The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1996, Page 15, Image 15
Telephone interviewers, no sales. Monday - Thursday, awning hours. Apply at 6201 S 56th, Suite A, Lincoln Trade Center between 9am and 6pm, Monday through Thursday. The National Bank of Commerce is currently accepting appflcations for * Teller - Campus * Teller -Rampaik * Credit Card Collector- Bank Card Teller Superior Currency Sorter Clerk- Vak For more details, please call the First Commerce job hottne, 434-4700. Equal Opportunity Employer Tran script ton ist Full-time position available for the accurate transcription of medical reports and mankxitation of text from various types of source information. Serves the hospital by provid ing word processing services to the Medical Staff and hospital personnel Must have the ablky to produce documents in both Medical Transcrition and Word Pro cessing. One year experience in producing both medical transcription and word processing preferred. High school graduate requried. Buisness college, heeltn-retated courses, or word processing background desirable. Wll work Tuesday thru Saturday; day shift. Mandatory skil tests requried. Apply In person to: Lincoln General Hospi tal, Human Resources. 2300 South 16th Street, Lincoln, NE 68502,473-5291 We have openings for self starting, enthusiastic people with recent dairy experience involving direct sales and servicing. Competfttve compen sation depending on experience and ability. Training, benefits, retirement and advancement potential. Send cover letter and resume to Agri king. Inc., do Don Steinhagen, 18246 Water Road, Fulton, IL 61252-0208. Word Processor 20 daytime hours. Responsfcle for generating arid prim ing forms and documents. Requirements Included: Expe rience with Word perfect 5.1, Page Maker, Desk Top publishing, and Quaik Express using Macintosh and BM computers. Attention to detail, accuracy, and excellent grammar skills are required. Office technology back ground and computer experience required. Apply at the Communtiy Blood Bank 2966 O Street Lincoln, 830 am to 430 pm Monady -Friday. Applications wil be taken until November 1. Internet Intern/Systems Support Extensive knowledge in weo Site construction. Include: HTML, Perl script. Active X, Java, Visual basic, MS Access. Hands on experience in troubleshooting PC hardware and software. Famiiar with Networking envi ronment preferred. Work 20 hrs/wfc or more. $6-$9 de pending on skills/experience. Email: Fax:476-8484 Mail: Attn Kim P. Ng. Dec Futures. 800 NBC Center. Lincoln NE 68508. rt~ -ras ,-m 23 years old, making over $5K/mo working in the health field. Looking for an individual to train to do the same. You must be willing to pay attention. *No Door-to-Door *No Telemarketing 483-1143, ext 27: $1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call 202-298-9369. Great ground floor business opportunity with AdverWorld. No selHng, no computer necessary, perfect part time job and easy way to make big money. Short presentation Wednesday. Nov. 6th. 730pm. at Farabee's. 58th & Old Cheney. 4QQ£__Ilo^!ng Publisher’s Notice Al real estate advertising In this newspaper Is subject to the federal Fat Housing Act, which makes t illegal to advertise any preference, Smltatlon or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, famttial status or national origin, or Intention to make any such orefstances, limitations or discrimination. The Dally Ne braskan wSI not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in vblatxm of the law or discriminates against sexual preferences. Our readers are hereby Informed that al dwelBngs advertised are avaSabte on an equal opportunity basis. 51 1 , j 2 Open minded and responsible femmes needed to live with 2 groovy females and cat in large clean house, w/d and only $175 plus utffltles. 464-6876 Brand New3 bedroom apartment, Own Bedroom, $200/ month, 1/3 utilities, 438-6428. M/F roommate wanted by November 18 or December 1. Nice apartment with swimming pool and fireplace. $215/ month + $150 deposit, 6 month lease required. Ga8 Cheryl434-7140, ext483.• ,y>- ■ ' One female roommate wanted ASAF^or 2-bedroom apartment 464-7218.r;, V. Very nice 2 bedroom mobile home for rent. $500/mo. Catt Joyce 432-2648. 1408 N 23rd. Clean, 3-bedroom, 2-bath, central air, appiancea, $495. Close to campus. No pets. Avalable now. 435-7807:__ 2-bedroom duplex near East Campus. Laundry, remod eled, must seel $495.441-9555, leave message. 230 N 30th. Side-by-side brick, 3 bedroom. 1 3/4 bath, new carpet, ful finished basement, off-street parking. $540 + deposit + utilities. 474-0910. Mom-n-Dad's tax break. 1 BR condo, only $40,000. South Lincoln, garage, laundry, completely remodeled, oak floor, agent/owner. 430-8227. Rick 474-8984. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Bedroom $299-$359; 2 Bedroom $335-$439. Laundry, Busline. $100.00 rebate on first month’s rent. JONES APTS, 475-7262.__ 1 BR, near City Campus, off-street parking, utilities plus deposit, $240/mo. Available now. 2511 S Street. 488 240 S. 26th. Modem 2 bedroom. Built in microwave. Balcony. Off street parking. Leave message 483-2357. 32nd & Y. Between campuses. Very nice, large 1 bed room, bus, no pets, $335.464-9654. 940 S. 32nd. 2 BR, 1st floor, AC, garage, no pets, $460. 483-6862 or 476-7722, Available Soon 1 BR. all electric, FREE CABLE, no pets, $330. 521 N 25th. 477-7684._ Close to campus 6,9, and 12 month leases available on 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. $310-$510 477-2600 _Management One Colonial Heights Apartments One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tanning bed and indoor heated pool. 421-3070. ★ Heat Paid 2504 Vine, top floor, brown & tan, close to campus, 6 mos lease, $340. 1109,1121 North 28th, huge bedroom, from $330. Sharp. 4300 Comhusker Hwy, 2 BR. split-level townhouse, like a house, $490-$525. 2 BR, huge living room, beautiful decor, white with oak, grey or beige, ceramic floors, $530. Cherry Hill Management, 489-4857. Lakeview Paik Apartments Now accepting applications for December-January occupancy. • New 1,2, & 3 Bedrooms • Huge LOFT floorplans w/2 baths *. • Controlled Access Entries • Cable Fdid • 6 Month Lease Available • Easy Access to Downtown ^^N^ali today to arrange £1 a showing. 436-3464 Equal Housing Opportunity CORNERSTONE Coffee House Thurs. Nov. 7 8-10 pro 640 N 16th Street , . Guest - Annette M.Uftel! ‘ Come for conversion gnd &pffee j*. ■e#'1s ~ “ .« ' *’»•**»; , *»,' ^. ’ •5 - . •% i " ' % ' • . j I I. * i >. s ► ► ► East Campus 36th & Baldwin. 2-bedroom, fireplace, C/A, appliances, laundry, parking, lease. No pets. 489-9916. Embassy ParkApt31st 4Old Cheney. 1 and 2bedroom, $405-8530. 1814 F St. 2 bedroom, $450. 515 W Saunders, 1 bedroom, $365. No pets, 483-1130, 483 6057. One bedroom apt stove and refrig., all utilities paid, $265/ month. 1 person, 423-5968/afler 5pm. Two bedroom apartment central air. W/D hookup, dish washer, paiking. 640 N. 26th, $385.475-1449 Unique, 2BR, available for sub-lease 1/1/97. Balcony, loft, laundry, central air, off-street paiking, close to campus. $405/month. Call 438-2675. 500s Services ADOPTION A loving alternative We offer counseling and adoption services to help you plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees or obligations. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children’s Home, 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314,483-7879. ADOPTION A caring alternative. Plan the best future for you and your baby. No fees/ confidential counseling. Nabraaka Children’s Home. 4600 Valley Rd. Suite 314. All 1996 Bikes on Sale! Buy 1 at regular price, and receive a second one at 1/2 pricel Must be equal or lesser value. Closest Mke shop to campus! Blue's Bfce & Fitness Center. 427 South 13th and 3321 Pioneers Btvd. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln Confidential, affordable prescription birth control. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases testing. Evening and Saturday hours. Female Clinicians. "Cr Str. 441 3300, South Str. 441-3333._ Newly licensed daycare has opening for 2 infants, 5 minutes from campus. CaB 438-5970. Auto Accidents & Criminal Defense DWI, minor in possession. Sanford Pollack 476-7474. LECTURE NOTES We take notes in your classes. Many sets to choose from. Stop in and browse our selection. Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 Q St, Lower Level, 477-7400 FREE Pregnancy Test BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Please call for appointment or more information. 483-2609. Planned Parenthood of Lincoln available. First trimester abortions provided. Cal for Mor matlon and hours 441-3300. Facts of Life Line 434-1990. Unplanned Pregnancy? Consider all your options. Free confidential counseling. Nebraska Christian Sendees. 1 800-727-3084._ Personal mini-storage units, 24-hour access. 5'x8'sizes starting at $29/montn. Close to campus. Sark MintStor age, 475-1300. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 14 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. RESUMES FAST Grade A Notes at Nebraska Bookstore typesets your resume. Stop in or call for information. 1300 □ St, Lower Level, 477-7400 Word processing services. Transcription, dissertation, theses, term papers, etc. Reasonable rates. Call Chris, 474-4977 Daily Nebraskan Comics The Norm _ By Michael Jantze CO-W0RK0RS ARe peOPLe you WOULD NORMALLY AVOID- BUT yeT YOU STILL SPRND A OMARTeR OF X>UR UFe WITH THeM... _C__'ti BASICALLY, THeY R© THe SAM© SOCIAL GO0F5 VDU AVOIDeD IN KISH SCHOOL. 116 Non SEQUITUR - By Wiley ED FINALLY I finds, the Political % PARTY UE CAN t £ IDENTIFY WITU f g i z % g f 5 |2 1 $ £ E ® i Ui The Deep End By Chad Strawderman \ ACROSS 29 Washington’s biH 1 Dolls’sounds 30 Con’s opposite 6Famousaeven 31 Impulse 10 Kind of test 34 Short distance ,. ~ 37 Provide meals 14 Cremona artisan 39 rr*3 • ... . . thoroughfare 15 Lhasa cleric ..... . _ 42Zitiororzo 16 City in Bergen 43FootDart County, N.J. hoot part 17 Panamanian 44 ° a cjty 45 Modern bus. i : need 18 , 46 Tuck's partner 19 Chickpea, e.g. „ shade tree 20 Avocado so Put more powder 23 Like Willie into a musket Winkie 52 Norman town 24 Level 54 Balt. orN.Y.C. 25 Attu natives 57 Flatterer or 26LimaMme. sycophant 60 Sicilian resort 62 Dash 63 Naturalist Edwin Way-: 64 One of Alcott’s “Little Women" 65 Astronaut Sally 66 Everglades bird 67 Decorative knob 68 Prophet 69 Lassos DOWN 1 Large parrot 2 Soap plant 3 French film director 4 Thine, in Arles s Nobetist Isaac Bashevis 6 Blackboard 7 Industrialist Cyrus 8 Cupid 9 Small Chinese boat 10 Water plants .11 Made venal 12 Mrs. Cantor 13 Dull, as a light 21 Halt!, at sea 22 Choose 26 Cornered 27 Kinds 28 Religious denomination 29 Oil gp. 31 Word with crust or hand 32 Peg si Colorful fish 56 Weight * Woffington’s 52 Fictional allowances creator detective S3 Rue relatives 2 Si?E'al deanser “"°h ' . 54 Becky-, 55 Utah’s lily 35 Stumble Thackeray minx .... 36 Yet, to Yeats 55 Martinique ,60 wane 38 Saroyan hero volcano 61 Modernist 40 Medieval goblet 41 Prepare peas 47 Flaneurs 40 Emulate 47 Down ' . t - ■ i | ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE |t|u|B|AH|s|H| A|D[ A[P EhcMP ALE RMElLlLU IgIaitIeMa I S L eMm E A N ■ dTe T Ri O I t[l| I O N S [s[P aMrE DlMBT|A|Np M I NlNlE S 0|T A T W I |n|sB [Tin gTeMBre l I|sMo1a[t It1e|e|dPrm|eir g ehieIrIlTeI mtAi3EAgtOB®AiMtAE LA c|k|||e|v|a D E||h A Z E j} ft 'i¥Tn 21 ifflE* D yIt end