The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    Court rejects
New 'Vork mayor
NEW YORK (AP) — Mayor
Rudolph Giuliani was booted out of
court—and said he deserved it.
The mayor, a former federal pros
ecutor, was in state Supreme Court on
Monday for jury duty in a personal
injury case involving an 85-year-old
woman who fell and broke her hip.
The mayor received a round of ap
plause when his name was called in the
jury room and some people ran up to
seek autographs.
Giuliani played the part of good
citizen, sitting in a jury box with other
potential jurors and answering lawyers’
questions. He said he could be impar
Nonetheless, he was dismissed,
though he could be chosen as an alter
nate juror when he returns to court
Giuliani presumed one or both law
yers didn’t want a mayor and former
prosecutor on the jury. Referring to
himself, he said lawyers tend to be pre
disposed about “the whole process.”
Exemptions that might have kept
Giuliani fromjury duty were abolished
Jan. 1. &
$5,000 is price
for Earhart trunk
SAPULPA, Okla. (AP)—Luckily
for antique collectors, Amelia Earhart
didn’t have all her luggage aboard
when she disappeared trying to fly
around the world in 1937.
A man paid $5,000 at an auction
Saturday for a trunk the famed aviator
left 61 years ago while visiting a local
family farm.
The buyer, John Beighle, said he
bought the empty, cedar-lined trunk for
someone else and would not comment
The trunk bears a small metal plate
inscribed with Earhart’s name.
Louise Foudray, caretaker of the
Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum in
Atchison, Kan., said Earhart’s name
appears on a line of luggage that may
date to the 1920s. The museum has
three pieces of luggage bearing her
“Amelia went a lot of places,” she
said. “Old towns inOklahoma and
Texas all have their stories about
Amelia stopping there.”
Boxcar Willie
battles leukemia
BRANSON, Mo. (AP)—Country
singer Boxcar Willie is cutting short
his season after being diagnosed with
Willie, who dresses like a hobo for
his act, will undergo bone marrow test
ing Wednesday and perform his final
show of the season on Nov. 12. He was
to have performed through Dec. 14.
“He’s weak and not feeling well,”
Willie’s secretary, Laura Joiner, said
The 65-year-old entertainer, who
performs at the Boxcar Willie Theatre,
has dropped 40 pounds in recent
months and has difficulty breathing.
Dr. Ruth sued
over sex site
Westheimer is making sex look like
child’s play on the Internet with a de
sign stolen from a well-known game,
a toy company claims.
The sex guru violated copyright
laws when she used Mattel Inc.’s de
sign for the “Farmer Says” game to
promote sex-related material on the
World Wide Web, the company said
in a suit filed Monday.
A representative for Westheimer
was not immediately available for com
The Web page shows a multicol
ored wheel with Westheimer in the cen
ter and categories, such as “Sex Tips,”
on panels surrounding her face. She
also sells products on the site, includ
ing a sex encyclopedia.
Mattel’s “Farmer Says” toy uses a
plastic circle with pictures of animals
and words on it. A child points the ar
row to an animal and when the string
is pulled, the toy makes the animal
American Heart M
Fighting Heart Disease
and Stroke
Three CBS
shows dmnf :d
in ratings war
CBS from page 12
to a show.
“Almost Perfect,” starring
Nancy Travis as a writer on a TV
cop show, was in its second year and
held the 8 p.m. time slot.
CBS said both shows are offi
cially on “hiatus,” meaning there’s
no immediate plan to reschedule
The network hasn’t quite given
up on “EZ Streets,” a drama that
was broadcast twice last week in an
attempt to give it a successful
launch. Yet it scored a 5.5 rating and
9 share in overnight ratings, less
than half the audience of NBC’s
“Law and Order” and ABC’s
“Primetime Live.”
It was yanked from the air on the
same day Viewers for Quality Tele
vision, a citizens group that moni
tors and promotes quality television,
named it the best new drama of the
fall season.
It will be rescheduled sometime
after January 1, CBS spokesman
Chris Enders said.
“‘EZ Streets’ is a show that ev
eryone at this network feels very
strongly about,” he said. “We want
to look for an opportunity to bring
it back in an environment where it
has a chance to succeed.”
CBS decided it couldn’t afford
to keep the lineup intact during the
critical November ratings “sweeps”
period, which began last Thursday.
$3.25 par day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
(4.90 par day for 15 words on non-student ads.
(.15 each additional word.
$.75 bUiing charge.
Personal ads must be prepaid.
Found ads may be submitted free of charge.
DEADLINE: 2 p.m. weekday prior.
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, reli
gion, age, disability, marital status or national
Kelly has the perfect positions for you to gain effective
communication experience. These temporary eneving
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National Research Corporation, the healthcare industry's
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cat the Data Collection department @ 475-4520, M-F
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We are taking appBcations for kitchen, bakery and dining
room personnel for our second store opening in Novem
ber. We offer excellent wages, great schedules and a
friendly atmosphere. Full and Part-time positions, 1/2
price meals and insurance program. Please apply at our
70th and A location. Ask for Anne.
Need fun, out-going people to woik in sales. Training
available. Cafl 463-1903 for Interview.
Excellent experience for Human Setvices/Psychology
Majors. Lincoln Personal Crisis Service will hold a one day
volunteer training session Saturday Nov. 16, from 9-430
at Community Mental Health Center, 2200 St. Mary's
(near Lincoln General).To register call 475-5171 or 469
3275 and leave your name and number. _
Donate Plasma al &BJ
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the human touch
Lincoln Cable Vie ion has two full-time openings in its
Advertising Production Department. Positions offer the
opportunity to train on state of the art equipment, a
creative tracking environment and an excellent benefits
Shoot and edit television commercials and promotional
spots. QualVied candidates wit have a BA in Broadcast
Joumatem and a professional attitude. AvkJ experience a
plus. Demo tape required.
Write commercials and promttonal spots. Qualified candi
dates will have a BA in Advertising Journalism, excellent
written and verbal communication ski Is and a profes
sional attitude. Writing samples required.
Send resume and required material to:
Lincoln Cable Vision
Human Resources
5400 S. 16th SL
Lincoln. NE 68512
No Phone ceils accepted.
Cable Vision is an EquaK^pportunlty Employer M/FI
Harris Laboratories is looking for personable, energetic
individuals who wantsto be part of a strong team environ
ment. As part of ourteam, you will screen individuals over
the telephone to match requriements for pharmaceutical
studies while entering data into a computer database.
This position offers excellent growth opportunities. HS
diploma and data entry skills are required; one year of
customer service or sales experience is preferred. Num
ber of hours vary based on staffing needs. Please com
plete an application at:
Human Resources, J-SPR
621 Rose St.
Lincoln, NE 68502
Supplemental Instruction
One position opening for spring 1997 for a leader of a
voluntary study group In Chemistry 109. Applicant must
be an undergraduate who has recently completed the
above course successfuly (received an A), anttts inter
ested in showing other students how they too can suc
ceed. Ten hours per week. $850 for the term. Obtain
applcations at Division of General Studies, Administra
tion 33. SI positions provide valuable experience for
majors in these areas or for education majors with solid
understanding in these areas. Recommendation from hie
relevant teacher Is a big plus. Apply by 11/11/98.
Looking for rewarding work wth people? Part-time posi
tion working with adut/youth dents in residential treat
ment fadlty. Must be at least 23; high school diploma.
Variable hours Include nfghtsAveekends/holidays. Ideal
for colege students or persons interested In counseling
career. Submit cover letter, resume, and completed appli
cation to Lincoln Lancaster Drug Projects, Inc.. Bio J
Street, Lincoln, NE 68508. AAEOE.
Saturday Only
Car Wash person. £-5. $5/hr. Good driving record. Wak
ing distance from campus. Call for interview/appointment.
Mel Finke 437-2347
_Duteau Chevrolet
Part time psychology major to hefc> with new behavior
modification reducing program at ladies weight loss and
fitness. Eugene 483-7777.
Spike & Oily’s
Now accepting appications for part-time pm servers.
Apply within, 52000 St.
Stable Position
In beautiful southeast Lincoln facility. Monday-Wednes
day-Friday mornings. Approximately 12 hours. Some
experience wth farm equbment and handing horses
requited. Contact Donna, 489-2185.