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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1996)
Crash possibly third-deadliest in history CRASH from page 1 -emnly watched the search. “We have collected 200 bodies so far from all over the field,” said Mohammed Akhil, the police officer in charge of die Operations. The Saudi Arabia-bound Saudi Arabian Airlines jediner with 312 pas sengers and crew members had been in the air for only seven minutes when it collided with a Kazakstan Airlines Ilyushin-76 cargo plane, which was on a landing approach, aviation officials said. Seventeen foreigners were on board the Saudi jetliner, including two Ameri cans and a Briton, Press Thist of India news agency reported. The plane arriving from Shymkent in the former Soviet republic of Kazakstan was carrying 39 people, 28 Kazak passengers and an 11-member Russian crew. All aboard the two planes were thought to be killed. There were no reports that anyone on the ground dial. Hours after die crash, the crumpled fuselage of the Kazak plane rested in a field. The jet’s wings had been sliced off. A few charred bodies lay an the ground. Local district administrator T.V.S.L. Prasad said workers were try ing to extricate bodies from the plane. The American pilot of a C-141 Air Force transport plane who was bring ing in supplies for the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi witnessed the crash’s fi ery aftermath from 20,000 feet. “We noticed out of our right-hand (side of the plane) a large cloud lit up with an orange glow, from within the clouds,” the 30-year-old captain told reporters in a conference call from the Indian capital. The U.S. Embassy could not con firm that two Americans were on board. Nine Nepalese, three Pakistanis, a Bangladeshi and a Saudi were also on the Saudi plane, which had taken off from New Delhi's Indira Gandhi Inter national Airport. The Indian government announced a judicial inquiry into the cause of the accident. The weather in New Delhi was nor mal for this time of year. The sides were clear, albeit polluted. Smoke from fire works set off in recent days to celebrate the Hindu holiday of Diwali had thick ened the haze. m-— I saw 60 or 70 bodies, but only about 15 were identifiable Manjit Singh 19-year-old college student At about 6:40 p.m. local time, as the sun was setting, the Saudi plane was cleared to climb to 14,000 feet, while the Kazak aircraft was authorized to descend to 15,000 feet, said H.S. Khola, the director general of civil aviation. Suddenly, he said at a new conference, “the radar blip of both air craft was lost.” In 1977, twaBoeing 747s operated by Pan American and KLM collided at the airport on Tenerife in Spain’s Canary Islands, killing 582 people. In 1985, a Japan Air Lines Boeing 747 crashed into>a mountain on a domestic flight, killing 520. Until Tuesday’s crash, the third deadliest crash was a 1974 accident outside Paris involving a TUrkish DC 10 that killed 346 people. Guards block Zairians from tood warehouse — -• • • - ' ■ • i Refugees receive first aid shipment in weeks GOMA, Zaire (AP) — Security guards with sticks beat hundreds of hungry residents back from the en trance to a food warehouse today, as Zairians scrambled for the crumbs of the first aid to arrive in more than two weeks. Nearly a month after fighting broke out in eastern Zaire between Tutsi rebels and the Zairian army, neither food nor medical aid has reached the 1.1 million Rwandan Hutu refugees who fled dozens of U.N. camps hoe. Sixteen trucks and jeeps came in fron neighboring Rwanda on Monday, but the 16 tons of beans and rice they carried werejust a drop in this region’s ocean of need. U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said Tuesday that Canada has agreed to lead a military contingent that could bring up to 20,000 troops to try to restore calm and aid refugees in eastern Zaire. He said details of the proposed Canadian-led military intervention are still being settled, but more than a dozen nations have so far pledged sup port. “People are talking between 10,000 * and 20,000 (troops),” Boutros-Ghali told reporters, speaking in Rone the day before the opening of the U.N. World Food Summit. He would not estimate when the first soldiers could arrive. , . Canadian officials say they have committed 180 soldiers in a Disaster Assistance Response Team and ex pressed a willingness to provide 1,500 additional troops. Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien spoke to 15 world leaders over the weekend, trying to firm up participation in the force, his aides said. Desperation was increasing even among Goma’s 80,000 residents, thought to be slightly better off than the refugees. “We come here every day just in case there are same beans or rice for us," said Muhima Kishuba, a 35-year old Zairian teacher and father of four, as he stood outside Goma’s main food aid compound. “There’s hardly any food at the market, and we have no money to buy it with anyway,” he said. “There are many hungry people in Goma.” - International aid workers fled the chaos in Goma and Bukavu more than two weeks ago and have not yet been allowed back in. An estimated 100,000 Hutu refu gees scattered in the hills above Uvira need food but are afraid to come down, and more than 60,000 refugees are re ported to be converging on Kisangani, 330 miles northwest of Goma, U.N. officials said Tuesday. Students want leader ousted KINSHASA, Zaire (AP) — In the underground corridors of a Uni versity of Kinshasa dormitory, hun dreds of young men sleep head-to foot on mats lining damp cement floors. "V . ■ - , 4 i •• There is no running water and only sporadic electricity. The stench of overflowing toilets is tolerable only when overwhelmed by the sweet-and-sour smell of manioc leaves and pilipili peppers boiling on open fires. Here, bright students with dreams of becoming engineers, doc tors and lawyers have become lead ers of a movement to overthrow the government. The movement was provoked by ethnic Tutsi rebel attacks on east ern Zaire and anger over a govern ment too weak to counter those at tacks. But it was bom in the humil ity of living in constant filth and hunger. “I’m ashamed for you to see this, our villa in the hills,” said Dave Tanda, a 30-year-old law student and protest leader. “It’s each man for himself here.” The students want parliament to oust Prime Minister Leon Kengo wa Dondo. They say Kengo, whose mother is a Rwandan Thtsi, has been soil on Rwanda, Zaire’s tiny neigh bor to the east with a Tutsi-led gov ernment accused of supporting the Tutsi rebels who have taken over parts of eastern Zaire. Thousands of students in the past two weeks have taken to the streets, often commandeering pub lic buses and private cars. Thdr vio lent clashes with drivers and sol diers have killed three students and one soldier. The students had planned to march Tuesday, but the capital was calm—perhaps because university officials threatened to cancel final exams, already delayed by several months, if students didn’t stay put. Student leaders say they deplore the attacks on ethnic Thtsis—most of whom have fled the capital — and issued a declaration calling on theirpeers to forget their “xenopho bic sentiments” and join their cause to peacefully oust the government. “We don’t want Kengo out be cause he’s a Tutsi. We want Kengo out because of his indifference to our poverty and suffering,” said Fox Kabundi, 31, a movement leader and graduate student in physics. There are more than 15,000 stu dents at the University of Kinshasa and some 20,000 students at 11 other state-run, vocational colleges in the capital. Crumbling, dorms and class rooms are overcrowded. Hundreds of students often share one textbook and one professor who, if paid, earns the equivalent of $30 a month. Many students at “U-Kin” awake before dawn to mark then place in line for showers rumored to be working and then rush to class rooms to claim chairs so they won’t have to sit on the floor. The university’s vice chancellor, Lumpungu Kamanda, understands the students’ cause is bom of frus tration over their conditions and over politics—including a six-year wait for multiparty elections prom ised by President Moubutu Sese Seko. Money missing since Nazi reign recovered Swiss bank ombudsman finds five victims’assets in bank vaults. ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) — Assets belonging to five Jewish victims of Nazi Germany have been found so far in one search of Swiss bank vaults that was begun under intense interna tional pressure. Hanspeter Haeni, an ombudsman appointed by Swiss banks to help heirs of Holocaust victims locate missing accounts, said Tuesday that the discov ered assets were part of $ 1.2s million belonging to 11 depositors he has found so far this year. Haeni did not describe the six other depositors. However, he said only $8,800 of that money was owed to the heirs of Holocaust victims. The World Jewish Congress, which has been campaigning to open Swiss bank books for what it claimed would be $7 billion in such assets, called his findings “pathetic.” The search covered dormant ac counts up until 1985 on the theory that would cover any Holocaust victims who died during or after the Nazi era. “In terms of figures, the results of our activities may seem disappointing at first glance,” Haeni said. “I myself consider the results encouraging, just because something has been found.” The Jewish victims included three people killed by the Nazis and two people in Romania who lost all they owned during World War n, he said. The Romanians have apparently since died, and only after the fall of Com munism could their descendants ask about the assets, he said. Haeni has conducted 51 searches so far, culled from 2,229 requests for assistance received during the first nine months of the year. Two-thirds of those requests came from victims of the Nazis, even though there had been previous Swiss efforts to give Jews their rightful assets, he said. Everyone who sent in a request was given a questionnaire, and about half of thosejiave been returned. Most of those cases have cleared additional checks and advanced to the search stage. Court upholds prosecution of former East German leaders National Defense Council members face prison terms for roles in human-rights crimes bunn, uermany (AP) — Germany’s highest coart Tuesday up held the prosecution of former Ea& German leaders for the killing of free dom-seekers who hied to flee over the Berlin Wall ami across the deadly bar riers that once divided the country. The Constitutional Court ruled that the killing of more than 500 people along the former communist state’s border during the 41 -year existence of Bast Germany violated international standards for human rights. The Communists erected watch towers, electrified barbed-wire fences and high walls along the border be tween East Germany and the West, cre ating “death strips” that were patrolled by guards with machine guns and at tack dogs. The decision is a significant victory for united Germany's efforts to punish those responsible for “shoot-to-kill” orders that resulted in the deaths. ' + The court upheld the 1993 convic tions of former East German Defense Minister Heinz Kessler, his top aide, Fritz Streletz and Communist Party boss Hans Albrecht. The three, all members of the Na tional Defense Council that oversaw border patrols, unsuccessfully argued that their trial was illegal because they had only carried out the law of a sov ereign state: East Germany. Survivors of the victims welcomed the decision. Marlit Schubert watched her hus band, Helmut Kleinert, gunned down as they tried to run across a field on the border with West Germany in 1963. “the court’s ruling is a victory for all of us (families of the victims),” she said. Kleinert was 24 when he died. Schubert was 22 and pregnant. Thirty-three years have passed and she has remarried, but Schubert said ■ she still visits the site m the Harz Mountains where her first husband died. “What I went through is something you never forget,” she said. Kessler, Streletz and Albrecht are among about three dozen former Com munist officials and border guards who have been convicted for border shootings since Germany's 1990 reuni fication. The three were convicted on charges stemming from seven border deaths and were given prison sentences of up to 7!6years. 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