The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1996, Page 16, Image 16
02 Appliances 400 Roommates 05 Btcyctes 410HousingWanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pets - 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods - 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Tfc*a| Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care , 203 Spring Break Trips Cteaning^aundry t 205 Career Events 531 Cleaningrttouseholds 210 Announcements 535 Computer Service 04 c Unntkifif 540 CffiQfiBfflfnGnt £ 19 IWwIBlyc esc fs ifUf.. 220 Greek Affairs 54« 230ShrdentGovernment 550Heakh&fitness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning & 555 instructiorvTutoring Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost S Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 Fundraising 5/3 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 575 Photography 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing a Copying 582 RecycSng — __- 583 Refigious 300 Help wanted 535 Rentals 310 Child Care §88 Tarring 320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing a Resumes I _ _ $3.25 gerdayfor 15 wor^oimdividual student $4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. |715 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. or reject any ^dvtwisemenf aTany6time wl^ch does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. arsagree toassume liability for Saga Foxfur waist length, medium large, never worn, paid $2500, WILL SACRIFICE BEST OFFER. 435-2611 any time COMPUTER RENAISSANCE WE BUS SELL, TRABE USED AMD NEW COMPUTER 330J4 4e5rstra«rt Pn' 4654040 Coach & Love seat, matching set. $50,486-4721 Engagement ring with wedding band. Marquise with ba guettes, 1/2 carat, like new, 420-5451 or 472-7411. BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln’s vintage record shop. Quality used CDs, $7.50 or less, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489-3817. Top of line painting air brush set. Never used. Best offer 423-9138 after five Sold Drummer wanted tor local band with national release. If no answer leave message 467-3788_ Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. _ VCR w/remote $85; also, COLOR TV excellent $75; cal 466-8520._._ 90 Foid Escort Pony. Red, 2DR, auto, 88K, nice stereo, $2000.423-5069. 200s Notices ***30 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT! NOW IS THE TIME TO GUARANTEE THE LOWEST RATES AND BEST HOTELS FOR SPRING BREAK. LEISURE TOURS HAS PACK AGES TO SOUTH PADRE, CANCUN, JAMAICA AND FLORIDA. 800-838-6203 DON'T BE LEFT OUT! Limited space to CANCUN & JAMAICA from $399 per person. 7 nights/Bdaysi We offer the best drink specials and private parties around. Also, we have packages to Daytona Beach & Panama City from $120. Student Travel Services - CaH Mike at 438-8185._ A+ Maybe you didn’t do the work you were capable of in col lege but don’t make the same mistake when you look for a job! Guarantee yourself an *A+” in your job search, send for FREE job search tips and 25 challenging interview ques tions prepared by human resource professionals! Write: Maximum AdvanEdge, Inc. 9457 S. Univeristy Blvd. Suite 343 Highlands Ranch, CO80126. Attention students: Please review your sylabi for Dead Week conflicts. Con tact the Student Government office, 115Nebr. Union, (472 2581) with discrepanices or questions. Dead Week Policy: Finals only at time per Officai Schedule of Classes or time during finals week mutually agreeable to all. Examinations allowed during Dead Week: laboratory prac tical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations and self-paced examinations. Quizzes are acceptable. Projects, papers and speeches due Dead Week need to have been assigned by the eighth week of the semester. Project & scope, not topic. Have Extra Clothes? Donate to the CLOTHING DRIVE Donations boxes: City Union: NE Union 220 & 340 and Love Library East Union Rm 300 aid Home Econ. Bldg 234 The Women’s Center 472-2597 •V e Aviation Institute Pilot Ground School Courses now forming for Spring Se mester. See the class schedule or call 472-4432 for more information. DEAD WEEK Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week. Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING FI NALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class Quizzes are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office, 115 Nebr. Union with questions or complaints or call 472-2581. DISC GO ROUND WE BUY A SELL USED CD’S Used CD's, $5.9P-$7.99. 50th and 0,4864)047. Innocents Society FreshmanjScholarship Each year, the Innocentfiotiety recognizes outstanding freshman who show potentM in the areas upon which In nocents Society membership in based: academic achieve ment leadership, and service. Applications are now avalabie at 106 AdmMslralionBuld ing, Office for Student Involvement (city union and east union), and the Cuiture Center. NASA Space Grant Scholarships Award range S25O-S2S0O. Research, course work and flight options available. Available to students pursuing sci ence, math, technology or aeroHiace related fields. Appli cations available at Neihardt Residence Center Room 2113. Deadline is Dec 13th. For more info call 472-4432. “Gambling on College Campuses” presented by The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta Tuesday, Dec. 10 6:30 PM Student Union Colonial Room This event will be covered by the national and print media. Actuarial Science Club Bowling noght isTuesday Dec. TO at 6:30 pm at the East Campus Lanes. Members who have paid dues bowl free! Attention: RTC students. Info meeting December 10 at 3pm, Henzlik lounge. HIV elementary educators. Pi S^naA^pha Final meeting of the semester Dec. 9th in Nebraska Union at 4pm. New member initiation and guest speaker, Secre tary of State Scott Moore. All Political Science Majors/Mi nors are invited. Pre-Dental Club Christmas party with Dr. Kueter. Tues, Dec. 10. Meet at Broyhill Fountain at 6:00pm Sharp on Tues. Please bring dues. The PubHcattons Board will meet at 2:30 p.m„ Tuesday, in the Nebraska Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. AH are imffled to attend. Tri-Beta Old Chicago: Meet at Manter, 9:00pm, on Tues, Dec. 10. Bring your thristl Ag Men Congratulations to our newty elected officers: President—Craig Burnside Vice-President—Ouane Becker Financial Treasurer—Aaron Harvey Physical Treasurer—Aaron Berger Rush Chair—Chris Forch House Manager—Ftoilie Zumbrunn Social Chair—Dan Goeke Pledge Educator—Chris Hansen Steward—Travis Fries Alumni Coordmator—Brent Claassen Secretary—Lance Mosier Also, thanks to the out-going officers, you’ve done a great job. xo Congratulations to the new executive of Chi Phi President Seth Schuchman Vice President BW*new member* Miller Secretary: Jim Rogers Treaure: James B Ward House Manager Tom ‘cops* Schott Historian: Masa Nkya Risk Manager Matt Biggs Rush Chairman: Flower Hamilton, Todd Schiuefer, Jerrod Wkzei Social: Chad Brown, Mike Hashman New Member Educator Scott Tuff IFL Rep: Justin ’’keys’ Kalhofl Philanthropy: Mark Zmarzty Alumni Chair John Vogel Good luck in your next term and may the force be with you. The Men of Chi Phi OAQ Congratulations to our new officers: President-Joe Potter Vice President-Mitch Riley Ban Powder Chairman- Patrick Pisser Treasurer-Tyson CTA Part time Bus Driver- Keenan Stump Secretary-John Some Head lough Hasher- Bryan Simon Alum* Cm Leahy flodoo Pawn Chris Mooderiotiw ..House Manager- Ryan Retker Folding LawnChak-Aardn Larson rv-i—i — -« ' »—»_'1 _L- _ ocnotarsiup* JonRvionDevmor Off-Shore Gambling Kingpin- Morgan Raoher Social- Chip ‘n Dele/llpier ButOess Chaps Saiasman-Brian Benson Wanden-AJex •Mane A TaT neprosontative- Mike Potter INS Chairman- See warden Pledge Trainer-Argubright/Shfley Grand Wizard-John Kkitman FIJI Apologies to the newly elected members whom we forgot Chair of Wining: Brad Schaepple Chair of Dining: Erik DrumheHer Co-Chair Tom Scott Chair or Rec. Equipment (Balls): Andrew Poff Scholarship Chair Ben Silverstein Chaplain: Matt Menvor House Critic: Pat ‘Moe’ Miner Democratic Liason: Brian Hensley House Barbar Mike Ruhlman "TALLS" Coordinator: Aaron Ness Fire Safety: Jason Jacobi Campus Involvement: Mike Murphy Congratulations to our newestPhfs—Calie Crawford, Beth Straub, June Pickey, and Tracy West. We love you guys! Love, your Sisters Congrats to Chandra elected as PanheR Vice President. Love, your Sisters IFC overall rush chair and public relations applications are now available in IFC. They wiR be due January 17th. KA0 Congratulations to our 1997 officers: President- Tiffany Jackes VP Administration-Becky Gould VP Development- Laura Farha VP Finance- Amber Oshes VP PuMc Relations- LWy Butler Social- Heather Ptucha Social Deputy-Tasha Hahn Risk Management- Beth Schaffart Membership Ed-Megan Wlgert Membership Ed Deputy-Juke Williams House Manager- KeRi Sake Scholarship-Bridget Hoffart Finance Deputy-Sara Wenande Purchase Fund- Suzie Camper Recording Secretary- Jami Havel Reference- Courtney VanAnne Computer- Kathi Chaillie Archavist/Historian-Angie Mandyk Ritualist- Carolyn Armstrong Awards-Sara Speric* Serivce- Laurie Jacobs Service Deputy- Karin Lossi Alumni Relations- Kelly Spreeh Alternate PanheHenic- Hillary Monie Administrative Secretary- Kara Marshall Membership Chair- Dana Hawthrone Rush Chair- Natalie Ruhl Editor- Kelly Long Editor Deputy- Shelby McKinley Music Chair- Katy Byrne Intramurals- Megan Anderson Environmental-Marcy Petermann Banner Chair- Sue Tresham SAE Con regulations to the players selected to the All-Star First Team of the Nike College Regional Flag Football Champi onships. Quarterback: Jon Paul Schieber Receiver Chris White Defensive Back: Brent Robinson The Brothers of SAE ZAP Phi Alpha to the Brother of he Week: John Hecox It’s better to give than to receive. The Brothers of SAE To the Pledges of AGR, Thank you for the fun time ice skating. We'll slide around with you guys anytime. _From the new initiates from Kappa Delta Student Court and Nebraska Union Bd; Positions open on both Student Court (for the ’96-’97 year) and on the Nebraska Union Adv. Bd. for term beginning in January. Applications available aM15 Nebr. Union. Dec. 13. French tutor wanted. 423-3111. 300s. Jobs $ $ $ $ $ Sales Representatives Nation's industry leader is expanding the marketing/sales department in Uncoin/Omaha. We ars seeking top quality sates representatives to market our services. Wo offer * $18,000 • $19,000 salary * Great commission and O.T. plan * Full benefits package ‘Paid training * Room for advancement If you have the desire for success call 477-0303 to set up an interview! Ask for Jason. Accounting Assistant UHL1AMR Communictelons A Information Technology Help with billings, accounts receivable. Requires computer experience. Need high degree of accuracy with numbers, detail, and keyboardng. 15-20 hours per week. CaM Betty 472-8526. AmeriCorps Members Needed: 8 positions available for new Changing Trends program. Main responsibility wMba tutoring and mentoring chidren of color. Members will be placedat the Malone Commu nity Center, Hispanic Community Center, Good Neighbors Center and 3 Family Resource Centers. If selected, AmeriCorps members need to complete 1700 hours of service during a twelve month period, will receive a living allowance of $7945, and upon successful completion of service wil receive an educational award of $4725 to be used to pay for higher education and/or student loans. MaH cover totter and resume to: Malone Community Cen ter, 2032 U Si, Uncoin Ne, 88503: Attn: Martyn Logan, program director. Oeadfine: Dec 20. For more informa tion, Cai474-1110. All agencies involved in the program are committed to EEQMA/AOA. Become s contemporary erfocator-a Monteseori teacher. Seeking a qualified candklate to sponsor in Monfcssori training 1997-98. Prairie HB Learning Center, eat 1961, 10 mfies south of Lincoln. Cafi 4388668. Before & After School BiSreation Lincoln Parks and Recreation has openings with before and after school programs woridng with etementary chil dren, Openings toatart Jan. 6,1997. Before School Hours, 7-9am, ($5.20-$5.4Qftv). After School Hours 2:30-5:45pm or 3:15-5:45pm ($5.00-$5.20/hr). Days Mon-Fri. Apply at gtegiround office, second floor. 1225 F Street, 441-7952 ARE YOU AT HOME LOOKING TO GET BACK IN THE BUSI NESS WORLD OR IN SCHOOL LOOKING FOR SOME EXTRA DOLLARS? FIRST BANK WANTS YOU! First Bank NA, one of the largest and most progressive financial services organizations in the midwest has im mediate openings for part-time and peak-time Tellers. Part-time schedules are from 20 hours up and earn com petitive $$ based on your experience and offer a com plete benefits package. Peak-time schedules are less than 20 hours and begin at $8.19 per hour without benefits. Responsibilities include assisting customers in conduct ing financial transactions (deposits, withdrawals, advances, payments, etc.) in a way that makes them feel good about First Bank, making product and service referrals to cus tomers, and accurately balancing a cash drawer. Qualified candidates are required to have a high school (tipioma or equivalent and prior cash handferg or customer service/relations experience hetofU. Good interpersonal sldte and the abWty to work wel with customers are re quired. If you are interested In a chatienging and rewardkig op porlunity as a part-time or peak-time Tetier, apply at »iy of our branches in UncoM First Bank is an equal opportunity employer, dedicated to Affirmative Action and a ctiverse workforce. Attention: Nurtfnj, Qofontology, and Human Sarvftoo Majors. Part-time and futi-time personal caregiver posi tions for the elderly available. Competitive wages and ex cetient benefits. Contact Doreen at Haven Manor, 434 2680. Building Blocks Learning Center now hiring Assistant Di rector. Elementary education or related field required. Ap ply in person, 4805 South 16th. Immedtate openings for ful-tima/part-llmo loachora. part time transportation specialists, and part-time cook. Apply in person at BuNdktg Blocks Learning Center, 4805 South 16th. IMS OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING NOW HIRING FOR PART-TIME TELEMARKETERS $100 HIRING BONUS WITH A GUARANTEED $7.0047.50 RATE. YOU CAN EARN $10 WITH GOOD PERFORMANCE! AT IMS YOU WILL FIND... PAID TRAINING YOU SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE PLUS YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORK A FRIDAY OR SATURDAY PERFECT ATTENDANCE BONUS WALKING DISTANCE FROM UNL CAMPUS FIND OUT WHY IMS IS THE #1 TELESALES COMPANY IN THE U.S. CALL AUBREY OR COMEM AND APPLY: IMS SUITE 304 GOLDS GALLERIA 434-2626 EOE LaundryLand at 56lh A Hokhage and at 27fo A Starr are hiring for the 7 pm-12mid shift, 3-4 nights/week. Also, our 21sT A J location is hiring for the 1:45pm-7:30pm shift, 24 days/waak. Apply within.