The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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    ASUN to vote on ballot initiatives
Senators will take
an official stance on
411 and 412 at
tonight’s meeting.
By Tasha E. Kelter
Staff Reporter
ASUN senators at tonight’s meet
ing will vote on a bill stating student
government’s official position on Ini
tiatives 411 and 412, which would re
quire the state to provide a “quality
education” for K-12 students while re
ducing the property taxes that help fund
Because all public schools are
funded in part by property taxes, the
Association of the Students of the Uni
versity of Nebraska President Eric
Marintzer said the initiatives would
force the state to make up for the short
fall in funding to schools.
He said the money would have to
come from income tax increases, sales
or service tax increases, or cutting bud
gets of some state government depart
Marintzer said UNL historically
has been disproportionately effected by
funding cuts. The potential is there, he
said, to have an increase in tuition, a
decrease in student services and “ba
sically a lesser university.”
Although Marintzer said student
government realized the importance of
tax relief, he still does not support cut
ting property taxes in this case.
“When it’s at the expense of edu
cation it’s not worth it,” he said.
Marintzer said his goal is to edu
cate students and, if possible, the stu
dents’ parents about die effect the bills
would have on the university, and to
send the message to legislators that
such actions are opposed by university
“It’s important that lawmakers
know how important the university is
to our state,” he said.
Also at die meeting, junior business
major Stephanie Sessler will discuss
concerns about the lighting on City
In other ASUN news, the Govern
ment Liaison Committee will have a
mock election Tuesday. Students can
vote at the Nebraska and East Campus
Custodians find job satisfying, frustrating
CUSTODIAN from page 1
-dents pay a lot of money to crane here,
so it should be kept clean for them,”
Hladik said.
But money isn’t an issue for the
custodians craning to UNL.
Craig Thelen, Abel building service
technician, said the wage was above
minimum level and comparable to
other university jobs.
“If you stay here 10 or 15 years,
you’ll make about as much as you
would at any other job in 10 or 15
years,” Thelen said.
Fra* almost 10 years, Hladik and six
other custodians have been driving 25
miles to and from their homes in
Valparaiso each day.
“It’s hard to get to work sometimes
in the winter, but they tell us we’re es
sential,” Hladik said. “They would like
to have us at work every day.”
Whatever their motivations for
staying on the job, residence hall cus
todians said they do become frustrated
with the messes and vandalism left
behind by what turns out to be a mi
nority of students.
Marilyn Kahler, Abel-Sandoz cus
todian, said that the problems might be
dissolved if some students were to
change their mode of thinking.
“We would just like them to not do
anything that they wouldn’t do in their
own home,” Kahler said.
Carol Woita also said students
needed to change their thinking toward
keeping their residence hall clean.
“I think that it would be nice if there
was a little more respect for the hall,
instead of thinking that someone will
pick everything up,” said Woita, who
also works at Abel Hall.
Some students do take time to stop
to thank custodians, the workers said.
“They remember me at
Christmastime or at the end of the year
with gifts or gift certificates,” Hladik
Woita said the most rewarding
thanks often come from visitors.
“When parents or strangers come
in and say how clean everything looks,
I appreciate it,” Woita said.
In the end, though, a custodian’s job
always comes back to helping students.
Hladik said a sort of “motherly in
stinct” accompanied her custodial job,
and it motivated her to make everything
clean and right for students on every
“I want the people on my floor to
be able to walk in the bathrooms bare
foot,” Hladik said.
“Yet, it’s hard. I have one hour on
each flow to clean, and 23 hours when
things might not stay clean.”
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Lighting poses safety issue
From Staff Reports
The Chancellor’s Committee for
Campus Safety has released a report
detailing possible safety problems
across the UNL campus.
The report, a result of last
week’s Campus Safety Walk, lists
several problems and recommenda
tions for City Campus; only one for
East Campus.
Construction work at Burnett
Hall has caused lighting systems
south of Burnett, west of Love
North and east of Hamilton Hall to
fail, the report said.
The north-south sidewalk be
tween Oldfather Hall and Avery
Hall also is inadequately lighted,
according to the report. The com
mission recommended installing
three additional pole lights for the
The report listed several prob
lems near Richards Hall, Behlen
Brace Laboratory. Another prob
lem area is where sidewalks con
verge east of Architecture Hall and
Sheldon Art Gallery and north of
Kimball Hall. That area is lighted
from the ground up, the report said,
causing trees and plants to obscure
the lighting.
The Sheldon Sculpture Garden
will get a new, permanent lamp to
provide much better lighting, the
report said.
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