Elevators to get an overhaul By Brian Carlson StaffReporter Oldfather Hall’s elevators are getting a lift. As part of a $320,000 project, the Facilities Management Depart ment will spend the rest of the aca demic year renovating the 12-story building’s three elevators. Installed when Oldfather was built in 1970, the elevators are in need of repair. Delays, doors clos ing too quickly on passengers, and elevator flows arriving uneven with building flows are among the com plaints the maintenance department has received. Richard Hoback, maintenance division manager, said the extensive use by students and faculty made the elevators wear down faster than other lifts. “They’re not the oldest elevators on campus, by any means,” he said, “but Oldfather is very dependent on elevators because it’s 12 stories high, and there’s virtually nothing on the ground floor.” Currently, the maintenance de partment is working on the north elevator. Hoback said it would take about two months to complete work on each elevator, and the project should be completed by May 1. John Kastning, sophomore chemical engineering major, uses the elevators twice a week. “Last year they broke down quite often,” he said. “When they have one that’s out, the others are really crammed.” Crowded elevators and outdated technology can delay passengers, including Marzia Caporale. Caporale, an Italian-language lec turer, said she has to allow five ex tra minutes to arrive to class on time. “They’re just slow,” she said. “Also, they close right away so people get squished in.” Hoback said part of the renova tion would include updating the el evator system’s technology to make it more efficient. _ Currently, if someone waiting for an elevator on an upper floor pushes a button, all three elevators . receive the signal and “race” each other to that floor, Hoback said. Under the proposed system, only one elevator would receive the sig nal, allowing the others to reach other destinations more quickly. * * ,4 + ' Hoback said that when the project is completed next spring, the elevators also would be more handi capped-accessible. Championship game tickets still available to students By Erin Schulte Senior Reporter Something unthinkable is happen ing at the Athletic Department ticket office for the second time this year: There are way too many tickets. John Anderson, ticket manager, said 2,000 more tickets were provided by the University of Texas for Saturday’s Big 12 Playoff football game in St. Louis. The 1,200 tickets provided by other North Division schools were sold out this morning when the University ol Nebraska-Lincoln got word that tick ets weren’t selling out in Texas. Now UNL has about 1,700 extra tickets on hand. “We have as many as people can buy,” Anderson said. “Isn’t that a great thing to hear?” The distance from Austin to St. Louis and competition from the hard to-beat Huskers may contribute to slow sales in the Lone Star State, Anderson said. Husker fans who buy the Texas tickets may have to sit next to their ri vals, though. The extra tickets will be in the Texas side — the south side — of the stadium. “But they gave us a block, so if we can fill it full of Nebraskans, we should be OK,” Anderson said. Both $40 and $60 tickets are avail able, but Big 12 rules say that all tick ets unsold by about 3 p.m. today have to be shipped to the St. Louis ticket office. Anyone who can’t get to the ticket office by that deadline can call 1-800 246-7267 and order tickets with a credit card. Survey: Professors favor racial ban - A A The Daily Texan (U. of Texas) (U-WIRE) AUSTIN, Texas — Nearly two-thirds of university profes sors in the nation would support a ban on racial preferences in student admis sions and faculty hiring policies, a re cent survey by a national research cen ter shows. The survey, conducted by the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, comes in the wake of California’s Proposition 209 referendum, which abolished affirmative action policies at California universities and state agen cies. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap peals in March stopped universities in Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana from considering race when determining admissions and financial aid decisions. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the state’s appeal in the case. Samuel Issacharoff, a professor of law who served as counsel for the UT System on the Hopwood case, said fac ulty opinions are probably divided given die size of the university. UT Provost Mark Yudof said he is a strong supporter of affirmative action policies at the university. “I think it has more support at UT than what the survey says,” Yudof said. “There are lots of professors who don’t speak up, but I think a majority of the I"" ' — ■ ■ - There are lots of professors who don't speak up, but I think a majority of the professors do favor affirmative action." Mark Yudof UT Provost professors do favor affirmative action.” Forty professors from different uni versities were chosen randomly to take part in the survey. The University of Texas-Arlington was one of the universities included. Results of the study indicated that most universities have formal or infor mal policies that give preferences based on sex and race. But it showed that 60 percent of faculty members said universities should not grant preferences based on race, sex or ethnicity. Twenty-nine per cent said they supported affirmative action policies. Other key findings of the survey showed 62 percent of the nation’s pro fessors believed the academic quality of their school has not changed since affirmative action policies have been implemented. It also found that 56 percent of the professors surveyed felt their univer sities “should not grant preference to one applicant over another for admis sion on the basis of race, sex or ethnicity;” 32 percent supported the preferences. Sixty-one percent of faculty said they would approve of a policy which stated that their universities “shall not discriminate against, or grant prefer ential treatment to, applicants for ad missions on the basis of their race, sex or ethnicity.” Fred Valdez, professor of anthro pology, said he was not against affir mative action in theory, but what it has become. “I’m against affirmative action if it is looked upon to determine quotas,” Valdez said. “Then you have people coming in under a cloud as if they’re not qualified. The basic issue is the great misunderstanding of what affir mative action actually is and what it intended to do.” Two changes for ASUN elections to be proposed By Tasha E. Kelter StaffReporter ASUN candidates will not be allowed to plaster residence hall walls with election posters if pro posed campaign policy changes are approved by the student senate to night. The Electoral Commission, which oversees ASUN and Interna tional Student Organization’s elec tions, reviews the Association of the Students of the University of Nebraska’s bylaws each semester. The commission then makes changes, which must be approved by the student senate. The commission will bring two proposed changes to tonight’s meet ing. They are: —Allowing only one campaign poster per student election group or independent candidate on each resi dence hall floor. Posters would have to be on or near the stairwell doors or elevator lobby. No posters would be permitted in the bathrooms or in elevators under the change. Resi dents would still be allowed to dis play posters on their doors without penalty. — Requiring campaign posters to be stamped by the Residential Education Office prior to placing them in the residence halls. Students were previously al lowed to put up as many campaign posters on a residence hall floor as they wanted. In other ASUN news, President Eric Marintzer and Senator Sara Russell hope to develop a formal snow-day policy. Marintzer said UNL needs a more effective policy that shows concern for students’ safety^ “I don’t want it to be something where school is called off every time it snows,” he said. But, he added, 15,000 off-campus students have to drive to campus, often on icy, snow covered roads. “You’re just afraid to drive,” he said. “A lot of them skip class any way.” Also at the ASUN meeting, senators will vote on a resolution to support Rape Awareness Week. University of Minnesota creates e-mail guidelines (U-WIRE) MINNEAPOLIS — The University of Minnesota plans to formalize its Internet use guide lines soon, despite the fact that uni versity students behave relatively well on-line. “The students from the Univer sity of Minnesota should be complimented for their behavior. We have had very few cases of abuse,” said Frank Grewe, manager of Internet Services for Academic Computing and Information Tech nologies at the university. “The use of e-mail at the univer sity is very heavy, in the range of millions of pieces a day,” said Yvonne Carlton, chairwoman of the Acceptable Use Policy Committee and manager of data security at cen tral computing. Carlton’s committee is currently working to formalize the University’s rules on e-mail use. A draft of the new rules was made available for public comment on Nov. 14. The comment period will run until Dec. 18. “Up until now we haven’t really had a good formal policy and it has, for the most part, been based on complaints in which there is really gross evidence that an account has been abused,” Grewe said. E-mail abuse encompasses vio lations of federal law such as forg ing posts and soliciting for pyramid schemes, as well as less clearly de fined offenses such as harassment and off-topic posting. “Harassment-type complaints are referred to the University Po lice for investigation,” Grewe said. The university currently has a “three strikes, you’re out” system in place to deal with repeat offenders, as well, Grewe said. “What people (who have had their accounts suspended) generally say is that someone must have hacked into their account and done it. In that situation we tell them that, of course, it is their responsibility to keep their account password se cure.” To reopen an account after a first offense, the student or staff mem ber must contact the systems staff to hear the reason the account was suspended. To reopen an account that has been closed a second time, the offender must sign an agreement promising not to repeat the offense. After a third offense, the Judi cial Affairs Department takes action against the student or staff member. Hospital helps women end addictions ADDICTION from page 1 Women usually serve as primary caretakers of their family and have no one to help them with child care dur ing treatment, Schrepf said. Women also are less likely than men to have health insurance that covers the cost of treatment. St. Monica’s program provides both child care and a sliding fee based on how much a patient can afford to pay, she said. This women-only treatment and family support works, Schrepf said. After one year, about 80 percent of women who graduated from programs at St. Monica’s report they are still so ber, she said. The average is about 40 percent for treatment programs nation ally, she said. The new program’s steps to sobri ety differ from those in traditional, male-oriented treatment programs, she said. For example, the first step in one traditional program is to admit that you are powerless against the drug addic tion. Although this is a positive step for most men who have difficulty ac cepting they are not in control, it could be harmful to women. “It’s not useful for women to feel more powerless than they already do,” Schrepf said. The program re frames steps for women with the understanding women and men are socialized differently, she said. Women must understand that they cannot cope with their addiction alone, she said. Many learn to find support from faith in God and from other women involved with the program. But support has also come from local businesses, foundations and in dividuals, including the Cooper Foun dation, First Bank, and James and Ann Rawley of Lincoln. Art Thompson, president of the Cooper Foundation, a charitable pri vate foundation that funds education and human services, said he was happy to hear St. Monica’s program was suc cessful in its first month of operation. The foundation gave $5,000 to the program for start-up costs, he said. “The program made all kinds of sense,” Thompson said. “We have faith in that organization and its mission and ability to accomplish it.” ' Academic Senate approves stance on faculty tenure By Erin Schulte Senior Reporter Members of UNL’s Academic Sen ate voted unanimously Tuesday to ap prove a stance on period review of fully-tenured faculty. The senate’s recommended stance will be passed along to the NU Board of Regents. “The Academic Context for Periodic Review of Tenured Fac ulty at UNL” expresses support for ten ure in general. It says any changes to the tenure review process should focus on posi tives, such as meritorious performance, as well as negatives, such as lack of productivity. The statement draws five conclu sions: • Discussion of tenure changes must be in an environment where tenure is valued. • University bylaws and guidelines must be followed rigorously if any change takes place. • The only change to be considered should be review of fully-tenured fac ulty, as the rest of UNL’s faculty re ceives not cmly annual reviews but also -third-year peer reviews. • Changes should have a positive focus. • Consideration should be given to extra time and effort by faculty, which - will have to be use4 in order to make post-tenure review feasible.