02 Appliances 400 Roommates 05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted 10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent 13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent 16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent 20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent 30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing 40 Misc For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent 45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent 46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale 50 Pets - 55 Photo Equipment 60 Sporting Goods -- 65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption 70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing 90 Vehicles 510 Automotive 515 Bicycle Service 520 Bridal 525 Catering 200 Rides 528 Child Care 203 Spring Break Trips 530 Cleaning/LaundiT 205 Career Events §31 Cteanmgfrtouseholds 210 Announcements 01 c 11—*;— 540 tmenammem max 230 Student Government 550 HeaKh&Pitness 240 Personals 553 insurance 242 Pinning* 555 InstructiorVTutoring Engagements S 558 Job Placement 245 Lost & Found 560 Lawn care 250 Wanted 565 Legal Services 260 FunSraising 573 Music Exchange 270 900 Numbers 57* W«*jflrapby 578 Pregnpncjr 580 Prlrtong & Copying 5821 " ma 11-1— —»_ -1 583 I juu rtatp wamec coc i 310 Child Care 533 Tanning 320 Work Stody Jobs 590 Tattooing 330 Summer Jobs 593 Travel 340 Internships 595 Typing & Resumes $3.25 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.50 per'day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for alt contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebraskan. Excellent condition 1997Trek 850 with shox. Asking $475 OBO. 436-0590, leave message._ Saga Foxfur waist length, medktm large, never worn, paid $1000, will sacrifice best offer. 435-2611 anytime_ 7.5 X 10.0-foot gray carpet $30. Wood desk with match ing file cabinets, $70. 438-7947. » Couch, earth tones, $50.4-drawer desk, $45. Good con dition. 475-3377. fi ^ Children's KpH-Car (pedal car) $80,475-3797, -,— Nfcon MP-lgMolordrtve wlhcaee, $175488-5504. FOR SALE: Kemper Snowboard, uaed 4 limes. Good Shape $150, 080,476-0687. ITS REALLY FUWBI 2 4 head, VMS VCR’s, $86 and $75, *19 Color TV, $50, 467-5189. _ Cable deacrembler ML $14.96. See ALL tie channelBl 1 800-752-1389. VCR Wremoto $95; also. COLOR TV aacelar* $75; ca« 466-8520._ Bfa12ChewiplonahlptrlraMaBw8ablakiblodiaot8.ee> Edal314-230-3266, or314-646-3421A) Owe an 9am-9pm, Colorado tchat, $86 non-valdBtod $100 vekfafad. Cal SMph 438-7306_ FOR 8ALE: 1 Cofa. TWml Soufa, $80 lawaMafa, $100 '■IdaUd, 080, Cal Amy 436-9906. Foraafa:4towajSMfaflgtodbamdreM,$2Saach.488 SeeenTWAlmeal^Mpone, worti $60 each. Alter $126. Vfanfat One mala season cedant baafcotWfchsi <89 •' 1588 tooea a jwiaaigs _ 1972 VWBua. Good namer. $1500080,4788013. Softs Bj_ NEW YORK BOUND! Non-emoMng tomato, 26, laming tor NY on No*.20th. Looking for norv-emoMng passen gers to help wdh driving, gas, and tola Returning 11-26; beck in tone tor ThankagMng. Cal Dawn 402-60-1469. • - * ' ' ’ " ■ ' '*[ ■ . r ~ .i"''■ Round Trip Cruise for two, the Grand Bahamas Island. 4 days-3 nights call 436-6404 _:_ “C’mon Ride the Train” Join the Involvement Team! Become an 1-Team Student Ambassador and educate students on the benefits of involvement and how it en hances personal growth, skill development and the over all college experience. Applications available at 200 NE Union, 300 East Union. s Profiles This Week Flu shots/weflness profiles for students, faculty/staff and general pubic. November 13 - Health Center Lobby, November 14 - East Union, 11 a.m. -1 p.m. Campus Red Cross Elections are fills week! Come see the excitement at the Health Center on Wed., Nov. 13th at 5pm. Blood Pressure. Screening Today! At City Union, Wednesday, November 13th, 10am-2pm. Let us tel you how healthy you are!! Congratulations to the Southwestern students who won trips to Cabo San Lucas! ! Yvette Kuester, Matt Rose, Aaron Stoeger, Becky Sudman, Emily Drozd, and Grant Grader. Have fun in tne sun! CRUISE SHIP HIRING Earn up to $2,000+/month. World travel. Seasonal & full time positions. No exp necessary. For info, call 1-206 971-3550 ext C57786 DISC GO ROUND WE BUY & SELL USED CD’S Used CD’S, $5.9947.99. T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music books, song books and CD towers. New CD's $11.99412.99 DISC GO ROUND 50th and O, 486-0047. HAYRACK INC. Hayrack rides and bam available for activities. 402-797 2066 evenings. HUSKERS AND HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL ON INTERNET http.V/www.radiks.net/dhouse/ Number #1 College 1-809-404-4689. $.60+. Low ild applies. 18+. PATRICA KAOHN MEDICAL FUND Patricia Kaohn, a staff member at the Office of Scholar ships and Fmanical Aid is currently undergoing experi mental cancer treatment in Bethesda, Maryland. Pat has been an employee of the Office of Scholarships and Fi nancial Aid tor nine years. On her behalf, a medical ex pense fund has been established at a local bank to help family with the medical and transportation costs being incurred, if you wish to continue to this fund, you may do so by writing a personal check to: Linda Kaohan for Pat Kaohan and submit the check to: Linda Kaohan, 3950 Van Dorn, Lincoln, NE 68506 Pre-Vet Club Bowling Night at Madsen’s, 48th and Dudtey. Thursday, Nov. 14th, 8-10 PM. Questions? Call Justin. 436-6376. UNIQUE CHRISTMAS GIFT Name An Actual Star For Someone, $33. Star Directory. . 1-800-500-3128 UNLOCK YOUR SUCCESS FOR THE FUTURE At the Leadership Institute tomorrow from 6-9pm at the Lied Center. Pick up your application at Student bwotwnenL Don’t miss out! Any re, call Student Invotve ment 472-2454. Actuarial Science Chib We wB be having an AIMr-Exams Dinner at VstenNno's downtown on Thursday the 14th at 6:30pm. Sponsored by AIMS Insurance. Advertising Club Tafc to proieeaionale about rasumss and cover Mtsre. Bring your own tor auggeetkms.Avery Hal 203, Wednee day, 630pm. Alpha Zeta Meeting Wedneedey Nov 13 at 530 in 234 Wme atten dance taquriad.cafiCriip at4360373 If unable to attend CASNR ; • AaMsor^Board maafcig TODAY In East Campus Union CBASAB ISsUnfl today, 530, City Union. Boom wB be postsd. Gay, Lee, Britans Resource Center Meeting Thursday. Nov 14th, eprn^NE Union Rm*234 Snacks wB bs provided. Everyone is wsloomeft MsaMng 6pm. Nov. 13th, sifts Culture Center. See ya Public Relatione Club gagagawaMsaga RodtoClub. Mw Congratulations to Stacie Sitzman and Matt Topping (Sigma Chi) on their pinning. We wish you the best! Love, The Alpha Phi’s Congratulations to all ofour new initiates: Amy Allison, Lori Brown, Molly Egley, Andrayana Estes, Amber Fader, Angie Fiscus, Jen Fntzenger, Tanya Gebhart, Lori Knoche, Angie Krause, Shauna Mullally, Angela Owens, Kelly Penke, Denise Roberts, JHI Schlattmann, Laura Schweer, Morgan Shaw, Amy Shurigar, Amanda Taylor, JenThede, and Kerri Zappa. To our cooks and Thanks for all you do! You all are much appreciated! Love, the Kappas Once in a Blue Moon Nov. 15,1996 ATQAniAE 2&EZNAXQ AOn AT KA© Hasher Appreciation Week A special thanks to our cooks and hashers for all your hard work! ZAE Congratulations to the new officers: Matt Bender—President Doug Jones—Vice President Tim Rosenburg—Treasurer Scott Henderson—Secretary SAE Phi Alpha to the Brothers of the Week: Jeff Hastings Ryan Gratopp Brian Gabb Andy Winkler Matt Bender Judd Smith John Hecox Brian Troia Jon Paul Schieber Doug Jones Tim Rosenburg Jeff Faaborg Scott Henderson Those who by precept and example are building greatness into SAE. The Brothers of SAE SE-AO Congratulations to Matt Topping andstacie Sitzman (Al pha Phi) on their pinning. The'Brothers of Sigma Chi Student Court Student Government Positions open on the court that deals with matters of UN-L student organizations. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union. Deadline Nov. 22 Student Government Positions Open Publications Board Athletic Dept. Comm. Women's Issues * Deadline for aU positions Wed. Nov.20 -4:00p.m. Applications available at 115 Nebraska Union UNL Student Government Wed., Nov. 13 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union 111 All ■—! n ■'! >-■- *-««-*-»- 44F *»-■-« — I bklakSk hhvn i nation Ano Agenaa AvaHawe no NOOcasKa umon FOUND; Amber round-tensed glasses In blue LenaCrafteca case. Claim at the DN. FOUND-. Bhie 3-rtng binder with history notes, 1st page “Carl von Ctauaewitrs _On wer_*. Claim at Vie Off • ___i_i_:_s_ EXT. 33 __^ i Advocates Shelter for battered women and their children is accecpting applications for the following positions; PT womens ad vocate hours-Th. 9-12am and 6-1 Opm, Friday 8am-2pm, Sat 4pm-11 pm, Sunday 5pm-11 pm. On call womens ad vocate M-F daytime and over night availbility. Prefer ex perience in the area of domestic violence or human ser vices. Must progress strong advocate skills and commu nication skills. In the interests of increading diversity the shelter welcomes advocates from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Please send cover letter and resume specifing position to: Friendship Home P.O. Box 30268, Lincoln NE 68503 Attn:Hiring Commitee Position will remaim open until filled, if you reqiure and accommoda tion to apply please call 474-4709. AOE NEED EXTRA HOLIDAY CASH? Now hiring for seasonal part-rime shifts at ail Lincoln Arb/s locations. Benefits include: flexible schedules, 1/2 price meals even when off duty, and more! Apply at Gateway Mall l^T l^T Attention Students. Fast growing telemarketing firm where the work environ ment ts stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE BIGBUCKSf Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $10.00 with good performance. We also offer paid training, ca sual dress code, awesome non-cash bonuses and flex ible hours; Two blocks from campus. A great part-time position— see for yourself! Apply in person or call Robin. EOE. IMS 434-2626 Suite 304 Gold’s Galleria Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for college expenses? Make $$$ money all fall and winter. Let us help. 1-800-256-0641. Attention Education Majors Before and after school child care staff needed for el ementary school site. Possible full-time hours available over Christmas Break. Call 475-0805. Bob Jones, Supervisior Umpires for the Big Twelve^ is looking for people interested in being independent um pire evaluators for the upcoming college baseball sea son at Nebraska. If interested please contact Bob Jones 816-737-1406 CAN YOU ACT, SING, OR COOK UP A STORM? If so. Rock ‘n Roll Runza is currently seeking dedicated entertaining waiters staff and kitchen positions to fill full/ part-time day and evening positions. In return for your hard work and dedication we offer you the following: ‘Great Starting Wage ‘Flexible Scheduling ‘Meal Discounts ‘Scholarship Program ‘and Much More So, if you’re a student that is looking to work for a few hours a week or a person with extra time on their hands, don’t wait head down to Rock ‘n RoH Runza 14th & ‘P* and apply today!!! CASH PAID DAILY Domino's Pizza is now hiring for delivery drivers. Must have own vehicle and proof of insurance. Flexible hours to meet your schedule at school. Apply at any Domino’s Pizza location. CHECK THIS OUT! Nebraska's Grand Hotel & Conference Center is entering its busiest season & this is an excellent opportunity to earn great wages. We need individuals with customer service skills to fill several positions. CMMer PT mm/pm Host(ess) PT pm Servers ail hours available (for banquets & mtnifinli) Cocktail Server PT pm Now is your chance to earn great money. We are used to schedufinafor students; flexible hours) if you have some thing to offer, stop by to see us. Specific experience not required; w* train. Just a few blocks south of campus! Apply In person Sam-Spm M-F. HumwResources Dept I Cocktail server, Saturdays 4pm-1am. Apply in person, — Cellar Lounge, 6913 O Street. COMPUTER OPERATOR University of Nebraska Computing Ssrvicos Notworic Operate the University’s mainframe computer system/ consoles, mount computer tapes, operate printers and other off-line equipment. Computer knowledge and good customer service skills preferred. At a minimum must be able to work in four-hour time blocks, 16-20 hours per week. The Data Center is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Must be available to work summers and school breaks. Hours will vary but shifts will be scheduled primarily on weekends and graves (11:00pm-7:00am). $5.25 hourty. Apply in person at 235 Nebr. Hall. Day-Shift hours available. Apply in person, Morrday-Fri day before 5. Ask for Mike, N-Street Drive in Liquor, 1835 N St 477-6077.ASAP!!!!! Dependanable day care assistant needed ASAPH! Paft time, Mon., Wed., Friday, CaH Kim 430-9019. Ebenezer's new restaurant NOW HIRING all positions. Flexible scheduling, competitive wages. Apply in person Mon-Fri, 1-4 PM: 2110 Winthrop Road, or can for an ap pointment 486-3331. Ask for Don or Terri. FOOD SERVICE ASSISTANT The hours fit perfectly with your schedule, and you may be eligible for Tuition Reimbursement benefits) Duties include preparing and delivering trays to patients and residents and assist in dean up. Minimum 16 hrs per week, 5-9 p.m. with full day shifts available on weekends. Great benefits indude competitive wage and shift differ ential. Apply 8-4:30 Mon-Fn. ■ ■-«-n«h ^iHlstl n n Unsnltsl Maaonna nanaoiiiiauon Hospital 5401 South Street Lincoln, NE 68506 EOE Full or part-time available, depending on qualifications. There are opportunitites of any nature in running a hard ware store. Apply in person, Sutter Place Ace Hardware, 48th & Hwy 2. Game Programmers Nordic Software has openings for entry-level game pro grammers. Full or part time. Must know C++, love to play games and enjoy helping children. If you want to de velop game programming skills and make a difference in kids’ lives, send your resume and cover letter to: Nordic Software P.O. Box 6007 Uncoin, NE 68506 Attn:Kent Porter Or fax: 488-2914 Hillcrest Country Club has openings for day and evening FT and PT wait staff and banquet staff. Excellent working conditions and wages. Apply Tuesday-Sunday from 9 AM-7 PM. 8901 E. 0 Street. A A A Holiday Help Apply now. $10.85 to start. Filling 21 PT positions by 11/ 19. 477-8663. ★ ★ ★ Lazio’s Brewery & Grill 'Come see what we can offer you! •Wages that only the most successful restaurant in town can offer! Team work at rfs best! ‘Unparalleled training and support! •Paid vacations! •Closed on major holidays! •Some daytime availability required! *50% employee discounts! •You Do Not have to wear a name tag! •And nobody sings Happy Birthday) Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with Lazio's, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. © TARGET. Are you dynamic, aggressive and outgoing? Then you belong on the team thafs feet, ton and menmy. So bring your personality and a guest first attitude and find out what Target is aR about Jobs are available in any of the following areas: , „ "Cashiers "Sales Boor * Merchandise Flow Mormng, oay, overmgm ana weeKeoa snms avaiiaote. we offer * Team Member Discounts •Competitive Pay * Consists Training 1 To flnd out which one of our fast fun and friencfly posi tions beet fits you, come in and apply at guest service from 8:00am to KkOftom. _ TARGET 333 N48TH % - eoc Make good money at Ids ftsetourant Cook FT*/PT faak about hiring bonus). Host or aarvar, prime lunch hours and/or nights or weekends. Bahai; PT, flexible hours. 1275 S Coiner Btad (approx. 50ti 8 A). 483-2858.