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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1996)
* V eg By Ann Stack Sentimental music makes the holidays There’s something in the air, ' friends. Maybe it’s the snow. Maybe it’s all the applec cider I’ve con sumed. But there is definitely some thing heavy in the air. I'll tell you what that something is. It’s the joydus holiday season quickly descending like a candy cane striped cloud of cheer, good will and last year’s fruitcake upon us. Damn, I love this time of year. When everyone else is bahium bugging at the check-out lines and untangling 82,718,375 feet of lights, I’m slugging down the candied yams and eggnog, decked out in my authentic Santa hat, “Jingle My Bells” T-shirt and elf booties. I’m speaking, of course, of the holiday season affectionately known as “Christmastime.” (I apologize to all the non-Christians who don’t celebrate this season of blatant material excess whom I may he offending But let’s think about this for a moment, kids. When you’re sitting around theffieplace with yourldvbd ones, roasting chestnuts, sipping wassail and shaking that curiously wrapped gift, think about what it is you’re listening to. Without the traditional holiday tunes, what would Christmas be? What would we sing on those long, cold merry-making treks through the neighborhood if we didn’t have “Deck The Halls?” Somehow, har monizing on “C’mon ‘N Ride It (The Train)” just doesn’t express the sentiment of the season quite the way a good round of “Silent Night” does. So I called up my pal Rob at Camelot Music in the Gateway Shopping Mall to find out what's new and what’s hot this season for your listening pleasure. Michael Bolton and Vanessa Williams both have new albums out —yippee—but here’s the one that tops my Christmas list: Jimmy Buffet’s “Christmas Island.” He does covers, originals and reads “The Night Before Christmas” on a - mvsterv track. Surprisingly enough, the top seller is Kenny G’s “Miracles,” an album of traditional carols. Of course, Mannheim Steamroller is another big seller. They’ve got three traditional albums—“Christmas in the Aire,” “Mannheim Steamroller —A Fresh Aire Christmas” and “A Mannheim Steamroller Christmas.” They also have “Holiday Musik,” an album of classical music. Other must-gets for the holiday season are Bob Rivers’ “I Am Santa Claus” and “Twisted Christmas,” which includes the classics, “There’s Something Stuck Up In The Chimney” and “The Twelve Pains of Christmas.” There’s also “Jingle Cads,” an album of cats me owing traditional carols, and “John Denver and the Muppets: A Christ mas Together.” But let’s not forget, this is sup posed to be a season erf giving, not. getting. Stack is a senior news-edito rial and sociology major and a Daily Nebraskan senior reporter. JOAN REIST, UNL assistant professor of piano, was honored with the 1996 Service Award by the Nebraska Music Tfeachers Association. Reist has been teaching at the UNL School of Music for 23 years. By Emilt Wray StaffReporter Twenty-three years at the UNL School of Music, involvement in four university-related committees and a national office in her professional or ganization keeps Joan Reist busy. But she’s not too busy to care about students. “I have a responsibilty to students to be accessible,” the UNL assistant professor of piano said, “but they don’t see me as often as I want.” This accessibility is why Reist was honored with the 1996 Service Award by the Nebraska Music Teachers As sociation. NMTA is a professional organiza tion that offers programs and benefits for its members, said Mary Lynn Tuck, publicity chairwoman for the NMTA and a distance education teacher at UNL. “A member-at-large can nominate any person who’s a member and has given service to the local, state and national organization as well as service to others, whether they’re in the asso ciation or not,” Tuck said. And Reist said she appreciated the award given by her colleagues for her work and volunteer activities. Her long-term commitment to the Music Teachers Association has in cluded serving Lincoln, Nebraska and the United States. She holds the office of vice-presi dent for membership on the national level and visits a lot of state conven tions to bring the national association into focus for the state, she said. By going to different college cam puses, Reist said she learns about com mon concerns and problems. “It’s important to compare UNL with others and we usually come out looking pretty good,” Reist said. On the local level, Reist teaches keyboarding skills to freshmen and sophomore music students. She said she tries to make theories concrete, since keyboarding is something music teachers and musicians use on a regu lar basis. “Teaching is creative,” Reist said. “Nobody learns the same way. With 20 students, I need 20 different ways to teach the same thing.” With her more advanced classes, Reist said she encourages her peda gogy students to take an intem-like approach to learning and do things with independent teachers. “One of the things I’ve done that’s important to me is to try to involve members of the Lincoln association with the education of piano students,” Reist said. Another example of that approach appeared through the Lincoln Music Teachers Association with a piano pro gram started at Elliot Elementary School last year. In the program with the School of Music, children practice and take pi ano lessons at school, Tuck said. “The program’s not only good for university students for teaching but also good for people who can’t pay $ 16 pier lesson,” i\ick said. Besides giving university students opportunities, Reist has shown her dedication to them by attending their concerts, whether they are her students or not, Tuck said. “It’s important to support students,” Reist said. “One way to do this is to go to their recitals. If somebody is in my area, I feel it’s my responsibility to go” Although Reist is pulled in so many different ways, the piano professor stays calm throughout heir duties,T\ick said. “She has a calmness about her that’s soothing and yet she’s enthusiastic,” Tuck said. “It’s a pleasure to be around her because she is calm about things.” Calendar, model search to feature NU students By Ann Stack Senior Reporter A lucky NU student will have the chance to win a modeling scholarship in the coming months, thanks to the entrepreneurship of a Kansas State se nior. Bill Price, a secondary education major at Kansas State University, is coming to Lincoln in February to find men and women to grace the pages of two calendars: “The Men of Nebraska” and “The Women of Nebraska.” The search will include the Universities of Nebraska in Lincoln, Omaha and Kearney. The contest will be held at Guitars and Cadillacs the last three weeks of February. Men and women will com pete in a formal-wear competition, a casual-wear competition and a swim suit competition two nights during the week. Four winners will be picked from each night, narrowing it down to 12 men and 12 women. Price is conducting similar contests at the University of Kansas and Kan sas State University. All contestants will walk away with a hefty prize package, Price said. The winners from Nebraska and both Kan sas schools will meet in Manhattan, Kan., for a modeling contest, which will include a weekend training session with a professional model. The 12 finalists from this competi tion will receive a modeling contract with area shopping malls, and the over all winner will receive a scholarship to a modeling school. Concerns about exploitation will probably rise, however, but the contest will not be sleazy or demeaning, Price said. “It won’t be a person standing around showing off their body,” he said. “It’s decent and not done in a way to exploit people in any way. It’s a clean-cut contest.” A Price himself was a model in last year’s “Men of Kansas State” calen dar. “Even my mom liked the pictures,” he said. “Another thing—contestants can discuss the photos with their par ents. Parents can be very proud to see their son or daughter in this calendar.” Price said he had done a survey on campus on students’ favorite bars, ra dio stations and tanning salons. Alter native Tan was voted number one by the students, so he asked the salon to be a sponsor. Monica Parris, owner of Alterna tive Tanning Salons, said she decided to be a sponsor because of the nature of the contest. “I had to make sure these weren’t something devoted to who’s got the biggest breasts,” she said. “I didn’t want the salon messed up in something not morally right. In this, there’s no jokes, no gimmicks, no skin. There’s way too many benefits for students to pass it up.” Price, a substitute teacher in Kan sas who will be graduating in Decem ber, has his own company, Bill Price Productions, Inc. He got the idea for the calendar fipm another fiatemity at KSU that put out a “Women ofK-State” calendar. He said he believed there should be a male Photos courtesy of Bill Price Productions, Inc. BOLL PRICE PRODUCTIONS, INC. produced a “Men of KSU* calendar last year that included these four students, undergraduates at Kansas State University. counterpart, so he put out one last year. Then he decided to expand into other states. “My long-term goal is to do a Men and Women of die Big 12,” Price said. Applications will be available for the condition Dec. 2 at any of the sponsors’ locations: KKNB The Point (104.1 FM) at 5143 S. 48th, Alterna tive Thn at either location — 400 N. 48th St: or 5500 Old Cheney Rd., and at Guitars and Cadillacs, 5400 O St.