The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1996, Page 11, Image 11
4426 Huntington, 2 BR ranch, aval. 12-1, oak floors, art. garage, C/A, No smokers. No pets, 6 mo lease. $675 + dap. A rate. 466-8966,423-5921 First month free. 6 bedroom and three bath. Just redone, central air, and washer/dryer. 1144 "P St. $1100. Avail able Dec. 3,430-9012. Very nice 2 bedroom mobile home for rent $500/mo. Cal Joyce 432-2648. 2291 Hotdrege. 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 baths. Cal Jim 475 7990, 432-4414, or 423-6304. 4-bedrobm, 2-bath. 3040 Q St. Brand new, appliances + washer/dryer. No pets. Only $695. Cal Phoenix Proper ties Management 421-8996. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Bedroom $299-$359; 2 Bedroom $335-$439. Laundry. Busline. $100.00 rebate on first month's rent. JONES APTS, 475-7262. 240 S. 26th. 1 bedroom. Modem/Newer, Built in micro wave. Off street parking. Leave message 483-2357. Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Downtown studio, secure bulding, heat paid, no pets $275 plus deposl and references. 4356666 ★ Heat Paid 2504 Vine, top floor, brown & tan, close to campus, 6 mo6 (93S6, $340. 1109,1121 North 28th, huge bedroom, from $330. Sharp. 4300 Comhusker Hwy, 2 BR. split-level townhouse, like a house. $490-$525. ' 2 BR. huge living room, beautiful decor, white with oak. grey or beige, ceramic floors. $530. Cherry HMt Management, 489-4867. One bedroom apt. stove and refrig., ail utilities paid, $265/ month. 1 person, 423-5966/after 5pm. Pine Lake Heights Apartments Efficientcies, 1,2,3 apts. available w/lofts. For more information cal 436-3484 !◄ I ◄ i ◄ 4 IS= One large bedroom, near campus, contemporary look. Ceramic tHe entry, nice working klchen with pantry, ceramic tile kitchen and bathroom, secure storagespace, same floor laundry, off-street parking, private entrance, and heat paid. Available January 1. $450/month. 474 3529.__, A loving couple wishes to share their hearts wth a newborn. Yourbaby's lie wil be filled with love, happiness and security. Authorized expenses paid. Please call Karen A Phi at 1-800-264-7561. A loving couple (full-time mom) seek to provide your newborn with a beautiful lie, financial security, and good education. Medical and legal expenses paid. Attorney involved. Please cal Marilyn and Larry 1-600-301-0009. A truely loving, happy, and finandaly secure couple wish to adopt your newborn. We will cherish, protect and love your child forever. Expenses paid. Cal us to tafc anytime. Teri and Greg 1-800-470-4760. Somethings are meant to be! ADOPT Our happy home is filled with love, laughter, and creativity. But we long to adopt a newborn. Medical and legal expenses paid. Please call Leah & Fred at 1-800-459 6448. ADOPT: We yearn to welcome your baby into your loving and stable home. Exp, pd. Lisa & Joe 1-600-631-2644, Adaption • longing to share our Iive6 with a newborn. Expenses paid. 1 $66-618-5954. Diana & Nick. ADOPTION A loving abematfve We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314, 483-7879. cal Estate I QUALITY FOR LESS 2 Bedroom apartments within 2 miles from campus. No pets. All have coin laundry. Leases. Clean. 2527 “H” $435 w/balcony 1310 “A” $450 free heat 1 bedroom apartments $295 & up Houses $500 and up RENTAL REAL ESTATE L_=4^345===J JANUARY 2-2B, 1997 • 4.5.6 0B7illGHTS COLLEGE SKI TOWS USA I rHVlj* tou. mo iwrowAnow and mammons 1 »800»SUNCH ASE I ADOPTION A caring alternative. Plan the beet future for you and your baby. No fees/ confidential oounseing. Nebraska Children's Home. 4600 Vekey Rd. Suite 814. _ ADOPTION...Teddybears galore. Two hearts full of love wM provide warm, nurturing home an a good education to your newborn. Expenses paid. Valerie & Steven. (800) 237-9082. Tires Demos and take-off $50. Mourned and balanced on most cars. The majority with 60,000 mles rating. Call Don's Automotive and Tires at 474-2089. for exact quote. Cycle Works Battle the cold, not your bike. Make sure your bike is working as hard as you with expert service and repairs from Cycle Woiks. Cycle Works 27th & Vine 475-2453 Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. *0 Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. QUICK CONNECT. On-site computer troubleshooting, tutoring, Internet set-up and training. Home page cre ation. Visit us 477-7345. Also word processing. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWi, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. LECTURE NOTES We take notes in your classes. Many sets to choose from. Stop in and browse our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 J FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal for appointment or more information. 463-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on All OPTIONS. Certified Counselors available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor mation and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidentjal counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Stop in or cal for information. 1300 Q St. Lower Level. 477-7400 Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm By Michael Jantze wHece ce the He got that gig BUCK SUPeR- Ff&M A WHITE GUY., ueROeS?- l'M TALKING AB0UT A HGRO WH06G 1 powers ReFiecr HIS CULTURe. Non Sequitur By Wiley I mm minis if him—nnmi nmn gsamm r The Deep End By Chad Strawderman ho aims ca^ t § oatimg oPPoaiuHnv suat Tat rto&o is | TrtAH HfMHG A GIRV IvH)V)ST SIGHT, i ovita Toa oiHHia. 1 _[I ANO NOTvWG SW6U5 NOV) CA9F. ajatv ruff v? 9 imAUOHt W Ut COO<t0 KtAL. I cr- Tn=^5L^ I ^vpa) (?r5c=?p> » ' ACROSS i Catamaran 5 Interlaced 10 Ready money 14 Dugout, French style is Selassie of Ethiopia 10 Burden iTLoafer 20 Rankle 21 This might be viva or sotto 22 Discomfort 20 Towel fabric 20 Finn's compatriot 22 Eskimo knives 22 Within: Comb, form 34 Harem quarters 35 Simians 36 Chaff 36 Like-minded folks 41 Mediterranean Sea arm 42 Close by 43 Actor Wallach 44 Calendar abbr. 45 Two-toed sloth 46 Engendered 47 -gum, used in varnishes 49 Of the nostrils si Rave’s partner 53 Namesakes of a mythical huntress ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 57 Become enriched selfishly •2 Wander 63 A sermon of Buddha •4 An iridaceous plant 65 Humdinger 66 Of a bristle 67 State, to Satie DOWN 1 Rabble 2 Have-in one’s bonnet 3 Lippo Lippi’s colleagues 4 Very bouncy movement 5 As a consequence 6 Scull 7 Pizazz 8 Lycee attenders 6 Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus 10 Logical 11 Collection of anecdotes 12 Light source 13F.D.R.’s successor 16 Female lobster f OCL doubled K3 Hebrew letter 24 Girl in “Le Nozze di Figaro" 26 Stamen part 21 English essayist: 1672-1729 28 Abominable 28 Having rounded divisions 80 Farewells 31 Gypsum 38 ICng in I Kings 38 Concept of perfect beauty 37 Swiss stream 38 Rat 40CapeoffN.C. 45 False 45 Frosh’s hat 44016 relative SO Serbian city 52 Headland 54 Barber’s call ss Where Korea is 50 Immediately, to a druggist ' v 57 To’s opposite 55 Great time expanse 55 Caesar’s greeting 50 Baseball, notable 51 New Deal meas.