: I In Nebraska’s 1st Congressional District, UNL students, faculty and administrators might want to remember the following about Doug Bereuter 1. He is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of UNL and a supportive alumnus. 2. In his congressional role, he has been actively supportive of a wide range of construction, research and educational programs and projects at UNL. 3. As a state senator, he conceived and initiated a four year undergraduate education improvement program which added 40-plus "Bereuter professors” at UNL and started the undergraduate teaching awards at UNL 4. Served as a part-time associate professor at UNL for several years. UNL students should know that Doug Bereuter: ■ was an original co-sponsor on the legislation that created Americorps, the domestic "Peace Corps,” where students perform public service in return for an education stipend to be used for post-secondary education. ■ was an active participant in the creation and implementation of a system of direct student loans. ■ was a long-time supporter of changing the need formula for financial aid so that a family farm or home is no longer considered when determining financial need for students applying for aid. ■ voted in support of legislation to make the interest on student loans tax deductible and to allow penalty free withdrawal from IRAs to pay for higher education expenses. Unfortunately, President vetoed this legislation. ■ voted to increase the maximum Pell grant award by 15 percent to $2700 — an all-time high. ■ voted to increase funding for the Work Study program by 34 percent to $830 million — an all-time high. ■ voted to increase funding for TRIO programs by 7.9 percent to $500 million — an alkime high. ilti ! HiSi : H mm g|j gsff’gg I gii P*M«orbyBw^toft^n^Conin*^.POBo»94794,Unoo