ptus 1/2 utilities. Non
smokers preferred. 420-1282. _
M/F roommate needed. $150/month + i/5 utilities. 1 block
from campus. 435-8448.
Male roommate wanted for a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath
house In the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $2l0/month + 1/3
utilties. Andrew 476-6502.
N/S responsbie male to share 2 BR apartment for spring
semester In WHowhaven. $205 * 1/2 utilities. 438-1514
Need a Roommate? ?
The Commuter & Student Services Center keeps a file of
interested students who are looking for a roommate.
Come in the office and check lout. Room 116 Nebraska
Roommate needed to share 2 bedroom apt Close to
campus. $230 ♦ 1/2 utilities. 477-7063
Roommate needed for a 2 BR, 2 BA house at 1205
Ctaremont $300. Cosigner required. 8 mas lease. 432-.
RoommMe needed ASAP. Rent $2454-1/2utlities. South
Lincoln. Call 421-8015 leave message. ■ »• --
Roommate needed ASAP at Claremdnt Apt. Close to
campus, $235 4 1/3 utHMes. OR 3-bedroom apartment
available for sublease, available Febuary 1. 476-1788/
163V6 mosssQo. f '
Two male roommates needed to share a house. $175/
month 4 1/5 utilities. Deposit and references required.
Two roommates needed to sham five bedroom house. M/
F. non-smoking. $250 ♦ utilities, 2729 S 40th. Cal 484
Wanted: Two roommates for house. 70th and Vine area.
$200 plus t/4 utilities. No smoking, no pets. Quiet. 464
Large bed/sitting room, private barf, laundry/kttchen. Non
smoking female. $350. Cal 489-6667.
1900 S. 52nd. EXCELLENT 5BR, available now).
$1100+deposlt. Call 430-9019.
3 Bedroom. 2944 ‘S'. Nice, W/D. parking. $550, 488
4216 F. Newly built four bedroom, two baths, double
garage, $950. 430-6328.
5+ bedroom, 3 bath, just redone, C/A, dishwasher, W/D
hookup. 1144 F St. $k)0.430-9012
1735 N. 29th. Five-six bedrooms, two baths, parking.
$875. 430-6328.
Roommate needed for a 2 BR, 2 BA house at 1205
Claremont. $300. Cosigner required. 6 moe lease. 432
Available now. One-bedroom, hard wood floors. $290 par
month plus gas and electric. 477-8362.
Heating bill too High?
Gas/Heat paid,
One-bedroom, 1109, 1121 N. 5th, $330-$365. HEAT
2920 "P" and 4300 Comhusker Hwy, Two-bedroom, 11/
4 bath,town house, spacious, beige or gray, $475-$495,
Two-bedrooms, one or two baths, neutral colors, ceramic
floor, white with oak trim, washer/dryer hookup,
beautifuLeiectric heat, $530-$560.
Cherry Hill Management
Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349.
Two bedroom unis $369-5429. Laundry, busline.
640 South 20th
Is privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious
loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets, laundry, $375
includes all utilities. Need garage? Additional $40 per
month. Ideal for one indVidual. 475-7262.
2301 Vine, 4 BR, 11/2 Baths. $750
1205 Claremont, 2 BR, 2 Baths. $500
2832 Starr. 4 BR. 2 Bath. $750
2225 Holdrege, 3 BR. 11/2 Baths, $550
Near Campus, Parking,
432-6644 or 432-0644 _
2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun
dry. Garage. $495.430:6328. _
2nd Semester Leases
Efficendes, one & two bedroom apartments. Various
locations. Close to campus. $260-5530.
Managaaient One 477-2600
4BR, 2BA, unfurnished, redone, all utiSties paid, central
air, 830 S.12th, $860.430-9012.
Colonial Heights
One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available.
Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070.
Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire
at Wulowhaven Apts
1,2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace.
Call NOW! 476-6200
Downtown, unique one bedroom in security bulding. Heat
paid, only $280, no pets. Phoenix Properties. 474-5327
(am) or 421-8996 (pm).
East campus, 2-3 BR apartments, 2 bath,3272Starr. 465
8398 or 402-723-4253^
Efficiency Apt. Close
to city campus.
Gas/water/heat paid.
Call 477-4490 «
r ; v ' t ■ t .
M. - b ■ —. . -
Check the Ming for off campus housing In tfie Commuter
and Student Sendee Center. 1 <6 Nebraska Union.
Need Privacy?
One bedroom near Captol. Grids welcomed. No smok
Ing/pete. Available. $235/month plus utUdes. depost.
Newer, 2-bedroom, EXTRA dean, dose to UNL and
downtown. $425 plus deposit of $425.483-6280
Nice, wet-kept, one, two and three bedroom apartments.
South central location. 423-8089 or 560-2134.
One bedroom. 2338 E St. no pets, no smoking, newer 7
ptox, reserved parking, ideal for graduate students. $350
One large bedroom. 2929 R ST., contemporary look.
Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen with pantry,
ceramic tile klchen and bathroom, secure storage space,
same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance,
and heat paid. Avatetote NQWI$400/month. 474-3529.
Ptne Tree Apts, 1st and Adams, 2 A 3 BR, $490-$8tt
Embwseey Park Apts,SlatandOMCheney. 1-2-3 BR
1814F8L 2BR, $450
535 W. Saunders, 2 BR.6450, -■
515 W. Soundera, 1 BR4360, No Pels
483-1130 or 483-6057
Two bedroom house $375, plus all utilties. No pets, 2131
South 8-475-7262.
Two bedroom apartment. 2301A Street. $385 perm ont!
plus utilties. $250 deposit. Cal 438-4364.
Auto Accidents & Criminal
DWI, minor in possession. Sanford PoNacfc 476-7474.
Pregnancy Test
BRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal
for appointment or more information. 463-2609..
Planned Parenthood
of Lincoln
Free pregnancy tasting, donations appreciated. Informa
tion and referral on AU. OPTIONS. Certified Counselors
available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor
mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990.
Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider alt your options. Free
confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1
> Resumes By Ann ^
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years
experience, proven resufts. 464-0775.
VWI do typing of any type) Letter quality printer, every
thing saved to personal dtek. wil transcribe from hand
written copies or cassette or mini-cassette. Please cal
Daily Nebraskan Comics
Non Seouitur
PURteE, iff]
By Wiley
The Deep End _
8ttt£NtTtlMISI0N ClEAH VUTrt RtNKiS® MtW
By Chad Strawderman
f - ■ —■ 1 - 11 a,m>
The Norm
V _Z— J TV DID TO you.
inn v in_m
By Michael Jantze
MV PACeMTS i 55 jittrl
i Count calories
s Irritates
10 Gives a bad
14 Grimms’ grim
is T*pmphlet, in
15 N African port
20 Blue Eagle org.
21 Ireland
22 Grenoble's river
23 Smeller •
24 Noel singer
20 Pressing
20 Provide with a
new crew
30 Classic cars \ ,
31 French
governing body
32 That girl
39 Sum up
40 Earring holders
41 Woody’s son
42 Forty-niner
43 Menus
45 Give, as an
45 Like a certain
40 Clear the
so Mishmash
51 Exterminate
C H AlmAiB A N I I L
IrVi Kit C 111 r* 7 i'll"* f * j f4*1
■:] Wml
58 River to the
59 Caner’s
material: Var.
80 Riding the Love
Boat ,
81 Beatty film
62 Nautical speeds
63 Bose
1 -r—but notout
2 Operatic prince
3 Columnist
4 Oolong, e.g.
5 Oppose
8 Cato’s 52
9 Sight at a spt.
10 Ahother man’s
11 Dizyy
\i Mother-of-pearl
13 Curj the lip
16 Tube light
19 Buccaneer ~
23 .Famous loch ..
25 &ieniatnanny 4
33 Robust
34 Love god
3« Pizza
vj arobellishments
37 Not any
. 33 Garden area,
^jftietimes t; ;
43 Australian city
•; on Trinity Bay
44 Crooked
45 Interior
46 Wear away
47 Crippled
48 Sheep’s cry
86 Preminger or
■f Kruger
r|r i
51 Go up
52 Thought
53 Precious £
55 Two-by-two
vessel _ 5
55 Aficionado
- • 57 Chin ' \ ,
Unique 1 bedroom ^isitnisfit in renovated school lor
studious grad studsras. 25 mle uncongested. visually
pleasing, thoughtprovaking commute. $250 per month i
utnties. 472-0242T429-2181.
Great starter home! Minutes assay from UNL campus)
Ready to move Into. Home Reel Estate South. Susie
Luxfotd. 440-9770.
500s Services
We offer counselng and adaption sendees to help you
plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or
obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chidren's
Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Sule 314.483-7879.
Lowe, laughter, end sndtsss opportunity await your
baby. Eapsnaea paid. Ruth a Mirhsill-eoo-631-2644.
Planned Parenthood
of Lincoln
Confidential, affordable prescription birth control HIV and
other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening
i and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. ‘Or Str. 441
3300. South Str. 441-3333.