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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1997)
Lincoln City Council approves $200,000 Renteria resolution RENTERIA from page 1 . V Francisco’s life,” Walker said. ^ ^ ClAl acceptance of gllilt...It S CL iiSationpero^sstoter91SWIththe business decision, not a legal decision " “Whether or not they have come to terms with the loss of their son, ClNDY JOHNSON brother and uncle is very private to Lincoln city council chairwoman them.” me line Feb, 171995 June 201995 Jan. 1996 lor questioning Casady's After a Mai, The Lincoln City Council after indictment is Wilke is approves a $290,000 settlement Officers dropped. equated by a in wrongful death ova suits filed hog- / jury, against the fire and police car. __ x_departments. s. 1«®<.'" ". . July 61995 indicts Wilke, Scheflpeper, Wright and After a trial, Wright, who had requested Casady, ail on misdemeanors, for Scheflpeper is a bench trial, was aquitted involvement m the incident, aquitted by a jury, by a judge. Aaron Steckelberg/DN Black medal winner lived in Boys Tbwn BOYS TOWN (AP) — The only living soldier of seven black World War II veterans honored at the White House on Monday lived at this home for orphaned and troubled youths in the 1930s. “He was very solid. He was cool headed,” said AlbertKercheval, a schoolmate of Vernon Baker’s. “The two of us made it together all right.” Vernon Baker, 77, was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Clinton for distinguished service in World War II. Baker led his platoon through Ger man bunkers and machine gun nests in trying to capture a stronghold along a heavily fortified line in Italy in 1945. Baker stayed behind while his commander went for reinforcements, then ordered his men to retreat when reinforcements did not arrive. On the way out, the platoon destroyed two German machine gun nests. Medals of Honor were awarded posthumously to six other black sol diers after a long lobbying effort at the Pentagon in which comrades and fam ily members of veterans alleged rac ism in the lack of Medals of Honor for black troops. Baker, who now lives in St. Maries, Idaho, said Monday in Washington that he fought a war on two sides. “I was an angry young man and all of my soldiers that were with me were angry... We were all angry but we had a job to do and we did it,” he said. Baker said that until the Medal of Honor was recommended last year, he never considered whether he deserved it because he had been awarded the Dis tinguished Service Cross, the nation’s second-highest battlefield honor. From 1930-33, Baker lived in the same red brick building as Kercheval on the Boys Town campus. They lost touch when Baker entered the service and regained contact when Kercheval heard about the Medal of Honor. “We were kind of buddies like at the home, we were the same age, 13 and 14 years old. Boys Town was won derful,” Kercheval said. “They gave us a place to call our own. Our home.” Racism sometimes was a problem at Boys Town, said Kercheval, who is black. But the founder of Boys Town, the Rev. Edward Flanagan, worked hard at being certain everyone was treated equally, Kercheval said. withyour UNL Student I.D. | lVu Oil Change Special* | $39«wBrake Special* | * some restrictions apply | 11219 N. 14th • 4764S44^^|UmM^^^J | 14th St. I —f"» V Sales aiad Repair I >k™pus al&t Import Specialist j —— m1 — —— — — — — ——___J i i . -I ! LUBE V i 117th & 'N'j J No Appointments Necessary! 476-9466 I I \ I { Now only $19.70 1 ■ (reg.$25.70, Environmental disnosa! fee ir J • Oil & filter change I • Lubricate zoic fittings | • Check & fill fluids: brea ■ steering, battery, washer, j automatic transmission fluid only I ‘.Check antifreeze, air filter, wiper I | blades, and tire pressure | • Vacuum interior & wash windows Best Service in Just 10 Minutes Most brands available. I Expires 5-31-97 I Open Mon-Fri, fM> • Sat, &4 J Online service links law practice, study By Lindsay Young Staff Reporter A new World Wide Web service for law students, which the NU College of Law started to use in December, will link people learning the field with people practicing in the field. Bringing law students together with attorneys in their areas of inter est is the goal of Law Schools Online at <>. Law Schools Online allows law students to hook up with a service for ptacticing attorneys called Counsel Connect said Todd Drucker, Counsel Connect law editor. Law Schools Online was offered on software to approximately 15,000 law students in 1995. Drucker said he ex pected the audience to increase after the transition to the World Wide Web is finished in March. Now, he said, there is not a lot of traffic. Counsel Connect will promote the service through web-search engines and services such as America Online. New members will get Counsel Con- ‘ nect free for a year, which jointly will promote Law Schools Online. Sally Wise, director of the NU law library, said die university began to use Counsel Connect last month. She said the interaction between professionals and students was good and would be easier once die service was finished on the web. The service offers job bulletin boards and open forums to talk to other students on Law Schools Online and professionals on Counsel Connect. The sendee also has job- and chat-re lated discussion groups for current events and politics. Dracker said students have the op portunity to interact with as many as 50 different lawyers in their field, whi also benefit, “They love interacting with stu dents,” Drucker said. “It helps keep them fresh and it helps to network them (with the students).” Phillips to be re-arraigned after violating probation i - ; From Staff Reports Lawrence Phillips, the ex-Husker known for his legal problems and on-the-field heroics, is scheduled to be re-arraigned Jan. 31 for charges stemming from an assault of a former girlfriend. Phillips, now an NFL running back for the St. Louis Rams, was sentenced to a year of probation in November 1995 after pleading no contest to as sault and trespas sing charges. In June 1996, Phillips was picked up for drunken driving in Los Angeles — a violation of his probation. Last month, Phillips pleaded no contest to that drunken driving charge, giving the go-ahead for Lancaster County to officially prove he dis obeyed probation. The Lancaster County Attorney’s office filed to revoke Phillips’ proba tion on Sept. 5, 1996. Two continu ances had already been filed so Phillips’ case in Los Angeles could be completed. Phillips was scheduled to be re-ar raigned Dec. 20, but asked for another continuance because of delays in Le&_ t Angeles County court. Nebraska among states named in federal drug-trafficking list WASHINGTON (AP) — Seven Nebraska counties are on the White House’s drug-trafficking hit list The counties have been identified as having high intensity drug-traffick ing problems, said Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. McCaffrey unveiled Monday tar get areas in five regions across the In Nebraska, those areas include Dakota, Dawson, Douglas, Hall, Lancaster, Sarpy and Scotts Bluff counties. McCaffrey said methamphetamine use, production and trafficking has exploded in the state. As an effort to fight the growing problem, McCaffrey said he designated the counties for fed eral assistance. More than $8 million in federal aid will be distributed among Iowa, Kan sas, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota to launch a joint effort to in vestigate and prosecute methamphet amine cases, he said. Larceny A Lincoln woman shopping for groceries lost more than just her purse and driver’s license when she turned away from her cart to grab an item. Thanh Pahn, 41, reported some one stole her purse — which had $8,000cash inside—while she was Chopping at Super Saver, 2662 Comhusker Highway. Police arrested 21-year-old transient Daryl Moore on the 2500 block of Cleveland Avenue after three witnesses identified him as a man walking through the area pull ing items from a woman’s hand bag. When officers searched him, they found Phan’s bank card in his front jacket pocket They did not, however, find die cash. Moore was jailed and booked on a felony larceny chaige. Lincoln Police Sgt. Terry Sherrill said officers think Moore passed the money on to an Associ ate between the time of the theft and Moore’s arrest Officers who searched the area found nothing, Sherrill said.