The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    00s For Sale
BIRLEY BIKE TftAILER-My Wde have grown up! $100,
475-3797. ^ __
Traveler 10-speed, with aide racks, new tires, helmets,
ocks, compfi£$2S0.489-5578 ^_
100Mhz Pentium, 1.26GB.16MB, 15* monitor, 4x CD
ROM, 28.8 modem, sound cardfepeakers. 436-9410.
Canon BJ-5 Portable Printer, $125, barely used, call 488
Dell 386 Laptop Monocrome. Case, batteries, adaptor,
all $375. Printer $50. Desk assembled $35, 489-5578.
IBM 150Mhz, 16MB RAM, 1.2GHD, 2MB SVGA,
8xCDROM, SC, 33.6 fax/modem, 14* monitor, $1525.00,
Decorate your dorm or apartment Best selection of neons,
beer signs, mirrors, tins, beer docks and brewery lights
in town. Great prices. All at R.C. Burgess - East Park
Plaza - 466-8071._
PLANT GROWERS HERE!!! For Sale: Phototron Vl(6)
Never been ‘used’. New in box $330.00 467-4087
30 NU-OK tickets for sale. $30. Call Justin 436-6325.
4 tickets NEEDED for Missouri game. Call Nate at 436
FOR SALE: 4 NU vs. CU tickets in East Stadium. Best
Offer. Call 438-8545.
NEEDED: 4 Tickets together to Missouri game, Nov 9.
Call Cindy, 643-9039. _
WANTED: Three validated NU-Missouri FB tickets—price
negotiable. Can Erin at 421-1358 or leave message at
1991 Toyota Celica. Red. 76,000 miles. Two door. All
power. Great condition. $10,500 o.b.o. Cal 438-2837 af
ter 7:30 p.m.
Earn up to $2.0CXWmonth. World traveL Seasonal & full
time positions. No exp necessary. For info, call 1-206
971-3550 ext. C57786
Used CD’s, $5.9947.99.
T-shirts, posters, imports, hacky sacks, music
books, song books and CD towers.
New CD’s $11.99412.99
50th and O, 486-0047.
Millions of dollars in public & private sectory scholarships
and grants are now available. ALL STUDENTS ARE ELI
GIBLE. Student Financial Services’ program will help you
get your fair share. Call 1 -800-263-6495 ExtF57787
American Youth Hostels
is sponsoring a trip to the Hastings’ I MAX Theater and
Grand Island's Stuhr Museum this coming Sunday. We
plan on leaving about 10:00 AM from the south side of
the State Capital Building and getting back to Lincoln by
early evening. All are welcome, so please consider join
ing us. If you have any questions, can 464-9160.
The Men’s, Women’s, and Co-Rec Turkey Trot will take
place on Sudnay, November 3 at Oak Lake Park. WIN A
TURKEY! No advance entry is required. Call 472-3467
for more information.
Apply now for Leadership Institute. Prepare to unlock your
future success. Applications are available in Student In
volvement, the Culture Center and Women's Center. They
are DUE NOV. 7, DON'T MISS OUT! More info? Call 472
Something to Offend Everyone
“East Campus Story”
“Star Trek: The Wrath of Dan Naenee”
Proudly presented by Acacia and Alpha Chi Omega
Nov. 7 at 8PM, Nov. $ at 7 and 9:30PM. Tickets $3Vn
advance, $5 at door, available at Acacia, Alpha Chi,
or the City Union next week.
AH pfQceeds benefit the Shrine Bunt Inetftirte.
Nike College Flag Football
Regional Championships
at the University of Nebreake-Uncoto. Compete against
me Mnwesrs oesi Men s, womens, ana uo-rtec nag root
bal teams on Novemeber 15-17. Enter your team at the
Office of Campus Recreation by November 8. The coat te
$80. The winner receives an al expenee paid trip to the
Nfce National Hag Footoal Championships in New Or
leans, December 27 tfwough January 1. There wM also
bo prizoo awarded and sponsor gifts given away to tour
nament participants. Contact the Office of Campus Rec
reation at 472-3467 for more information.
Number #1 College
1-809-404-4689. $.60». Low Id applies. 18+.
Spaces still available. 3 weeks
in Greece (Dec. 28-Jan. 18)
NWU credit available. Call by
Wanted: for research project on UNL-Stories of courting/
romance involving Broyhill fountain. Please call Christi at
Wouldn’t free money
be nice? !
We thought so, and that’s why Student Foundation is giv- ;
ing away three $300.00 scholarships. Applications are in ~
the Student Involvement Office, 200 Nfc Union, due Fri
day, Nov 1st by 4:00 P.M._
-, .
Arts & Sciences Student
Advisory Board
Meeting this Sunday the 3rd lit 6:00 p.m. in the Student
Union. Room Posted. Any one who wants to voice thejf &
concerns feel free to attend/ .
Eating Disorder Support Group
ATTENTION WOMEN: if you are looking for confidential
and supportive environment to talk about-living wito an
eating disorder, please attend this support group. The
group mteets Tuesdays from 5:30-7 PM in the Women’s
Center, 340 Nebraska Union. Questions? Call Kris, 472
^__S* *_,,,
Pi Sigma Alpha W
Meeting Monday, November 4, 5:30pm, Oldfather 538.
Free pizza!
Pre-Physical Therapy Club
Our next meeting isTuesday,Nov. 5, at 7 PM in the Union.
We will be having speaker on How to Interview.*
undergraduate women in
Panel discussion Tuesday at 6:30 PM at Val’s at 33rd and
Holdrege. RSVP to Tina 438-2925._
AgMen Delta Zeta
Swarmin’ to Normin
Nov. 1-2
Thanks for the BBQ ^atorjyte^re the game. We had
a blast! You guys are the ‘Kings’ and we’d love to be your
“Queens” in the Hall of Fame.
Delta Gamma
Thanks for the great FACFnday. Let’s get together soon.
The Women of Alpha Chi Omega
We’ll play with you guys tn the dark anytime. Thanks
Ldve, the Alpha Chi Omega New Members
Sharon, Thanks for aH your Tiara work this past
semester! You will be missed!
Love, the Women of Alpha Chi Omega
A big pat on the backt^ara^clrojger, Lindsey Seevers,
and Lexie Mueller for being accepted into Student Foun
dations, and to Ali Walters for being accepted into Uni
versity Ambassadors.
Congratulations to theb^iaSe^^ndee Cummings and
Lexie Hanson on making Ambassadors and Molly Strom
on Golden Key. New members - we hope you’re as ex
cited about initiations as we are!
Xi Love, your sisters
To our newest initiates: Congratulations on your initia
tion! We are so proud of you!
Xi Love, your sisters
A belated thanks for the FAC. Don’t worry, we will call
The men of Chi Phi
Thank you lades for coming over last Wednesday. We
wd try and remember the food next time we BBQ.
The men of Chi Phi
We had a great time carving pumpkins with you, and
thanks for ‘carvingf us an invitation to IDOL Polish your
leather and rev your engines, boys, it wN be a night to
The biker babes of AOP
We hope you enjoyed carving pumpkins with us. you la
dies are always welcomed.
The men of Chi Phi
Thank you for foe dinner exchange Monday, we hope
you enjoyed the prizes.
The men of Chi Phi
Congratulations to Emify Point anaAndy Thengrall on your
Thanksfor the pre-g^re^^iJss last Saturday night
We had a blast. v
_\_- _Love, Pi Phis
FOUND: Purse in Roberts Hall, Thursday morning. Iden
tify and claim at the Daity Nebraskan, Rm 34, NE Union.
EXT. 33 _
MEET SINGLES IN YOUR AREA. Set up a voice box to
meetTnen arid women.- Watch your messages pile up.
Diverse'lifestyles, fob. Call 1 -900-407-7072 ext. 901.
$2.957min. 18 +. T-tone only. 24hrs.
300s Jobs
Assistant Cook
At sorority, approx. 20 hours/week. Afternoons and earty
evenings. Cali 436-6295 or stop by 1619 R St for an ap
★ ★ ★
Attention Students.
Fast growing telemarketing firm where the work environ
ment is stimulating and fun and where YOU CAN MAKE
Starting with a guaranteed $6.50 rate, you can earn $10.00
with good performance. We also oner paid training ca
sual dress code, awesome non-cash bonuses ana flex
ible hours. Two blocks from campus. A great part-time
position— see for yourself!
Apply in person or call Heidi. EOE.
Suite 304 Gold s Galleria
★ ★ ★
Attention studentsll! Are you short of cash? Need $$$ for
college expenses? Make $$$ money all fall and winter.
Let us help. 1-800-256-0641.
Building Blocks
Learning Center
Part-time help, starting at $5.25/hr. Full-time assistants,
starting at $6.00/hr. Full-time head teachers, starling at
$6.50/nr+ health insurance. 421-6439
if so, Rock ‘n Roll Runza is currently seeking dedicated
entertaining waiters staff and kitchen positions to fill full/
part-time day and evening positions. In return for your
hard work and dedication we offer you the following:
•Great Starting Wage
'Flexible Scheduling
•Meal Discounts
'Scholarship Program
•and Much More
So, if your a student that is looking to work for a few
hours a week or a person with extra time on their hands,
don’t wait head down to Rock ‘n Roll Runza 14th & "P
and apply today!!!
Domino’s Pizza is now hiring for delivery drivers. Must
have own vehicle and proof of insurance. Flexible hours
to meet your schedule at school. Apply at any Domino’s
Pizza locator
Cornhusker Bonanza
Great part-time job. No late hours. Flexible schedules.
27th and Cornhusker Highway.
NOV. 1,1996
- —» - l/IJAA «-»-!-„ n,L, .. I- n ,1 > -*-»- »-■—
uowwown ymua nmng scuiy morning Troni oesK notp.
Apply St 1039 *P* St 434-9232
★ ★ ★_
Evening and/or weekend work. Resume experience.
$10.85 to start FMng 35 positions by 10/29. cal M-W 3
7 PM 477-8663.
★ ★ ★
Responsibility. Advancement. We'D work with your sched
ule. Apply in person, West *0* Dairy Queen. 475-3406.
FT/PT Lady Fitness now hiring sales people. Cali Mrs.
White 483-7777_ _
Full Or part-time available, depending on qualifications.
There are opportunities of any nature in running a hard
ware store. Apply in person, Sutter Place Ace Hardware,
48th & Hwy 2.
Hashers Needed.
Call House Mother at 436-7073 or 472-7027.
Ice Cream Comer
7:00 am. to 1:00 pm. M-F. Two poetions. Apply at Coffee
Trader/Ice Cream Comer, 1200 N. St. Sky Walk level.
Knolls Restaurant
Several positions available for evening dkiing room/ban
quet staff. Perfect hours for students’ schedules. DON’T
WAIT! Can NOW for more information: 4232843.
Lazio’s Brewery & Grill
*Come see what we can offer you!
’Wages that only the most successful restaurant in
town can offer!
Team work at it’s best!
‘Unparalleled training and support!
‘Paid vacations!
‘Closed on major holidays!
‘Some daytime availability required!
*50% employee discounts!
‘You Do Not have to wear a name tag!
‘And nobody sings Happy Birthday!
Apply in person for a seriously unique opportunity with
Lazio's, 710 P Street between 2-4pm, Monday, Tuesday,
nr Thi ircriau
Lollipop Farm
Needs Part Time employees immediately. Must be reli
able and flexible. Afternoon hours. Apply in person at 301
South 48th in Lincoln.
Need dependable, energetic clerk/casher. Various shifts,
various hours. Apply at U-Stops: 84th and Comhusker
Hwy, 27th and Soutn, and 27th and E.
Need people for snow removal, $10/hour. 430-6293.
Immediate telemarketing positions available, set your own
schedule and we will pay you weekly!
Is expanding and needs you to join our well-trained and
highly paid staff. Call today, START TOMORROW! 436
Now hiring PT dish washers and line cooks. Please apply
in person at 6440 O Street.
PC repair. PT afternoons and evenings. Experience with
DOS and Windows needed. Call 402-571-7225.
Responsible person wanteatobe a part-time cash
ier. Please call Randy or Cary at London's 467-5441.
★ ★
Spike & Oily’s
Now accepting applications for part-time pm servers. Apply
within, 5200 O St.
Supplemental Instruction
One position opening for spring 1997 for a leader of a
voluntary study group in Chemistry 109. Applicant must
be an undergraduate who has recently completed the
above course successfully (received an A), and is inter
ested in showing other students how they too can suc
ceed. Ten hours per week, $850 for the term. Obtain ap
plications at Division of General Studies, Administration
33. SI positions provide valuable experience for majors
in these areas or for education majors with solid
retevanTteacfter isa^bigplus. Awtyby^1A?4/96!r°m ^
i i
$1750 weekly possible mailing our circulars. For info call
Publisher’s Notice
AM real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the federal
Fair Homing Act, which makes it illegal to sdvarfsa any preference,
bmitntinn nr HbtrjminMtinp COlOf, f&§Qion, MX, hstndh
cap, tamMal status or national origin, or intention to make any such
preferences, limitations or discrimination. The Oaky Nebraskan wm
not knowingly accept any advertising for real esNke which is in viola
tion ofthe Or* or rkscrkrimsaagasist sexual preferences. Ourreed
ars are hereby informed that akdwekinga advertised are avakable on
an equal opportunity basis.__
2 Open minded and responsible females needed to tve
mentl 560-6538 after 5pm, Teny.’
Female Graduate or Mature Student to share dean com
pletely furnished home. 6800 BLock of *Y* Street $280
inchxfes W/D, cable, utilities, trash, phone. 467-5186
Female roommate wanted. 2 Bedroom apt. Own bath and
bedroom7$210. Very nice. 465-8411
Female roommate wanted by November 18 or Decem
ber 1. Nice apartment with swimming pool and fireplace.
Cheryl, 434-7iWexTSta' 6 m°mh le3Se required Cal1
M/F Roomate needed for 2 bedroom apt. $260 a month,
half utilities. 420-1282_ _’
Non-smoker, graduate student preferred, own bath,
washer/dryer, off-street parking, utilities paid. Must see.
Two M/F roomates needed to share furnished four bed
room, two and half bath house. Two blocks from campus,
$190 a month. Available Dec. 1st. Call 438-9252_
4334 SHPauj^large 6-bedroom, very nice, available 1/1,
909 N. 23rd. 3 bedroom. $575.
2301 Vine, very nice, 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, near
campus, $750.
2200 Dudley. Very nice four bedroom, 1 1/2 baths. Near
catfipus. $750. 432-0644 or 432-6644.
Newly remodeled, 2 BR. 824 E Street. $50Q/mo plus de
posit. 560-3156.
Joyce 432-2648._'
230 N 30th. Side-by-side brick, 3 bedroom, 1 374 bath,
new carpet, ful finished basement off-street parking. $540
+ deposit + utilities. 474-0910._
1 Bedroom $299-$359; 2 Bedroom $335-$439. Laundry.
Busline. $100.00 rebate on first month’s rent JONES
APTS, 475-7282. _
240 S. 26th. Modem 2 bedroom. Built in microwave. Bal
cony. Off street parking. Leave message 483-2357.
Close to campus
6,9, and 12 month leases available on 1 and 2 bedroom
apartments. $310-$510
Management One
Colonial Heights
One-, two- and three-bedroom apartments available. Tan
ning bed and indoor healed pod. 421 r3070.
Downtown studio, secure building, heal pafci. no pets $275
plus depoeit and references. 435-6666
East campus, 38th & Baldwin. 2-bedroom, fireplace, C/
A, appliances, laundry, parking, lease. No pets. 489-9916.
Embassy ParkApt, 31st & Old Cheney, 1 and 2 bedroom,
$405-$530.1814F St, 2 bedroom, $450.515W Saunders,
1 bedroom, $365. No pets, 483-1130,483-6057.
Pal Special! Open Now! 7 minutes from campus! Spa
cious 2-bedroom, $399. Deposit $200.1215 Arapahoe,
2504 Vine, top floor, brown & tan, dose to campus, 6
mos lease, $340.
1109,1121 North 28th, huge bedroom, from $330. Sharp.
4300 Comhusker Hwy, 2 BR, spfit-tevel townhouse, Ike a
house, $490-$525.
2 BR, huge living room, beautiful decor, white with oak,
grey or beige, ceramic floors, $530.
Cherry HM titonsgsmsnt, <99 <157.
Nk»,1BR apt, fireplace, dtehwasher, central air, off-street
parking, laundry, electric kitchen, ctoee to campus, $325
phis deposit Call 435-1378.