The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 13, 1996, Page 11, Image 11
Teleschedulers wanted. Not over the phone sedng. We need articulate, good Ihtenere who enjoy communicating. Fufl and part-time available (WW work with student scnedulae). CalJak at 464-7088.V Teller Position Math proficiency required. Honesty and integrity a must Apply in person Paycheck Advance 1144 Cornhusker Highway. WMed: dependable part-time cocktail server. Experi ence preferred, evenings and weekends required. Apply in person at Jax Restaurant ft Lounge, 27th a Woods Bird.__ Wanted: person to write Macintosh computer programs. Work at home. Set yourown hours. Skll only requirement Knowledge of sports helpful. Good money, interested? Call 308368-7327. _ We need a Reel People person. Customer service Rep. wanted for one of Lincoln's premiere merchancante. We want a mature, hat individual to work 2-3 evenings and weekend days, please cal Randy or Carry RIGHT NOW at 467-5*41. - WOULD YOULKE EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? APPLY ATTARQETBYFRIOAYANDSTART AS EARLY AS NEXT TUESDAY. WE HAVE IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN: •OVERNIGHT STOCKING TEMPORARY CHRISTMAS HELP HERE’S WHY YOU'LL LIKE WORKING AT TARGET: •10% EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT •FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE- YOU CAN WORK 2A OR UP TO 6 NIGHTS A WEEK- WE WILL WORK AROUND YOUR SCHEDULE. APPLY AT GUEST SERIVCE FROM 8.60 A.M.-1080 P.M. DAILY ©TARGET. 333N48TH EOE $1750 weekly posable mailing our circulars. For Mo cal 202-298-9389: I MOBS MOBS MOBS Every city (-Every State! Ex ce lent Computer Program Includes 59,000+ Career Placement Agencies. Send check or MO of $9.95 aldng w/ return address to: Financial Solutions, Pd Box 1294, Mount Laurel. NJ 00054 ^g Publisher’s Notice At real estate advertising in this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes 11legal to advertise any preference. Imitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famllal status or national origin, or Intention to make any such preferences, UmtaOons or discrimination The Dally Ne braskan wH not knowingly accept any advertising lor real estate which Is In violation of the mw or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Homed that al dvreUngs advertised are avaMabb on an equal opportunity basb. 1 F roommate needed. Large house, nice area. $150+1/ 4 utlltles. 436-4029.. Female roommate wanted for 2-bedroon house. Must Ike cats, 1 pet OK. $350, utlltles Included. 465-5594. Roommate needed for nice 3BR house. No lease. $225/ mo+1/3 utillies. Call for Interview 475-3740. Roommate needed for 3-bedroom, 2-bath apartment at Claremont Apartments. Close to campus, $Z38/month + $150 deposit Cal Shannon, 438-9252. Roommate needed to share 8-bedroom town house. Pre fer raHabo, flex Me, M/F. $172/mo+ $180 deposlt+ 1/5 unities. Avalable Dec 1. Call 477-0780. ROOMMATE WANTED. N/S F wanted for brand new 2 bedroom, 2-bath apartment. Jan 1. Close to campus, 5 minute commute. 475-0680. Near South Area. Own phone Ine, heat and air controls. Free cable, laundry & unities. Share bath & kitchen. Non smokktg females. 432-6573,435-0030. 2302 Hoidrage. 3+bedroom, fun-finished basement 2 bath. garage plus off-street parting, excellent condition. >625+utSiea. 423-6251,560-6439 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dose to campus. NICE. 337 North 32nd Street >67S/mo. 435-5043. 4334 St Pad, large 6-bedroom, very nice, avalable 1/1, >950.469-6946.' Very race 2 bedroom mobile home for rent $500/mo. Cal Joyce 432-2648. 1437N. 20th, 3 bedroom. 2 bath, fireplace. W/D, avalable 11/15, no pets, no smoking, $675,421-7611, 2291 Hokfrege. 3 bedroom, 1 3/4 baths. Cal Jim 475 7990,432-4414, or 423-8304. 4-bedroom. 2-bath. 3040.Q SL Brand new, applances ♦ washer/dryer. No pale. Only $885. Cal Phoenix Prcper tiae Management, 421-8996., - ^ ~ Mom-n-Dad's tax break. 1BR condo, only $40,000. South Lincoln, garage, laundry, completely remodeled, oak floor, agent/owner. 430-8227. Rick 474-6984. ' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Bedroom $299'-$359*2 Bedroom $335-$439. Laundry. Buslne. $100.00 rebate on first month's rent. JONES APTS, 475-7262.__ ear City Campus, off-street parking, utilities plus $240/mo. Available now. 2511 S Street 488 240 S. 26th. 1 bedroom. Modern/Newer. Bult in micro wave. Off street parking. Leave message 483-2357. 32nd & Y. Between campuses. Very nice, large 1 bed room, bus, no pets, $335.464-9854. Available Soon 1 BR. al electric, FREE CABLE, no pets, $330. 521 N 25th. 477-7684.__ Beautiful, dean, quiet in safe Southeast neighborhood. Partially furnished, wak-out basement apt. 1-bedroom+ den. Shared laundry. Aval 12/1. $485/mo. Evenings 486 4939, daytime 483-8388. Claremont 2 bedroom for second semester cal 438-7103 Close to campus 6,9, and 12 month leasee available on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. $3104510 477-2600 _Management One Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and Indoor heated pool. 421-3070. Downtown studio, secure buldfttg, heat paid, no pets $275 plus deposit and references. 4354666 East Campus 36th & Baldwin. 2-bedroom, fireplace, C/A, appliances, laundry, parking, lease. No pets. 489-9916. Embassy Park Apt, 31st a Old Cheney, 1 and 2bedroom, $4054530. 1814 F St. 2 bedroom. $450. 515 W Saunders, 1 bedroom, $365. No pets, 483-1130, 483 6057. ~ k Heat Paid 2504 Vine, top floor, brown $tan, dose to campus, 6 mos fe&e, $340. 1109,1121 North 28th, huge bedroom, from $330. Sharp. 4300 Comhusker Hwy, 2 BR, split-level townhouse, like a house. $4904525. 2 BR, huge living room, beautiful decor, white with oak, grey or beige, ceramic floors, $530. Cherry HM Management, 489-4867. Unique 2 bedroom, balcony, dishwasher, central air, laundry, parking. 405 N 25th $375,475-1449 Unique. 2BR, available for sub-lease 1/1/97. Loft in first BR, second BR Ideal for office. Balcony, laundry, central air, off-street parking, dose to campus. $405/month. Cal 438-2875. “ 500s Services A loving couple wishes to share their hearts with a nevAom. Your baby's Me wil be filed with love, happiness and security. Authorized expenses paid. Please cal Karen & Phi at 1-800-264-7561. * * AL1 ±1* * * Had your '^3-Shot Hep B Series"? If so just 4 hours a week of your time can earn you over $300 a month, while you study.' Call ]474-2335 and ask for Tam. V Cfntf.r the human touch J Gy.* \ * A lowing couple (full-time mom) seek to provide your nemfeom witha beautiful We. financial security, and good education. Medical and legal expenses paid Attorney Involved. Please cal Mariyn andlarty 1-800-301-0009. A freely loving, happy, and finandaly secure couple wish to adopt Vour newborn. WO wll cherish, protect and love your child forever. Expenses paid. Cal us to tak anytime. Teri and Greg 1-800-470-4760. Somethings am meant to ADOPT: W» yearn to welcome your baby into your loving and stable home. Exp, pd. Usa A Joe 1-600-631-2644. Adoption - longing to sham our Hvee with a newborn. Expenses paid. 1^88^18-5954, Diana A Nick. ADOPTION A favkn eBsnrellvs We offer counseling mid adoption services to help you plan the bast future for you and your baby. No fees or cblgations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. ADOPTION A caring alternative. Plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees/ confidential counsel no. Nsbraeki Children's Home. 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314. Adoption Dear Blah Mother- Thank you for choosing the brave alternative of adoption. We are a stable, secure S tradi tional ccMjpie seeking to adopt your predoue newborn. Successful, devotee Dad and nurturing, stay-at-home Mom awak the gift of your Infant to rake, teach, leva & cherish forever. We can promise a bright future for your baby. Safe, suburban area. Approved Home Study. Can be agency-assisted or private/independent through our attorney. Expenses paid. Cal Chris & Noreen anytime at ADOPT)ON,..Teddybeai8 galore. Two hearts ful of low vril provide warm, nuituringhome an a good education to jWUMWgaom. Expenses paig. Valerie & Steven. (600) Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "C? Str. 441 3300. South Str. 441-3333. QUICK CONNECT. On-site computer troubleshooting, tutoring, Internet set-up and training. Home page cre ation. Viet us 477-7345. Also word processing. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. LECTURE NOTES We take notes in your classes. Many sets to choose from. Stop in and browse our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 FREE Pregnancy Test BnTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please cal tor appointment or more information. 4B3-26Q9. Planned Parentltbod of Lincoln Free pregnancy testing, donations appreciated. Informa tion and referral on ALL OPTIONS A>rt iflecfCoimselofs available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for infor matlon and hours 441 -3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all yojjr options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Services. 1 800-727-3084. . 1 1 . ■ Personal mini-storage units, 24-hour access. 5'x8’sizes starting at $29/montn. Close to campos. Sark Mini-Stor age, 475-1300. Resumes By Ann ’ • * Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years expenence, proven resuls. 464-0775. . RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at NebraskaBookstore typesets your resume. Stop in or cal for Information. 1300 Q St. Lower Level, 477-7400 Tm Nadu Daily Nebraskan Gomics „ - Vi The Norm - --- By Michael Jantze i\?e'$ Been a lot *forMeeLy?" DtFFeseNT aNce THe what © sne •WOMAN FORMCRLy CALiep NOW7 KNOWN AS BTTA* L=PT m. ^T£ssrl. rC^\ inn ^ -^?<\-1 tL^H^Vg^yiJ NONSEQUITUR By Wiley __ _—-- ■ '------ MlfsSft ■ n lhaitrt i/ /V Vl=J U 11 oi gi => i 21 21 , -5S ' E | I Q : ui The Deep End By Chad Strawderman ROMMtS. tOUNt fRltO XwVi SVlLl KllP COtttrtG fcfcCX If IT CONTIMtS E *OCtt UM4GEJR, | MOO'LL V\We to 0O j SOTMTrtt^, OWOTC.. f ■o % £ lil * "I £ at | 2 X ACROSS ‘ 1 Organize, as laundry 5 Morning roiiser 10 Jolson’s “The -Singer" 14 Colorful fish is Persian wafer wheel 10 Mishmash 17 Computer display io On the way io Lake, inLaPaz 20 Strong allure 20 Consecrate 24 Parts of mantras 28 Oscar-winning actress: 1936 20 Scourge in 1918 20 F.O.R. agency 32 “King Olaf” composer 33 To me, to Michel M Kid Gavilan’s punch 33 Man, according to Aristotle 33 Organic compound 40 Actor Bogarde 41 Astronaut’s circle 42 Neighbor of Cancer and Virgo 43 “And so to*-" 44 Passions 43 Ex-coach Parseghian 43 Conceals in the hand ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE ■ _ ■ . V . . ,,, 4t Breeder’s science 55 Best place for wurst se Creepy 57 Goddess of discord 58 Egress 55 Type of campaign 50 Fragrant herb 81 Remain 52 Exhausted 63 Lift for snow bunnies DOWN 1 Body 2 Unlocked 3 Indian queen 4 -sketch (concise description) 5 Izaak Walton, e.g. 6 Weavers’ . mainstays 7 Operatic solos 8 Ali's former kingdom 8 Southern bloomer to Jars tlJai 12 Swerves sharply 13 Close-up, in filming 21 Awake 22 Flightless bird 25 Push back 28 Solitary 27 Inuit’s dwelling 28 Type of tale 28 Dadce band 30 Director Ren6 31 Indianapolis eleven' 33 Biting 34 Damage 36 -SOUp (Chinese favorite) 37 Without a clue or concept 35 Sutherland role 43 Uplifting undergarment 44 Victoria's consort 45 Friendship 45 Culinary blend 47 Vladivostok inhabitant, e.g. *' **.-- . 48 Fruity quenchers 4* Barber’s call so Pelvic bones si Fiber plant v" 52 Olive 53 Capital of Latvia 54 Belgian river f'* ’ f";