The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 10, 1996, Page 3, Image 3
Encryption code to stop e-mail snoops at KSU -' LL The Collegian Kansas State JJ.<body> (U-WIRE) MANHATTAN, Kan. — The vast majority of e-mail is seen only by the sender and the receiver, but that may not always be the case. Ken Conrow, interim director of Computing and Network Services said “most of the privacy comes from the fact that there is way too much for any one to snoop.” “It is and it is not private.” Most networks are not secure, so if people want to plug in, they can, he said. If someone is deliberately snoop ing at the network level, he can do so. Most frequently it is an uninten tional mistake which results in e-mail being read by someone other than the sender or receiver. “If mail gets misdirected, it goes to sort of a dead-letter box, so it could be read by someone else,” Conrow said. “Sometimes people will send us some thing as an example of what went wrong, and they will send the whole kit and caboodle, including their e-mail and the error message.” Conrow said courts can insist any record of e-mail be supplied to them, which means e-mail is not private in the legal sense. If a company system atically archives all the e-mail, then a court can support a request for e-mail. At K-State, backups are made on a daily basis, but not with the purpose of archiving e-mail. If mail gets misdirected, it goes to sort of a dead-letter box, so it could be read by someone else.” Ken Conrow interim director of Computing and Network Services “We are not organized to back up e-mail, and it would be a real job for anyone to pick out any e-mail,” Conrow said. One way to protect e-mail is with Pretty Good Privacy. This is an encryp tion key that can be used to ensure a greater level of privacy. If a e-mail us ers want to, they can download PGP from an Internet site, said Ralph Wasmer, consulting manager for CNS. Senders can tell people they mail what their PGP key is. The PGP key encrypts your messages, Conrow said. There are hundreds of sites for PGP through Netscape, and a search on America Online revealed 256 entries for PGP, he said. Wasner recom mended the MIT site as the official one. 1 1 i Tis the Season To Do Some Pleasin'! Boyds Bears • Cherished Teddies * Precious Moments * Kim Anderson Redeem this ad for 15% off your purchase. ' ' - ! The Daily Nebraskan is now hiring for all staff positions for the spring semester. Positions are available for: News reporters Sports reporters A&E reporters Copy editors Photographers Graphic artist Night production assistants Classified receptionist You don't need to be a journalism or communications major. You don't need a fancy resume. And you don't need a ton of experience, as long as you're willing to learn. You DO need to be a UNL student, enrolled in at least six credit hours, carrying at least a 2.0 GPA. Interested? Come on down to the DN office, Room 34 in the basement of the Nebraska Union, fill out an application and let us know when you can start. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admission or employment programs, and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. ^____ Tlur* ru/ff is t diffitrssti. laSaiBalSluv I 1300 Q Street *476*0111 I email nbookstore @ 24 hour lax 476*7755 I I | I ’' ^ mil iimmi:iiimiiiiimiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi