I I too Roommates 410 HousingWanted 420 Rooms/Rent 430 Houses/Rent 440 Duplex/Rent 450 Apartments/Rent 460 Summer Housing 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 480 Vacation/Rent 490 Homea/Sate_ $3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4JSO per day tor 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional wont. Found ads may be submittedfree of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The DaMy Nebraskan wW not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on die basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reBgion, age, disability, marital status or national The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or. reject .any advertisement at any time which does hot comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of aH ads printed, as well as any claim arttng therefrom made against dte Daily Nebraskan. 00s For Side ■—v v"1—--——— -—■ Sap» R»hxwiU8tl>0fllh,iTWy, never worn, paid $1000, wBeenfoe bon oWw. 435*2t11 anytimo_ Acer computer. CD-ROM, Windows 96, IBM oompalfcle, tax-modam, 14’ monitor, a* software included. Cal 436 0282. _' Mac SE, 7.1 •ystam.Paeamafcor, Excel, $500, oba Great 3uy)46S-5$Q4vL»exoreeemoa.___ .. ....•... BACKTRACK RECORDS Uncoln‘SvlntaBawootdBhop.Qua»yuiadCDa,$750or loot. LPe.Pa>&ii.Fonar». 3833South 4«h,4e&-3817. ri ;.i Round Trip Cruise for two, the Grand Bahamas Island. 4 days-3 nights call 436-6404 “C’mon Ride the Train” Join the Involvement Team! Become an 1-Team StudentAmbassador and educate stu dents on the benefits of involvement and how it enhances personal growth, skill development and the overall cot tage experience. Applications availabto at 200 NE Union, 300 East Union. Ag Econ Agribusiness club Turn in raffle ticketaby Friday to any officer or Pat Bryant Psi Chi Career Fair November 19th 7:00-8:30 City Union CRUISE SHIP HIRING Earn up to $2,OOOWmoMh. World travel. Seasonal & fui time portions. No exp necsa»ary. For Wo. call 1-206-071 3560 ext. C57786 DISC GO ROUND .... T-shirts, music Nsw(»rsfjl«JM**M *■ DISC GO ROUND - 50th and 0^486-0047. Flu Shots/Wellness Profiles Today For students, faculty/staff andganeral pubic. - East Union, 11 am • 1 p.m. INTRAMURAL BROOMBALL MANAGERS The Manager Meeting tor Co-Rec BroombaH wB be held Thursday, November 14, at 5:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Each team must have one fepresentalve present tobpelgMe tor oonipeilion. Cal 472-3467 for more In formation. Nebraska Union Board Positions open This board assumes die rale of advocate for the various segments of die tttiwnMycommunity to the Director of Nebraska Unions and VteeChan. for StudentAflafcs. Dead fene Tuee., November 26 - 4:00 pm Applications avail able at 115 Nebr. Union. PATRICA KAOHN MEDICAL FUND Patricia Kaohn, a staff member at the once of Scholar ships art Finanical AM is cgrrenly undergoing experimert tai cancer treatment in Betheeda, Maryland. Pathas been an errpioyee of the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid for nine years. On her behalf, a medical expense fund has been established at a local bank to heipforniiy with the medicai and transportation costs-being incurred. If you wish to continue to dss fond, you mw do ao by wiring a personal check to: Linda Kaohan for F^tKaohan and sub mit the check to: Unda Kaohan, 3960 Van Dom, Lincoln, NE 66506 PrahVbt Club Bowling Night at Madam's, 48th and Dudtey Thursday, Nov' 14th, 8-10 PM. Qussdonsfr Cal Justin. 436-6376., UNLOCK YOUR SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE Amwd the laadsraMg InsMKi tonight at Eta Ued Smmbi AAmw AawelLMifoteM t^ As.. irovn o-vpm. Appwcivons arw avatHDW m ani* dam twvofvement OwEdtf>s|ls*rallsn wM also be avadaM*. Juniorsand Seniore only. Any ra CaU.Stu dentlnvofvement 472-2454. __ Actuarial Science Club We w4B be having an After-Exams Dinner at .Valentino's dorantorm on.Hajraday.tie 14ih at 6:30pm. Sponsored byAJtolate Insurance. Gay, Les, Bi, Trims Resource Center Meeting Thundey No*148t, 8pm, NE Union Rm #234 W onwB ws# d© pruvioea. everyone is wMcomei! Public Rotations Club Meets tonirtitt Room 51 Avery HeB. Quest speaker. .CeB. 438-5372 fermoralntoirhaBon. SAA - Mealing tonight at Wick Center, 5:00pm. Committee ap Students for Ufa inenot new memoers WGipome! Students In Free Enterprisf Advtecry board raoepBan ThuradayNrt 14, from 4:30 6pm, CSA222. Any questions call 472-0746 or 472-3353. The PubBcsMonsBoarOwN meet 230 p.m.,Thursday, Nov. 14 in 217AvaryHajHo dtacues DaBy Nebraskan pqBdes. AB are invited to allsnd. UNL Model United Natlorta D " t A<& A belated thanks to BtefrTO fledges lor the Froeh at PO $ Ream. We had a Haiti / v; theFUIPledgee L Thank you to aB who 4-H Phone-a-Thon Conyatutebore to DoyteJ-eetere on receiving 4th place ^MIAValiBatlMie Inrl Crfnlrerm n n hla t n ant ntrnia L^nt^uumMwno Jflo ciicKion on ms recent sncoiarsnip CongraABaBonejPBij^'ftggRsendaaytonMraieon their recent enoatoment. V- Love the Alpha Chi’s WVMV 4ju juunlnj, SPU^uj igs^ g^—^k inarms tot comma over ior vie rm» r-noay. we nao e great time! The Metro* Pht KgipaPsi AY Thanks tor the primer sSwday. We had a great timet Love, thoLtetot«Trt Pete FIJI KKT Green Eggs end Ham TONIGHT, 10pm-2am FIJI House Cost; $2 Alproceeds goto YWCA TMto-A-Breek KKTASA Thanks for coming over for the pre-game BBQ Saturday. We’l do it again for hockey season) The Men of Theta Xi Congmiuiations to A-Team Flag footoal, tor the AS-Untversity Champion ship! and to the C-Tbam for making K to {Me! Student Court Student Government Poeitionsopan^othe ftrtdeais wt^wBarso