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Rochester, Minnesota. You are eligible for Summer III after your junior year of a four year baccalaureate nursing program. It includes direct patient care experience in the inpatient or ambulatory care setting. Application Deadline: December 1,1996. For more information contact: Mayo Medical Center Nursing Recruitment " Summer III Program Ozmun East • 200 First Street SW Rochester, Minnesota 55905 1-800-562-7984 _ Mayo Foundation is an affirmative action and equal opportunity educator and employer. Natalie Linstrom/DN UNL student showcases bagpipes Scott Glimm will be the Komensky Club’s guest tonight, giving a concert and lecture on a historic instrument. By Bret Schulte StaffReporter The Nebraskan flatlands will soon be ringing with the sound of the Scot tish highlands — and the Czech Re public. The Komensky Club, an organiza tion devoted to the study of Czech lan guage and culture, has invited Scott Glimm to give a concert and a lecture regarding die extensive European his tory of the bagpipe. Glimm, a UNL German graduate student, was bom and raised in Scot land. When he was 11, his mother signed him up for lessons with the sym bol of Scottish nationalism, the bag pipe. “It’s a handy thing in the family to have, for weddings and funerals,” Glimm said. “Then there’s no need to pay anyone, because we’re family.” Now Glimm has the opportunity to showcase his talents in Lincoln. The lecture will concentrate on the histori cal aspects of the bagpipe, leading from its origins to its widespread modern day use. “Czechoslovakia has a number (of varieties) of the bagpipe. It’s quite in digenous to the area, as it is to most of Europe,” he said. Glimm said that the bagpipe may have been one of the earliest instru ments. Originally consisting of a hoi lowed out animal bone and an inflated bladder, the bagpipe has been around since the earliest of musical instru ments. “Almost every country speaking an Indo-European language has some his tory with the bagpipe,” Glimm said. The bagpipe has experienced a re surgence in the past 15 to 20 years, he said, after a long period of decline where many of the more ethnic deriva tives of the bagpipe were lost. Glimm specializes in the classic, most famous of the bagpipes: the great highland pipes. “It is a fairly romantic instrument, and quite gripping in some respects— and I usually get some free drink out of it,” Glimm said. Glimm will be the host at the con cert and lecture tonight in Colonial Roan B at the Nebraska Union. The show is free and begins at 7. ‘ ‘ ' " I Jackson wins damages m slander suit; journalist given court date for sentence LOS ANGELES (AP) — A freelance journalist must pay dam ages to Michael Jackson for failing to back up claims that a videotape showed the pop star and a boy hav ing sex, a judge ruled Tuesday. Superior Court Judge Reginald Dunn said a jury will determine how much Jackson should receive from Victor Gutierrez, who refused to identify the source who showed him the video. Jackson sued Gutierrez for slan der, contending the writer lied in a January 1995 appearance on the TV magazine show “Hard Copy” when he claimed he viewed a 27-minute videotape that purportedly showed the singer in a sexual encounter with 13-year-old boy. The $100 million lawsuit also named “Hard Copy,” the show’s parent company, Paramount Pic tures Corp. and “Hard Copy” re porter Diane Dimond. They remain defendants facing trial in the suit. Jackson’s lawyers said Gutierrez refused to reveal who showed him « The judge just said, ‘enough;’ we’ll go to trial as to how much money (Gutierrez) owes us.” ZiaModabber Michael Jackson’s lawyer the video during depositions earlier this year. He instead named scores of people who he claimed could verify that the tape existed, includ ing actress Elizabeth Taylor and Los Angeles County District Attorney Gil Garcetti. On June 5, Dunn ruled Gutierrez was no longer protected by the Cali fornia Shield Law and ordered the journalist to reveal his source. Dunn’s ruling Tuesday came at the request of Jackson’s lawyers, who asserted that Gutierrez should be held liable for damages for re fusing the judge’s order. fThe judge just said, ‘enough,’” Jackson lawyer Zia Modabber said. “We’ll go to trial as to how much money (Gutierrez) owes us.” Trial was set for June 23,1997. Gutierrez’s attorney, Robert E. Goldman, said the writer will “stand and fall on the truth” of his story. In September 1994, prosecutors declined to file child molestation charges against Jackson because his teen-age accuser refused to coop erate following an out-of-court settlement worth a reported $15 million. SOME THINGS ARE MEANT TO BE CLOSED YOUR MIND ISN’T ONE OF THEM. For decades, MDA has shown how valuable people with disabilities are to society. We believe talent, ability and desire are more important than strength of a person’s muscles. The one barrier these people can’t overcome is a closed mind. Keep yours open. MUSCULAR . . I 13 * A \ DYSTROPHY ..... associations |g