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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1997)
- ■ -—— -- PAGE 12TUESDAY, JANUARY 14,1997 02 Appliances 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pets - 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods - 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicvcte Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care 203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/Laundry 205 Career Events 531 Cleaning/Households 210 Announcements 535 Computer Service 216 Martinos 540 Entertaximent tlr . 545 Gift Ideas 220 Greek Affairs S2 230 Student Government 550 Heafth&Pttness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning & 555 (nstmcterVTutonng Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy gt£33SCo"*'» onn kkin Wnjltaj | 583 ReMous ouu neip warned cor pnn*nu. 310 Chid Care 5881*ring 320 Work Study Jobe 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobe 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. 00sFor Stde Cable descrambler kit $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 313-523-2757. 200s Notices AAA! Spring Break *97. Cancun, Jamaica and Bahamas!!! 7 nights wifi air from $399. Daily Free Drink Parties, No Cover at Best Bars. Panama City, Boardwalk beach re sort, $129, 7/nights beach front Endtese Sumnar Tours 1-800-234-7007. CANCUN-PADRE-MAZATLAN SPRING BREAK’S HOTTEST! 1-800-328-7513 FREE FOOD, DRICNK & PARTY SPECIAL!?! Up To $200 Discount Coupons on our Websttenivww^tudentacMFavxom llViV U1UTJII |tiflmftim«i £ COMMUTERS Are you tired of riling alone? Find someone to share the ride. Slop in the Commuter and Student Services Center, Rm. 116 Nebr. Union for more Mb. CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT Travel the work! (Hawaii, Mexico, Caribbean) & earn an excellent income in the Cruise & Land-Tour Industry. For details, can 1-206-971-3550 ext.C57787 DISC GO ROUND WE BUY A SELL USED CD'S Used CD’s, $5.9967.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music hooka, song hooka and CD towers. New COT* $11.99-61Z99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and O, 486-0047. Do something different this spring break.... LeaderShape Nebraska Applications available at Student Involvment Office, City Uraon Ballroon, 300 East Union. Application deadline; January 24,1997 DO YOU THINK YOUR ADVISOR IS THE BEST? The UNL Student Foundation has estabfished the Build ers Award for Outstaming Academic Advising. Al faculty and staff are eigible to receive $1500. Nominations may be made by any UNL student, staff member or adminis trator. Information and applications for nominations may be pkdied up in the Student Involvement Office on City or East Campus. The deaiCne for appScation is January 17, 1997. For more information contact Erin Hamilton at 436 6085. neip recognize mose wnose extra enofis mane unl number one! Eating Disorder Support Group ATTENTION WOMEN: Are you looking for someone to tali to about tying with an eating dteotder? This group provides a safe and confidential environment for tailing about ffiestrugglesof having an eating dteorder. The group moots every Tuesday from 5:30-7 PM in the Women’s Center. 338 Nebraska Union, beginning Jan. 14th. Ques tions? Cal Kris, 472-9428. Innocents Society is the Chancellor’s Senior Honorary whose membership is based on academic achievement, unparalleled leadership, and selfless service to UNL and the community. Applications for membership are now available for quali fied juniors at 106 Adminsitration Building, Office for Stu dent Involvement (city union and east union), and the Culture Center. INTRAMURAL NEW MANAGERS The Manager Meeting for New Intramural Sports Manag ers wifi be held Tuesday, January 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. New Managers should attend. Call 472 3467 for mote information. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL The last day to enter Men's, Women’s, and Faculty/Staff Basketbal is Thursday January 16. Don't delay! Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. Call 472-3467 tor more information. INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL Thursday, January 16 is the last day to enter Women’s and Co-Rec Volleyball. Enter your team now at the Office of Campus Recreation. For more information, call 472 3467. LeaderShape Nebraska Informational meetings Wednesday January 15,1997 at 11:30a.m. and 6p.m.In City Union. Rooms will be posted. AH who are interested are encouraged to attend. Lesbian Discussion Group A safe place for Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Women to talk, meet laugh and learn as we discuss our lives in an informal atmosphere. Wednesday, 1:30 2:20pm. Starting January 15, Nebraska Union 338. For mote information call The Women’s Center, 472-2597. MORTAR BOARD NOTABLE Mortar Board is a National Senior Honor Society that rec ognizes college seniors for distinguished ability and achievement in exceptional scholarship leadership and service. Mortar Board also recognizes outstanding freshmen, sophomores, and aaniora that demonstrate our high standards. Pickup an aapBcafionfirfotmalion sheet at tne offices of Student Involvement (east and city campus), Student Judkial Affairs, Culture Center and the Honors Program. They are due on Friday, January 24, at 5:00 pm, at the Student Judkial Affairs Office, 106 Actowv Innocents Society ^^reshman Scholarsh^^ Each year, the Innocents Society recognizes outstanding freshman who show potential in the areas upon which Innocents Society membership in based: academic achievement, leadership, and service. Applications are now available at 106 Administration Build ing, Office for Student Involvement (city union and east union), and the Pre-Vet Club Reminder!! 1997 Symposium registration forms and $90 due Friday, Jan, 17,1997. Keepselling raffle tickets to defray sympo sium costs! Registration forms and raffle tickets available in 112 VBS. Call 472-9089 with questions. STUDENT d&VERNMENT SPRING ELECTION Filing forms are now available at 115 Nebr. Union for the Student Govemement Election March 12 ★ Surf Your Way to Success Excellent Growth Opportunity marketing internet yellow pages and WWW sites for Lincoln’s Hottest new interac tive marketing firm. Base commission + Bonuses + Un limited L-T Potential! Sales exp. a +. Please call Shayne©430-1277 for details. Web design Interns also needed! The Student Alumni Association (SAA) is now accepting applications for membership. Applica tions are available at the Wick Alumni Center, the Office for Student Involvement, City Union and the ASUN Of fice, City Union. Applications are due Monday, January 27 at 5:00pm at the Wick Alumni Center. Information ses sions are Thursday, January 16,6:30pm in the Abel Ball room and Tuesday, January 21,6:30pm at the Wick Alumni Center. Questions? Call Shelley (472-4222). , ALPHA PHI OMEGA First meeting of foe semester, Wednesday, 115 at 6:30pm in foe Culture Center. Officers’ meeting at 5:00pm in the Neihardt Gray Parlor. Welcome Back!!! Alpha Zeta Welcome Back! Committee meetings, Wednesday, Janu ary 15 at 5 p.m., third floor ECU. If unable to attend, call Kara at 436-6090. COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Wednesday, Jan. 15,8 p.m. City Union. Guest Speaker: FORMER GOVERNOR KAY ORR. Visit our booth in foe Union on January 13,14, & 15 from 11am -1pm, to pick up T-shirts bring $15. LeaderShape Nebraska Informational meetings Wednesday, January 15,1997 at 11:30a.m. and 6p.m. in City Union. Rooms will be posted. All who are interested are encouraged to attend. SAA Welcome back! C’mon in out of foe cold to our first meet ing Thursday, Jan. 16 at the Wick Alumni Center. Still want to go to convention, but haven't paid yet? Call Shelley ASAP for details (472-4222). ACW Congratulations to Genelle Campbell and Brady Kerr on their recent engagment. Surprise! Were you fooled? afa Ccngrautlation on your silly pinning. w love the kappas CF Congratulations to Chad Hamilton on your appointment to the ’Involvement Team’. The brotherhood takes pride in your achievments, despite your haircut. Congratulations to Aaron Anderson on your appointment to foe National Accounting Standards Board. Your achieve ments serve as an inspiration to those of us who endeavor to greater ambitions man indulging in pyramid schemes. KKG Congratulations to the following 4.0’s: Amy Dalton, Jana Horst, Jenny Sherrill, TracyAgne, Jen Nelson, Tina Glatte, Angie SawteHe, Jill Matthfs, Julie Bremer, Melissa Curry. The Brothers of Kappa Sigma Welcome BackAII Students and Faculty tor the Spring Semester! We wish all the best of luck for foe New Year!! GET INVOLVED?? Student Government Position Open :•# Senate position to represent the College of Engineering and Technology. Application available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline Friday, Jan. 24 300s Jobs 3 JSBEKSI •"Science and PreMed Majors*** CLINICAL CONDUCT ASSOCIATES Harris Laboratories has opportunities available for per sons to monitor activities of Study Participants and col lect and document data. Great experience for science, nursing.or premed majors. This is a variable scheduled position. $6/hr. with opportunities to increase pay through training. Human Resources, J-SPR 621 Rose St. Lincoln, NE 68502 AA/EOE “Summer Camp Opportunities** Nebraska's most beautiful camp, YMCA Camp Kitaki, lo cated on the Platte River, is seeking applicants for sum mer staff positions. Call or write YMCA Camp Kitaki, 216 North 11th, Suite 301, Lincoln NE 68508. 402-434-9225. After School Recreation Leaders Lincoln Parks and Recreation has immediate openings for after school recreation leaders to work with elemen tary children. Hours: 2:30-5:45pm, Monday-Friday. $5.00 $5.2Q/hr. Apply at Playground Office, 1225 “P Street 2nd floor. 441-7952. EOE/AA. Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for college expenses? Make $$$ money all spring. Let us help. 1-800-256-0641. Attention: Education Majors Before School Childcare staff needed for elementary school sites, 6:30am-9:00am. Call 475-0605. BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO We have immediate openings for these full time and part time career opportunities: ASSISTANT MANAGERS with retail or fast food mgmt exp., excellent customer ser vice skills, high level of movie knowledge, outgoing and enthsiastic. Send Resume to Blockbuster Video District Manager, 4004 N. 132nd St, Omaha, NE 68164 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS with cash handling and customer service experience, high level of movie knowledge, outgoing and enthusiastic. Ap ply in person at any Blockbuster Video location. MAKE IT A BLOCKBUSTER CAREER.__ Bodega’s Alley is hiring two cocktails. Accepting applications Wednes day, 1/15, between 11am-4pm. 1418 O Street. Computer Graphics/Design Opportunity. Must be familiar with Photoshop and/or Illustrator. HTML skills helpful but not required. Variable hours. This is a career path oppor tunity. Call Eric: 441-3292. COMPUTER OPERATOR University of Nebraska Computing Services Network Operate the University’s mainframe computer systenVcorv soies, mount computer tapes, operate printers and other off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good cus tomer service skills preferred. At a minimum must be able to work in four-hour time blocks, 16-20 hours per week. The Data Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Must be available to work summers and school breaks. Hours will vary but shifts wiH be scheduled prima rily on weekends and graves (11:00pm-7:00am). $5.25 hourly. Apply in person at 235 Nebr. Hall. Daily Nebraskan Circulation Driver Deliver newspapers downtown and city campus every morning. Must have own car, no classes before 9 a.m.,and be an UNL student with at least a 2.0 G.P.A. Contact Dan at 34 Nebraska Union, 472-1769. DENTAL ASSISTANT/RECEPTIONIST, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, 8AM-12NOON. MORE MORNINGS POS SIBLE. WILL TRAIN. PLEASANT WORKING ENVIRON MENT. 476-1954. Earn extra cash NE Republican Party permanent, part time, telemarketing position, Sun-Thurs, 5-9. Contact Brian Hensley, Kris Nelson at 475-2122 between 2-5pm, can start immediately. Experienced aerobic intructor for local fitness center. Call 476-6600 M-F between 9-3. Experienced Aerobic instructor tor older adults. Avail able mornings. 441-7575. Firetruck clean-up person. Daytime hours, Monday-Fri day. $5.50/hour. Apply in person to EDM Equipment 3001 West “O’ Street Lincoln, NE FREE RENT, UTILITIES Flexible hours plus compensation for duties performed. If you are a caring, compassionate person looking to work your way through school, contact Lincoln Memorial Fu neral Home, 423-1515, Monday-Friday, 8:30-4:30PM. ) Get Paid to Surf the Net! Local software developer has immetfiale tone technical assistant Duties will inc Internet newsgroups, searching for data sources, software testing and other reia computer experience required. Apply By MaN Only to Microimages, Inc., 201 N. 8th Street, Lincoln, NE 68508 1347. Please include list of college courses taken and grades earned. Hiring for waMery postions. Apply at Ifcj Mahal Cui sine of Indta, 5500 Old Cheney Ref. 420-1133. Ideal Grocery Full or Part-time help wanted in produce department/Ask for Greg. Full-time help wanted in meat department/Ask for Larry. No evening s/Sundays/hoMays. 905 S. 27th Street. •Make a difference to protect the environment. ' •Earn an average of S7.25 an hour weekdays, W.50 an hour on weekends! Earn TUITION REIMBURSEMENT!! • Be a part of a company that cares! New training hours! 476-1010 j 4> @nuilki| (%ifc of JWoln. Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help, bartenders, and dining room wait staff to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: $6.00 to start per hour plus gratuity • Free Meals •Excellent Working Conditions • Flexible Schedule Apply in Person at 3200 South 24th Street Monday through Friday (9-5)