« Steve WILLEY : • ' 2- % ff' • ? ■ ~K -_ Secrets of success How to getjobs and scare the heck out of people Originally, I had intended this column to be an intelligent discus sion about moped accidents in ancient Babylonia. However, that was before sharp DN editors made me aware of (me of history’s most overlooked facts: ANCIENT BABYLONIANS DIDN’T HAVE MOPEDS! BUT THEY DID HAVE PIPE BOMBS! HERE’S A GRAPHIC! As an alternate topic, they suggested that I write about the problems some December graduates may have with locating a suitable job. While I argued that this was not nearly as pressing an issue as Babylonian moped accidents, I conceded that it may benefit some. Therefore I shall bypass my scheduled column and do my best to offer a complete, step-by-step guide to post-college employment. Some students will be graduating in a month, and before applying for any potential employment, it is important that the job-seekers ask themselves a few questions first. The most important question is, “Do I really want to work at all? You know, things were so nice back at Mom and Dad’s.” After answering this question, the next step is locating your parents and informing them that “baby’s coming home!” This is not as easy as it sounds because oftentimes your parents have already moved far away. Sometimes, as they did in my case, parents will leave no traceable clues «— Unless you are applying at the DN, ALWAYS wear your underwear on the INSIDE of your slacks.” as to their whereabouts, except perhaps a Post-it note on the family dog that reads, “Do not try and find us, Bastard!” If your parents have indeed left the country, you must ask yourself the question again, this time rephras ing it so it now reads, “Do I really want to work, or am I content living the rest of my life under a bridge and talking to imaginary penguins?” Now that you realize that you have to work, it’s time to begin the APPLICATION PROCESS. While you are filling out applica tions, it is important to remember that at no time have you placed your hand on a Bible and sworn to be honest. In fact, most employers demand that you lie profusely, as it makes their jobs more exciting. For example, instead of listing only restaurants as previous job experience, tell them you have served as Pope, as well as CEO of Chrysler Corp., while also oversee ing the operation of the United Nations. Your potential employers will lever check these statements because hey will be unable to locate any of hose numbers in the phone bode Ahothersection you should lie about s the. “reasons for leaving” section. NEVER tell the truth on this section, because I have found that employers never believe your excuses. So instead of writing, “I was unaware of my company’s policy on hiding goats in my locker,” try “I was shot in the nose while protecting my boss from an assassination attempt.” Employers will undoubtedly find this type of company devotion appealing. Once you’ve mailed your applica tions, eventually, you’ll be called for the INTERVIEW. When going to your first interview, it’s crucial that you dress appropriately. This means no bandannas! Also, unless you are applying at the DN, ALWAYS wear your underwear cm the INSIDE of your slacks. When you first meet the inter viewer, you should offer a firm handshake. A good, firm handshake is extremely important because it conveys both confidence and leadership to your employer. But be sure you shake their hand and not their ear, as this only conveys to the world that you are an idiot. Experts agree that steady eye contact is likewise important during in interview. It should be noted, however, that there is a fine line between “steady eye contact” and the ‘demonic stare of a psychopathic dller.” To avoid this wobbly ground, my advice is to stare at die interviewer’s forehead. Not only will this solve the eye-contact problem, but if you don’t get hired, at least you’ll have some consolation in that you’ve probably given all of the interviewers a complex about the size of their foreheads. Finally, and perhaps the most important aspect of a successful . Vr . interview, is the questicn/answer session. It is exTREMEly important , to be prepared for the questions you may be asked. Unfortunately, because each interview will house different questions, you must prepare for this part on your own. I can, however, inform you of some universal words, phrases and sounds that should never be uttered at an interview. For example, never say the word “sausage” during an interview, particularly when you’re asked what you, as an employee, could contribute to the company. Many “sounds” also frighten potential employers. These sounds can range from the gurgle of a hungry stomach to the full-fledged imitation of a Rhesus monkey winning the lottery. So make sure -v you are well-fed and not a lunatic. Now if you follow this advice without compensation, you’ll probably find that not only will you never be hired, but you will become the topic of several keynote ad dresses for company retreats. Not to worry. You must remember that everyone in the world cannot be employed by respectable companies. After all, that’s why we have welfare and the Daily Nebraskan. | * Willey is a senior news-editorial major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist . t r~ ~y / MAY I / CHECK UNDER YOUR fej-Vr