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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1997)
Tutors are needed in the Hewit Academic Center. We are Making i«3ef-tovej undergraduate and graduate stu dents with a GPA of 3.0 or above and excelent commu nication skUte. Tutors will earn $5.50 per hour and wN have flexible and variable hours. If interested, apply at 300 West Stadium or call ether 472-9965 or 472-0513. WANTED: Experienced telephone woikers. Good cause. Good pay. Bonuses, 5-10pm, ask for John 475-0404, Wanted: Ticks* sell ere lor planlterium and laser shows. Weekends, Work-Study preferred. Contact: 472-2641. WANTED: Weekend custodian. Apply in person to Maik Hotels at Harper/Schramm/Smith maintenance. For more information, cal 472-1068. Eam$$$ Immediate positions available persons needed, 730 930AM, Monday-Friday. To provide direct care lor chil dren, flex foie days. Call Trinity Infant ft Childcare, 475 9731._ Responsfoie person wanted to care for Infant in my home, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 421-6177. Dependable individual to assist with tropical fish mantainence. Apply in Manter Hal Room 2 or cal 472 0682. Work study approval required. CAMP OZARK Christian Sports and Adventure Camp—Seeking qual fied counselors to work with boys and girls ages 8-16. Employement terms for al or part of the summer. If remotely interested, come to our NU informational video presentation 830 pj*., Monday, Januaiy 20 at Ne braska Union (See dady Hating for room). Located Mount Ida, Alt (501) 087-4131. VUt our Webaite at ACLU Nebraska has internships for students interested in civil liberties and rights. Call 476-8091. Minority internship KOLN/KGIN-TV is currently seeking applcantsfor Its paid minority internship program for the winter of 1997. This Is a 13 week paid internship designed for minority students interested in the broadcasting industry. This part-time position provides an opportunity to work In most areas of television. Applicants need not be broadcast majors. Questions answered by Pan Sullivan at 467-4321 ext. 264. Send resume with cover letter to: Ruth Rohnke; KOLN/KGIN-TV; PO Box 30350; Lincoln. NE 68502 Deadline: 1/24/97 EOE .. ' _ :--jr Free Samples Lose up to thirty pounds. 30 day guarantee* Cal 434 6463. 400s Housing Publisher’s Notice M real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the Metal Fat Housing Act. which makes 11legal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex. handicap, familial status or national origin, or /mention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination The Daily He against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby informed that at dwellings advertised are avatabie on an equal opportunity basis. Female non-smoker, needed to share quiet study house with two professional students. 3tS4 Vine St. $250/ month, NO LMHfies. 4364)773. _ Female to share two bedroom loft. $262.50/month plus 1/ 2 utaties. $200 deposit. 1617 F St.. 4764657. M/F needed to share2BR apt $235plus 1/2 utilities. Non smokers preferred. 420-1282. M/F, non-smoker, 2 blocks from east campus, 2bedroom, fireplace, parking, laundry. $217 + 1/2 utilities. 466-6651. Male roommate wanted for a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath house in the Highlands. A/C and W/D. $210/month + 1/3 utilities. Andrew 476-6502. N/S Female roommate needed ASAP. 3BR, 2BA apart ment. $210/mo+utilities. Call Lori 474-1880, leave mes sage. N/S, responsible. M/F to share large 3 bedroom home. 2 baths. W/D. 5 blocks from East Campus. 3 blocks from UNL Busline. $250 ♦ 1/2 uttties. $150 deposit, reference. Call Kely 438-6745. I, . . Need a Roommate? ? The Commuter & Student Services Center keepG a file of interested students who are looking for a roommate. Come in the office and check it out. Room 116 Nebraska Unton. __ Need Female roommate to share 3-bedroom Claremont A^$l68-Depo6it, $238-Rent. 1/3 utilities. ASAP. 438 Roommate needed, female to share apartment with deaf woman «4th 2 kids. 2 bedroom apartment near 27th 8 Hwy 2. $22S Includes utilities. 476-3668/476-9107.. Roommate to share Nice 3 bedroom house. 66TH 8 , Hoidrege area, Avaiabie Immediately! 488-7867/leave i me88a0e- __■ I Wanted: Two roommates for house. 70th and Vine area. , $200 plus 1/4 utilities. No smoking, no pets. Quiet. 464 - 4 Female to share room in Highlands. Access to kitchen. No smoking, pets, or children. Can 477-7046. 4216 F. Newly built four bedroom, two baths, double garage. $950.430-6328. CAMPUS CLOSE 1735 N. 29th. Five-six bedrooms, two baths, parking. $875. 430-6328. Heating bill too High? Gas/Heat paid, One-bedroom, 1109, 1121 N. 5th. $330-5365. HEAT PAIDI 2920 "P" and 4300 Comhusker Hwy, Two-bedroom, 1 1/ 4 bath.townhouse, spacious, beige or gray, $475-$495, HEAT PAID! Two-bedrooms, one or two baths, neutral colors, ceramic floor, white with oak trim, washer/dryer hookup, beautlful.electric heat. $530-5560. Cherry Hill Management HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! 489-4857_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back students. Super large one bedroom $349. Two bedroom units $369-$429. Laundry, busline. JONES PROPERTIES 640 South 20th _475-7262 te privacy and quiet environment important? Luxurious loft, great view, non-smoking, no pets, laundry. $375 includes all utilities. Need garageT Additional $40 per month. Ideal for one indNIduai. 475-7262. 2 bedroom, cozy, close to campus. $400. Need to fM ASAPI Incentive offered. 436-7087. 2301 Vine. 4 BR. 1 1/2 Baths, $750 1205 Claremont, 2 BR. 2 Baths. $500 2632 Starr. 4 BR. 2 Bath. $750 2225 HoUrege. 3 BR. 11/2 Baths. $550 Near Campus. Parking. 432-6644 or 432-0644 2740 R. Large. Newly remodeled. Three bedroom. Laun dry. Garage. $495.430-6328. 2nd Semester Leases Efflcendes. one & two bedroom apartments. Various locations. Close to campus. $260-5530. Manag—int Owe 477-2600 Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Cozy on up to a nice, warm fire at Willowhaven Apts 1.2 bedroom apts now available with fireplace. Call Now! 476-6200 Downtown, unique one bedroom in security bulding. Heat paid, only $280, no pets. Phoente Properties. 474-5327 (am) or 421-6996 (pm).___ NEED AN APARTMENT? Check the listing for off campus housing in the Commuter and Student Service Center. 116 Nebrartta Union. Need Privacy? One bedroom near Capitol. Grads welcomed. No smok ing/pets, Available. $235/month plus utilities, depost. 476-7416/475-9660. .■ Editor In Chief I T1 ec g‘ ■ ro f h< ec ec m P« b | 6 L __ JSi Newer one bedroom. 2840 Starr. Close to both cam puses. Heat paid. No pets. 438-7115/evenings. One large bedroom. 2929 R ST., contemporary look Ceramic tile entry, nice working kitchen with pantry ceramic tUe kitchen and bathroom, secure storage space same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance and heat paid. Avalabie NOWIS400/month. 474-3529. Pine Lake Heights Apartments Efficiencies, 1,2 acts, available w/lofts. For more informa lion call 436-3484. Two bedroom house$375. plus all utilities. No pets. 213 South 8 - 475-7262. Roommate for two bedroom mobile home. $200 pe month. al utilities included. 474-4595 500s Services A truly loving, happy, and financially secure couple wish tc adopt your newborn. We will cherish, protect, and low your child forever. Expenses paid. Cal us to talk anytim e Teri and Greg 1 -800-470-7460. Some things are meant U ADOPTION We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Chldren's I Home, 4800 Valley Rd. Su»e 314,483-7879. Adoption: Abundance of love. A happy home, awaits your baby. Wt're a young loving couple hoping to be parents. Baby wil have stay home mom ana successful dad devoted to loving and cherishing the new bom. If adoption is right, lets help one another. Expenses paid. Cal Michele 1-800-743-7835. £ Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and 1 other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. *0 Str. 441 i 3300. South Str. 441-3333. s Getting married? For great discounts on invitations and bridal accessories 1 contact Doreen at 486-4564. _*£_1___:_ Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. FREE Pregnancy Test BRnHRIQHT is a confidential helping hand. Please can for appointment or mote information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Call for infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services, t 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Daily Nebraskan Comics Non SeqUITUR _By Wiley 1-1 ill mwm s-uLiuaimumiminii WM E 2? The Deep End By Chad btrawderman Ttft 6A« SCENE I I 15 kINOA LANE. ‘I 5 E i* Q 2 | j - a <n _ I m WERE ast ISA SUITIN' BACHELOR SOPPoSEDTo GO TO KEET PEOPLE.? AUEM5UCU»m{BE? OR AT CUORCVA? AN EVENING Of ...BOT AS TvAE NIGHT television viewing wears on. harneul u.v. CAN START INNOCENTS RANS SEG1N To SOfTEN ENOUGH... VITAL mNTlSSUE.. j i\ wg 2 » I If M® IN I0OR WENtEKH) lUCkllX MSlONS. UIW SfME,*®MW»SK«WTO NINIW4. WTtULt&ENCE FUKOTOUft-VEliVKStON CIN OSOWS I0ENTIF V UtM INfOHERCttlS. IRIS VUsT, W® RESIST s ACROSS i Pequod’s skipper s Comprehend 10 Capital of Calvados 14 Rich supply is Prevention amount is Kind of hoop 17 Special rights 10 Citrus drinks 20 Glutted 21 Influence reciprocally 23 Fictional overseer of slaves , 20 Facial spasm 27 Heel 30 The Altar 31 Smooth fabric i 33 Jejune 35 Book’s final word 37 More etiolate 33-majeste 40 Quick; nimble 42 Where the Shannon flows 43 Travesties 45 Tibetan antelope 46 Golfer Ballesteros 47 Supply 46 C. H. Smith pseudonym? 50 Salt, in Sens 51 Descry 52 Stiffens 55 Took a jet ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE is Moroccan capital 12 Lyric verses *3 Taxpayers’ delights ts Quondam (7 Circus employee is Spanish wool » Cry of frustration ro Related maternally ri Play the lead DOWN f Yodelers’ bailiwick 2 Israeli dance 3 Mine entrance scant 3 Town NW of Oslo 8 Have second thoughts 7 Actress Dickinson 8 Unpleasant incident e Nuisance to Acts of aid to the needy 11 Insolent acts 12 Utility involving amps. 13 Thomas, the cartoonist 18 Opinion 12 Greenland settlement . -- : . i y 24 Kind of monkey 28 Telephoned 27 Young rhinoceros 28 Zones 28 Rudeness; irreverence 81 Deposes 82 Intestinal fortitude 84 Abates 88 Dive into details asFilm unit 41 Imprest 44 At any time 4« Saucy ss Dale Evans, by birth 53 Anasarca 54 Flying jibs ss Way out ss Poet Millay ST Marie J Antoinette’s loss 99 Scow or dory SO Actress Magnani si Russian despot 04 Ran into os Prior to: Prefix