Performers I execute fluid I choreography I By Liza Holtmeier Dance Critic In “Fast Ti-ack,” this fall’s UNL dance de- I partment recital, dancers demonstrated their adaptability to different types of modem chore ography. The show began with “I Need You” choreo graphed by Charlotte Adams, assistant profes sor of theater arts and dance. The piece dealt with obsessive love. From the moment the dancers entered, Adams’weighted choreography captured the sad I desperation experienced by those in co-depen- I dent relationships. With her contrasting use of I slow and fast movements in the air and on the I floor, she took the audience on the emotional I roller coaster of die relationship. Angela Robidoux and James Farren pre sented the humor and darkness of obsessive love I in their duet. Though their lifts were a bit awk ward at times, they were the only dancers in the I piece besides Adams who exhibited a moving stage presence. Many of the other dancers lacked I the luster and energy needed to express the con trasting emotions present in the choreography. I Adams’ appearance was the highlight of the piece. Her understanding of the inner conflict was translated vocally and physically through her incredible use of variation. The second piece of the evening was a duet I choreographed by professor Lisa FusiUo and I performed by Farren and Robidoux. The chore- I ography for this piece was more fluid and lyri PleaseseeDANCEon 10 I (CLOCKWISE FROM CENTER: James Farren carries Heather Schwenzer during “Fast Track,” the third segment of the concert From left, Sonia McArthur; Becky Drum, Brandy MiQei; James Farren, Krisa Kamrath and Heather Schwenzer perform the opening act of “Fast TYack.” James Farren lifts Angela Robidoux in “I Need You — True Love,” the first segment of the concert Sonia McArthur dances to the sound of the spiritual “Hush, Somebody’s Callin’ My Name.” Brandy Miller performs in “Songs of The Spirit” the fourth segment The UNL Dancers lift Sonia McArthur above them in a piece called “Creed,” part of the fourth segment Photos by Mami Speck