The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 08, 1996, Page 16, Image 16

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    02 Appliances 400 Roommates
05 Bicycles 410 Housing Wanted
10 Books 420 Rooms/Rent
13 Clothing 430 Houses/Rent
16 Computers 440 Duplex/Rent
20 Furniture 450 Apartments/Rent
30 Jewelry 460 Summer Housing
40 Misc. For Sale 470 Mobile Homes/Rent
45 Musical Instruments 480 Vacation/Rent
46 Office Furniture 490 Homes/Sale
50 Pets -
55 Photo Equipment
60 Sporting Goods -
65 Stereos/TVs 500 Adoption
70 Ticket Exchange 505 Alterations & Sewing
90 Vehicles 510 Automotive
515 Bicycle Service
520 Bridal
525 Caterinq
200 Rides 528 Child Care
203 Spring Break Trips 530 CteanjngAaundy
205 Career Events
210 Announcements
oic iinrnthinn 540 cflieruunmen!
USSSTft*. USfflrSEi
230 Student Government 550 Heafth&Fitness
240 Personals 553 Insurance
242 Pinning & 555 Instruction/Tutoring
Engagements 558 Job Placement
245 Lost & Found
250 Wanted
260 Fundraising
270 900 Numbers
300 Help Wanted
310 Chid Care
320 Work Study Jobs
330 Summer Jobe
340 Internships
$3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.50 par day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daky Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
rejigion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the poficies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for
all contents of all ads printed, as well as any
claim arising therefrom made against the Daily
00s for Sale
2 microwaves: Quasar, $45; GE Carousel, $40.420-6111.
Saga Foxfur waist length, medhmrt targe, never worn, paid
$1000, will sacrifice best offer. 435-2611 anytime
IBM 150Mhz, 16MB. RAM, 1.2GHD, 2MB SVGA,
8xCDR0M, SC, 33.6 fax/modem, 14* monitor, $1525.00,
IBM ThinkPad
51 Ocs, 50Mhz, 8MB RAM, 200MB HD. DSD color screen,
ext. floppy, 4.4lbs. Preloaded software. $1000.475-1469.
Macintosh LC2 with 12 inch color monitor, 40MB hard
drive, 4MB RAM, Image Writer II printer, and 2400 EX
modem $400. Call 489-8342
Decorate your dorm or apartment Best selection of neons,
beer signs, mirrors, tins, beer clocks and brewery lights
in town. Great prices. Alt at R.C. Burgess - East Park
Plaza - 466-6071.
Furniture For Sale: Living room. Dining room, Kilcl^i,
Bedroom, and a Soloflex Exercise System-Like New!
Phone 464-0018
Cable descrambler kit $14.95. See ALL the channels! 1
VCR w/remote $85; also, COLOR TV excellent $75; can
FOR SALE: student ticket for Missouri, Colorado games
in South stadium. Wilt validate. Call 474-5216, leave
For Sale: 1 Colorado ticket. Call 475-0159.
NU GAME. $40. 465-5312. .
Need 3 tickets together in non student section for Mis
souri game. Call 467-4939. Leave message.
Needed: 4 validated tickets together to the NU/CU game.
Will pay BtG $ Call 435-5136
Selling: NU vs. Missouri. Call 476-1788 after 6 pm.
Wanted: One male season student basketball ticket. 469
1538 leave a message
94 Ford Probe. Like New, automatic, red, power windows/
locks. 44K, spoiler. $7500.468-7197.
91 Stanza 4-door, 5-speed, air, $5250. 91 Nissan pickup,
$4850. 84 300ZX, $3250. 91 Civic 2-door hatch, $4450.
86 Centra wagon, $2650. 91 Civic DX, $5150. 91 Pro
tege, autoair, $5450. Offers accepted. Baer’s Auto Salee,
1647 S. 3rd St 477-6442.
Moving Overseas—Must Sell!
92 MHsubishi Mirage. 4-door, auto, air, 53K, $6800.467
SI 84 or 489-5027.
200s JVrtte
“Come’n ride the train”
Com’n and conduct UHL’S Involvement train. Join the I
Gain skHte
Involvement Team applications available November 11.
Attn: Juniors and Seniors, The Leadership Institute appli
cation deadline has been extended to wed., November
1 a Unlock your success to the future. Pick up an appli
cation today in Student Involvement, the Women’s Cen
ter, or the Culture Center. Don’t miss out on the great
opportunity. More info? Call 472-8143.
Congratulations Delta Sigma
Delta Sigma Pi, co-ed business fraternity, celebrates
Founder's Day and 89 years of scholarship and social
Earn up to $2,OOOWmonth. World travel. Seasonal & full
time positions. No exp necessary. For into. caH 1-206
971-3550 ext. CS7786__
Nike College Flag Football
Regional Championships
at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Compete against
the Midwest’s best Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Ree flag foot
ball teams on Novemeber 15*17. Enter your team at the
Office of Campus Recreation by November 8. The cost is
$80. The winner receives an all expense paid trip to the
Nike National Flag Football Championships in New Or
leans, December 27 through January 1. There will also
be prizes awarded and sponsor gifts given away to tour
nament participants. Contact the Office of Campus Rec
reation at 472-3467 for more information.
Number #1 College
1-809-404-4689. $.60+. Low Hd applies. 18+.
UNMC Dentistry at the Arts&Sciences Advising Center,
Monday, November 11, 1-5. Call 472-4190 for appoint
w«y. /
I ■ V
Collegiate 4-H
Meeting Tues, Nov. 12, East Campus Union, 6:30. Ques
tions call Heidi 6-7983.
Eating Disorder Support Group
ATTENTION WOMEN: If you are looking for confidential
and supportive environment to talk abotrUMrirtwith an
eating disorder, please attend this support group. 'The
group mebts Tuesdays from 5:30-7 PM in the Women’s
- Center, 340 Nebraska Union. Questions? CaH Kris, 472
Student Education Asaociation meeting Tuesday, Oc
tober 12 at 5:30 in Henzlik 53. Kathleen Newman will
speak about learning disabilities and officers for next term
wifl be nominated.
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Top ten reasons you should attend Melodrama '96:
10. This year's show worth one credit hour!
9. Where else will you see Juan Valdez this year?
8. ATO’s “Romeo* not invited!
7. No animals were hurt in the making of this production.
6. The most fun you can have w/your pants on.
5. Not as depressing as Arizona State game.
4. Three words: lowest common denominator.
3. This year's new twist Melodrama on trampoline!
2. Strengthens and tones abs while you watch.
1. You can't beat it with a stick, though many have tried.
Nov. 7-9, Thursday-Saturday
1717 Yolande - Sesotris Temple
One blk. 8. of 17th & Comhusker Hwy.
Behind Champion Fun Center
Friday Nov. 8th - 7:00 & 9:30pm
Saturday Nov. 9th - 7.-00 & 9:30pm
Tickets available at Union, Alpha Chi Omega, and at the
door. Only $3 in advance, $5 at the door! Beer and mixed
drinks available for over 21. Proceeds to Shrine Cripple
Hospital. Door prizes to be given away!
Deltas-Winter k away - do you know
who your date »!?!
To all our seniors - We love you guys! Thanks for always
being the best!
Live-outs - We miss you all!
Love, your sisters
November 8,1996
Thanks for coming over Monday night - you guys are
welcome anytime!
Love, the Ladtes of Tri Delta
Congratulations to Andrayana Esteson your acceptance
into me Study Abroad Program in Korea. We are so proud
of you!
Love, your sisters
All House Jwtfe^atlon Week
Thanks to our great hashers, housemom Jean, and Chad
the cook. We love you aN.
Love, The G Phi B's
Congrats to Robin Leahy for being selected to DMEF
College Institute. We are so proud at you.
Good luck to Gentry Hughes as you sing your lungs out
at the Stars Hockey game on Friday. We’ll be there cheer
ing you on.
Love, your Sisters
Congratulations to our mwi States: Dawn Anderson,
Laura Andreski, Kristine Ashton, Carli Brown, Vanessa
Clark, Jennifer Daugherty, Amy DePierre, Amber
Frederickson, Elizabeth Hansmeyer, Alissa Heckman,
Alisia Hite, Melissa Ivins, Lisa Jackson, Beth Kiekhaefer,
Amy Lannin, Jacque Lingbioom, Jude MaskD, Jenn Mosier,
Melissa Moslander, Krissy Motzner, Andrea Myer, Cheri
dinger, Jenny Peters, Melanie Prucha, Angel Randone,
Brandy Rogge, Melissa Snodgrass, Lavena Tang.
‘Also congratulations to our new pledges Betsy Sokol and
Jenny Vogt! .
Congratulations, Geoff Brennan and Mindy Franzen, on
you pinning!
The Brothers of Kappa Sigma
CONGRATULATIONS to Katie Hamer on being accepted
to UNMC! Way to go!
Thanks for a great time at Big John’s - let’s do it again
Love, the Ladies of Tri Delta
Recycled Sounds
1000’s of posters, 1000’s of cds, Ips, new releases, cas
settes. Always buying good titles. 824 P Street 476-8240.
A belated thank you for an awesome Halloween party -
you guys rock!
We had a great time at Champions! - You can ride our go
carts anytime!!
Also, thanks for the game party Saturday. - We had fun
watching the ‘Skers kickbutt. Let's get together again soon!
Love, the Ladies of Tri Delta
A belated-Congratulations goes to Bill Miller for winning
the Chi Omega pie-eating contest
XQ 2»E
Friday, Nov. 8
at The Pla-Mor
FOUND: Amber round-lensed glasses in blue
LensCrafters case. Claim at the DN.
FOUND: Blue Sdng binder with history notes, Ist page
“Carl von Ctausewitz's _On War.’. Claim at the DN
riifriprwitPiiJ'firfiiiMlrircMt, I’Mps-A pryii-ipm
between Avery and HamMon. Proceeds to AlChE.
EXT. 33
I |%
t up a voice box to
. WMeh your messages p6e up.
Cal 1 -900-407-7072 ext. 901.
S2.96Anin. 18 +. T-tone only. 24hra.
300s Jabs
Assistant Cook
At sorority, approx. 20 hours/week. Afternoons and early
evenings. Call 436-6295 or stop by 1619 R St for an ap
Attention Students.
Fast growing telemarketing firm where the work environ
ment Is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE
Starling with a guaranteed <6.50 rate, you can earn $10.00
with good performance. We also offer paid training, ca
sual dress code, awesome non-cash bonuses anoflax
IMe hours. Two blocks from campus. A great part-time
position— sss for yourself!
Apply in person or can Robin. EOE.
Suite 304 Gold's Galleria
★ ★ ★
Attention students!!! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for
coiiege expenses? Make $$$ money al fafl and winter.
Let us help. 1-800-256-0641,
Before & After School
Lincoln Parks and Recreation has openings with before
and after school programs working with elementary chil
dren. One opening available immediately with after school
program. Other openings to start Jan. 6,1997. Before
School Hours, 7-9am, ($5.20-$5.40/hr). After School
Hours 2:30-5:45pm or 3:15-5:45pm ($5.00-$5.20/hr),
Days Mon - Fri. Apply at playground office, second floor.
1225 F Street, 441-7952. EOE/AA.
If so, Rock ‘n RoR Runza is currently seeking dedicated
entertaining waiters staff and kitchen positions to fill full/
part-time day and evening positions. In return for your
hard work and dedfoadon we offer you the following:
•Great Starting Wage
'Flexible Scheduling
'Meal Discounts
'Scholarship Program
'and Much More
So, if you’re a student that is looking to work for a few
hours a week or a person with extra time on their hands,
don’t wait head down to Rock ‘n Roll Runza 14th & “P"
and apply today!!!
Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for delivery drivers. Must
have own vehicle and proof of insurance. Flexible hours
to meet your schedule at school. Apply at any Domino’s
Pizza location.
Cheley Colorado Camps
In the Rocky Mountains near Estes Park is hiring enthu
siastic individuals to work with campers ages 9-17. Cooks/
Dishwashers, Unit Directors, Drivers, Office Personnel,
RNs, Wranglers, Photographers: Counselors with skills
in Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking, Climbing Wall,
Challenge-Course, Camping, Sports, Crafts, Song-Lead
ing, Archery, or Riflery, Room/board, salary, travel allow
ance. Must be at least a Sophomore and able to work
June 9-August 12,1997. On-campus interviews. For in
formation, please contact Cheley Colorado Cmapus, PO
6525, Denver, CO 80206 or can 800-226-7386.
Data entry positions available. Must type 50-60 wpm, flex
ible scheduling, competitive pay, parking close to cam
pus. Call 474-1938 for details.
Ebenezer's new restaurant NOW HIRING all positions.
Flexible scheduling, competitive wages. Apply in person
Mon-Fri, 1-4 PM: 2110 Winthrop Road, or call for an ap
pointment: 486-3331. Ask for Don or Terri.
Flexible Hours
Lunch and evening help. Open year round. Great salary.
Responsibility. Advancement. WeH work with your sched
ule. Apply in person, West “O* Dairy Queen. 475-3406.
Full or part-time available, depending on qualifications.
There are opportunities of any nature in running a hard
ware store. Apply in person, Sutter Place Ace Hardware,
48th & Hwy 2.
FUN FUN. FUN This job is so much fun you’ll hardly know
you're working. Call Georgia for interview. 474-4880.
Hash for this Sorority and you will get free meals, a pay
check, and lots of new friends. 436-9861.
Country Club
has openings for day and evening FT and PT wait staff
and banquet staff. Excellent working conditions and
wages. Apply Tuesday-Sunday from 9 AM-7 PM. 8901 E.
0 Street
Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
'Come see what we can offer you!
'Wages that only the most successful restaurant in
town can offer!
“Team work at it’s best!
'Unparalleled training and support!
'Paid vacations!
'Closed on mayor holidays!
•Some daytime availability required!
*50% employee discounts!
•You Do Not have to wear a name tag!
•And nobody sings Happy Birthdayf
Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with
Lazio’s, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday,
or Thursday.
Are you dynamic, aggreaetve and outgoing? Then you
belong on the team tnafsfaat, fun and inanely. So bring
your personalty and a guest first attitude and find out
what Target is all about Jobe are available in any of the
following areas:
•Salas Floor
* Merchandise Flow
Morning, onyi ovenugro ana weeKena sruns avanaote. we
•Them Member Diecounts
* Competitive Pay
* Complete Training
To find out which one of our fast fun and friencfiy posi
tions beet fils you, come in and apply at gueet service
from 8:00am to
333 NOTH
Mulligans Grill & Pub
Currently accepting applications for cocktail waiter/ and
cooks. Apply in person daily at 5500 Old Chemey Road.
Need dependable, energetic derk/casher. Various shifts,
various hours. Apply at U-Stops: 84th and Comhusker
Hwy, 27th and South, and 27th and E.
PC repair. PT afternoons and evenings. Experience with
DOS and Windows needed. Call 402-571 -7225.
Excellent experience for Human Services/Psychology
Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one
day volunteer training session Saturday Nov. 16, from 9
4:30 at Community kfental Health Center, 2200 St. Mary’s
(near Lincoln Generalj.To register call 475-5171 or 489
3275 and leave your name and number.
Lincoln Cable Vision has two full-time openings in its Ad
vertising Production Department Positions offer the op
portunity to train on state of the art equipment, a creative
working environment and an excellent benefits package.
Shoot and edit television commercials and promotional
spots. Qualified candidates will have a BA in Broadcast
Journalism and a professional attitude. Avid experience
a plus. Demo tape required.
Write commercials and promtional spots. Qualified can
didates will have a BA in Advertising Journalism, excel
lent written and verbal communication skills and a pro
fessional attitude. Writing samples required.
Send resume and required material to: C
Lincoln CableVision
Human Resources
5400 S. 16th St
Lincoln, NE 68512
No Phono calls accootsd.
Cable Vision Is an Equal ^Opportunity Employer M/F/
Security wanted, third shift weekends. Can study while
working. Call 476-6600, ext 350.
Six energetic people, part-time evenings & weekends. Call
Eric at 435-1219.
V—--- -v —
We are currently looking for individuals to fill PART TIME DAYshifts.
We have a great working environment and a great benefits package!
"Excellent Wages "Health Insurance Benefits
*$100&$500 Buddy Bonos ‘Super Flexible Schedules
*1/2 Brice Meals ‘Scholarship Program
* Fun Working Environment * Advancement Opportunities
. APPLY ATi 13ifa & E, S310j>I_56tll_Suite_61or_1240WegtJ(FSt:_^
-----—-—i— .. .... .—'—— —:—
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