The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1996, Page 16, Image 16

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    02 Appliances 400 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 HousingWanted
TO Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing
90 510 Automotive
245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care
250 Wanted 565 Legal Services
260 Fundraising 573 Music Exchange
270 900 Numbers 575 Photography
578 Pregnancy
580 Printing & Copying
582 Recycling
583 Religious
300 Help Wanted 505 Rentals
310 Child Care ~ 588 Tanning
320 Work Study Jobs 590 Tattooing
330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel
340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes
$3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
. $.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for
all contents of all ads printed, as well as any
claim arising therefrom made against the Daily
00s For Sale
Cycle Works
Killer deals on leftover wheels. XT/LX equipped bikes at
$525. Whoa! That is low. Everything you need to ride all
winter. Bikes, clothing, packs, hats, and gloves. Great
Christmas gift items too.
Cycle Works
27th & Vine
-- ...-—-r
Satin wedding dress.Stte 8. Beautiful bead work and
tram. $450.477*2044. Leave message * ‘ ?
Selling it Cheap! Apple RGB monitor $65. Magmun 28.8
fax/ modem never used $70. Apple Style writer printer
$60. Call 421-3913_
Lincoln’s vintage record shop. Quality used CDs, $7.50
or less, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489
Cable descrambler kit, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1
k 800-752-1389._• ,'riSfc, - -
■ A Cotorado-Netjraska ticket for sale. Call 475-0159. ?
2 adjacent NU-CU tickets, together or separate. Best of
fer. 436-0944, leave message with offer.
3 Dave Matthews tickets, $22.50 each OBO. 438-3998.
4 CU-NU tickets, together, East Stadium. Best offer. 436
4 NU vs. CU tickets, Best Offer, call 303-296-0029 con
tact Andy.
4 NU-Colorado tickets together. Section 11, Row 20. $150/
each OBO Call 421-8087
FOR SALE: One NU/CU ticket, South Stadium. 438-8137,
Best Offer.
FOR SALE: 2 CU/NU tickets. Together—South Stadium.
Best offer. 421-9209. Leave message.
FOR SALE: 1 CU/NU student ticket. East Stadium. Will
validate. Call 465-5384. Leave message.
FOR SALE: 2 NU/CU tickets, 45-yard-line, East Stadium.
Best offer. 436-0978.
FOR SALE: 1 CU/NU ticket. Row 18, East Stadium. $130
obo. Will validate. 438-5372. Leave message.
Needed: tickets for CU/NU game. General or student (vali
dated). Call 435-7970.
Wanted: Onemaie season student basketball ticket. 489
91 Stanza 4-door, 5-speed, air, $4950. 91 Nissan pickup,
$4650. 84 300ZX, $2950. 91 Civic 2-door hatch, $3950.
86 Centra wagon, $2500. 91 Civic 4-door, 5-speed, air,
$4150. 91 Civic DX, $4850. 91 Protege, 4-door, 5
speed, 37K, $3950. Offers accepted.
Baer’s Auto Sales, 1647 S. 3rd St. 477-6442.
1995 Honda Civic Coupe EX, 5 speed, power everything,
cruise, a/c, sunroof, 477-1303 leave message
1983 Mazda RX-7. Excellent condition, 105K, book price
$2300. Asking $1750. 467-3644.
1979 Mustang 5.0, lots of high power goodies. Runs,
drives great. $1000/ best offer. 477-1761.
Five '93 Escort station wagons. 50-60,000 miles, very
good condition. $5000 and up. 402-333-1942, after 6pm.
200s Notices
Spring break Is coming! Don’t delay there is limited
space! Call Laura, your Sun Splash representative, 436
9306 to set up a package starting at only $379 to either
the Bahamas, Cancun, Daytona, Jamaica, Panama
City or South Padre.
ifiCan It Food Drive
# #
Nov. 17-24
Please donate at your house or Residence Hall. Spon
sored by Theta Chi, Cornerstone, and RHA Student Ac
tion Team.
Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full
time positions. No exp necessary. For info, call 1-206
971-3550 ext. C57786
Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week.
Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING FI
NALS WEEK with the unanimous consent of the class.
Quizzes are acceptable. Stop by the ASUN office, 115
Nebr. Union with questions or complaints or call 472-2581.
Flu Shots/Wellness Profiles
For students, faculty/staff and general public. - Health
Center Lobby, 11 a.m. -1 p.m.
Food & Personal
Items Drive
Nov 11 - Nov 22
Needed: Boxed & Canned Foods, Soap, Toothpaste, etc
Donation Boxes:
The Women’s Center - NE Union #340
Love Library
Student Involvement - City NE Union #200
Student Involvement - East Union #300
The Women’s Center
More info call 472-2597
Hey Residence Hall Students
Do You Need A Study Break?
RHA Casino Night
Thurs. Nov. 21 7-9
Neihardt Pub
Models m/f ages 11-35. Models Scouting Group will be in
the Omaha/Lincoln area for 2 nights only. Nov. 21-22.
Representing top agencies from NY, Milan, Paris... no
exp/training necessary. For info, call 1.888.65.model
will be playing at Tuxedo Park, in Crete, NE, Sat Nov.
23rd. 9pm-1am. 18 and over.
Muslim Sister interested in joining/forming a Muslim
women’s prayer/study/discussion circfe. Those Sisters
interested should write down their name, address, phone
number, and year in school, and leave this information at
the front desk of the Daily Nebraskan office, Rm 34, NE
Nebraska Union Board
Positions open
This board assumes the role of advocate for the various
segments of the University community to the Director of
Nebraska Unions and Vice Chan, for Student Affairs.
Deadline Tues., November 26 - 4:00 p.m. Applications
available at 115 Nebr. Union.
is now accepting applications for alternate juror position.
Call 2-1095 or stop by 237 Nebraska Union.
UNL marketing dub sweater sale fundrasier outside of
Union by Broynill fountain. The sale will be running Tues
Footbag Club
Meetings every Thursday night at 7:30 on CRC court #1.
Everyone welcome. For more information call Mark at
Habitat for Humanity
Meets TONIGHT, 6pm. Room posted in Union.
Society for Human Resource
Meeting Novelet at 5:30pm in NE Union, room wtii be
posted. Speaker Beth McFarland. Duelnsss Attire.
Student Council for
Exceptional Children
Meeting Nov 21,6pm. Room 313, Barkley Center.
We have a meeting at 5:15 on Thursday the 21st at the
Nebraska Union. Room will be posted. BE THERE!!
Meeting Thursday Nov 21st at 6:00pm In the Student
Union. The roofs wffi be posted: Speaker Ron McKenzie
wM be speaking about marketing on ihe internet We wl
be hokting new officer oioctionB.
UNL Model United Nations
Thursday nights 7pm In the City Union. Come join the
Thank you for the dinner exchangeKtonday. We are glad
dinner didn’t kill you. (Just kidding, Angie).
The Men of Phi Kappa Psi
Our “Scholar” Ship has lanaea Congratulations to 19
4.0’s. Keep up the Great Work, everyone!
Your Chi-O Sisters
50th Armlvlersary of
She’s goin’ down—
might as well get
Congratulations to Officer Elects
President—John Rice
Stableboy—Jason Lowery
Chaplain—Rev. Matt Potfnoff
Pledge Warden—Hal Thomsen
Messenger—Mike Chatterton
House Goon—Marty Toalson
Sergeant-at-Arms—Barrett Lamay
House Gimp—Kyle Diederich
Treasurer—Brian Bangs
IDOL ‘96
Farmhouse & AOll
November 22nd
Congratulations to Brian Morro on winning intramural
raquetball singles.
The Brothers of Kappa Sig
We had a great time at the FAC on Friday. Thanks so
The Ladies of Chi-O
November 21
The Murphys
Paul and Joyce with The Sidetracks Band
Blue Moon Ghetto with Niki Bouiay
Triangle Fiji Acacia
Summer In November?
Beach Bash *96
Student Court
Student Government
Positions open on the court that deals with matters of
UN-L student organizations. Applications available at 115
Nebr. Union. Deadline Nov. 22
300s_ Jobs
★ ★ ★
23 positions
Apply now!
Filling several PT perm/temp, flex hours, can continue
FT over break. $10.85 to start. 477-8663.
★ ★ ★
A responsible, outgoing person is needed for a part-time
sales/receptionist position. Applicant needs to have good
availability. Apply in person at The Hair Care Place (14th
& P) or call Lisa at 474-2214.
Now hiringlor seasonal part-time shifts at all LincolnArby's
locations. Benefits include: flexible schedules, 1/2 price
meals even when off duty, and more! Apply at
Gateway Mall
Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for
college expenses? Make $$$ money all fall and winter.
Let us help. 1-800-256-0641.
Bagels & Joe now hiring ft/pt days plus afternnoon super
visor for 70th and pioner store. Apply at 1339 O street
Before & After School
Lincoln Parks and Recreation has openings with before
and after school programs working with elementary chil
dren. One opening available immediately with after school
program. Other openings to start Jan. 6, 1997. Before
School Hours, 7-9am, ($5.20-$5.40/hr). After School
Hours 2:30-5:45pm or 3:15-5:45pm ($5.00-$5.20/hr).
Days Mon - Fri. Apply at playground office, second floor.
1225 F Street, 441-7952. EOE/AA.
Central Service Tech I
Full-time and On-call positions now available to be re
sponsible for decontaminating, cleaning, processing, as
sembling, sterilizing, storing, and distributing reusable
medical devices and equipment used in patient care ar
eas and surgery. Will inventory and restock par level carts
and provide distributions for additional patient care items.
Will fold linen, make linen packs, wrap metalware, and
operate sterilizers. Requires ability to read, comprehend,
and cany out detailed written procedures and have the
physical strength to withstand continuous walking and
standing. High school graduate preferred. FT positions
work primarily days with some evening shifts. OC posi
tions offer flexible scheduling workingvaried shifts. Apply
to: Lincoln General Hospital, Human Resources, 2300 S.
16th Street, Lincoln, NE 68502,473-5291.
We are seeking college graduates to fill trainee positions
in our Kearney and Scottsbluff District offices.
These positions offer the opportunity to build a career
with the leading domestic property, casualty writer in Ne
* ,<
Qualified applicants mu6t possess strong time manage
ment and communication skills and good analytical abil
ity. A rural background and an aptitude in building con
struction could be helpful.
These are salaried positions that offer an excelent ben
efit package along with a company car. An excellent train
ing program is also provided.
Persons interested in these openings should send their
resume and a cover letter to:
Personnel Director
Fanners Mutual of Nebraska
PO Box 81529
Lincoln, NE 68501
Uni verily of NaBnwkar ...
Computing Sorvtooo Network
Operate the Univerattyg mainframe computer system/
consoles, mount computer tapes, operate printers and
other olMne equipment Computer knowledge end good
customer service sMfts preferred. At a mlnknum must tie
able to work in four-hour time Mocks, 16-20 hours per
weak. The Data Center is open 24 hours a day seven
days a week- Must be avalaMa to work summers and
school breaks. Hours wM vary but shifts wNbt scheduled
primarily on weekends and graves (11:00pro-7:00em)
SS.26 houriy. Apply In person at 235 Nebr. Ha.
Needed to care for eiderty residents in beautiful home
aeMnaAl hours avalaMs. PaiMIme, could lead to ft*
time, cal 436-7830, M-F, between 10AM-2PM. Ask for
Candace. __
Dependanable day care assistant needed ASAPfll Part
ttmeTMon., Wed/Friday, Cal Wm 430*019.
Downtown YMGA hiring aariysnomtng front daak hay.
ApplyaMOSO V St 04*852__
Education maforsl
Usphanahn School Supply has part, time posNione In '
downtown store. Fun products, good hours, end greet
tfnm^lHM^jiJ^n^enon at Stephenson’s, 1112 O ;
Fast-paced Churdi DeMpVBuM firm seeks totem Archi- |
tact wAutocad Technician Houriy rate poellontotolMits
Dec. 1. Autocad 13 to a must Osnsftk Faa Assumes
Only; Jm Brown Constucfton. Inc., Hotdrags, NE, 306
■ iiBi'j:1.:1 .—■—
has openings tar day and evening FT and FT waft staft
--a fri m ■ |m ft' fnnnHnnt iiimkhm r nn rtlftlnw —
ana oanqum sybm. cxceiieni wonuny conotuona ana
M __ . .. ,. _ .^ J|f