The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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    Game tickets in short supply
By Peter Marhoefer
Students hoping to go to the Big 12 Cham
pionship game Dec. 7 in St. Louis should not'
plan on receiving tickets from the UNL athletic
ticket office.
“We considered the championship game an
away game, and the students chose Kansas State
as the migration game,” Ticket Manager John
Anderson said.
The University of Nebraska ticket office will
be allotted 7,500 tickets if the Comhuskers beat
Colorado and win the Big 12 North Division.
But those will be scooped up by season-ticket
holders, Anderson said.
“Our demand has well succeeded our sup
ply,” he said.
But students might not be locked out. If the
Southern Division Champion does not purchase
its full allotment, more might become available
to Nebraska fans. Students should call the ath
letic ticket office Wednesday, Dec. 3, with in
quiries, Anderson said.
Students also can call other Big 12 universi
ties. All Big 12 schools received a small allot
ment of championship-game tickets.
Players speak against tobacco
SMOKEOUT from page 1
“I’m not the biggest guy ... I’m not the
fastest guy,” he said. “I knew if I wanted to
accomplish my dream, I couldn’t smoke.”
Johanns spoke from experience when
talking about the dangers of tobacco. Johanns
smoked heavily for about 15 years, he said,
and wishes he had those years of his life back.
“Every time you use that habit, you give
away a piece of your life,” he said.
Although the Great American Smokeout
calls for smokers to quit for just 24 hours,
Johanns said, “that was the toughest part
when I quit.”
A better solution is to not start smoking
in the first place, he said.
The elementary students jeered tobacco,
said “No!” in unison and cheered Johanns
for quitting his habit.
Nikki Lopez, American Cancer Society
tobacco control specialist for Nebraska, said
although students in kindergarten through
fifth grade probably do not smoke now, it is
important for children to absorb the anti-to
bacco message at a young age.
“The tobacco industry has focused their
ads toward young kids,” Lopez said.
Tobacco ads are featuring younger mod
els, more colorful pictures and popular trends
among teen-agers, such as sports and cars,
to attract young smokers, she said.
And the young are paying attention to
those ads, she said. About 3,000 adolescents,
ages 13 to 17, start smoking every day.
Laurie Sutter, health educator for theTin
coln-Lancaster County Health Department,
said the smoking rate among Nebraska teen
agers is higher than the national average. And
Lancaster County rates are higher than the
Nebraska average, she said.
A survey conducted last year found nearly
40 percent of all Lancaster County high
school students had smoked in the month
before the survey. Nationally, more than 1
million adolescents begin smoking each year,
Sutter said.
Tobacco-related illnesses killed about
420,000 Americans last year, Sutter said,
more than motor-vehicle accidents, AIDS
related illnesses and homicides combined.
Bruce Anderson, city chairman of the
Great American Smokeout, said adolescents
and others in the community were asked to
throw out their tobacco today in buckets on
public school and college campuses.
But not many people pitched in, he said.
“I wish we had gotten more,” Anderson
said. “But, overall, it went very well.”
Anderson burned all collected cigarettes
at 3 p jn. in the Lincoln General Hospital in
cinerator, which sits next to a “no smoking”
And that, he said, is a good start.
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Cigarette butts
cost money, time
in clean-up work
BUTTS from page 1
after we had noticed an increased lit
ter problem on campus, which was
cutting into our other maintenance,” he
said. “We want to make people aware
of what an unattractive and noticeable
problem it is.”
Zillinger said it wouldn’t require
much extra effort for smokers to im
prove the situation, noting that most
cigarette butts fall within 10 feet of
campus ash urns.
According to the task force’s find
ings, cigarette-butt litter increased sig
nificantly after UNL implemented its
ttiuwi uu pvrttvjr piuuu/mu^
smoking in all campus buildings.
Zillinger was unsure if UNL would
consider policy options for reducing
outdoor litter.
Angela Goin, Landscape Services
grounds supervisor, said the litter prob
lem has worsened in spite of efforts by
Landscape Services to place ash ums
in convenient locations for smokers.
Most, ums are located near the en -
trances of buildings.
Goin said that although emptying
ash ums is not a pleasant task, it is [ref
erable to cleaning up littered cigarette
“It’s,pretty bad, if you can imagine
picking up each little cigarette butt
floating around campus,” she said.
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