500 Adoption _ 9® 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care 203 Spring Break Trips 530 2e“W?und? u 205 Career Events 531 Cleaning^tooseholds 210 Announcements 535 Computer Sennce 04 c mu tmenammem *•13 WWWiyS ere out 220 Greek Affairs Sa w!ir«£2vi 230 Student Government ^S&Pikiess 240 Personals 553 Insurance 242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring Engagements 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 FimMeing 573 Music Exchange 270900 Numbers 575 Phrtbjraphy 578 Pregnancy 580 Printing a Copying 582 Recycling 583 Relgious 585 Rentals 588 Tanning 590 Tattooing 593 Travel 595 TypittgaReeumes *3.25 par day loe 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. *450 par day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Dafly Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for aH contents of all ads printed, as welt as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebnateni_ . _■ • 00s For Sale Cycle Works Kilter deals on leftover wheels. XT/LX equipped bikes at $525. Whoat That is low. Everything you need to ride all winter. Bices, clothing, packs, hats, and gloves. Great Christinas gift items too. Cycle Works 27th & Vine 475-2453 BACKTRACK RECORDS Lincoln’s vintage record shop. Quaity uMd CDs, *7.50 or less, LPs, Cassettes, Posters. 3833 South 48th, 489 3817. Cable descrambler Wt, $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1 800-752-1389. VCR */remote$88; also, COLOB TV axcelent $75; ctM 2 CU-NU Validated Student Tickets Wanted. Call (800)892-4776, 45048#, 23# and leave message with phone number end oner. • 4 MU vs. CU tickets. Bast Oder, cal 303-2964029 con tactAndy:___ Si stotmsss.'sssasjsi!!' *■ FORSAL&5NU vs. CU tickets. Asking $140. Cal Steve Two CU tickets in South Stadkjm tor sate. Cal 477-1154 Wanted: Otemtea 1536 ^ ' •' ' - • 1 111 11 1 ' .. OOForel^acortRony. Rad, 2PR, auto, 88K, nice stereo S>^R7miR » •• i- * , . ACACIA Thanks for making Melodrama so much fun, weal had a great time! A special thanks to Jay Nelson, Andy Moeller and Wade Weichel for alt your hard woric We love you guys! ■ _ . ,< • > The Women of Alpha Chi Omega AXQ Congratulations to Bridget Higgins and Clayton Lewis on their recent engatement Love the Alpha Chi’s AMI Thanks for the dinner exchange, we’ll have to do it again soon! The Men of Triangle Coming Soon Bermuda Triangle KKT Congratulations Shannon Wright on your resent initiation. We are very proud of you! ___ Love your listers Student Court Student Government Positions opsn on ths court Hist doate with manors of un-l student organizations. Applications avanaoie at n o Nebr. Union. Deadtew Nov. 22 Student Government Positions Open PuMcafcm Board Athletic Dept. Comm. Women’s Issues Deadline for all positions Wed. Nov.20 -4:00p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union FAST FUNDRAISER - RAISE $500 IN 5 DAYS - GREEKS, GROUPS, CLUBS, MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS. FAST, EASY - NO FINANCIAL OBLIGATION (800)862-1982 EXT. 33 FUNDRAISE-PLAN NOW FOR NEXT SEMESTER MO TIVATED GROUPS NEEDEDTO EARN $500 PLUS PRO MOTING AT&T, DISCOVER, GAS, AND RETAIL CARDS. SINCE 1969 WE’VE HELPED THOUSANDS OF GROUPS RAISE THE MONEY THEY NEED. CALL GINA AT 1-800-592-2121 x110. FREE CD TO QUALIFIED CALLERS. ★ ★ ★ 23 positions Apply nowi FMku several PT perm/lemp, flex hours, can continue FT oust tweak. $10.85 to abet 477*8663. ★ * ★ A responsible, outooina person is needed for a part-time saies/reoepiionisi position. Applicant neeas to nave qoog Attention studentsfll Aie you start of cash? Need $$$ fw college expenses? Make $$$ money al ftel and winter. Lei us help. 1-800-256-0641. _ Cook wanted for Fraternity Monday-Friday, 2 meals per day, good kitchen and plenty of extra help. Call 402-436 6370mave message. Dependanable (toy care assistant needed ASAPH! Part time, Mon., Wed., Friday, Can Kim 430-9019. EbenezeTs new restaurant NOW HIRING all positions. Flexible scheduling, competitive wages. Apply in person Mon-Fri, 1-4 PM: 2110 Winthrop Road, or cal for an ap pointment: 486-3331. Ask for Don or Terri. Fast-paced Church Design/Build firm seeks intern Archi tect or Autocad Technician. Hourly rale position available Dec. 1. Autocad 13 is a must Benefits. Fax Resumes Only: Jim Brown Construction, Inc., Hokfrege, NE, 308 995-5722. FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT The hours fit perfectly with your schedule, and you may be eligible for Tuition Reimbursement benefits! Duties include preparing and delivering trays to patients and residents and assist in dean up. Minimum 16 hrs per week, 5-9 p.m. with Ml day shifts available on weekends. Great benefits include wage and shift differ ential. Apply 8-4:30 Get Certified... in Microsoft and/or Novell... learn cutting edge technology! CaR4894811 or 1-800-279-7312 ext 269to reserve your spat at the hiring aemlnar on November 23, Saturday, 9am to 12noon. Automated Systems.lnc. and New Hori zons Computer Learning Center, 4827 Pioneers Boule vard, Lincoln NE 68506. We have immedtate openings for trainers account executives network technicians database programmers Grisanti’s Grisanti’s is now taking qjpNcallons for strvtf*. High energy; fun environment. Comparable pay Wr li emihi-■-»— —-■-— - »— -ee--«-■-e— me_»-»-» run u winning mo marpstuc inoiwauaRS. Also mu no applications for dMiwaahers. 6820 O Street. H meres i Country Club has openings for day and evening FT and PT wait staff and banquet staff. Excellent working conditions and wages. Apply Tuesday-Sunday from 9AM-7 PM.6901 E. 0 Street. am IMO OUTBOUND TELEMARKETING NOW HIRING FOR PART-TIME TELEMARKETERS $100 HIRING BONUS WITH A GUARANTEED $6.50 RATE, YOU CAN EARN $10 WITH GOOD PERFORMANCE! AT IMS YOU WILL FINO... PAID TRAINING YOU SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE MANY ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITIES ' PERFECT ATTENDANCE BONUS WALKING DISTANCE FROM UNL CAMPUS . FIND OUT WHY IMS IS THE #1 TELESALES COMPANY IN THE US. CALL RUTH OR COMEM AND APPLY: IMS SUITE 304 GOLDS GALLERIA 434-2626 'EOE Lazio’s Brewery. & Grill •Come see what wo can offer you! •Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer* Team work at It's best! 'Unparalleled traMno and support! 'Paid vacations! •Closed onmajor hoRdays! •Some daytime availability required! *50% employee rtscounts! •You Do Not have to wear* name tag! Ana nooooy smgs nappy mnnaayf Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with Lazio’s, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. Make good money at »Ca Restaurant Cook FT*/PT(*a8k about hiring bonus). Host or server, prime lunch hours and/or nights or weekends. Baker, PT. flexible hours. 1275 S Cotner Blvd (approx. 50th & A). 483-2858. NANNY OPPORTUNITIES Earn an exceNent salary while experiencing a different part of the country as an American Nannyf $T75 - $350 a week PLUS room and board) Ail expenses paid by Die W. Go with the beet referral service. CaM 1-800-937 for a free brochure. Need YMCA youth surpenrisors/officals and voluntary coaches for the 97 baskstbal season. Apply at Down town YMCA:Youth Sports 1039 *P* St. Lincoln NE 68508 Part-time daycare, Monday-Friday 340-6:00. Some Sat urday days. Must have own transportation. Grade school age children. Cal 434-7000, ask for Kristi or Lu. Plan Ahead! Summer work, make $5700, great expeience college credit, 423-7545. Teleschedulers wanted. Not over the phone selling. We need articulate, good lis teners who enjoy communicating. Ful and part-time avag abte (Wkl worn with student schedules). Cal Jak at 464 7088. The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting applications for. * Tetter-Rampark * 2 Credit Card Collector- Bank Card Teller Superior * 2 Information Management Spediaist-Trust Teller-Bank South ie«er- wtitamsourg For more details, please call the First Commerce job hotline, 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer Wanted: person to write Macintosh computer programs. Work at home. Set your own hours. SkM only require ment. Knowledge of sports helpful. Good money. Inter ested? Can 308-368-7327. Weneeda Rael Paopfa person- Customar aarvtce Rap. wanted for one of Lincoln’s premiere merchencente. We want a nurture, fun tndMdual to work 24 eve ning# end weekend days. Pfeeee cell Randy or Carry RIGHT NOW at 487-5441. - WOULD YOU LIKE EXTRA MOnJ* FOR CHRISTMAS? APPLY ATTARGET BYFRIDAYAf® START AS EARLY AS NEXT TUESDAY. - WE HAVE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN: •OVERNIGHT STOCKING TEMPORARY CHRISTMAS HELP HERE’S WHY YOU’LL LIKE WORKING ATTARGET: •10% EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT •FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE- YOU CAN WORK 2,3, OR UP TO 6 NIGHTS A WEEK- WE WILL WORK AROUND YOUR SCHEDULE. APPLY AT GUEST SERIVCE FROM 8:0OA.M.-1O:OO P.M. DAILY ©TARGET. 333N48TH EOE Babysitter needed. TwochHdren, 4 and 2. Once a week as needed. WM work around your ,schedule. Cal Shan non, 474-2014. _■ - , . - . NANNY OPPORTUNITIES ^ Earn an oirnlont salary while experiencing a different partef the country as en American-Nanny! $1754350/ week PLUS room and boardl Al expanses paid by the family. Go with the best referral service. Cal 1-800-937 NANlfbr a free brochure. Game Programming Internship Nordc Software hes openings for entry-level game pro grammers. Pul or part time. Must know C++, love to play games and enjoy helping children. If you want to develop game programming sMMs and make a difference in kids' lives. Call 488-5086 for an interview.Or e malfob8Anordc8oftware.com ^ -The OrunDig 0lub of JjWoln. Wishes to fill full and part-time positions of banquet help to work day and/or evening hours. We offer the following benefits: $6.0046.25 Per Hour Plus Gratuity • Free Meals . Excellent Working Conditions • Flexible Schedule Apply In Person at 3200 South 24th Street Tuesday thru Saturday^ 10a.m.-7p.m. ... - ' - - ;